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@dystroy The former since I want it as a portfolio with my own photos. Also, "upload your photos" usually invites people to upload crappy pics taken with a mobile phone or stolen from other sites.
I don't get it I'm not developing the the js package ...
@90intuition can your game be hacked?
@AwalGarg: What? Which game?
@dystroy Maybe :P
@Zirak We can't all be dolphin-safe tuna
@ThiefMaster sorry, I mis-linked :P
Whaa, why does level 11 suddenly want Java?
The game can be hecked easily
I need to convert level 11 to level 20 to java still, but you guys are quick !! :P
@90intuition I changed your level variable to 10, nothing happened
@OmarSedki Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OmarSedki do you work for editor.livegap.com?
@90intuition how the hell do you complete level 3?
it won't let me go past that point
I tried putting a point between the 2 segments, but it doesn't recognize an intersection
Why do I have to select a separate tool to create an intersection point? Would be nicer if hovering an intersection showed a gray dot and clicking created a point.
@OmarSedki your console doesn't work...
the midpoint
@90intuition = the intersection between the 2 segments
but nothing shows that there is an intersection
@towc sorry, i didnt see your comment, did you use, the left most tool ?
@OmarSedki I type in console.log("helloworld"); now, I want to see it logged in the console, but I can't see it... Am I missing something?
no, but still not update it
i will it work fine sooner
@OmarSedki in that case, make a big header on the editor saying that this editor is in beta...
@ThiefMaster true, would be hard to make in this framework though
@AwalGarg that should work.. but luckily it doesn't work for you :p
@90intuition haha, lol
no , it's not in beta
Ah, and in Level3 it also doesn't let me place the final point..
huh, I am beating my head with a hammer...
ok nvm, angle bisector worked
@everyone, quickly think of a color, then a tool. Don't say it here, keep it in your mind...
the console is working but you have to go first to your html and write anything
@OmarSedki what kind of console is that? It logs on every keyup... crazy! Either put a beta header there, or fix it soon. I am not offending, just bringing it to your notice...
ok , i will fix soon , i will go now
@90intuition Is it possible to continue without installing Java?
@SecondRikudo In a half hour, I will have I guess the Level 11,12,13,14,15 fixed for html5
The world is small; I discover editor.livegap.com today, I find a buggy thing today, I find an official of the editor today, and I talk to him about the buggy thing today!
@SecondRikudo Level 11 works now
11 is tough :P
@DanCowell Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
yeah, from 11 upwards, it is tough
first 10 levels, are mostly to unlock the tools
But according to @towc it just highschool third grade material :P
if you like editor.livegap.com , try also charts.livegap.com . and tell me what you think about it
@SecondRikudo using compass 2, it is very handy tool here
@OmarSedki thats ok. I just need a code editor with console logging support.
@90intuition I thought the above was a 30-60-90 traingle, but it isn't
it is not, it is a "random" angle
The link to level 12 points to level 11 again :P
ooh oops :P
fixed now
that's it? 5 levels?
11 :O
ow, it took me long to find out, going straight to urls can skip levels, hehe
hey, I get this error:
> Illegal Boolean operation
> (D, A ≟ D) ¬ (D, A ≟ I)
@90intuition ^^
@AwalGarg what ?? :P you get that error in which level ?
@90intuition 11
@AwalGarg I need to fix that I know :P
Level 13 links back to 11 again :D
@SecondRikudo you where 2 seconds too early :P
now level 11,12,13,14,15 should be fixed
@AwalGarg when do you get this error ?
Euclid the game? WTF?
@90intuition level 11, using the last tool...
@SecondRikudo what ?
@AwalGarg hmm.. that is really strange
@90intuition check the screenshot..
@90intuition Level 13: Euclid The Game
@SecondRikudo oh shit :p i see, one second
@AwalGarg i see it, I'm not sure what is going on, but you don't need to use that tool to complete the level
@90intuition alright. I was poking in the tools randomly on the canvas... :P
@90intuition cmon that's an easy one :D
@AwalGarg I see :P , do you want a hint ?
@Michael Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SecondRikudo it is, but level 14 is quite a challenge
I'm already at 15 :D
oh no ... :P
"rushes to set level 16 online " :p
Now I need to remember the center point of an outer circle on a triangle :D
what does this even mean? To cut off from the greater of two given unequal straight lines a straight line equal to the less
Yeah, got it :D
@towc Get the line which is a subtraction of the shorter line from the longer line.
RFC #194 on the /welcome spam (please read all of the comments)
@SecondRikudo oh, got it
@90intuition I've completed 15 :P
@90intuition I made a tangent on 13 but nothing is happening
@AwalGarg How'd you do it?
@JanDvorak, @CustomizedName See above pinned message.
There's only one way I know
@SecondRikudo 16 and 17 online now, i hope this is some more challange for you :p
^is this not correct? (hey, I thought I was on your ignore list, :P hello again)
@AwalGarg I periodically remove people from my ignore list
Except for a few which I mark "do not remove"
Hmm, it does seem correct, it's probably just not the solution that @90intuition thought of :P
Besides, there's a much much simpler solution.
You can go with just two lines.
@AwalGarg is this level 13 ? :P
@90intuition yes, it is
it is very creative haha :P
I will try it myself
thnx :)
I was taught this in school, and I was taught another method, which I forgot :P
I think you made points, with the wrong tool, you need to use the intersection tool, otherwise it makes points randomnly at the line
your point G, doesn't seem exactly on the intersection
but you could also use perpendicular lines
@90intuition haha, thats cheating :P
@90intuition yeah, it seems to be working now.. :)
Heh, @90intuition I completed 17 but it doesn't accept it
screenshot ?
wow, 14 is so easy.... I skipped it, lol
doesn't accept my answer for 11 :X
level 14 is easy... you guys are crazy ! :P
15 is no different... 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, no 21?
why are level 14 and 15 easy :P ?
it goes to 20
@90intuition you are responsible for arising the master gamer in me, now you will have to make more levels... GIVE ME MORE LEVELS NOW
@90intuition Level 14 = intersection of the angle bisectors. Level 15 = intersection of the pendicular bisectors.
It's a well known triangle rule.
@AwalGarg did you actually complete 17?
hehe, @SecondRikudo cool, have you recently passed school?
@AwalGarg More than 5 years ago :P
@SecondRikudo I did, it didn't let me go. I kicked to 18 by the url thing
Thinking of doing the same
I complete level 17
Like this
Level 18+ Java :(
I guess that works too, yeah
@90intuition did the same, but I made an extra point on circle for ref. Does that matter?
wtf @ 13
no, if, you have the same circle, than it should be fine
@90intuition loop loop! the title of all level pages is same, Level 1: bla bla~~ lol
@AwalGarg yes, I just saw that, changed it for level 11 up to level 16 now
14 dumb easy too
maybe, the thing is, that I never did geometry at highschool, and therefore I think it is hard ! :P
Add a level, give a single line, and you have to make a line parallel to it...
@SecondRikudo I think this screenshot doesn't show a circle that is tangent to B
for some reason my level 18,19,20 files are damaged, and I can't convert it :(
I am bored by this now.... :( Bad. I am leaving now. Someone please ping me when the game topic is over...
@AwalGarg thanks for your feedback
pretty nice game
but yeah, we too smart
make a 3 dimensional version
and come back :D
yesterday, people where complaining that level 1 was too hard :P
see, I have left this room and I am not even in the list of users presently in the room but I can still send a message here!
Has anyone here tried awesomium.com ?
I think most people don't like C++
@copy I don't like C++
@copy I do like CSS though and think that not enough people take the time to learn it
@Schoening nope...
@SecondRikudo and c++ doesn't like you
I think CSS is for documents and not applications
@towc I am the Second Rikudo, no one likes me.
Just wondering ^^ The C++ room doesnt use it. And I have been reccomended Qt
@SecondRikudo what's a ricudo?
@copy Originally it was. CSS3 is an attempt to transcend the "document" into the "application".
@towc Watch Naruto :P
@SecondRikudo I like cheese
is it possible to suspend a user who is not in the room but sending messages?
@AwalGarg You are in the room...
The moment you send a message, you are in the room.
I am just asking...?
@SecondRikudo I know, but the pain that it has caused to billions of developers cannot be undone
@AwalGarg You can't send messages to a room you are not in.
@SecondRikudo Now I am here, I wasn't here for the last few messages...
@AwalGarg You were for the entire time.
If you want, I can do that again for you as a demo...
I assure you.
Worse than traumas from years for war
Alright, leave the room and send a message
I do not think I am still in this room?
You are.
but then why don't I see myself on that list?
I do
no, not now... then.
huh... leave it
@242Eld Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
For people interested, level 18,19,20 are now online
posted on June 15, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

@gkiko Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anyone wanna help me with my question, it relates to javascript...
Q: How to set input value using javascript program

michaeladairOkay, so here is what I got here. I am using this site, [http://freedoge.co.in/#][1] with my auto-rolling bot. The bot I am using at the moment starts at the lowest value possible since there is already a button on the site for it. But, I want my bot to start at .05. This is the input value that...

@michaeladair Given that you're in the JavaScript room, I'd be surprised if you had a question that isn't JavaScript!
:D Take a go at it then xD
doge betting? I got this
answered, but did you even google before coming here :P
Yes... a little
Also, mosho... I have a bot that me and my friend made using Java and it's for peerbet. Do you think it would be easy to replicate using javascript? (With a gui...) postimg.org/image/nz55zthyx
gui? like buttons and stuff? that is beyond the powers of javascript
unless you use jquery
Oh... lolz, well I'm kinda new to that stuff...
I guess I'll stick with Java then, anyways I replied to your answer...
Damn lies.
What of it?
GUI is not beyond the powers of JavaScript, as long as you're using it in the context of an HTML document.
I mean... seriously.
The web is run on JavaScript.
Nope, it isnt in the context of an HTML document...
@RyanKinal so, not in XHTML?
@michaeladair Oh... well, there still might be a qt library or something.
@RyanKinal Well, maybe but I'm running my bots from my computer.... would there be a way to run them on the cloud or something?
@RyanKinal good news. I just found a tut on using an RGB led and a Cds photocell to detect colours
auto die roller bot 2000 is a go
Well, the cloud is kind of... :shades:... nebulous.
@rlemon Sweet!
@Mosho I commented on your answer to my question, cause I still gotta figure something out...
@Mosho Seriously, though... how the hell does jQuery help in this case?
jQuery needs a document.
I think he was trolling
Contrary to popular belief, jQuery does not solve all problems.
Of course it does
@RyanKinal such as husband/wife problems, you mean?
@JanDvorak actually, jquery saved my marriage
jQuery made me lose my virginity
I got tons of $, and my marriage was saved.
@FlorianMargaine is it a 100% garunted solution, though?
@JanDvorak tried it once, worked. 100% confirmed.
@Mosho It seems to me that people here want answers xD
@90intuition what does this mean?
Construct two new circles, such that each circle meets the other two at right angles.
wtf... even Tampermonkey isn't enable my userscripts now :-(
@Mosho I still have a question bout the script...
idk man, it's your script
where does it reset
Lemme chzech
I am czech, actually
I don't know what your chzalking about...
@JanDvorak yeah and I'm the queen of England.
!!tell michael wiki czech republic
@JanDvorak I was joking.... -_-en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joke
@FlorianMargaine I thought you were male?
@FlorianMargaine no wait: I am
@RyanKinal and I've properly thought through the construction. Just need to get the materials together.
it won't be fast. maybe 3-4 rolls a minute
@JanDvorak and you thought santa existed too?
@rlemon It's better than the amount of rolls CR is getting now :-P
Which is... none
and it will only do a d6
duh, santa powers the NSA database
@Mosho I figured it out myself... it was quite easy...
@rlemon Yay!
Hmmm. The api seems slow today... wtf
@Mosho Do you know if i could run my javascript thing without having my comp on 24/7?
run it from another comp
... not slow, broken. Stupid typo.
can anyone tell me what should I achieve here?
I don't get what I'm trying to do
@Mosho wise...
is it possible to have a VM that keeps moving from one physical machine to another?
@michaeladair you can try free hosting
@Mosho Okay thx
like heroku
@JanDvorak Yes
@user3601507 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
<3 heroku
@pog992 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@copy link?
@Mosho I'll try heroku...
gotta make a little nodejs server though
@JanDvorak You can do that with almost all VM softwares
Welp, no clue how to do that...
@copy free versions thereof?
@michaeladair not hard to learn
@Mosho Will it take me a long time to get it setup?
@JanDvorak Sure, just need to exchange the virtual hard drive manually or share it on a network drive
@copy I meant, migrating without a virtual reboot
@michaeladair depends on you
@Mosho See ya in a year then lolz...
@JanDvorak Oh, that'll work too
Has anyone figured out a good way to use CodeAnywhere yet? Its cool, but kind of worthless if you can't push your code to github or something...
@michaeladair marked on calendar
or hibernation
@Mosho ugh.
@twiz who said you can't push to github
Yea, I might just be an idiot, but the mobile app seems to be kind of meh...
maybe about the size of a 1l pop bottle
why do you want to code on mobile?
why not?
Seems more useful than flappy bird, no?
@twiz Are you a masochist?
because it hurts your eyes? because it's not comfortable? because you get almost no tools to work productively?
code all thumbs
blah, blah, blah
@rlemon Seems like a good plan. The upper container is shown as a cube-like thing. is it actually going to have flat bits on the bottom?
If so, I might be worried about the die getting stuck there, and missing a roll.
@FlorianMargaine either way, I'm mostly just curious, and I assume that all of that will change eventually.
On a tablet it probably wouldn't be too bad.
except the tools part.
@Mosho Do I have to install nodejs to make a little server in nodejs?
wow.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ — Second Rikudo 7 secs ago
@Mosho ^
@twiz I tried it for a month or so
@AwalGarg You're here.
I do not potato
@SecondRikudo sorry, I messed with my command line and this command executed... it wasn't intended...
What's Java?
What's here?
@copy it's a desktop-side clone of Javascript
@SecondRikudo I'm drinking coffee right now if that counts...
oh, I thought Javascript is a web-client-side clone of Java...
@JanDvorak Sounds like something nobody would use
@AwalGarg I thought potato
@SecondRikudo oooooooooooold
@FlorianMargaine Very, but still awesome :D
@RyanKinal thats what i'm bitching about the slanty bit for
I think you are all great programmers, I have an idea of a web thing you can all make, and I will buy it first. - PLEASE MAKE A MACRO WHICH DELETES MY NAME FROM THE DAMN GOOGLE INDEX IN ONE CLICK!!!
@rlemon Ooooh, gotcha
I was confused by what exactly that comment meant :-)
quick mspaint sideshot
think upside down square 1L pop bottle
@AwalGarg I think you are potato
so it will flip rightside up, then back down, then read the result. then again
@Zirak I hope you are not trolling me like I did here once :P (I am sorry for that once upon a time thing, please forgive me)
@lytnus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AwalGarg You are my love my angel, why you treat me like potato?
@rlemon Good plan
I like it
Together, we shall rule the world of rolling 6-sided dice
@Zirak Are you a... bot?
!!youtube Roll a D6
!!youtube do the harlem shake
@AwalGarg I am a rooster in the morning
Caprica is routinely replied to as a real person. Zirak gets mistaken for a bot.
What is this world coming to?
Zirak failed the Turing test

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