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but it was cool!
@towc yea but then, that kinda puzzle is always going to be easy
You could create your own function: function elem(selector) { return document.querySelector(selector) }
that would totally not work
that's better
I'm preoccupied, gimme a break, lol
@DrogoNevets trust me it isn't. I've seen puzzles that got me hours to figure out
yours was tricky! you're in the right way
@NickDugger I always thought you talk shit... sorry. I do that. Why then everyone call it is horrible? including the lemon
wait I will goto transcript and fetch proof
I do talk shit
var elem = document.querySelector.bind(document)
@NickDugger But why did then lemon say it is horrible idea?
I have plenty of horrible ideas. I could give you more
Jun 16 at 19:28, by rlemon
that is a horrible solution
ok, it is that message.
so, do you as well think that it is a horrible idea?
Oh, he was saying YOU had a horrible solution. Yeah, you did.
I really can't understand why he said.
Wow that's terrible
I did what my teacher told me to do
@AwalGarg I have some javascript
and you can't see it
Now tell me what g() does
Don't listen to your teacher anymore
@Cereal I will tell you if you show me the entire code
Tell me what getElement() does
@FlorianMargaine what is the best way to confirm my ssh tunnel is ESTABLISHED
@NickDugger I never listen to him. this was the first time.
@Cereal it can do anything really, from the name of it, yes it is descriptive.
ohh very good
@AwalGarg I said your code was horrible. not ALL alias functions
but then, that doesn't make it a marvelous piece of engineering.
does it?
you had stuff like
function a(id) {
  return document.getElementById(id).style;
function b(id) {
  return document.getElementById(id).offsetHeight;
@rlemon you took away like 80000 tons of load from my head. :)
that kinda shit is bad
well, yes. But pls tell me how is that bad?
I did that so I don't have to write the same thing again and again
because it isn't helping you, and it isn't efficient.
it did help me. not very much though. so I can agree its not that efficient.
function getById(id) {
  return document.getElementById(id);
var style = getById(elementID).style;
is there a better alternative?
you don't need an alias function for it
and your alias functions should never be 2-3 characters long that no one understands
@rlemon ok. I will deff. take care of that.
if you want to shorted the getBy's then go ahead. you had a wall of silly aliases
@AwalGarg You read code more often than you write it. If that code isn't clean and clear, reading becomes a nightmare. So, spend a little more effort writing code that is readable any anyone working with your code can read it, and (hopefully) appreciate the adherence to standards.
@AwalGarg Were you the one that posted this: jsfiddle.net/B4TSz/5
Alias functions might sound good, but they greatly reduce readability.
unless they are smart :P
getById is sensible.
There are always exceptions :-)
so all I need to do is change $g to getById?
your naming convention needs to change. all of it :P
and that will make the code ok?
it will make it better
will it still be bad?
@Cereal yes he was
function $g(id){return document.getElementById(id);}
function $l(id){return document.getElementById(id).value.length;}
function $i(id){return document.getElementById(id).innerHTML;}
function $s(id){return document.getElementById(id).style;}
function $v(id){return document.getElementById(id).value;}
function $w(id){return typeof(document.getElementById(id));}
if I ever had a dev come to me with this and I had the power to fire them I would.
My site runs on Ghost CMS - I've integrated a search function. The search form is in the header, it lists results perfectly on the search page. If a user is on a different page, how would I make the search form so that upon submission it brings the user to the search page and lists the results?
WTF is $w supposed to be?
but, will it still be bad if I change the name?
the only alias worth keeping is $g. but you will want to think of a better name
*edit the search form
the rest of the aliases are pointless
@rlemon ssh ?
@FlorianMargaine yes
problem: dodgy internet. so when 5 devices issue commands in short succession only 1 actually gets established.
the rest keep ssh running but their connections to the server are not there
Could you check for activity on port 22?
I will come back tomorrow
I presume they are "CLOSED" but I can't see (Angstrom eats my logs)
I would say 1 char aliases are pretty popular
popular != good
@Mosho $ is an exception to the rule, only because it gained popularity so it is understood
now think of the other places $ is used (console. other libraries) and think of the confusion we have because people don't know what the fuck $ is or they assume it is jQuery
@FlorianMargaine I'm hoping for a fancy NETSTAT command that I can say "hey, is the ssh connection on port N is ESTABLISHED
rlemon I guess you read that? unix.stackexchange.com/a/29949
ooo ExitOnForwardFailure
didn't see that
I'll give it a shot
because when I physically remove the network cable and wait for the retry limit it does kill the ssh process
to check if I have ssh running I just pgrep ssh and if it finds no PIDs I re-issue the ssh command
Anyone know a good resource for rake documentation? Having a hard time finding any...
I don';t know why I ask you people anything
That was cruel, sorry. Here you go
@NickDugger =_=
Did I get your hopes up, and swiftly crush them?
@FlorianMargaine well that doesn't solve it. looking into it the Ethernet port on the devices only show Tx no Rx and nmap doesn't find them on the network
I think it is an infrastructure problem. :/
half a day.....
@Cereal It's friday, you can't blame them, people just get giddy as friday afternoon passes
I would assume it follows a similar API to make
@rlemon Didn't think to check the rails docs
you can try to see how much overlaps
I don't Ruby so i'm not going to be much help outside of Google-Fu
I was looking for some specific problem that google wasn't answering
but I've just found the answer in some obscure git repo for something completely unrelated
@DrogoNevets finally finished the shitty level editor, let me just publish it
please don't look at the code, it's embarassing
keep clicking to cycle
!!define illude
@Cereal illude (literary) to delude, fool
oh, I thought it meant something else
like, to make you believe things that are not true
It's proper
@monners you play faster than light yet?
@monners or Don't Starve?
both excellent games on Mac
!!tell Cereal define elude
@Cereal [elude](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=217255) (transitive) To evade, or escape from someone or something, especially by using cunning or skill.
1748. David Hume. Enquiries concerning the human understanding and concerning the principles of moral. London: Oxford University Press, 1973. § 26.
Thus the observation of human blindness and weakness is the result of all philosophy, and meets us at every turn, in spite of our endeavours to elude or avoid it.
Super Meat Boy is only $3.34 on a flash sale right now
Illude was what I meant to type
It's the title for one of @towc's levels
@towc got a live issue atm, will look later
@DrogoNevets yeah, don't worry
anybody wants to design some levels for my game?
@towc how do I play one?
@KendallFrey one of the custom ones?
click on play custom level
oh, the old school way, got it
then insert the level code and you can play it
did I actually type heavy? meant early
@KendallFrey well, I'll prettify it later
maybe with hashes or something
then online level sharing
There's only 3 levels. I am sad
foo().then(function(res) {
  // do shit
}).catch(function(err) {
  // retry
}).done(function() {
 // do something else, we are good in the hood.
^ looks right? // bluebird
You can't really retry like this
and there's no done, use then
@NickDugger that's why I need people like you to create more
function foo() {
  getVersion().then(function(version) {
      // check version and update if it isn't matching
  }).catch(function( error ) {
  // now I want to setTimeout(foo, 24h) so I can check the version once a day
I'm at work, fool.
so after the catch I should use a .then ???
@towc don't just make the mask transparent
I can still click / highlight it
display: none it
@rlemon If you have a reproductible error, you'll never stop
@NickDugger then don't do it, but if you ever feel like it and have time, plz do
@dystroy well they are both on timeouts
@rlemon I would have, but there is no smooth transition
@CapricaSix ur slow
the errors are when there is no internet connection
my application will not function if there is not
@dystroy: github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/… ? I don't use bluebird though, so don't really use it :)
@towc sure there is
and I don't really care if you can't click what's behind the mask
@rlemon between display none and display inline?
I'm yet to see that happend
@Qantas94Heavy sorry, didn't knew this one
don't have it inline
So I broke my toe on my way to work. Or something. Dammit
@rlemon so sounds ok
and set opacity until it is 0 then toggle display: none;
@rlemon between any display
you can't say there isn't when every DOM abstraction library does it
Bitch is crooked already from the last time I caught it on my bed rail and broke it.
don't be a fool
@rlemon I don't see an advantage in not displaying it
Did the exact same thing again
umm. your game looks cleaner and not like a POS some kid made
@Jhawins ouch
but okay, do as you will. I'm giving tips to make your game better
@rlemon I'm sure you can help me with those tips and I'm greatful for that, but I just don't realize the why of some of them
@Jhawins I've broken my pinky toe 4-5 times on the corner of my closet :(
I don't think I've ever broken my toe (yet)
@towc don't skimp on details. they often are what make a game not suck
also 4s transition is ugly.
I broke my shin once. Broke the big bone in half... sledding down a hill.
it makes your game appear slow in that transition
@rlemon so, let's say I have it with display none.... does anything change other than some css unnecessary changes being applied
you won't be able to use css transitions for this
@rlemon 2s would be good?
honestly. I feel 1s is too long for most things
why do I need to watch something fade out for 2s
I don't care about your damn text, I wanna get to the game
keep the focus on the game itself or people will get annoyed / bored
@NickDugger I've broken every rib in my body :P my x-rays look like I was in a car accident with all the fractures / breaks.
extreme GTing :)

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