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I should use strace more often
and it fucking sucks that my mbp can't install any linux anymore
the hd is borked or something
I want to use stumpwm
installed it at work
@FlorianMargaine well, if you ask a question, there is an automatic 95% chance people like me would have no idea xD
it rocks so so much
@FlorianMargaine It Just Works™
Apple fans are just better at denial.
@SomeKittensUx2666 that's the catch phrase for my junk
@FlorianMargaine Because the receiving function cannot determine the size
@SomeKittensUx2666 yeah well I can't afford to buy a new pc so I do with what I got
@copy why does it need to?
@FlorianMargaine I guess because sizeof should be guaranteed to work
@copy not entirely sure, but around 0:35, I think that goat was going to hump that tree.
@copy hm, so? sizeof is run at runtime when working with arrays
@FlorianMargaine accept my edit
@FlorianMargaine Yes, but it cannot be passed to another function
@SomeKittensUx2666 lol... that was not my intent, but I'll take it
void foo(int count)
    int xs[count];
    // sizeof(xs) depents on count, which is known

void bar(/* an array called xs, whatever that looks like */)
    // sizeof(xs) is not known
@RyanKinal how was lunch?
Decent. Bell's Oberon Wheat. Pulled pork burrito (though they forgot the pico de gallo). Talked to a cute girl.
void foo(int count)
    int[] *xs;

void bar(*int[] xs)
    // sizeof(xs) works
@copy ^
All in all, a successful lunch
what is better this.setAttribute("id",card_count.toString()); or this.id = card_count.toString();
the latter
latter is what ?
the last option
an html id is a property, so using an attribute method is not right
!!define latter
@RUJordan $(this).prop('id') // so better
@RyanKinal [latter](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=68158) relating to or being the second of two items
I. Watts
the difference between reason and revelation, and in what sense the latter is superior
@FlorianMargaine ?
!!urban latter
@RalphWiggum latter The latter commonly used in English Literature , when used in a sentence means, the 2nd of the two words.
@FlorianMargaine That doesn't work, do you mean array of pointer to int or pointer to array of int?
!!afk I'll have to do this work sooner or later, so sooner it is.
@copy pointer to array of int
When I was a kid, my teacher asked me "Jordan, is this the former, or the latter?" and I told me (In 100% genuine question) ... "What does a ladder have to do with anything?"
does this notation also work for class, contextmenu and other html attributes ?
@FlorianMargaine I don't think sizeof would work there, but let me try
@RUJordan Hah, nice
@WalleCyril attributes map to properties
99% of the time you want the property because it is faster to retrieve
@RUJordan to be fair, I had no idea what latter meant until like late elementary school
hey guys
HI @mateusmaso
@RalphWiggum this was high school...
@RUJordan oh... :I
Indeed. :|
do you know if there is a way to directly get a facebook image picture from its CDN instead of the graph API?
@FlorianMargaine Well, sizeof of a pointer is the pointer size (i.e. 4 on 32 bit systems). Do you mean something else?
@copy gimme a couple minutes to play
lol I found a pair of these on the road.
did you wear it like a cool person?
Nah.... I don't usually put things I find on the road on my face
I wa just thinking how funny it'd look to wear those with my MX style helmet on the motorcycle
hey, they;re rewriting runescape to take advantage of html5
That's definitely not news
What are you implying?
I'm pretty sure it already is
Are you implying runescape is relevent anymore?
No, it's in beta
and considering it's been like 7 minutes loading
I'm going to say it'll still be in beta for awhile
It's been in that beta for a good while, now.
well it was originally written in java
Yes, we all (unfortunately) know all there is to know about runescape.
I know jack shit out runescape
Can I be you?
I'm a pretty big fan of runescape
less so
since I got banend for botting
but you know
You have bad taste
No I don't
How to be RUJordan in four easy steps:
1) be Awesome!
2) get bitches.
3) comment on every JS question on main.
4) potato
lol I haven't commented on a question (js) in an hour D:
How to be Nick Dugger in four easy steps:
1) Hate jquery
2) hate runescape
3) abuse caprica
4) php
@copy my bad, you were right
How to be rlemon in four easy steps:
1) Don't.
2) Really, Don't.
3) I warned you!
4) now you're fucked. :/
@Cereal you like runescape ∴ you have bad taste
@rlemon aw shit D:
@rlemon *you're
I had my edit in before your message appeared. doesn't count
I just wanted an excuse to use the "therefore" symbol.
How to be rlemon in four easy steps:
1) Canada.
2) Hockey.
3) Maple Syrup
4) you're still fucked ;/
@NickDugger You seem like the kind of person who would get upset to find out I like top 40 music, use jquery, and program primarily in ruby
Did I mention I like call of duty?
what are you doing here?
-- rlemon has removed Cereal from the room
I've not used Ruby, so no comment there, but you liking call of duty does not surprise me; you have bad taste.
Can't bring myself to be hipster
which are you @Cereal
You're worse than a hipster; you have bad taste. You're probably a bro.
I'd probably have to leave the house to be a bro
oh jeez it looks like that gun is just... pointed at the middle girll... terrible
So instead, you have bad taste because you never leave the house in order to experience a better life.
google images "Call of Duty players" and you get that :P
Let's all gang up on this jquery-loving, runescape-playing, call-of-duty-fangirling hillbilly.
I all honesty, I just work and play starcraft. I just happen to not dislike very many things
Fair enough
Yeah. I went there.
> Skype: nick.dugger -- please do not harass or spam me there.
:Consuela: Nooooo...
Yes, Tom, that means you.
Reminds me of the festival-goers who had painted punks fuck off on their tent to prevent damage
how good is the Javascript Definitive Guide Orielly book. Generally O'rielly books are outated .. like when i was reading Nodejs up and running .. it was using express 2.x something ...
!!youtube we need more lemon pledge
yay serial downvotes!
@FlorianMargaine C sucks
@AbhishekHingnikar what would have made you think I was talking to you?
@rlemon runescape
did I ping you?
(any any other sexual verb I guess)
@RUJordan I know the feels bro
Dude somebody doesn't like this room
or at least me and you
should be reverted so no worries
it was just like.. 10 or so rep for me
eh, 10 rep doesn't make a difference for me
I asked some bad questions when I first joined :P
lmao so did i
How can I pass parameters for ajax call in angularjs. I tried as like as given below::

method : 'POST',
url : 'ajax.php',
data : $.param(
"tis sis test"
), // pass in data as strings
headers : { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } // set the headers so angular passing info as form data (not request payload)

But an error come, says :: ReferenceError: $ is not defined ......
sad part is, my question asked in 2011 gets -5 and a bunch of flack.
Q: How to return the response from an Ajax call?

Felix KlingI have a function foo which makes an Ajax request. How can I return the response from foo? I tried to return the value from the success callback as well as assigning the response to a local variable inside the function and return that one, but none of those ways actually return the response. f...

asked last year - 500 upvotes
I wonder if his rep going into it made a difference ;)
@rlemon he answered his own question too
People like to suckle at the teet of reputation-ridden users.
I can't wait for people to suckle my teat
yea he was making a definitive question/answer for linking too
the book!!
Honey, where are my pants?
@sabbir sounds like you haven't loaded jQuery
@sabbir you need to include jquery in your html file
$.param shouldn't it be $param
Speaking of which
Should you put js files at the top or bottom of the html file?
same case ... i kinda thought it was for me :[
u broke my bubble :'(
@rlemon oh duh... I knew $http looked familiar that's angular.
need some canvas help if u can :-/
optimization :-/
I put libraries / shims / polyfills in the top, application code in the body
but most people would suggest sticking it all in the body for perceived performance.
@RUJordan, @Cereal, I am using angularjs, is that important???
libs/plugins up top, custom scripts at the bottom for me
jQuery (if necesary), and html5shiv in header, all else before closing </body> tag
@sabbir $.param() is a jQuery method. $param is an angular reference. Which are you using?
2 mins ago, by rlemon
$.param shouldn't it be $param
@rlemon ok I see thankyou
Everything in head with <script async
^ clearly the best solution
@RUJordan, I'm not sure, I just want to pass parameters for ajax call in angularjs
Listen to the lemon. Use $param
@SomeKittensUx2666 what o_o ?
@AbhishekHingnikar SomeKittensUx2666 is afk: I'll have to do this work sooner or later, so sooner it is.
He pledges by it
have you watched the Lego movie?
Best movie ever made
Well, 22 Jump St was also amazing
almost did
i don't even know if it exists
link me
but we saw neighbors intead
I want to get the data from one table as well as multiple rows from another table that has a foreign key back to the first table. What sort of JOIN do I use?
@simonsarris got his Microsoft Surface 3
he sent a picture on snapchat with #feels written on top.
@SimonSarris let me know how you like the Surface 3. My mom really wants one but just got the 2, so it would take a good review to upgrade
@SomeKittensUx2666 sounds like an inner join would be ok
@SimonSarris over here aswell.
@SomeKittensUx2666 if it's one-to-many and you want data from both tables, do two separate queries
@canon thanks. Wasn't sure if that was even supposed to be a join.
!!afk back to work
!!afk building a single page as my assignment
var rows = new rowGenerator(); //wtf, rowGenerator is not a object

function rowGenerator() {

//Do stuff

Can anyone explain me how the hell this is possible in JS?
there's an error somewhere else

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