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Joining chat for the first time... Seems like stackoverflow, but much MUCH more chaotic
@rageandqq Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Q Promises - Create a dynamic promise chain then trigger it

Marius V MiliunasI am wondering if there's a way to create a promise chain that I can build based on a series of if statements and somehow trigger it at the end. For example: // Get response from some call callback = (response) { var chain = Q(response.userData) if (!response.connected) { chain ...

@rageandqq D:
@rageandqq Bad start, my friend
@jAndy ^^^
@rageandqq You can join our Stack Overflow meetup in Waterloo. The one that we don't have.
@rageandqq and that's nothing.
okay so it works I just suck at constructing things it seems
and calibrating them
i changed the 'hood design' and it stopped working as well
I made a video anyway
@monners i'm enjoying the 16mg more
go figure
@rlemon For me it's more about the action than the nicotine
I haven't had a cig since friday morning
Don't get me wrong, I love the nicotine
so right now for me it is both
I haven't had a cig since....
what equipment you have?
ProVari Mini + Nautilus tank
@KendallFrey What would it take to start one in loo?
@copy some start's better than no start amirite
@rageandqq Convincing me and @rlemon, for starters
I don't live in Waterloo, but almost an hour away
I live in Kitchener
but work in Waterloo
It's all the same to me... la la la la
Using an iClear 30S tank
i have no idea what it all means
mine is pretty :P
@Mosho thanks for the suggestion; reading about prototypical inheritance by Douglas Crockford just changed the way I see JS...
function object(o) {
function F() {}
F.prototype = o;
return new F();
That does worlds of good.
@Zhegan hi
Hey i am having issues including a javascript file and i can not figure out why. I am getting a file not found error even though i am looking right at the file in the right location on the box.
@KendallFrey @rlemon Hokay well how about this.
We get a bunch of stackexchangers together ..... and we exchange our stacks :)
you gotta buy me dinner first
@AaronSiciliano Is it being served over HTTP?
What are you getting, a 404?
404 (Not Found)
permissions issue maybe?
is this on your local machine?
No but it is local network
is it a file: url?
it is getting run through a webserver http request to the domain so technically it is not running local network
the request is being made in a asp file
Obviously the request is working however because im getting a file not found :/
Are you sure you have it in the right folder for the server to pick it up?
What server are you using?
my own
and yes
Your own? Via node, or what?
Node? I am using IIS8
IIS isn't 'your own'
Haha i thought you meant what server provider
Yes IIS8 is my webserver
I use Apache for my local server, but I assume IIS works similarly.
What is the document root directory?
And the file is definitely in there?
correct casing? No idea if that's an issue

> /Weberserver/
incorrect casing but i tried correct casing and it didn't solve the issue. I will try it again
What's the path in your HTML?
relative, absolute?
show me
tried using relative as well ~/Themes/TheThemeMachine/scripts/Site.js
and that didnt work either
just used fake domain but the domain is correct
Oh, this isn't in HTML?
Classic ASP?
whatever orcahrd is currently running on
i have the domain set up to accept www or not but i will try it hangon
yep with www no change
You've made sure that if you paste websitename.com/themes/thethememachine/scripts/Site.js into your browser it works right?
the cms i am using is blocking directory browsing
What is Script.Include? I can't find the docs
actually it still gives a 404 just trying to get to the file instead of blocking the directory
its an Orchard method i beleive
It is an ASP.NET CMS
and it is handling the MVC for the website
so i am trying to play by its rules and use the Script.Include method it recommends you to use
instead of just throwing a normal script tag in like html
but i don't know how much longer i am going to play nice lol
So is it related to the serverside code, or do you get the error when you request the file with a normal browser?
its not the serverside code
A normal <script> does it?
i get the 404 when i request the browser, thats why i was thinking a permissions issue maybe
And it has the same domain (no XSS prevention)?
same domain yeah
If it was permissions, I would expect a 403 or 401
yeah all of the correct permissions are set on the file and folder structure :/
im going to try a file request through the browser on the js file on the webserver machine
I can access the file through url on the hosting machine by using the c:/ path
with file://?
i should also note that the cms itself has a built in javascript editor in it and it recognizes the javascript file and lets me modify and save it as well.
yes kendall
@AaronSiciliano What's the CMS called?
Here is something very odd about this issue.... If i attempt to go to a file that should be hosted properly and accessible i get a 404 not found

If i however type in a random path after the domain, the cms camly handles it and says "The page you are looking for does not exist." while using my current header and footer
Is Winfrey related to Kendall Frey
'[spoiler]M[inh[/spoiler][spoiler]Minh[/spoiler]'.replace(/[spoiler](.+)[\/sp‌​oiler]/, '$1')
"M[inh[/spoiler][spoiler]Minh" not "M[inhMinh"
OK, in the console
If I write Object.getOwnPropertyNames('Array'); and Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Array.prototype) both yield an array of properties , some of which are common to both .. Does it signify that those properties which are common are actually present in Array and appear in Array.prototype because both extend each other?
how can i achieve "M[inhMinh"
Everyone is sleeping I guess
@rlemon that thing that is never said... Was just said the same way as my example ;)
I'm too drunk for your indirection
Ehh along the same line as you right now. Just different vehicle to get there
There I go with more indirection lmao
@rlemon give me your drunken thoughts and ill found a Fortune 500 from them
too bad i'm goin to bed
work in the am
i'm an old fart
@anyeuropeans this is awesome vimeo.com/86508660
supbbbb @Loktar
sup bb
I still don't understand
photon.me:9000 cannot make a request to photon.me:8000 and share the session :?
2 hours later…
@Appu 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, ban, unban, convert, define, doge, google, hang, jquery, learn, fa, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, joystick, fools, cake, cool, vengeance, ln, protip, slidepoop, zirak_naked, loktar, artisticpoop, crustypoop, buttstuff, poopkittie, daybreak, rfc, man, ಠ_ಠ..., getit, resources, html5unleashed, jspattern, ajax, xhr, guesswhat, amazon, ihazbukkit, solution, sandbox, gayclubs, kumar, echo, pizza
wherearemypants, yourwrong, martyhugginsdarkestsecret, cantdoit, jsource, ╯°â–¡°â•¯, bad, salirophilia,
@Appu "undefined"
@Appu Invalid /tell arguments. Use /help for usage info
STOP YELLING AT ME — Sterling Archer 11 mins ago
Hi all, How to compress image using Gzip?
@GaneshPravin I think you meant posting that question in google first?
@BenjaminGruenbaum : I tried with Google, I cannot get anything, I'm totally blank, I don't know where to start ?
Usually, in the search page
!!tell Ganesh google how to compress image using gzip
Surprise surprise, first result
It never ceases to amaze me how people will lie about searching google, knowing full well that we can verify their claim in seconds.
Some people are just not particularly good at searching for things in google
And yet they're perfectly articulate when they ask here?
the point can be made that @monners just stuffed what he posted here down google's throat
I stuff many things down many throats, but that wasn't one of 'em.
!!s/n many/n my/
@Mosho I stuff many things down my throats, but that wasn't one of 'em. (source)
I only have one throat, smart ass
one head-throat and one ass-throat
Just no.
oh well
tried my best
Your best? Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.
there is no prom in France
lol, florian owned it :D
@monners there is no prom in home-school
I made myself sad :(
@scheien Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
> Penis jokes always shock me. I never see them cumming.
ho ho ho.
this makes me think of @SterlingArcher avatar
that whole page is hillarous
The answers are so bad here...
$5vps by Digital Ocean vs Azure VPS ?
@dystroy yeah saw that
casted my vote
@AbhishekHingnikar depends on your needs
nothing much
1 postgre server, 1 redis server [ maybe shared on a $10 ]
1 php api server / maybe ported to python in the days to cum
cdn is amazon s3, hosting is amazon s3
[otherwise i can use azure for 10x price for the whole stack]
or should i just go all the way amazon ?
"your needs" mostly depends on: do you want to handle the server yourself, or not?
I am having an issue with my code here: jsfiddle.net/rdesai/csTS7/3 I am getting the error undefined is not a function even though the function is in the library. Not sure where it is coming from.
The button with label a needs to get replaced with a star icon.
@RahulDesai the error is on the button line. I don't see the plugin file in the external resources.
@FlorianMargaine jQuery UI has .button() jqueryui.com/button
well, the jquery UI option was unchecked at the left, my bad!
but it still doesnt work after checking it
do you see jquery ui somewhere?
no, jquery-ui.css doesn't count
@FlorianMargaine Sorry, that was my mistake forgetting to include jQuery UI. I have included it now. jsfiddle.net/rdesai/csTS7/4
Does anyone else have this problem with JSFiddle in the Google Chrome 36 on Mac OS X?
Is this (not so bad) question on topic ? Should it be moved to security.se ?
@23tux try clearing browsing data
hello guys.. it might be a rudimentary, but I couldn't find answer anywhere: can we import/include/using in CoffeeScript... not javascript in coffeescript, but .coffee in .coffee?
I want to make a functions.coffee class which would be shared among projects.
is it possible?
@Annie then include it in each project
but no, coffeescript doesn't do that
is there a syntax something like include->other.coffee ?
you may want to look into the module pattern
but generally it's the same in CS as it is in JS
@Mosho I tried, nothing changes
put the script in the HTML
no need to include a CS file from another CS file
here is the thing.. the V3 source map has this field sources[], which shows the include chain. for instance, in case of SASS, if we use @import "some-other-sass", it will output sourcemap with "this-sass.scss" and "some-other-sass.scss" in sources.
so does this mean we will always get empty sources[] in coffeescript's source-maps?
@BenjaminGruenbaum 1065129(8d 23h)
@BenjaminGruenbaum That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
Q: How to call "apply" in a promise-based setup in Javascript to pass parameters to the next then()?

frequentI'm writing a promise-based method which takes one parameter and returns an array of values in the next step. Something like this: foo(a).then(function (arr) {}); Inside my method foo I'm doing something like this: foo = function (a) { ... // this will return my array function returnA...

Can anybody help me with this? jsfiddle.net/rdesai/csTS7/4 I dont seem to get rid of this error. I believe the function is there in jQuery UI.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I hate how you don't use spaces
@RahulDesai I still don't see jquery-ui.js
@BenjaminGruenbaum RSVP.Promise.resolve([1,2,3,4]).spread(function(one,two,three,four){
oh, done, the IDE usually does it for me :D
please, use [1, 2, 3, 4]).spread(function(one, two, three, four) {
already done
k :P
hello, anyone familiar with bcrypt for node.js ?
> will be available natively in ES6 via destructuring.
care to elaborate?
I mean, a simple example?
because I don't see how destructuring will look nicer than spread
@FlorianMargaine Looks like some issue with jsFiddle. It worked when I added the link to the CDN.
@FlorianMargaine you'd just .then
@BenjaminGruenbaum and it'd automatically translate the single argument to a list of arguments?
someArrayReturning.then([a, b, c, d] => console.log("arr[0] is ",a))
pretty cool
I'd show it, but that would get people to actually try it and complain it doesn't work in the answer :D
I already upvoted but I think the answer would be even better with that explanation
I'll add links
An example is better than a link
You can put it at the end of the question, so that people don't try it immediately ^^
made an edit
BTW what's the state of fat arrow support in V8 (for node) ? Still stalling ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum hope you don't mind my edits
good edit in my opinion
what do you use for running unit tests ?
@tereško mocha
I don't, I like your edits
@tereško what type of tests, unit tests? Integration tests?
emm .. I specifically mentioned "unit" tests there
@dystroy I was going to answer with a funny picture. :(
put it, everybody got time to see my useless attempt at a joke
BTW why don't anybody answer @tereško ? This is an interesting question, I'd be interested too (the thing I use for js unit testing right now, buster, isn't really good)
nobody answers my question ... I am quite used to that
@dystroy well... I answered
@FlorianMargaine lol
@tereško then Mocha, yes.
@FlorianMargaine nobody reads your answers... You should get quite used to that
@dystroy people said Mocha
@dystroy yeah :(
any of you read tddjs.com
The company's proxy server strongly dislikes that site
@RonniSkansing I tend to avoid language specific books unless it's for learning the language
=] yea..
Should the fact you can't get the position of the caret in a textarea be considered a bug ? Or just normal DOM awkwardness ?
.... both?
it's not a bug since no spec mentions it
but it's a bug since spec should mention it
I mean a spec design but, not an implementation bug
@dystroy Google docs allows you to edit word documents online, and I'm guessing they didn't use textareas to do it
I'll bet there is a kickass library there somewhere
@Neil no, they use the same for g+. They use div with contenteditable. But it's all fucked up, and even google can't do this correctly. The behavior is sometimes inconsistent/weird.
And it's bad when the solution for simple textarea things is to avoid using a textarea. Knowing if the caret is in the first line of a textarea shouldn't be impossible.
@FlorianMargaine I haven't had any noticeable problems with it, though with that level of difficulty, I can't imagine being an entirely flawless
@dystroy Why do you need to know if the caret is on the first line, if I may ask?
@Neil for a better navigation against recent chat messages using arrow keys
but I could imagine other needs
@dystroy Ah, you mean like pressing up at the top line will substitute the text with previous messages?
I can see that
@Neil yes
I have a solution which which works almost always but not always :
Q: Is the caret on the first line of the textarea? On the last line?

dystroyGiven a textarea with a not fixed width font, I want to know on key up if the caret (as given by element.selectionEnd) is in the first line or in the last line of the text. To avoid bad answers, here are some solutions which don't work: Splitting on \n: A sentence can be broken in two lines,...

Note that most answers refer to a plugin that I find dishonest as it pretends to always know where the caret is while it doesn't
@dystroy I'm a little surprised that textarea is lacking so much support for this
Caret position of a text field is something I can obtain in MFC, and that's been around literally for decades now
@Neil Me too. That's why I wondered if that should be considered a bug or not
How is it described in the MFC ?
Q: best way to zip results from Q.all

sumekWhat is the best way to zip results from parallel (Q.all) promises call? Simply .spread(function(result1, result2) {return _.zip(result1, result2);}) Anything nicer?

@dystroy You use GetSel on CEdit and then you follow up with LineFromChar which returns the line index
GetSel returns the cursor position (despite implying that it should only give you character selection)
Have you looked into shadow dom for a possible solution?
I don't know if that's even possible, but maybe you can get more information that way
It'd sort of oblige you to stick with html5 and the latest browsers though
Though I suppose you could simply disable the feature if the browser doesn't support shadow doms
@Neil This looks about the same than what we have in JS. We can get the character ending the selection. The problem is that you can have two caret positions between two characters if they're around a line change due to automatic wrapping : one at the end of the line, and one at the start of the following line
| A | B | C |
| D | E |
two caret positions between the C and the D
do you know why it is that any alias to takes so long to resolve?
That's what LineFromChar is for
If you enter in 2, it will return 0, but if you return 3, it will return 1
2 and 3 being character indices
I've setup api.mysite.com to point to in the hosts file on Mac OS X and it's taking very long to get there (but it does eventually)
any ideas?
I once used an api to navigate an html page in MFC. It was kind of a living hell for me, but I also learned a lot
The individual controls on an html page are treated like simple program controls (albeit modified program controls)
I ended up looking at the actual implementation of how these controls work, or how IE handles it anyway
I wouldn't recommend anyone have to deal with what I dealt with though
@Lukas Hmm, you mean you created an alias for api.mysite.com to mean
You sure you didn't do the inverse?
@Neil yeah
one sec
this to be precise api.lf.com
@Lukas Try turning off your anti-virus and firewall and windows macintosh firewall if that is active too
I'm on mac
Try again and see if that changes anything
Macs don't have firewalls?
it's off
@Lukas is your domain resolution slow, or everything is?
if I go to localhost or it is immediate
Have you tried pinging api.lf.com and seeing if A) it resolves the DNS quickly and B) if it pings in <5ms
BUT if I go to lf.com (which points to, it's slow
I'll try pinging
it pings instantly
how do I check how quickly the DNS resolves?
because it's local
After you ping, there would be a delay if it didn't resolve the dns quickly
that's very odd
And if the dns didn't work, it would fail completely
can this be a browser issue then, somehow thinking it's an external address and finally figuring out it's actually locahost?
Maybe, though I would have assumed that the browser would check locally before checking externally
You could try clearing the browser cache
hm ok
it's very odd
@Neil fixed it, I had it at the end of my very long hosts
now I put it at the beginning and it's instant
@Lukas Ah, ok, good
Still odd though
I wouldn't have expected that
Maybe there is a conflict somewhere in your hosts file?
checked it, seem like it should be good now
thanks for help anyways
TIL there is no way to break forEach loop
Q: D.js \ Promises performance-wise

Sergey Sobgot a question at work, about improving D.js promises implementation's performance. I know promises concept, never worked with them though. I read about A+ specification, went over the code of D.js carefully, and see no potential perf problems except for may be try\catch which are very good code...

@RahulDesai there is one
!!> try {[1,2,3,4].forEach(function(i){ console.log(i); if (!(i%3)) throw i;})}catch(e){}
@dystroy "undefined" Logged: 1,2,3
(no, I don't use that, I simply use a for loop whenever I want to break of the loop)
@dystroy ohh
nice idea
well, I ended up using $.each from jQuery
Yeah, that's one valid reason
@BenjaminGruenbaum "GH" ? Sorry, you lose me here
@dystroy github
oh, you mean ask the authors. Ok
How did I miss this :O
Q: Allow room owners to suspend users from a chat room

Jon ClementsI realise that the chat system is somewhat "removed" from the network and almost "subsidiary" to it - but I feel it's a very important part of the network and contributes back to the ethos that SE stands for. Thankfully, it happens rarely, but RO's should be able to ban/suspend users from their ...

Some day @Bergi is going to wake up and have 1000 reputation less for serial upvoting reversed lol :D
Then again, so are you @dystroy
@BenjaminGruenbaum Serial upvoting ? Unfortunately I don't get so many upvotes
@dystroy I feel like every time I see a question off the queue, it's one of you two who answers it correctly first so I end up upvoting you guys a lot :P
I didn't upvote Bergi on that one, because it's not interesting (I might do it later if Bergi makes an interesting answr)
Oh, I did
I'm saying I end up upvoting the same people all the time
@FlorianMargaine started reading that book, you mentioned helping with setting up an environment

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