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@shortCircuit edit and hit ctrl+k and then hit enter.
It returns Contact Basic Info, Emails, Phone Numbers, Addresses, but It does not return the Date, URL? What can I do? I have incomplete response data
Hello, Any body help me if He/She something knows about Google Contact API v3 with JavaScript
Hi, Can someone please help me on this:
    url: 'https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/default/full/',
    async: false,
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    data: {
        'alt': 'json',
        'max-results': 100,
        'access_token': accessToken
    success: function(feedContactsResponse) {
@RakeshJuyal: please, you only posted it 6 minutes ago. Are you really that desperate?
I thought may be someone here can help me even faster.
After how much minutes I should post the question here for help?
can somone please clarify the >> question ^
@RoyiNamir Sure, in case of Chrome accented characters are not retrieved correctly.
If a user enters this in email:
then this document.getElementById('email').value
will give me [email protected]
stop typing i dont know what you're talking about
no idea how eñe.es is converted to xn--ee-zja.es
ok @RoyiNamir
I asked about why does >> yields differnt results for negative numbers when :
I managed to see it on paper by bit by bit via 2's complements and I kow why the result is different
it seems that only for fractions - the result is different
(how the hell do i activate console here)
Command + Shift + I
@RoyiNamir caprica six. type !!>js code
@RoyiNamir 3
no need to clap for me.
!!> -12>>2
@RoyiNamir -3
but if it's fractions :
!!> -10>>2
@RoyiNamir -3
whereas :
!!> 10>>2
@RoyiNamir 3
@RoyiNamir 2
(yes thank you Awal)
@RoyiNamir I just can't believe this but, codecademy's js tut gave me the answer to this...
so you should learn js back from codecademy
nevermind forget it
@RakeshJuyal I am using http://www.onlinehtmleditor.net/ and typed the string you provided "specialcharacter123@eñe.es". I am able to see proper text output in the bottom pane.

This typically uses document.getElementById('something').value

And, i am using chrome
@vivek_ganesan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I didn't know we can edit removed messages, then hit enter, then see them, and then bieng lost again.
btw, @JanDvorak r u still there?
I seem to have done some progress, but I am stuck again.
No. I am in the neighborhood, though
okk. when I XOR space with "g" I get a matching hex char in the target.
and after some research, I found that we can speed up things by using " the " string instead of space.
now, what next?
How do I watch what is passed into a function in chrome dev tools
Do I add a breakpoint!!
@shortCircuit yeah, that would help??
And then do what !! I added a breakpoint reloaded the page, I do not see anything ... :(
can someone help me in phonegap and js ?
a very little problem
@shortCircuit then the function has to actually run
Yes it runs, although doesnot return anything ... Clicking on scope variables shows inspect target crashed
A: Who has mud on their forehead?

Joe Z.For informational purposes, I'll give the solution to the quoted problem. There are two possible scenarios that would cause all three children to raise their hands at the first question: All three children have mud on their foreheads. Two children have mud on their foreheads and one doesn't....

Sheesh, are people really so humorless?
can someone pls tell me whats the issue ?
@ErumHannan I can't really know what the issue is without first knowing what sort of behavior you'd expect and what it is doing instead
right now my query runs but it show me length 0 because of no records so it should come into if condition and then else then transaction ends and it should come to the mentioned function but right now its not going inside if and else and it directly executes query and just after query execution it goes to the mentioned function
due to this reason i am not getting proper values from database in my another function
what does keycode 133 do?
@ErumHannan What is the output?
@JanDvorak jsfiddle.net/Q8uv5 in here, why to break on that if clause, if i returned true from that function(p) {...} It would not have worked, but that would be sad ..
actually it should put 1 in localStorage but its calling another function first and i am getting value 0 in another function and just after that its putting 1 in loccalstorage
it should first put 1 in localStorage then call success function
@ErumHannan I mean is it executing the if statement and not the else, else statement but not the if, or neither?
O fudge ... I just answered what I asked
its executing both but the sequence of execution is not fine
makes total sense ... Why am I like this.. Pathetic
it should first exexute either if or else then call success function
showCopyBySiteId is success function?
You realize that passing showCopyBySiteId(callOut1) as a parameter is going to pass whatever is returned by that function
That doesn't mean "On success, run showCopyBySiteId(callOut1)"
If that's what you wanted, you should wrap it with an anonymous function
yes its running showCopyBySiteId right now
but its not putting right values in its arguments
@ErumHannan It runs immediately when you call getCallOut
If you want it to be called later, you should pass a function for success callback
I don't doubt that it is being called
If you want it to be called later, you should pass a function for success callback
how will i do this ?
@Neil u right its called immediately
You should pass function() { showCopyBySiteId(callOut1); }
So it is something you do upon success
Otherwise it thinks you mean that you want to pass the result of showCopyBySiteId as the success function, which, if it doesn't return anything will be undefined, which can be confused to mean that you didn't want to specify any parameter
Haha, ze Germans are crazy
they've created robots strippers
What in the world xD
Germans man
My first thought would be "Japan". How in the world did you go from that robot to "Germans"? O_o
take a look at the video
there is also a robot DJ
When I'm on break, I will.
Haha :P
Looks hawt >_>
I am sure they can program it
when someone says HALT
and to start dancing
I wanted to say that!
hahaha muahahhaa
I am rading your mind
welcome back, btw zigi
When did they let you back in?
yesterday after I gave him one long explanation
that I don't understand how internet chats work
actualy Awal Garg helped me greatly
thank you @AwalGarg once more
@Neil Lol
Nice guy, that @AwalGarg
sure thang
Woot! New download speed record on steam. 10.1MB/s
Interesting listen ^ (Hebrew)
so this is the desired results i am trying to achieve, jsfiddle.net/ipatch/4C8c8/9
@SecondRikudo yeah, he lies. I've seen it shoot down missiles
It's very good
@BenjaminGruenbaum Same
In a lab environment
@BenjaminGruenbaum did you see my email?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've seen it shoot down rockets for real
At least twice
Like ewmergerd!
How are you?
I'm looking for a better alternative to an iframe, probably going to be Ajax for what I'm after. Anyone able to reference me to a tutorial of some sort?
I'm still alive, and how about you?
I guess I'm alive too.
@TaylorWilliams you can't load foreign sites through AJAX
Where have you been? With an armful of Thai prostitutes, I reckon
In space.
Or time.
But mostly in space.
Been blowing up internet spaceships.
@JanDvorak It's within the same domain :)
Why do you want to replace iFrames?
@OctavianDamiean Eternal fun
Because the nav has hover functionality @JanDvorak
Oh sorry, i didn't explain myself. I'm basically importing a html page, which just is a navigation bar, with hover functionality.
@TaylorWilliams sounds like you're looking for a templating engine
This is because we want a work-around from not inheriting navigation, yet only have it in one place
Soon, we'll have web components...soon...
Basically, it's like having 10 static web pages with no CMS behind it, and wanting to be efficient in referencing the navigation code from somewhere (like a partial in ruby on rails)
I'm a little pissed at the web, especially the mobile one.
inb4 Apple decides to build custom cases for their tablets, calls them iFrame, and then proceeds to sue w3c.
@TaylorWilliams PHP's include?
Yes, or PHP include!
PHP is a bad language, but it's usable as a templating engine
But, i'm using SharePoint, and i'm restricted
so HTML/CSS/javascript only
does sharepoint not provide a mechanism?
!!work or play
Surely, using Ajax or some sort of javascript, I can replicate what an iframe does.
@Zirak work
With me, you seem to prefer the first option...
and yes @JanDvorak, but for some retarded reason, we're not using it lol
!!should I play or should I work
@TaylorWilliams You could load content through AJAX, but there will be a delay
@Zirak You should play
Yes, i thought about the delay, that will be fine
I'll just stick a 'Loading Navigation' whilst it loads :)
Only problem, i'm a complete ajax and javascript n00b
I'm a google coder ;)
fast solution, or correct solution?
@Zirak What are you going to play honey?
@JanDvorak both
A working solution, haha. but simple!
A quick fix is to use jQuery's $.load, but you won't learn anything that way.
@CapricaSix (cough @OctavianDamiean cough) Glad you asked! Final Fantasy: Crisis Core
Also, if you are at it already, learn about promises and use them to get rid of the callback mess.
looks all innocent @Zirak wasn't me.
The correct solution involves XmlHttpRequest (well documented on MDN) and then .innerHtml = on some element, ideally found by document.getElementById
So, $( "#navigation" ).load( "global_nav.html" );
Are you using jQuery already?
Then yes, this will work.
Still, you should use a server-side approach instead, to eliminate the delay
I'll need to reference it, but great :)
@JanDvorak I'd argue that since, ideally, it should be static, he could use a build step: A simple templating engine would do.
And okay, i'll go for the server-side solution
Well, .load worked for me. thank you @JanDvorak!
@TaylorWilliams Wait,,, what?
@TaylorWilliams you said you'd go for a server-side solution
You include parts of the page from the client side?
Yes, i'm still going to try server-side, i just was confirming that the .load worked
I needed to test quickly, that the hover function works as expected, without progressing further.
Dirty hack always "work". And they will always bite you later.
@Zirak What's kickin' ma [racially charged word for mate]?
@monners Ima fight Sephiroth soon <3
I don't want to die :(
Well, it is called final fantasy
Anyone familiar with linemanjs stackoverflow.com/q/24821344/1594368
@RyanKinal do i have any chances ?
Ok, I'm struggling with XmlHttpRequest o.0
@TaylorWilliams server-side solution failed?
I'm not sure where to start really, that's my problem.
Go straight for server-side
Anyone ??
@Trialcoder apparently not
@Zirak better than near the end
okk :(
I raped him
holy smokes !
he can mine bitcoins on it !
Wow, hahaha
Look Facebook on portable computer!!!!
@Zirak that would certainly explain his trying to kill you
It was so disappointing
And then it was done
@AbhishekHingnikar Explain to me why someone would pay for a rig like that and then use a shitty Dell monitor as their primary display
Instead of raping him you should have tried to fight him I guess.
Hi All, has anyone used jquery nearest element plugin
@Corbo152 no
I'm not sure I understand. Do you mean $.closest()?
yes thats the one
that's not a plugin
i am trying to get my table to be responsive, it works to a certain extent
$(document).ready(function() {
  var switched = false;
  var updateTables = function() {
    if (($(window).width() < 1700) && !switched ){
      switched = true;
      $("table.responsive").each(function(i, element) {
      return true;
    else if (switched && ($(window).width() > 1700)) {
      switched = false;
      $("table.responsive").each(function(i, element) {

the JS pins the first column in the table by using the closest function, i want it to pin the first 3 columns in the table
fiddle pls
ok all, why when running grunt karma did it work, and now all of a sudden it cant find PhantomJS?!
@DrogoNevets apparently, it didn't work
@Neil it did, it said "success"!! now it says "cannot load PhantomJs, perhaps you are missing a plugin"
@DrogoNevets "success" can be a relative term
Figure that windows still encodes a successful result as ERROR_SUCCESS
@Corbo152 why are you using closest for that?
ok either way, WTF happened to PhantomJS?
@JanDvorak i didnt write the JS i am just fixing, our senior dev wrote it and hes not here
now updated
@Corbo152 I can't see where pinning is defined
@JanDvorak its in the JS
        copy.wrap("<div class='pinned' />");
        original.wrap("<div class='scrollable' />");
@Corbo152 Have you tried responsifying your tables with just CSS?
@monners how do you pin a column that way?
@JanDvorak I haven't looked at the fiddle yet, just asking
Pin the column? As in to the left of the screen?
yes thats correct it pins the 1st column, i wish for it to append the first 3 maybe 4 but couldnt see a jquery func to do this

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