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if they allowed tobacco, then joints shouldn't be an issue :p
and alcohol for that matter
my friend's dad is an alcoholic, we're getting him off of booze through cannabis
btw, what does loktar mean with "HS" (check starred message)
@PatsyIssa not sure if that's a good idea
Well we're not exactly replacing one addiction with another
He drinks a bottle or so each night before sleeping
@KarelG high school
Can't sleep without it
Take him to see professional help?
He's not that receptive :P
cannabis should be consumed carefully too, or you can get addicted
I kinda have to disagree on that
Chronic user for ~ 2 years been of for the past 2 months and things are pretty chill :P
@KarelG Not as easily, but you can get a tobacco addiction easily from it, and someone with a potential for substance abuse can easily deteriorate to stronger drugs to get a "stronger high"
@BenjaminGruenbaum "location.href and window.postMessage" where?
not everyone gets addicted. Like at alcohol, it depends of the consumer.
@Infested read about postMessage in MDN
!!mdn postMessage
man, is youtube having a /fail today ?
It's working fine for me
" Error: Ad adLoadError error: No ads were found in the ad response. At least one ad is required to be able to load or play. errorCode: 1001 " ...
^-- cause. Solved
cat unplugged my ethernet cable -.-
i dont need the tabs to communicate, i just want the source tab to go to the main page of the website after form has been submitted
Hello, I have a doubt about slice
how do I extract a part of an array?
like, from index 3 to index 5?
Yet another question answered with the docs, who would have thought it was that easy :O
@KarelG thanks :)
Can you also tell me that here, in the example, why did they rename/duplicate the function console.log to printElement?
fast way to have a nice debug output
how would it have a nice debug output?
wait, what is debug output?
ohhh that guy
@KarelG check his profile :P
Also, don't forget that the function names is being used as callback function in the forEach() function.
I thought debug means to delete - bug
!!define debug
@PatsyIssa debug (computer science) To search for and eliminate malfunctioning elements or errors in something, especially a computer program or machinery.
it's just checking the values/states during a runtime.
@KarelG so can't I use console.log as callback function in foreach?
@CapricaSix yeah, essentially, thats what I was thinking
KarelG's gravatar is so similar to mine, except for the shade...
@AwalGarg those gravatars change depending on the user's rep
uhm no
@PatsyIssa look, I am not that a n00b. You can't fool me :P
hey, Patsy, I think I know you... have we talked before?
@AwalGarg you can, in a way
Hey all, does anyone know where I can find out standards of DateTime formats?

e.g. Oracle seems to use DD/MM/YY HH24:mm.s

While others use dd/mm/yy hh:MM.S

That I can then parse in JS
these can be found in the documentations ?
@serupticious for most of the cases, just input seconds since epoch, you will automatically get the correct timestamp, and I might be wrong...
I am wanting to know what the javascript standard time format is
!!google javascript standard time format
@AwalGarg the problem with sending console.log as the callback is that this isn't console when it actually gets called
@Mosho ohh, you mean, console.log doesn't actually return something to that function, isn't it?
It plainly logs something to the console, right?
not sure what you mean
I think I should refrain from going inside what's happening for now();
23:59.59 is the maximum time value yes?
or 11:59.59 if 12hr
@Mosho ok, is there any other thing I should know about callback functions being passed or not?
not sure what you mean :P
any other case like console.log which can't be put in use in that situation?
you can use it
in a way
in what way?
@Mosho "undefined" Logged: 1,0,[1,2,3],2,1,[1,2,3],3,2,[1,2,3]
eww, now whats bind?
returns a function with the first argument (console in this case) as this in the function you call it from
ohh ok, so thats pretty much the same thing as what they did, binding it into a new function, isn't it?
well, not the same per se, but both work
work differently though
always good to know how bind, call, and apply work though
alright, thanks :) You people are very much helpful...
in this case it doesn't really matter
because console is global
@AwalGarg do you understand why it doesn't work with just console.log?
console is an object, right? log and all are its properties... right?
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/console <-- alright, thats a pretty good resource the mozilla guys put up. Hats off!
@Mosho i think, its because its not like a normal other function. its special. it is inside an object...
well, that doesn't make it special :P
when you pass it as a callback, the code that calls the callback doesn't know that the context (this) should be console
@Urik Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
oh. should it then also follow that there are other functions like foreach for which console.log won't work without binding?
basically, anything that calls console.log as a callback will fail
does it only apply to console.log or other console properties as well?
anything that uses the context
yeah, that too
they all need to know who their parent object is
try this:
ok... are there other objects like console that those methods don't know about?
obj = {foo:function(){console.log(this)}}
function bar(func){func()}
any function that is a property of an object that uses this needs to have this bound before calling it as a callback
to get the expected result
in that code snippet. you define an object obj with a property foo that points to a function which logs this in console. then you call that function. then you make another function bar which takes a function as a argument and calls it. Then you pass your obj function in bar function, am I correct?
yeah lol
did you run it
nope, I didn't. I don't expect that it will give me some output, would it?
except for something in the console..
@BenjaminGruenbaum not as shocking as fight club, but good enough, thanks
isn't that output
I meant, on screen output...
if your console is open, it should be on the screen
@towc if you want something shocking
I can give you something
that puts fight club to shame
@Mosho no drugs plz
hey wait, you made the function call itself... so the function logged itself in the console!
@towc but don't blame me when it destroys your 14yo innocence
no drugs, some sex
okk. I get it...
wow, I thought I will have to live my whole life without doing JS...
@Mosho ready for it
@Mosho when should we start?
korean version
(it's in korean)
oh... a film -_-
what was it supposed to be
@towc start what, having sex?
@Mosho yeah
Q: XML parse - What should promise act on?

user3739426I got some help using .promise().done on an xml parser, here. This method is fine if you combine the .promise().done() with the parser function. What I really wanted to do, though, was define the parser function separately up top, then execute it later in the code, and the apply the promise().do...

hahaha, lol XD
you can trash the conversation
don't think that'll fool the FBI
@Mosho is there a way to define functions of an object outside the object?
!!> var obj = {}; obj.foo = function(){}; console.log(obj);
@Mosho "undefined" Logged: {"foo":"function (){}"}

help me obi wan
I assume you mean outside the object declaration
yeah, thats right. thanks :)
why does caprica put the function in a string-way?
!!> var obj = {}; obj.foo = "function(){}"; console.log(obj);
@towc "undefined" Logged: {"foo":"function(){}"}
@Mosho "undefined" Logged: "function (){}"
I guess that's how her console rolls
I would definitely log in her console
!!> var a=function(){console.log('I 42 cheese')}; a+='and cheese 42 me'; a
@towc "function (){console.log('I 42 cheese')}and cheese 42 me"
apparently functions get stored as strings
even in the normal console
I remember having seen this behaviour once before
!!>var a=function(){console.log('I 42 cheese')}; a+='and cheese 42 me'; a()
Q: Javascript regex split giving incorrect indice count?

loosebruceAll, I making a function to provide a validation string from a DateTime / Time passed to it. Before I can create my validation string I need to split up the parameter by its delimiters. Input DD/MM/YY HH24:mm:SS.s Into DD MM YY HH24 mm SS s Using this Regex expression /[\/\/:.\s]/g...

@towc "TypeError: a is not a function"
!!> function a(){console.log('I 42 cheese')}; a+='and cheese 42 me'; a
@towc "function a(){console.log('I 42 cheese')}and cheese 42 me"
now I'm genuinely confused
What is so confusing about this?
why doesn't editor.livegap.com log log in the log?
@towc Try reading the spec es5.github.io/#x11.6.1
ecmascript === steepest learning curve ever //true
yeah, just figured out that function + anything = string
@AwalGarg Not even close
@SomeGuy then?
Well, I can't speak for the other variants of EcmaScript, but JavaScript is one of the easiest languages to pick up
the part of js which is not much used in real life is really easy to pick up... the rest can not be easy even in dreams, IMO
It's my first language and I've found it particularly easy so far, so that better not be the case. :\
I've been using it for a few years, and it's been fairly easy to pick up
And yes, the parts that I actually use as well
maybe, people like me coming from the php side find it difficult?
or maybe, because I have always tried to procrastinate learning js, I am now feeling that it is difficult..
IMO PHP is more different than it seems
Superficially it does share a few things (such as weak typing), but other things are different
@AwalGarg , I quite like PHP especially when I use a framework
Zend or Codeigniter are my favourites
@loosebruce Then you are not using PHP, you are using its framework :P
wait, what. Are you @serupticious or @loosebruce?
@AwalGarg Haha he changed his name
Just refresh
I was getting bullied on Stackoverflow for asking a question that was silly apparently
@SomeGuy yeah, just did that. Saw such a thing for the first time :P
for me, JS was/is fairly easy
as a language
also fun :D
Thank god we have IIFE in js... I am happy :P
@nabijaczleweli Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
2 days ago, by Customized Name
@CapricaSix stop spamming
The welcome messages help more than they spam
@SomeGuy ironically, Caprica herself doesn't follow those room pseudo-rules. She SPAMS!
Ahoy hoy
Just attended a performance titled The Science of Dr Who and then attended the post-tour after party with the cast
Kickin' it with PhDs :P
Was told It's so nice to have a conversation with someone that actually asks interesting questions after the show!
You asked about the buttplugs, right?
I think I've found some new drinking buddies :P
Of course
var o = {
  prop: 37,
  f: function() {
    return this.prop;
We had an animated discussion about teleportation: relocation vs recreation
@AwalGarg Remove the backticks, hit ctrl+k
!!tell Awal format
@Awal Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
@monners That does sound like quite an interesting discussion to have
so in the above example, why isn't this pointing to the function f? why does it point to o?
@SomeGuy Especially with two people that have PhDs in astrophysics
weird, I thought it would be the same as PHP...
So what did they think?
Which is likelier to be possible?
Divided. We agreed that recreation would be easier, but the divide was over whether or not resolution (beyond a certain point) was important pertaining to the state of the brain
I don't think any of them is not possible.
My position was that the primary concern was the recreation of perception, and that the body itself wasn't necessarily that important to get exactly right
Whereas one party considered the teleportation of the physical, in its entirety, was of primary concern
bbl, Hannibal
Q: Auto expand links to jsfiddle into embedded form

Second RikudoA fairly simple feature request. Can we have links to jsfiddle posted on their own line translated into full interactive boxes of embedded jsfiddle? For example: Some content http://jsfiddle.net/xxxxx/ Some more content Should expand (behind the scenes) to Some content <iframe width="10...

@Srinath Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Any recommendations of a Password storage/ vault application . I now have to remember 5 new passwords on my VPS
@loosebruce LastPass
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
@Abir Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Abir huh? From Israel for sure :P
I know an Indian Abir
He coloured his hair red
@SomeGuy Yes, but his avatar is a knight, which Abir is Hebrew for. :P
could be arabic too
but yeah, avatar leaves little room for interpretation :P
@SomeGuy Too late, history is indexed too
(Delete the message)
It is?
Try editing your last message
If I can see it, so can Google.
(I'm not a room owner)
Yeah, I know it's available, I just didn't think they actually bother indexing every edited message's history
But it's a crawler, so they do, I guess
Back. Few more minutes then I'm off
@Mixxiphoid Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JohnBarrett Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CameronBrown Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix Robot ?
I was once stranded in a desert island with no way of communicating with the outside world. Wandering around aimlessly for days, I lost consciousness. In my dream, a clowder came to me, licked my wounds and gave me nourishment. They then gave me a direct connection to Miaou and that's how I was saved. — Zirak 5 mins ago
Thanks @Zirak, I learnt a new word... and I don't even know how it would be translated in French...
Hey all, I have a github and a linkedin. I am looking for something where I can blog/showcase code and talk about techy/geeky things. That is not Wordpress!
@loosebruce ghost.org?
I like svbtle.com
It isn't really specifically for programming things
Looks like its SaaS, ideally a CMS package I can install and customize myself
And doesn't have plugins and the like
But it's simple, and looks good
I have a VPS
I'm on a boat
The clowder got you on your way, huh?
There is no boat
There is only spoon
Also, you people have been ignoring me on irc for a week
Finally launched my site! :)
@Zirak We don't want to kill you :(
@ThiefMaster Congrats!
@ThiefMaster , Sonata Arctica wooo !
@DanielStormApps Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ThiefMaster Congrats!
Right now Miaou is full of people coming to say "Hi" or "Hello"...
Price of moose
wouldn't it be more appropriate to say "meow"? ;)
@ThiefMaster Might be...
@dystroy is it ok if I do the same?
@AwalGarg Well... do as you like
If someone want to test out my little geometry game: euclidthegame.neocities.org
@dystroy right, search hello in the js room there, and your screen fills up with hellos :)
@sedero Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@90intuition looks very much like geogebra
haha, it is !
@90intuition I can't get past the first one XD
geo gebra works on the background
@SecondRikudo hint: use circles
Now how to get to level 2? XD
Have you made an triangle ?
Needed to connect the lines too
I'm at level 3
those are basic geometry things :P
@90intuition Quick UX tip: Don't move my undo button
they are, but not anymore at level 20 !
@SecondRikudo I see what you mean, I would have to ask geogebra (the software I use) I'm afraid
@90intuition construct a line tangent to both circles?
done in 3rd middleschool year
@towc you are quick :P
It is quite difficult I think.
@90intuition nope, I've just inserted Level20.html at the end of the link
add 1 for next level
I need to fix that as well :P
but level 20 is still the java app
need to convert it to html5
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
@ThiefMaster Do you want your site to keep being about your pictures or is the goal to be a platform where other people would come and share metal pictures ?
@towc But if it is so easy, solve it, and show me a screenshot ! :P
@Zirak please add !!lock and !!unlock commands for the room as shortcuts, should be easy enough to implement given it's a subset of existing functionality
@90intuition java won't load
just read the title
Is that thiefmaster ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Create an issue please
I'll convert it to html5, 2 seconds
And yeah, it shouldn't be a problem
@sabgenton Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak but I'm lazy :(
And I'm tired
We can't all be dolphins
anyone know why npm guides insist on using devDependencies in packages.json rather than dependencies?

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