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@SomeKittensUx2666 Ohhh, I see what I did wrong. I didn't realize being a stupid douche moron would mess up the server configuration. Apparently it does.
aka, I commented a really obvious thing out for no good reason and forgot about it. Then overlooked it because it was commented out.
Time to play video games.
//maxAge: 3600000
anyone for a League of Legends match?
phone interviews for software engineering are lame :|
tell me about it
you interviewing?
yep, it's kinda lame... least it's only against other college students
Same here - except I'm a full-timer in the bay area.
San Fran!
well that must suck... isn't that place full of software engineers?
So... I just googled what symbol Ux2666 is, but instead I got a list of everything @SomeKittensUx2666 ever posted to the internet.
Also, I am disappointed that it isn't a unicode kitten...
wait, really?
!!google Ux2666
(incidentally, it's the mod diamond)
...I have four interviews tomorrow.
that may have been poor planning.
well, at least its preferable to no interviews...
and a Google party
so pumped about that
friggin need to finish grapple hero so I can get started on atari games
Dude. That's awesome.
How's Grapple Hero going, btw?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Thanks for the Twitter mention
I've been too lazy this summer
have done barely any development when I get home :?
@Loktar I know how you feel, I've had no spare time where I actually want to give SourceUndead an update
It also helps that I'm stuck in a creative block and I don't know what to do with mah map
What if there was a service that would make it easy to work on each other's games
We could swap work
You guys are such nerds, I 2.9 it.
@KendallFrey like github? lol
@RyanKinal no problem
I wouldn't trust you to resist sneaking a porn link into peoples projects xD
@RUJordan I want to say "no, something specifically designed for this problem," but you got me
I know it would be a disaster
Also, does 2 girls 1 cup count as porn?
are they naked?
(never seen it, never will)
I've seen it. I don't really remember it
I suppose they have to be somewhat unclothed, considering what they are doing.
Then yes I would call it porn. lol Twisted, nasty ass porn.
quite literally nasty ass
Have you at least seen goatse? Everyone's seen goatse.
lol no i dont think so
Maybe I'm just fucked up
But I don't get disturbed by much.
lol goatse
so nasty
yeah I dont get disturbed by pics much at all anymore, probably still would in real life for sure
Oh man if a guy mooned me like that on the street I'd be wtfing all the way to the walmart photo booth
googling things like that always turns up a bunch of tame stuff
Only one I know of that actually has the picture #1 (last I checked) is tubgirl
Why do I keep talking
that's fucked up lol
I find it kind of cute
@RyanKinal got time for a LoL match? we got 4.
I just discovered I can customize light bars in ETS2. Now I gotta go clean my pants.
I wonder if it's possible to tag your meta question .. lol that seems like a very dumb oversight
Q: Can we have the ability to flag users for incorrectly close-voting a question?

RUJordanI've started to review more questions, and all I can see are just plain incorrect close votes (see here for an example of a bad vote (not really the worst, but the best example I could find tonight). It kills me that I can only vote to leave open, or vote to reopen a question, and the people who...

@Hunt Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i want to know what is the simple way to make my javscript code to the server for reply to the android app?.
Q: SailsJS how to correct this promise issue?

user3741665I use sails.js to update stock data from difference variable. When I do, console.log(product.stock), the value is 4. But product.save() function below is not executed; attribute stock is not changed to 4. I guess the problem is at promise. Anybody know how to fix this? exports.updateProductStock...

@Nick Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
just sayin hi.... bot guy >.>
this is my first npm module github.com/Coffa/factory_girl
i don't know whether it's style is good or not
can you help me :)
@MQuy I've got no idea about Rails but it looks interesting.
just factory for model in testing :)
express routes don't include query parameters, right? Is there a shim for that?
@SomeKittensUx2666 I don’t care what you do, but I don’t have a Facebook account. Why not use OpenID or Persona or allow Google accounts or something
@false because this is a toy app and Facebook is the easiest
@SomeKittensUx2666 Okay, well, I can’t review it. Just saying
(“Just saying” is the best phrase)
Fair enough.
@SomeKittensUx2666 … although, how does it work? Is the information stored in Facebook?
Nope, just needed some auth scheme.
Like I said, FB is the easiest
What’s the backend?
Using passport for auth
@SomeKittensUx2666 crypto.pbkdf2 will take care of hashing for you, if you just didn’t want to add a dependency or something
I know how to do it all, just didn't want to spend the time doing it.
Like I said, this wasn't a big production thing, just a sample app.
No? K.
A cookie is being set by the code something like jQuery.cookie('zipcode', zipCode + (‘|A|5'), {
expires: 365,
path: '/',
But it doesn't work for subdomains
How can I set this cookie for subdomains as well ?
Will it work ?
jQuery.cookie('zipcode', zipCode + (‘|A|5'), {
expires: 365,
path: '/‘,
domain: ‘*.parent.com'
1 hour later…
wow it quiet here today!
any particular reason?
PHP is better than JavaScript
ok now im really worried
Let's see how long it would last :P
what the silence?
or the abuse im going to get?
Maybe the question was asked?
scroll up will see my question :)
nah, its alright, my head hurts too much atm (need coffee!)
css 3d card flip
!!mute 3769582 10d
@SecondRikudo Could not process input. Error: c.findUserId is not a function on line 113
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
@SecondRikudo Muted user 3769582 for 10d
Lol, advertising
@user3769582 you have been warned multiple times to stop spamming your links. Please enjoy your 10d break from this room. The next time, I'll be making sure you'll be banned from the entire chat.
tut tut tut
Q: Debugging exceptions in DOM Promises

AjaxyNot long ago Chrome DevTools started supporting async stack traces (http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/developertools/async-call-stack/) so now we can avoid pain of debugging asynchronous code. But also DOM Promises (http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/es6/promises/) were released, succes...

ah getting mobile phone operators to out do each other is hilarious
hey all
goodmorning everyone
I'm looking for pagination sort by div class name with select box jquery
@JasonStallings Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can someone give me a tip
@Dave yes: don't use jquery
@towc why ?
@towc have you a example what i need ?
@towc I agree with that, though sadly, due to slow management in the companies of most of our clients, we use it to support IE 7/8
Home sweet some.
Glass of wine, dinner in the oven, sans-pants. Life is good.
Was about to ask if you were making turkey, that you already put it in the oven, but you're Australian, so it checks out :P
Who's roger?
@roger Hello?
Why does a variable become undefined when spliced?
I spliced an array, it than became undefined and unuseable
I've reworked the whole game, thanks for all your guys feedback!
Nvm fixed
@90intuition ive completed level 2 but it doesnt say/recognise its done?
Did you construct the point ?
define "completed"
@90intuition yup, i get all the "well dones" but it doesnt say "go to next level"
like this ?
many people forgot to constuct the point E, that is why I ask
btw, I've got now: 1.047.589 pageviews :D
Any help would be greatly appreciated.. Is there something blatantly obvious that I am forgetting? This (jsfiddle.net/CZLn4) is not working at all. What I need it do do is just print the name of the Grade. [I do believe that I have the code in order]
@90intuition, where did you do that? math problems online?
@Rijnhardt where did I do what ? that game ?
@Rijnhardt made with geogebra
@Rijnhardt don't you have to notify Knockout it should begin rendering?
All you do is define some functions
@JanDvorak, Not to my knowledge, no.
The examples and tutorials on their website do not say you should...
@JanDvorak, According to my knowledge, ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel()); does all the background binding in order for you to render with data-bind in your HTML
@JanDvorak, Have a look at the new revision. jsfiddle.net/CZLn4/1
@Rijnhardt perhaps you should call that on page load, then?
Just guessing
I have tried that, but to no avail..
Need me to put my entire HTML on pastebin?
I don't know KO, sorry
Sigh, thank you anyways. Will open a question on SO
This is driving me up the wall.
Im using angular JS , how we can remove already existed class from a div ?
<input ng-disabled="{stab.isSet(1) | stab.isSet(2)}" type="submit" class="btn submit_btn inactive_btn" ng-class="{inactive_btn:stab.isSet(3)}" value="Submit For Review"/>
also this ng-disabled not working
stab.isSet(3) only return true else return false
can anybody help me ?
new hard level came out
and trust me, it's pretty hard
@FlorianMargaine lol
@towc By pretty hard you mean impossible?
Details :P
It is literally impossible though
Yep, and there isn't actually a win condition
!!define difficult
@JanDvorak [hard](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=6463) (of material or fluid) Having a severe property; presenting difficulty.
Resistant to pressure.
This bread is so stale and hard, I can barely cut it.

(of drink) Strong.
(of water) High in dissolved calcium compounds.
(physics, of a ferromagnetic material) Having the capability of being a permanent magnet by being a material with high magnetic coercivity (compare soft).
@monners i was thinking that
@JanDvorak [difficult](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=58156) Hard, not easy, requiring much effort.
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)
There is not the strength or courage left me to venture into the wide, strange, and difficult world, alone.

2008, Daniel Goleman, Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama (ISBN 0307483762), page 199:
In adults, the same kind of anger has been studied in people trying to solve a very difficult math problem. Though the tough math problem is very frustrating, there is an active attempt to solve the problem and meet the goal.
@CapricaSix welcome back!
!!do you love me?
@monners Of course!
!!do you love me more?
@DrogoNevets Nuh-uh
youve made me cry now!
!!do you want to kill them both?
@towc All signs point to no
!!do you only want to kill drogo?
@towc No way
!!do you want to kill monners then?
@towc Indubitably
@monners watch out from your lover
hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
I decided to record every moment of coding that I do for 3D b10k
1st video coming out in 15ish minutes
@towc, what is 3D b10k?
@Rijnhardt this is b10k copot.eu/matei/games/b10k
I made it last weekend I think
but it's too easy
and after a while it gets boring
we don't have really good mapmaking skills
so I thought that making a 3D b10k would make it much more fun and a bit harder
lol. pretty damn fun.
@Rijnhardt ironic or for realzies?
@DrogoNevets oh, right, thx
dunno what was going on in my mind
@towc, for realzies. Just can use with come more levels.
and some more content
@Rijnhardt you can make your own levels! try to hit the 'level editor' button
WASD support please, btw
if you think that you've done a pretty good one send it to me and if I think it's good I'll implement it in the default one
Yes! WASD will be cool
@JanDvorak wouldn't be hard... but I have something against wasd users
not sure what, but it's a thing
if this game gets more and more people asking for wasd (= more popular, and I doubt it) then I will
c'mon, name a reason not to...
@JanDvorak for the same reason humans survive. Name a reason why they should
@towc inertia
I kinda feel like arrow keys are made for a reason, right?
and I want them to not feel useless, I love arrow keys
I'd rather use WASD when I'm using a left hand
in fact, I would add 2 arrow keys to my keyboard, to make a 6 directional arrow pad
They're great if you're right-handed... and not currently using a mouse.
@JanDvorak that's exactly my case...
well, I'll add it
just wait a few minutes
there's also that minor issue that my arrow keys don't work..
Thanks :-)

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