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good morning
Bah! I think the water pump in my Keurig went out :(
I don't hardly use my keurig
I don't hardly use double negatives.
I don't hardly engrish murica liberty freedom
@SecondRikudo haha, I have done that to a lotta people.
Exactly in that order? You're a very specific person, Greg.
Is that not pretty much bullying? (Don't know details of that gif, but that's my view of it)
No, it's not bullying. You must just be over sensitive.
@NickDugger not that specifically, I meant, throwing people in water.
@NickDugger it all depends on details, if they are all friends, it's nothing special, if those 4 know eachother but not the other kid, it's a different story, in my eyes
and you would now please stop doing that ridiculous thing. or you will rest in my ignore list. I have been more than polite with you, @NickDugger
You can ignore me, I get nothing negative out of it
but you won't stop doing it? you deserve to be ignored.
I call you Greg, you get offended. If you think I should be ignored, then do so
I assume it has less to do with "Greg" than it does with "Anal"
The last time, I just called him Greg.
@NickDugger and you know why, well enough. anyways, don't expect any further replies from me. Thanks for any JS relevant help you gave me.
I don't think there was any
Really, if somebody asks you nicely to stop, then please stop. Otherwise, you're kind of being a dick.
And you don't want to be a dick.
turns out it's probably just a clogged filter
I feel as though I should link my Don't Be a Dick Gist again.
Somehow installing a new router took down the entire network
that sucked.
lol, yeah, that sucks
yup took out the new hardware and powered everything else down
all switches, routers, and the modem.
also half the pc's ip tables wouldn't refresh / were stuck in limbo
and had to be rebooted
> If someone is being a dick, call them out on it
Fuck yeah, permission
But don't be a dick about it ;-)
hey all

I think I have too much nesting
would anyone mind explaining to me why JS apparently can't base64-encode arbitrary data?
Maybe a little
@Bob ... example?
@Bob base64 can represent any data, that's the whole point
@RyanKinal btoa("somethingwithunicode") => boom
wait a sec
[Exception... "String contains an invalid character"  code: "5" nsresult: "0x80530005 (InvalidCharacterError)"  location: "<unknown>"]
Hmmm. I see.
It's documented, too.
Sounds utterly stupid.
@Neil that's the problem, in this case it doesn't
Well. That's lame. I assume the V8 people know about this.
hey all :)
@RyanKinal It's a reported bug on FF as of 2008 -_-
Hmm, it could be because unicode uses several bytes per character?
@Bob "Since base64 encoding requires eight bits per input character, any character with a code higher than 255 cannot be accurately represented."
@RyanKinal lovely (thanks for the explanation though)
Maybe base64 could break 2 byte character into 2 separate bytes, but it may be reassembled improperly
mdn has a solution
just use it
function utf8_to_b64( str ) {
    return window.btoa(encodeURIComponent( escape( str )));

function b64_to_utf8( str ) {
    return unescape(decodeURIComponent(window.atob( str )));
@rlemon I was more curious as to why - I was using pure URI encoding anyway
what would you all call the style/effect of the text on the watch on the left? cdn3.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/35367584/…
I'm so glad I don't have to deal with encodings for a living.. oh wait, I do. :(
@Bob I was moreso telling Neil. you linked the page ;) I assumed you saw it
@KevinMurphy long shadow
:sigh: Talking about base64 reminds me that one of the core tools of my business uses "base64 encryption" to store passwords.
Stupid fucking contractors.
@RyanKinal guaranteed more secure than rot13 encryption!
actually, probably not considering how recognisable it is
How do you deal with a post request in node?
All im getting is "Cannot POST /Projects"
Not only that, but there was a "forgotten password" feature that just kind of... showed you the password for whatever email you put in.
rot13 is pretty good, but I would go for a caesar cipher instead.
That was quickly removed.
By me.
Because stupid fucking contractors.
@RyanKinal lol
@RyanKinal That's hilarious
@rlemon awesome, thanks! any live demos? i see its on your roadmap, just curious.
Oh, and if you didn't put an email in, it showed you all of them
Wth is up with laymens? It's like they think if you can show someone a password fast enough, it is still secure
... I'm not entirely sure why I didn't murder this man.
@RyanKinal the sad thing is, I'm not even sure if you're joking
but it can be styled to fit your example
Don't know the password? Sure, you just need to know the email. Don't know the email? Try one of these!
@RyanKinal sounds like that was written by someone who doesn't understand what base64 encoding really is
@Bob Very convenient
Hacker would give a five-star rating
@ircmaxell It was written by a crack-addled, sleep-deprived, energy-drink-consuming .NET developer.
Ah, it's because whoever wrote the base64 algorithm in JS didn't understand it... Sounds good
validJourney && validCustomer && validVehicle && validCover ? _save() : return false;
@RyanKinal Dear god! A freakin' .NET developer!
@ircmaxell but encoding == encryption, doesn't it?
is that neat or ugly, im not sure i can quite decide......
@Neil :(
@Neil We're a .NET shop, unfortunately
var validJourney = VaildationService.isJourneyValid(this.getJourney());
@Bob I'm kidding, come on
/me throws things at @bob
.NET is still better than Java, and I use that
@Neil ooooh, nice ping sound
(I just put headphones on)
@Neil My condolences
other rooms: BOING
Wait... other rooms boing?
How did I never notice that?
@RyanKinal I can quit if I want! :( *runs away crying*
well, I'm shit with onomatopeia and I can't spell that
anyone? you get the chance to completely ridicule an interview candidate.....
@Bob Ew.
That's a horrid sound
seems like SE is that one, and SO shares this one
@DrogoNevets Ugly. Too many operators for it to be clear.
Or not enough parentheses. Either way.
@RyanKinal or not enough linebreaks? shrug
how do you propose they shorten it? (I dont like just syaing "wrong" to candidate, and want to help them so give the consturctive feedback)
after all, they are 4 boolean values.....
Well, it's a ternary, so line breaks aren't the best idea. Either make it a regular if, or use a variable to store the boolean isValid
Hell, just add parentheses around the condition, and it's better.
@DrogoNevets "shorten" and "make better" are two very different things in this case.
[validJourney, validCustomer, validVehicle, validCover].filter(Boolean).length
    if(validJourney && validCustomer && validVehicle && validCover) {
    } else {
        return false;
var isValid = validJourney && validCustomer && validVehicle && validCover;
isValid ? _save() : return false;
@DrogoNevets That works
Also, I'm wondering if it should be return _save()
@adeneo [validJourney, validCustomer, validVehicle, validCover].every() looks nicer :)
@RyanKinal I prefer your way
(assuming you're able to use that... grr IE8)
@Bob it is a supported browser so no, we cant
I wasn't aware of every() -- interesting
@RyanKinal yea probably! except his save doesnt return anything.....but still
yes it should
!!mdn every
Heh... so it returns falsy even on success. Awesome.
@Bob - true, every(Boolean) would to the same as filter(Boolean).length == 4 and looks nicer
@RyanKinal technically, yes - but in his defence I did say in the test spec that "one can assume the server always works" (in depth error catching was out of scope for the interview assignment)
@DrogoNevets it's easily shimmable
is there an easy way to remember the node modules?
pity it needs an arg, though
@DrogoNevets Fair enough
@RyanKinal yea, i'll mention it (and add it to my nice to haves to look for)
so to summarise, we dont neicisarily dislike the idea, just push the inline conditions into its own var?
return [validJourney, validCustomer, validVehicle, validCover].every(Boolean) || _save();
@adeneo now that i do not like
Why not, it returns true if all the variables are truthy, OR returns the result of _save(), which is undefined unless something else is specified. A perfectly valid way to do it
@DrogoNevets I've been so swamped
@Jhawins no worries man
no rush, we have a fair few posts to fill
(serious team expansion)
I'm not always in the same place and only have a desktop so. That's the biggest issue
I broke the biggest bolt I've ever broken off on the truck too. Almost started a fire just from the heat it made when it was separating!
lol - you live in the 21st century dude :P, seriously its not an issue, when you can send us over the CV and I'll hand it in, we only have this one candidate
Cool haha
JS developers worth their salt in this country are few and far between for perm roles, they all want contract and my company dont like contractors
another day, another penny
@Jhawins on plus side, the damage i did to my bike from off back in Jan i might be able to claim back from the building site that left the crap on the road.....
@DrogoNevets YEah? That's been quite awhile
is there a hotkey to 'wrap' some text in ST?
err, like wrap it in a tag or something
@rlemon Idk I use the completions every once in awhile but never that
posted on July 09, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} This week I have a somewhat topical essay over at Medium.com. Warnin

it isn't a huge issue
I'm just wrapping paragraphs in p tags, but it would be nice to just be able to highlight them and hit a couple keys
I loath typing HTML
@FlorianMargaine lol what the heck
@Jhawins solicitors say they'll run with the claim (no win, no fee)
thats a weird extension
but kind of cool
@rlemon wait try selecting your text, then type the tag name and do tab||enter whatever your completion is
Wait no. Doesn't work for me
But it should? There's some other way to select the tag you want vs typing over it I forget though
you select text -> type -> removes text
1 message moved to Trash can
I'm not an idiot.
sorry alt + shift + w
not ctrl
haha, lol
press those, and then start typing you tag (defaults to p)
@DrogoNevets you are lucky that works. ;)
was about to give you the troll label ;)
@rlemon :|
well the first command is one to close your window :P
ctrl is on a mac
on windows ctrl + shift + w is Close Window
Why do 1's and l's look so similar in so many text editors
@DrogoNevets Not working lol
@mrzepka change the font
@mrzepka choose a better font
@Jhawins works on the one text to me
Can you tell me the actual action?
@mrzepka change the font
Like from Key Bindings? Cause I've always wanted this
Am using ST3
i put my little finger on control, my ring finger on shift and middle on w, and press all at the same time (you sublime 2 or 3?)
Q: Unable to fetch dynamically added text

Rahul DesaiI am having an issue with my jQuery code. I am unable to access the dynamically added element. I can access it if I refresh the page. I am working on a jQuery/HTML5 todo list application. In my code here, if you add an item and hit "mark as Done" (after hovering on the numbered button), the ite...

@DrogoNevets I'm on a mac
Oh I just don't know what buttons are what this early in the morning
It works. That's nice.
lol, muppett!
what's a good font for editing?
its 15.21 :P
one more, is there a key command to turn http://example.com to <a href="http://example.com">http://example.com</a>
@mrzepka comic sans
apperently, if you have the zen syntax plugin, the same works and the tag is a zen tag.......
quote: Turns out you can use a zencoding-like syntax with this! For example, if you select text, hit the key combo, then type span.this.is.awesome#stuff>a[href="http://my.mind.is.blo.wn/index.html"], your text will be wrapped as expected with a span with classes "this" "is" and "awesome and an id of "stuff", and inside that, but still wrapping your text, an a tag with an href value matching the above!

I do have the zencoding plugin enabled, so this may be specific to that extension. Still it is quite awesome!
is apparently what the internet says sublime uses
@mrzepka Emilbus Mono
@rlemon doesn't come default on windows 7, or at least I can't find it
it is better known as "consolas" apparently ;)
they are one in the same font.
that's what I gathered lol
such a great font
@FlorianMargaine No it's not
That's the funniest thing I've ever seen @FlorianMargaine post.
@mrzepka you need to get out more
/me sits and waits for a thank you for anything from @rlemon...... :P
@DrogoNevets wouldn't I need to stay in more?
@mrzepka to find more funny stuff?! no
go to a stand up club
pref with Rhod Gilbert live
now he is f**king hilarious
@DrogoNevets I was saying it was the funniest thing he's posted, not that I've ever seen lol
> ever seen /him post
> /him post
> post
@Jhawins yes it is
Q: Adding "then" methods into a $promise chain before a predefined "finally" method

PeteUse Case I have an $resource call that executes a then followed by a finally to clean up. While waiting for the server, the user may interact with the system and I would like to add more then methods before the finally method. How can one add a then method to an existing $promise chain that exe...

@FlorianMargaine Not for me
!!> console.log(new Date())
@DrogoNevets "undefined" Logged: "2014-07-09T14:28:20.427Z"
meh, still its 14.28
caprica is all knowing
that was bad, nobody needs to see that
@FlorianMargaine which WM is that?
10:30 here
> it's almost tooth-hurty
Guys, I have a confession to make. I just read w3schools. I'm so sorry.
Now go hungry for lunch. That should make up for it
@KendallFrey now go throw yourself off of a cliff
That escalated quickly
is there anything we can do about him
the dude has opened up like 3 questions on the same thing
"paint" as a tag? wot
its incredibly frustrating
Short lived
We forgive
close as dupe
@Jhawins <3 no homo
@KendallFrey I keep doing that, actually I lied its 4 questions
!!s/ no//
@NickDugger @Jhawins <3 homo (source)
Is there something wrong with
		url: "/saveGame",
		type: "POST",
		dataType: "JSON",
		data: {
			testData: "test"
		cache: false,
		complete: function(){
		success: function(){
		error: function(){
Wait... that looks bad
wait, if you read w3schools, you become room owner? I don't want to be here anymore
@Loktar I mod flagged
@ircmaxell no you get removed
@ircmaxell Nah, he was a room owner, he was jokingly removed after saying that he read from w3schools, but was just readded
@rlemon nice I just did as well
@ircmaxell Hahaha no. You have it backwards
Oh, I missed that. ok, I can come back then :-)
really frustrating because they are all in the canvas tag so I see them every day lol
they are all the exact same question
yeah and he got an answer on one from MarkE
he is one of those annoying vamps (the asker not MarkE)
I just lost the game
sorry, but the rules are quite simple
I want the Brazilian soccer team to be my pall bearers at my funeral, because I want them to let me down one last time.
I am the game
@NickDugger so the idea is to lose you? ok, please leave :P
Live and let die
@Neil im not a footy fan, but i hear it was a bit of a farce last night
Did you see that ludicrous display last night?
@KendallFrey @Neil im not a footsy fan, but i hear it was a bit of a farce last night (source)
I almost pulled a @KendallFrey
@DrogoNevets It was hilarious, I'm just pissed that Brazil scored at all
I almost clicked a w3 schools link
That's really more of an Abhishek move
Hey guys, do you think it is possible to implement some learning algorithms and teach them to read comments at some social websites and make a distinction between irony/sarcasm and serious opinion. and between positive and negative opinions?
@DrogoNevets You could say that, like you could say that Britney Spears may quite possibly not be a virgin.
@zigi Not with more than 55% success
@zigi Want to know who might enjoy talking about that?
@zigi There already are ones for positive and negative
@KendallFrey why
I wouldn't do Britney Spears
@Neil im not sure i can say that though
@BenCraig can you supply some links?
@zigi Because that's hard
I agree, but can't you intercept positive and negative words
@zigi @AbhishekHingnikar but he's not on
and just make a percentage of positive
and negative
@zigi I wish, I just know somebody who works for a company that does that
@NickDugger i wouldve when i was 16, not now though
but sarcasm
He likes machine learning :P
me too ^L^
I want to build an AI to rule us all
me too, I never learned how though
ahahaha muahahahha MUUUAAAHAHAHAHAH
If you want to set the width of a div, does it need to be contained within another div?
!!urban CSS
@DrogoNevets [css](http://css.urbanup.com/906357) Counter Strike: Source
Counter Strike ([\[cs\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cs))on the [\[Source\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Source) engine.
then i'm not sure why "width: 10em" or anything isn't working
could be a lot of things, let me keep trying
@zigi Yeah message him later you'll like each other hahaha. You're both from India too right?
No you're the Netherlands one
@AwalGarg stumpwm
Lucky bastard
@Jhawins yes I am the Dutch one, and Caucasian, thanks
connect me with him please
@FlorianMargaine seems pretty nice. thanks bro :) ubuntu 14.04 right?
Is every day though lol
@Mosho Of course. I can't stand going to amusement parks with people who complain about the rides
@Jhawins ugh
13mins until i get to go hoooome!
Does anybody know of a Greasemonkey script to hide post votes?
Why would anyone pay to go to a place full of rides when they don't enjoy them?
@AwalGarg yeah
It's a waste of >3 hours of driving and $60 when I go to cedar point and end up with some dope who doesn't actually want to do any rides but just walk around
> I paid $60 to walk around a smelly, crowded area for a day.
@FlorianMargaine thanks :)
although the distro doesn't really matter
I remember there being a post on app.stackexchange or meta.stackexchange but can't find it anymore :-/
It would be useful, so I can concentrate on the post content rather than the reputation
@FlorianMargaine i have had problems in past installing a wm in a newer version of ubuntu, so asked.
@Jhawins 10x, already wrote to him
@AwalGarg I installed stumpwm manually though
man I love less/lesshat
such ez

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