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Ive decided that my weekend project is going to be making the most jQuery intensive webpage to ever exist.
carousels and lightboxes flying everywhere
3 minute jquery-ui animation prelude
@DasBeasto ....really.
Good Evening or morning
depends on the time zone
@SomeKittensUx2666 @mikedidthis jonassebastianohlsson.com/criticalpathcssgenerator <-- thoughts?
haha nice
I like that concept
@monners If you need so much CSS that it's slow, you're doing something wrong
@copy That was my thought! This came down from the management as a suggestion
Tell 'em to come back with data
Our CSS only takes 100ms despite being huge.
CSS is like using wine or vinegar in a meal. You only use a little to refine the final taste
A modern computer could also boot Linux in 100ms
Or compute 100 million sha1 hashes
I find CSS is like a friend of a friend. the more specific you need to get to describe it, the fatter it likely is.
@rlemon rlemon
this is kind of cool
is there anything similar you have made that makes you like a 3D net
no but you can enjoy this
I have the feeling you have played with a lot of gooey stuff
you really like making gooey things
like flabber etc.
ah yes, the gooey forest
if you make the background some generated fire it'd be awesome
I challenge thee
I have added your stuff as interesting to stumbleupon
hehe, not bad, but to be honest I have seen more realistic fire in 1998 written in Vesa64 library for Turbo Pascal
this is all boredom
hahahaha that I like alright :D
@rlemon why do you find pleasure to animate with javascript?
why wouldn't I?
I am just trying to find the reason for you to do it
do you like it
do you find it interesting?
because I find this kinda of stuff fun codepen.io/rlemon/pen/yglpu
so I make it
and it is fun
as a profession I'm an embedded systems developer, but I love JS and canvas is fun
wow cool
what kind of embedded systems do you make?
company I work for
recently I've been working on a specific project to put our SCADA system on your mobile
animating things is fun. and javascript is easy and flexible to use. once i implemented metaballs on an fpga and it was a pain.
@rlemon haha is that why you are kind of "dry"
if you catch my drift
no I don't
leave it then
I'm sour, and Canadian.
why do people need mass SCADA on their devices
@rlemon that's an interesting coloring.
what are they gonna control
their process control systems
most applications are run by very few people
so you want to replace people with machines and leave families without food? /s
no, we make a 18 hour work day for a single farmer a 12 hour work day and he ends up saving money as well
hm ok
than it sounds better
good job, I like you
@rlemon If you're dry then what am I?
slightly moist ?
make it a 9 hour work day per farm and he can cope with two farms.
A kangaroo
@Robert it was an example
ultra-absorbant kangaroo
Are you talking about a game?
we don't take jobs, we make them easier and more efficient.
oh shit, I've been paid! Must download KSP
How can I only add the attribute of an element when a property of $scope is true?
ng-attr-readonly = "{{dataSetup.data.isReadOnly ? 'readonly' : ''}}"
ALMOST there - but it creates the element regardless
The very beginning to my "most jquery intensive webpage ever" only uses 2 plugins so far :(
Boastful claims? Check. Constant, unasked for updates? Check. Sensors read:
@DasBeasto my birds are better
Go build something neat and show us when you're done or need help.
Chat where things dont need to be taken seriously: 404: Not Found
We love that.
@DasBeasto it has to be called 'PrickChat'
or ToolChat
cause only pricks/tools would visit it
@rlemon so many birds...theyre coming right at me
@DasBeasto You'll notice that he only posted something he finished.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Ok mines finished..happier?
Go build your jQueryiest thing ever, and post it here Monday. I'll pin it myself.
why use jQuery when there is Angular
btw @rlemon many of my friends think I am the biggest troll amongst them
so I'm still at work and need help plis
tell us
"/games/The-Last-Stand-Union-City.html".replace('/', '')
why isn't that replacing all the /
I have no issue with silly code projects. I have a massive issue with people who say they're going to build a silly code project and then get 10 minutes in and demand more attention.
.... I'm tired so I'm sure its something simple
but wtf.
"/games/The-Last-Stand-Union-City.html".replace(/\//g, '')
blarg. ty.
global duh. I need to go home lol
@SomeKittensUx2666 haha feel ya brah
check dat shis out
have it saving all clicks to the server
then it gen's the heatmaps serverside
thats a heatmap for the main page of zg.net
@SomeKittensUx2666 Then you sir need a nap, this is a chat its not being tattood on your face. If you didnt want to see it you could simply not click the link and it would be gone off the feed within in a minute. Its not like it was constantly spammed it was literally the 2nd post on the topic.
@Loktar ok go rest
I am gonna play myself some southpark
nah does a ton more stuff actually
realtime tracking of users cursors
saves thier movements for playback later
what software do you use
did you make it yourself
or is it a library
nah made it all this week
is it public
uses websockets, mysql, nodejs..
or is it private
not yet, they said I could make it pub if I want though
the code is absolute shit though im cutting so many corners for my demo tomorrow
@Loktar Thats really cool, does the right sidebar have little content, just wonderig why it appears theres only like two clicks in that area?
haha looking forward to seeing it live
today was my first experience using a db with node.js
or are those the odd users that zoomed really far out to click nothing.
@DasBeasto check out zombiegames.net
hope you would tell me when the time comes
its a heatmap for the index page
the left and right has a static ad
ok guys
see ya
see ya
@Loktar Nice. That'd be awesome for analytics
yeah its like "ui" analytics I guess
mostly to compliment google analytics
@Loktar Oh I see awesome, I cant really tell the borders of it but did no one click the left side static add or a lot of people?
actually if it lines up with the text looks like a lot of people
Hi awesome people
@Loktar played Kerbal Space Program recently? ;) The new update is slick.
no I should though
haven't played in months
It's a much more complete game now. What with money and all that jazz...
It's quite a bit easier to get funded than NASA though :P
Is anyone here familiar with making an AJAX website crawlable with google #! syntax, still having issues with it :/
when someone clicks a modal, is there a way to give that a url?
like localhost:5000/home#login
@Loktar Oooo, like Super Meat Boy
I suppose you could set the window.location to that (or window.location.hash to login) at the same time you trigger the modal, but that would just change the URL at the top wouldnt really do much. But then you could do something like on hash change if the hash is "login" trigger the modal.
@Crow to you ^
@Loktar Were you big into the CoD zombie mode?
Why does a popup doesn't work with mucho code and it works with just one page layout?
could anyone explain me this ? please? por favor?
on JQM
2 hours later…
getting this behavior with position:absolute;
the X buttons
they go to where I want them, but they are no longer clickable and disappear when I hover over their respective menus
if I remove the hover effect of the menus, they don't disappear but are still unclickable
just from the position:absolute; addition
z-index, right
forgot about that :X
Two pint Friday lunch. Gotta love it.
@Mosho You might wanna also change your close el to be inline-block, as it's currently covering the entire width of the container
@monners well, it's not covering anything with position:absolute
Ah, didn't look at your other plnkr
so. A wolf just killed a chicken outside
why can't I change the class of a new div with JS?
following is my code:
var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
newDiv.class = "awesomeMyClass";
//creates and appends the newdiv to target but doesn't set class
even inside gedit, the word class gets a red highlight. why is it so?
@AwalGarg: class is just a random property, that will do nothing
@Qantas94Heavy then what do I do to change the class?
!!tell AwalGarg mdn element.classname
@Qantas94Heavy thankyou thankyou so much...
Next time, google.com is your friend
@Qantas94Heavy thankyou thankyou so much...
chat is buggy, or my network is.
@Qantas94Heavy actually, google ain't working on my slow network for now. not even mdn.
and only I know how I managed to come to chat.
what is the point in having the document object's class property's key name being "className" and not simply "class"?
there's like 5 answers that are exactly the same
the network is down ;p
Q: Q.all returns the async function instead of the value I want to resolve

CppLearnerHere is my small demo script. The idea is that at some point in my promise chain, I will call doAll which calls Q.all to process a batch of async operations. The result is then returned before I proceed to the next promise chain because that next method I will call might actually need the result...

nice rules page
Everyone is so promisified , I needs to learn this asap
jsfiddle.net/YGBe6 <-- any ideas why this super crazy freaking experiment of mine didn't work?
!!tell Chris google promise in js
@AwalGarg basically, I wanted to move the firstSpan into the secDiv...
Y u ping yourself
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null

you don't have an element with an id of `firstSec`
@shortCircuit it links... the messages. Hover one and the other (related) one will be highlighted. Easier to follow.
@DaveChen oh right... good one. forgot to use the debugger, thnx
@CapricaSix cool
Hey anyone, I am searching promise, js in the SO search bar, is there anyway to exclude angular js ... Every results are associated with angular js ... And I don't know it
@AwalGarg also it looks pretty lame even if they're nested, it's not what you're going to expect, you'll want to use some margins or padding so you can actually see a difference
@shortCircuit then promise yourself that you will stop searching for promise before you can promise that you know angular.
@DaveChen jsfiddle.net/YGBe6/1 <-- I think the difference is pretty much visible here.
So, u mean promise is only for angular js people!!
That so racist
@shortCircuit - search for bluebird or Q
@shortCircuit this is apparently what I gathered from what you told me, so take that with a lots of grains of salt.
not for me at least, it's just a green background with the text Sec Span First Span, I can't see any blue
@DaveChen because blue div is empty.
@AwalGarg i think he's trying to blend the colors :/
...or not
@AwalGarg right, but then what is the point (sorry for the rude connotation) of this?
@DaveChen wait, I'll make another version to demonstrate you.
I thought you wanted a span with a green border, nested around a div with blue border...if that's not it, then I'm interested in what you're planning :D
@DaveChen jsfiddle.net/YGBe6/2 <-- this is what I was planning.
ohhh that's pretty cool, so it's kinda like a moving list box
@DaveChen except that I don't dare use the holy library of jQuery...
haha not even a little sizzle?
@DaveChen I use Vanilla-JS.
Reading sizzle is good ... I haven't managed to do all of it ...
my problem would be that I'd end up checking all the options and it'll probably just be the same as downloading jQuery anyways
@DaveChen you can't say that without trying o.O lol
@rlemon The transition being on the base or on the base+class selector didn't change anything. What was important was to wait for the page to be loaded (in fact not really loaded, $.ready is enough, but just having the script at the end of the body wasn't)
anyways, anyone knows how to completely destroy a dom element with JS? right now, I delete its innerHTML, set its display to none, and pointer events to none etc. But I know its not good cus doing that a lot of times will contaminate the dom structure.
i mean this:
hmm, usually I'd call its parent, and then tell it to remove the child node
Problem: I am having issue with jQuery NiceScroll plugin especially in Chrome v35 (updated one). The scrollbar appears on the left! How do I get it to the right? jsfiddle.net/rdesai/csTS7/253
It works as expected in Firefox though.
<div id="myDomElem">
<script type="text/javascript">
div.delete(); //should remove the div from dom
hi guys
@DaveChen the parent elem has lots of similar childs. I don't wanna delete all.
i need this type of jquery
any help
@AwalGarg like child.parentNode.removeChild(child), assuming child is a DOMElement
oh just saw the example, and you don't have a parent shoot
I wonder when @BenjaminGruenbaum will be back, I need to ask him how does he do it so fast ...
@AwalGarg for that example, you need to wrap your content with <body></body>
then you can run
@DaveChen wait, I'll put my orig code after cleaning up a bit.
@DaveChen awesome! works as intended! thanks
wohooo, its working...
TIL Js ain't that bad as I had imagined previously.
@AwalGarg glad it works, it's always good to refer back to the spec if you have questions, in this case, reading section 7.1 tells you that for every html document, you need a doctype, a head, and a body
@DaveChen oh.. actually, I didn't know about the function removeChild. the code I posted was for demo...
ofcourse we need the body tag.
thanks again @DaveChen. And is there a good resource to learn all these functions? MDN?
Q: jQuery NiceScroll appearing on the left in Chrome

Rahul DesaiThe problem is specifically with Chrome v35. The plugin works successfully here though. However, in my fiddle here, its appearing on the left. (Please add multiple items to test.) The code is exactly the same. $("#todo_list_container").niceScroll(); How do I get it to the right, just like the...

yep I use mdn, or msdn, but I don't often use bare javascript anymore so I mainly refer to the api docs for a certain plugin
oh cool
as for jQuery, for the example above, $('#myDomElem').remove() would've worked as well
Q: Promisifying bcrypt-nodejs with Bluebird

spirytusI'm using NodeJS, with bcrypt-nodejs (https://github.com/shaneGirish/bcrypt-nodejs) and Bluebird for promises. Came up with this code and been wondering if there is better way to do the same thing. I have module with: var Promise = require("bluebird"), bcrypt = Promise.promisifyAll(require(...

@DaveChen lol, nope. it would be "<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/longUrlToTheHolyJqueryLibrary">$('#myDomElem').remove‌​();</script>" ;p
i dunno why but I am not much of a fan of libraries. not just in js, but in any programming language.
hahaha yep exactly xD, for PHP I would totally agree with you
I don't like composer, npm, Java Apache libraries, etc
do you know node.js?
yep I used it once in conjunction with socket.io
from the lil to nil knowledge I have about node, ain't angular.js, etc all libraries for node?
I'm unsure about angular.js, but if it's a library directly manipulating the DOM, then it won't work with node, well at least not usefully, because there's no elements to select or animate
what I'm concerned is that, before I jump on to learning node.js, I wish to confirm if its really fruitful for me or not. if it requires me to learn many libraries, then I would stick back to PHP.
definitely learn Node.js, then
hello Jan o/
do you know crypto? more specifically, decrypting many time pad.
@AwalGarg well at least in my experience, I did have to learn many libraries, many of which are third party -> stackoverflow.com/questions/20601897/…
@AwalGarg the idea is that the difference of two encrypted messages is the same as the difference of two decrypted messages
@DaveChen yeah that. and I keep stumbling upon such examples literally everyday. thats why, I am bit skeptical about node. and they call these modules right?
I don't follow the lingo really, I like to think of them as packages because they are downloaded and installed via npm (node package manager)
or yep...I'm wrong, just searched it up, it's node package modules
@JanDvorak if I have 10 CTs, can you tell me how do I decrypt the 11th? Its in my assignment, and I haven't yet decrypted a single byte.
is it possible layer things using JS with CSS?
@Chris waaat?
@AwalGarg what encryption scheme?
@JanDvorak many time pad. all in hex.
i have some animating SVG elements that are getting clipped
in any case, I don't think this should deter you from learning node.js, it's just like getting using to using import ** in python or Java, if you need a certain feature, you add it to your packages.json and then tell npm to download them for you and you can use it
@AwalGarg my bubbles are getting clipped when they approach a div :/
@DaveChen good analogy. it is indeed like the #include <crap.h> with c++ ... (or java and python)
or i should say reach a div
@AwalGarg hex-wise (decoded hex + key |_ 16 => encoded hex) ?
the only fear is that all documentation is separate, where as if you do intend to import something in Java or Python, all docs for all are on one website
@JanDvorak yep
kegcop.chrisrjones.com the bubbles aren't reaching to the top where the navbar is
@AwalGarg what do you know about the decoded messages?
@JanDvorak nothing. they must be characters, english language
@AwalGarg that's hardly "nothing". What is the exact set of characters that may appear in plain text?
@JanDvorak alphabets, both upper and lower case. and may be a few numbers here and there (but the chances of having numbers in them are subtle).
and spaces for sure.
no punctuation at all?
oh right. punctuation would also be there. good point.
what isn't there?
@JanDvorak no special unicode chars. no foriegn language chars etc.
so, 0x20 - 0x7E?
not sure what they represent @JanDvorak
This should give you some bounds for at least the higher hex of key. The lower hexes might require a more manual kind of elimination
(in 0x20-0x2F, it's most likely 0x20 = space => that should give you most chars
@JanDvorak can you suggest me a tool for doing this crypto work? as in, converting hex to ascii back and forth, XORing large hexes etc.
@AwalGarg XORing???
You said it was hex-wise addition modulo 16
where did I say so?
There's a XOR program that can xor you two files
13 mins ago, by Jan Dvorak
@AwalGarg hex-wise (decoded hex + key |_ 16 => encoded hex) ?
13 mins ago, by Awal Garg
@JanDvorak yep
alright, |_ 16 <-- doesn't this mean that the encoding is hex?
I mean by that, "modulo 16"
ummm, sorry. I didn't know that.
addition modulo 16 isn't the same thing as bitwise addition (XOR)
@AwalGarg why didn't you ask, then???
but its modulo 2 with bitwise addition.
@JanDvorak i apologise. my bad. sorry.
wait, I'll post something...
in which case... the top bit is not interesting
bit 6 is mostly going to be 1 (letters). When it is 0, the byte mostly going to be 0x20 (space) but not in groups. If there's a group of more than two, it can be digits (0x40-0x49) surrounded by spaces, otherwise it might be punctuation + space.
If the same image is on a page twice, does it get the image twice?
I think its only once right?
@Brandon not if you cache properly
Yeah, I am
Thanks @JanDvorak
@AwalGarg follow the hint ;-)
@JanDvorak to be honest, I don't properly understand the hint. does that mean, keep XORing the first message to the rest one by one? or xor all of them together. or or xor different pairs? or xor each to target? or something else?
it means, consider what characters of plaintext, xorred together, produce which bytes of xortext. Then try looking up (space XOR letter) in the xortext (of which there are 11C2)
@JanDvorak ok so basically, I xor the space with 26 alphabets of the english language, then try to find the resulting hexes (one by one) in the given CTs, right?
hint: it will produce a range of sorts
hmmm. lemme try.
If >> is also for signed number whereas >>> is for unsigned number so why :
I know how 2's complements works , but still ...
function each(ary, func) {
var i, len = ary.length;
for(i = 0; i < len ; i++) {
if(ary[i] && func(ary[i], i, ary))
var a={ b : {c : 6}}, value = "a.b.c", g = this;
each(value.split("."), function(p){ //what happens to this in the if block of each()
g = g[p];
I need help in Google Contact API v3, I'm sending request through javascript, but Google Contact API doesn't return full response!

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