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@JanDvorak not a problem that most users have
how can you live without arrow keys?
More exactly, my "down" and "left" keys work just fine
ok, let me just find out the keycodes of wasd
hint: 'w', 's', 'a', 'd'
@JanDvorak ?
@towc Confusing keyChar and keyCode I bet, or joking
(87, 65, 83, 68)
I mean, can't you use the charcode?
@JanDvorak keyChar?
never tried it
does .keyChar even exist?
well, going to use numbers
after a cheapish - but good, 40mm fan to cool the extruder on my 3D printer......and go (I have no idea what i am looking for)
wasd supported
didn't test yet
switched s and d tho
c'mon, we are waiting... :P
copot.eu/matei/games/b10k ok, working right now
it aint working for me
sad panda is sad
@Rijnhardt how not?
keys are not responding
only arrow works
hard refresh
tried to refresh the page?
that's it
refresh did it
Not too bad an engine. Needs more levels.
@Rijnhardt -_- the content of the page won't update automatically unless you have a web socket, and there is no reason I'd need it for this
@JanDvorak, that is exactly what I said
@JanDvorak I have a level editor so that people can send me other levels
try completeing the challenge on the editor
@towc you can set the caching through HTTP headers
@towc that's great but need more levels
@MQuy does anyone else want to say it?
@towc that's great but needs more level
@CapricaSix thx
which server do you use
@MQuy server? do you mean host?
@MQuy I'm using aruba. It's horrible, but cheap
@MQuy yes
i.imgur.com/96t6I9m.gif my thoughts on Knockout at the moment...
Just fantastic.
i think that's style which you use in js is not good
@MQuy much of the code I haven't touched in 6 months
and I just started with js
and html and all of that
for begining you did great
do you use jshint?
that contains my best code so far
@MQuy no?
i think you should use it
@MQuy nah
site you just share me, what's it for?
@MQuy like, the last link or the whole site?
last link
the last link is a minigame I was working on
called dastul
kinda like terraria
can't run it
@MQuy just wait a few seconds after spitting out the seed
nor i, the js kills browser
usually about 8 seconds
yeah, it's very intense
usually you would see a loading screen, but I didn't put it
imagine seeing a black spinning thing while waiting on the white screen, ok?
no, it kills my browser
ok, first episode of making 3d b10k s out youtube.com/watch?v=H08B97Uxn6Y&feature=youtu.be
@DrogoNevets just wait
i get the "a script is running slowly" and the "non responsive bar" up
daym son, @towc, that is intense on the browser.. What does it do?
are there other games @towc
@DrogoNevets shouldn't do it
try removing some unnecessary windows
is there group on skype which discuss about js :)
@MQuy yes, but really bad coded ones
that will be amazing if you redesign your game
graphic is quite you know :D
@towc well it does, im not changing my environment! your game should just work :P
think about the user
@DrogoNevets that's why I gave up on it
what browser are you using?
chrome is optimal for it
ff has some problems with while loops, they're really slow on ff
and I mainly use whiles
anyone know about skype group which discuss about js :)
on chrome they're a bit faster than fors
@MQuy you can make one
what are your highscores here?
flappy bird mode
so difficult
cant get higher than 3
it's supposed to be easier than normal flappy bird
supposed, being the keyword
and I made an AI that can go infinitely
@Rijnhardt for users who didn't use to play for hours and hours at flappy bird this is easier
but if someone is too used to flappy bird's mechanics this will seem strange and be harder
just play and get 6
well, i am the latter, not the former
what do you think about group which discuss about js
try a 128x128 of this copot.eu/matei/games/maze
on skype
@MQuy sure there isn't only one
Q: clear events on click previous or next or refresh button wd calendar jquery

Dhanush BalaI am using jQuery calender plugin, you can see its demo http://www.web-delicious.com/jquery-plugins-demo/wdCalendar/sample.php. Now, the problem is that whenever I am trying to refresh data by clicking on refresh button it give me duplicate values. How to clear event before refreshing or click...

@DhanushBala Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i want to discuss about js to improve skill :)
@MQuy you've found the right chat then
you know this group discuss about many things haha
Guys what happens if you enter '-1' as integer in array splice, will it remove all incoming items after the start?
Pastebin that lol
@Rijnhardt edit and press ctrl+k
@towc, will do so
Will pastebin it
@DavidH it will go backward
@MQuy, wait. what? I am confused...
like index + length if index is negative
Hm I see so that means there's not a 'anything after' integer just a high number right?
@DavidH Have you tried it?
pastebin.com/vYMqTyC2 Error just after filter: ko.observable(); Any ideas?
@SecondRikudo Not really, which is stupid I know but i'm trying a different solution therefore I asked before I tried
!!>[1, 2, 3, 4].splice(1, -1)
@SecondRikudo []
@DavidH Please inform yourself on the XY problem.
!!>[1, 2, 3, 4].splice(1, 1)
@towc [2]
This @CapricaSix, is pretty damn fastastic.
@Rijnhardt yep, she's pretty much a machine at answering at the right time!
she's the best programmer herre
!!tel Rijnhardt Oh shucks.
@SecondRikudo Command oh does not exist. Did you mean: ah (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@towc, :O She?
@Rijnhardt Oh shucks.
@SecondRikudo Students and the XY problem :/
@SecondRikudo, lol. failed
@Rijnhardt yea
@SecondRikudo Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
you ruined it -_-
@SecondRikudo Thanks! I guess that helps us all
@SecondRikudo 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, ban, unban, convert, define, doge, google, hang, jquery, learn, fa, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, joystick, fools, cake, cool, vengeance, ln, protip, slidepoop, zirak_naked, loktar, artisticpoop, crustypoop, buttstuff, poopkittie, daybreak, rfc, man, ಠ_ಠ..., getit, resources, html5unleashed, jspattern, ajax, xhr, guesswhat, amazon, ihazbukkit, solution, sandbox, gayclubs, kumar, echo
pizza, wherearemypants, yourwrong, martyhugginsdarkestsecret, cantdoit, jsource, ╯°â–¡°â•¯, bad, saliro
How do I get Caprica to join another room?
@SecondRikudo you have to set up a separate bot
ask rlemon or zirak for that
not sure
  |   |

@SecondRikudo We're already playing!
Not what I wanted
A well
let's play!
Sorry, only just read the XY problem. :/ feels bad now.
forgive me please
@Rijnhardt yeah, don't worry
hey anyone try coffeescript
@MQuy like Javascript, except more Python
what do you think about that?
Like Javascript, except more Python
interesting discussion
do you like it?
I have no reason to use it instead of javascript
to me it is totally bullshit :D
i take a try when use with backbone
at first i really like that
uh... how do I search on Google for a town that's named "Strong"?
it make my code look nice
@JanDvorak google maps?
after using it for several months i think it's quite hard to control
@towc found a bunch of companies across USA
and one in Colombia
@JanDvorak do you know the nation of the city?
@towc based on the road signs, I assume North America
Wikipedia for the rescue... kinda
@MQuy It looks great, but is a maintenance/debugging hell.
do you know any name of a road in the town?
anyone got a CSI zoom software? Maybe I can read the sign
@towc not yet, but I can look around
look for a road in strong, you'll be forced to get a town
Oh. Chandler road closed to through traffic. Let me try to look that up.
@JanDvorak Look around? Are you in the town you're looking for?
@SecondRikudo I'm playing Geoguessr
@JanDvorak oh -_-
not sure why I've helped you
And I am off to lunch
@JanDvorak theorically you could triangulate your position using the compass
@AbhishekHingnikar just awesome!
dat spider is irresistable !
ps am going to try something retarded lets see if ti works
- i r a good cleanup lady -
Hello guys o/. I am lost regarding NodeJS and the "file tree structure". Any good ressources where I can find how it is recommended to structure the directories etc... it drives me crazy to not find anything easily!
@dievardump github.com search for good node.js projects ?
or use a biolerplate ?
It's the project structure and not the module structure that interessed me, and nobody does the same
> Sorry, but we're having trouble signing you out
> Try closing and reopening your browser. If that does not work, try clearing the cookies from your browser and signing in again. If this message was displayed after attempting to sign out of an app, close and restart the app.
I don't get it...I have 4 hrefs of which 3 are empty but when hiding the empty ones, they all hide..
If I do a "shape" application I do not even know where I would put my "shapes" directory with all my "triangle.js" "circle.js" "rectangle.js" ... files
@dievardump eh man there are whole scaffoldings for htat
Good for me that I do not know the meaning of this expression o/.
oooh I really do need to install this thing with the ugly icon? :(
Every time I see "yeoman" I want to punch things, because of how ugly and stressful is the man
Ok I need to open myself to this thing
And to grunt
Wow. east Ontario has some really nice mountains.
How's it possible that if I setattributes to a specific href, that the other ones(that have the current page url) still seem to register themselves as the specific one?
I literally checked in the source what the href was of the empty ones and it seemed to have the current page url, than I wanted to hide those href's by saying that if they're equal to window.location.href that it should hide and it just ignores that..
I've read that question like 6 times
Though when I do not equal as it hides every href including the one with info..
and I have no idea what you mean
I'll show it instead.
var findmap = $('.section').find('#mapit');
    if(findmap === window.location.href){

Say #mapit is a href that contains either a url to another page in a new window or a an empty href specified as href="", how is it possible that it doesn't hide all of the ones with the current page url/href="" ?
you don't read their href's anywhere
is #mapit a duplicate ID? Bad, bad, bad.
Mapit is the ID of the href itself. Forgot to mention that sorry
err... href is an attribute of an anchor element.
also, a property of the same
Anchor element, excuse me.
the point was, it shouldn't be necessary nor required to .find() an ID within a subtree of HTML. IDs have to be unique by HTML spec throughout the whole document
So basically change findmap into $('#mapit')
also, the conditional if-statement makes no sense. Its comparing apples with oranges actually.
$('#mapit') actually
.find() will return an object (collection) and location.href is a string
If I'm reading this correctly
You could just do
when an agency doesn't even tell in which country is it... aguetoni.com.br
I did in fact try = '' instead of window.location, this would be correct in opposition of the apples and oranges comparison if i'm not wrong..
tried to figure it out with everything, even phone numbers
mapit = document.getElementById('mapit');
if(mapit.href === window.location.href) {
    mapit.style.display = 'none'
@DavidH if mapit is an id... don't do a .find on another section, just get the document.getElementById('mapit') or the lazy way $('#mapit')
Thanks Cereal!
Gah i've tried that before either, that's why i've resorted to incorrect statements like I showed up there.
found out anyway
I'm not sure why it's misbehaving like this
Try checking the value of href, and the value of window.location.href. Make sure everything else is behaving correctly
if you're really comparing apples with apples (strings with strings), compare the strings manually. Most likely some of those has a missing "protocol://" or something
Hi everyone... Need some help on:-
That's the thing, the value of href seems to be the same as the current page url, i've even literally pasted that URL instead of having window.location or =''
@jAndy What do you mean?
@DavidH whitespace?
'someString' === 'someString' isn't the best approach?
What do you guys use as an alias for document.getElementById?
var mapit = document.getElementById('mapit');
console.log(mapit.href, window.location.href, mapit.href === window.location.href);
location.href might be like "https://www.pornhub.com";

whereas an anchor href might be "www.pornhub.com"
@JanDvorak I've tried whitespace, window.location and the the exact value of href in the source(which is the same as the page url) which it doesn't seem to compare to correctly
What is the result?
I'll try one sec.
in the console
http://mobile.iploca-yearbook.com/bedrijf/a-hak-2/ false
@jAndy Please don't use porn URLs for example URLs. Use example.com.
whats wrong with porn urls
Okay so the first link the maps, is the one with a value, which is the one I want to keep. The mobile-yearbook one is the one I want to hide which is the page url.
The current page url(2nd result) seems to return false
@jAndy people might visit them and be surprised
There was a meta post a couple weeks ago about using xxx.com as an example url
I guess the post was related for SO threads, not the chat
This is why i'm surprised because whenever I say, Not equal to = ''. The correct one hides, though when I do equal to, nothing happens.
@CodeMonk Please don't code dump on stack overflow
Does that mean my display none is incorrect?
@DavidH did you see that you have A LOT of elements with the id mapit ?
As to which I have to do mapit.href display none?
@Cereal Code dump?
All of the elements that contain a href have the id mapit, that's why I use the value of href to filter them out
No. No no no.
All of the elements that contain a href have the id mapit
Do not put the same id on different elements.
It's in a echo, so there's no choice for me.
en echo? change your freaking template
It's very complicated and can't be changed really.
You don't want to, but you could.
now that deserves a star
How can I not want to if it destroys the entire page if I do so, which means I can't.
funny :P
@DavidH By changing an id? How can it destruct the page
Because the anchor is in the echo, if I change the ID all of the ID's change.
@CodeMonk Throwing all your code/html/css in a question, it does not really help if you already have a fiddle and you don't have to provide all that information, it is not relevant for your 'problem'
It's an information page with multiple sectors that are foreach'd
But you do not put the same id on two or more different elements
the problem we are having here @DavidH is, you can't really expect us to like.. "well lets put a screw-wrench conscious in the engine, and lets debate and figure why the engine doens't work oh so well"
Man, if you don't want to do thing right, don't come here, ask to professionnel and passionate people, to fix you're "I do things like a pig and wnat you to fix the code"
No no, there's a href that repeatedly comes back due to the echo. Now that element has the id mapit which keeps on returning, which if I change the id of it changes the id of every other anchor that's supposed to be at that spot.
@Magikaas Aha.. alright Thanks. :) I'll remove the inquired codes.
Fix your echo.
is there an echo in here ?
@CodeMonk Also I've found a question on SO that will answer your question I think.
Nevermind than, it seems that even if I explain you think I'm denying your solution.
@DavidH but you MUST change that id
I just don't know how I can say there's already an answered question with the same problem on Stack Overflow
@DavidH don't give it an ID, then
Because HTML rule is that an id must be uniq
Use a class
Do you need a certain amount of rep for that?
If anyone here knows :P
@jAndy Because HTML rule is that apenis must be uniq (source)
Why are you so attach to the id. use a class than do your $('.section').find('.mapit');
Which is the same, but valid
@JanDvorak just scored 10801 on geoguessr
you can't beat that
lol noob
@dievardump The ANCHOR returns on the page due to a FOREACH, it makes no sense changing something that returns anyway, there's no uniqueness here. @JanDvorak I've given it an ID because I had to catch it in a variable.
@towc link to seed?
@DavidH if there is no uniqueness, don't use ID.
You can catch it with a class, a tag, a tree, a data attribute
But ffs not with a freaking repetitive ID
How do I say in Stack Overflow I have found an answered question that gives the answer to a question I've found? Or do I need more reputation before I can do that?
@dievardump o/\o
@towc the challenge, not its results
Like the "Already answered here: blahblahblah" I see sometimes
@Magikaas vote to close it as duplicate
I guess there's a button somewhere I'm missing to vote to close?
It says "close"
@towc with, or without google?
I think closing has a rep-cap
"40" ain't enough

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