@JanDvorak I must thank you, learn.jQ thing is really helpful. When I don't understand something, I look it up on MDN, and problem solved. Thank you for wonderful suggestion...
@SecondRikudo - I guess that depends on you, the point was that you can use object literals, prototypes and whatever just like in the browser, how you make it modular and scalable is up to you.
@SecondRikudo - Usually async or Q to handle that stuff, express helps a lot, socket.io for sockets, redis for memory store and I use cassandra a lot for storage. I'm still using toobusy and some stuff I wrote myself to handle clusters and errors, where domains are really helpful. What modules you include depends a lot on what you're building, for parsing scraped stuff Cheerio works pretty well etc.
@JoshTheGeek Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak exactly. I don't know how far I am correct with the spec, but logically, new String('randomgarbagehere') <--this can't be called a string, but it returns or declares a string.
@AwalGarg - maybe it's easier to look at certain things as primitive values, not everything is an object, just most things, there are also primitives, like string literals.
@AwalGarg - Because it's a common saying in javascript, and everything is an object, functions, arrays, objects, even strings and numbers can be objects when using the constructor, but there are also primitive literals, and those aren't objects.
@FlorianMargaine Have a single point of entry, with a well defined bootstrapper file with an autoloader. Route all requests through to it, and have a Router component that identifies which request goes to which resource.
Your directory structure should be divided by modules. You should be able to take a semi-top-level directory as a whole and copy/paste it into another project and reuse.
@SecondRikudo - Well, generally speaking, it's easier to work with, works on more servers, and is known by more developers. I never said it was "better"
@SecondRikudo - and on the other hand there's node, which doesn't really have any built in DB stuff like PHP, and each developer has to roll his own. That sounds really secure when you know how many bad developers there are
@GuillaumeDepardon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.