I have no issue with silly code projects. I have a massive issue with people who say they're going to build a silly code project and then get 10 minutes in and demand more attention.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Then you sir need a nap, this is a chat its not being tattood on your face. If you didnt want to see it you could simply not click the link and it would be gone off the feed within in a minute. Its not like it was constantly spammed it was literally the 2nd post on the topic.
I suppose you could set the window.location to that (or window.location.hash to login) at the same time you trigger the modal, but that would just change the URL at the top wouldnt really do much. But then you could do something like on hash change if the hash is "login" trigger the modal.
why can't I change the class of a new div with JS?
following is my code:
var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
newDiv.class = "awesomeMyClass";
//creates and appends the newdiv to target but doesn't set class
even inside gedit, the word class gets a red highlight. why is it so?
Here is my small demo script.
The idea is that at some point in my promise chain, I will call doAll which calls Q.all to process a batch of async operations. The result is then returned before I proceed to the next promise chain because that next method I will call might actually need the result...
Hey anyone, I am searching promise, js in the SO search bar, is there anyway to exclude angular js ... Every results are associated with angular js ... And I don't know it
@AwalGarg also it looks pretty lame even if they're nested, it's not what you're going to expect, you'll want to use some margins or padding so you can actually see a difference
I thought you wanted a span with a green border, nested around a div with blue border...if that's not it, then I'm interested in what you're planning :D
@rlemon The transition being on the base or on the base+class selector didn't change anything. What was important was to wait for the page to be loaded (in fact not really loaded, $.ready is enough, but just having the script at the end of the body wasn't)
anyways, anyone knows how to completely destroy a dom element with JS? right now, I delete its innerHTML, set its display to none, and pointer events to none etc. But I know its not good cus doing that a lot of times will contaminate the dom structure.
Problem: I am having issue with jQuery NiceScroll plugin especially in Chrome v35 (updated one). The scrollbar appears on the left! How do I get it to the right? jsfiddle.net/rdesai/csTS7/253
@AwalGarg glad it works, it's always good to refer back to the spec if you have questions, in this case, reading section 7.1 tells you that for every html document, you need a doctype, a head, and a body
The problem is specifically with Chrome v35. The plugin works successfully here though.
However, in my fiddle here, its appearing on the left. (Please add multiple items to test.) The code is exactly the same.
How do I get it to the right, just like the...
I'm using NodeJS, with bcrypt-nodejs (https://github.com/shaneGirish/bcrypt-nodejs) and Bluebird for promises. Came up with this code and been wondering if there is better way to do the same thing. I have module with:
var Promise = require("bluebird"),
bcrypt = Promise.promisifyAll(require(...
@DaveChen lol, nope. it would be "<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/longUrlToTheHolyJqueryLibrary">$('#myDomElem').remove();</script>" ;p
i dunno why but I am not much of a fan of libraries. not just in js, but in any programming language.
I'm unsure about angular.js, but if it's a library directly manipulating the DOM, then it won't work with node, well at least not usefully, because there's no elements to select or animate
what I'm concerned is that, before I jump on to learning node.js, I wish to confirm if its really fruitful for me or not. if it requires me to learn many libraries, then I would stick back to PHP.
@DaveChen yeah that. and I keep stumbling upon such examples literally everyday. thats why, I am bit skeptical about node. and they call these modules right?
in any case, I don't think this should deter you from learning node.js, it's just like getting using to using import ** in python or Java, if you need a certain feature, you add it to your packages.json and then tell npm to download them for you and you can use it
the only fear is that all documentation is separate, where as if you do intend to import something in Java or Python, all docs for all are on one website
bit 6 is mostly going to be 1 (letters). When it is 0, the byte mostly going to be 0x20 (space) but not in groups. If there's a group of more than two, it can be digits (0x40-0x49) surrounded by spaces, otherwise it might be punctuation + space.
@JanDvorak to be honest, I don't properly understand the hint. does that mean, keep XORing the first message to the rest one by one? or xor all of them together. or or xor different pairs? or xor each to target? or something else?
it means, consider what characters of plaintext, xorred together, produce which bytes of xortext. Then try looking up (space XOR letter) in the xortext (of which there are 11C2)
@JanDvorak ok so basically, I xor the space with 26 alphabets of the english language, then try to find the resulting hexes (one by one) in the given CTs, right?
function each(ary, func) { var i, len = ary.length; for(i = 0; i < len ; i++) { if(ary[i] && func(ary[i], i, ary)) break; } } var a={ b : {c : 6}}, value = "a.b.c", g = this; each(value.split("."), function(p){ //what happens to this in the if block of each() g = g[p]; });