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So I can have private webchats with @SomeKittensUx2666? 2.9999
this just got .... steamy
Server is down again :)
(opinions wanted): I'm looking for a js library to get around floating point problems with currency. big.js looks good. Any opinions on it or any suggestions for libraries I should consider?
store all your monetary values as cents
convert as neccessary
I just wanna git... is that so hard to ask.. D:
Yea.. that's an option. Supposedly it won't screw me until 14 digits which is unlikely to ever happen.
command line master race
@PaulAdamson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I think we need to do something about these welcome messages.
Though.. it's not always currency. Sometimes I'm just storing a percentage like 5.125%. I could just multiply that by some multiple of 10, which sounds like your preferred solution?
More violent threats? I agree.
@Jhawins disable them again?
@Luggage I dunno what you're doing, but you can usually do two different things for different use cases
I count ~120 today
In transcript
That's 120 potential rule breakers
Caprica saved us hell
3 hours ago, by Customized Name
@CapricaSix stop spamming
^ so custom
That guy had a funny yesterday too
yesterday, by Customized Name
well I am trying it on my linux red hat and get no disc found error when i try to open android using ios
thats the kind of sentence one uses to try to impress non-tech peopel
Better sentence to impress non-tech people: "I work in tech"
@NathanHastings Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Something like
Apr 13 at 19:10, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
"Official coordinator of JavaScript and advanced web technologies discussions at StackOverflow. Spearheading analysis and design of multilayer multi tier web technologies in a high frequency peer reviewed environment"
I got really drunk the other weekend and told a girl my official job title was "Long Range Ballistics Collision Detection Software Developer"
She bought it
And I bought her a drink
@RUJordan lol
You're a software? How cute.
I also vaguely remember saying something about "the modulistic abstractions of pressure dectection" of software.. and then jagerbombs happened.
@RUJordan As in YOU are the software?
@RUJordan lol lets hangout
lol oops
Ahh, corrected, I see
That's fuckin hilarious
@RUJordan When I say things like that to girls... they fall asleep.
@CapricaSix Beautiful.
I do shit like that all the time. The more "dangerous" sounding, the better
"I explode"
Only when I'm drunk. Sober me can't think on his feet
I have sex with HIV-infected people without a condom. I LIVE ON THE EDGE.
Worst pickup line ever
I drive to work
I just put on my armored jacket and my good shades and get on the bike... We used to take bets on how many numbers we could get without asking.
^ Ohhhh honey.. sweety.. nooo
I need to get my business card back from that one chick that I wrote that little script on..
Oh duh... or I can just write more.. xD
Stop through walmart and smoke a cig and you win. But... Well you can call it winning.
You wrote a script on a chick? Where?
But I imagine women are a little different out here then in your cities
HA! ^
no it was like...
if (single) {
} else {
code mastectomy
I don't think she liked it xD
Or do women everywhere think the more chew you spit everywhere and the more blood you don't clean out of clothes the sexier?
I eat a tshirt or two a day
Chicks have no standards here. I take a shower every day and wash my vehicle inside and out every few months and make more than $10/hour. Makes me cream of the crop.
I got cut really bad at a college party on my shoulder, and people thought it was awesome
So yes. More blood = better
More blood = more bigger... you know...
yeah i know
hospital bills
im not stupid Kendall
I once stopped by a party to get my bottle of vodka from this chicks house I'd been to once. They went into orgy mode so... I rolled with it
Halloween 2012 never forget
why do I want to s/i/a/g
@Jhawins Halloween 2009. Never remembered.
Good times
@RyanKinal One on one for now
I agree though, my Halloween 2012 was epic.
contributions welcome
I have no idea what I did in 2012
Ended up playing strip flip cup with this girl and "totally didn't lose on purpose" xD
That's over a week ago
@dystroy couldn't get audio chat to work last night. I couldn't hear the other guy
Idk what I'm gonna do... I was gonna relax an shit this weekend but somehow I paid for my truck 3 times lol. Gas tank will run out tomorrow. Hmm.
and all his stuff was working, permissed
don't have any gas money?
made a user script so you can pin the so chat
if you so choose
@prussiap Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm going to the bar apparently tomorrow... should be fun
^ what it shows now
Well, I meant to pay $250. Not $750. So I have no anything money lmao
so you don't lose messags
No partying for me
@Jhawins you could whore yourself out to 1000 fat chicks for $50 each
Dude I tried that was my sisters idea
No shit. Except she didn't name the price
Why does family guy have a reference for anything anytime.
I was gonna charge them by body weight
Step on the scale
real mood killer
Is this a joke?
I said the limit was 400
oh god
lololol i cant keep this up
Fat chicks need love too, but they gotta pay
THIS IS... a broken bed
!!afk work
wow totally poor choice of wording there
no, it was excellent
I like how "phrasing" ends with "zing"
@Chris.B Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KendallFrey Google images "zing" returns very weird results...
Specifically if you scroll down a bit.... Tons and tons of asses with names written on them
This chick is weird. She just told me about her date from last night, and I mentioned a another girl im talking to, and she instantly went from paragraph txts to one word txts. She does this everytime it's like she's uncomfortable with me being not-single.
I just called her out on it too so this might get interesting
!!urban zing
@Jhawins zing The new term for [owned], said after saying something witty to someone in an insulting manner.
That's just weird
She's actually my best friend. We hooked up last year but it didn't go anywhere
@blindgoat Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Any way to break out of a promise chain when there is failure in a prior link?
@DanKanze throw an error
In client JavaScript?
In the promise chain
!!afk work // haha
Oh man... I should play n again...
All the stick figure fighting stuff just makes me think about that game
N (warning: highly addictive game)
I suck. Tried to remove that before it was stuck
Rooms so dead it'll be there forever
Occasionally in sublime text, the blinking cursor stays in one place while my actual input typing cursor is in another... anyone else ever notice that?
@SomeKittensUx2666 I see what youre saying now. I feel like that's so dirty though. Is there anything cleaner?
ohhhh I forgot about N
I didn't :)
@DanKanze Dirty? How is throwing an exception when something goes wrong dirty?
n++ is coming out soon
ps4 exclusive
oh good haha
I don't think I would pay for N, but...
n+ is pretty great
@SomeKittensUx2666 Idk, I guess I was always a fan of keeping my console squeeky clean haha
I'd tell you, but then I'd have to explain it to you. And then you'd just go off and do it again. Three weeks after that, you'll have a heart-to-heart with me, passionately explaining that you're sorry and want to change. Then, nothing will change and the cycle will repeat itself.
Stop what you're thinking, it's Top Gear
^ Me getting fed up with Wheatly
that came out forever ago
ahhh so much flash
@Loktar I loved that game. Never knew what it was called
I'm so confused... I can't jump.
@jamescharlesworth Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
What button is jump? haha
@twiz z
Check the settings ;-)
@Jhawins Oh man, I heard on the radio that a not-insignificant number of men have done that. I think it was around 25%.
hahaha wtf
so weird...
@Jaibuu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I know, right?
@KendallFrey What? Like, specifically because they disliked them?
They convinced them by lying or?
@Prusprus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jhawins yeah, didn't say why, it was just some poll
Without context that can mean soooo many things haha
@RUJordan @Jhawins yeah, didn't say why, it was just some pole (source)
Chicks here.... They think this is impressive
Like. Dude thinks he's cool with that $800 truck he saved from the scrapyard.
Bed held on by that tie-down
Chicks here don't even think $200,000 cars are impressive anymore
Chicks here dig:
Spoiled... the lot of them
When you're a driver or a passenger?
!!youtube tosh puber
It's not a challenge
There's no fun in rural mingling
But I guess everyone is so nice lol. Is snobby better? Not really, but is "I'll take whatever" any better
Whoever made raison cookies is an ass.
I thought it was chocolate chip
No. Now i have this poison in me
Oatmeal raisin cookies are awesome.
room topic changed to JavaScript: Whoever made raisin cookies is a money maker: DO read this link: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf [ecmascript] [javascript] [undefined]
^ I thought ass would be offensive, so I used a slang that makes the whole thing ambiguous
I guess. Money maker === ass
Twas that or juicy double lol
@SteveBreese Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!urban juicy double
@Jhawins Juicy Double 1. (n) The term used for an appealing rear-end. Often on the large side. Most frequently belongs to a woman of color (but there are exceptions). 2. (n) A booty so irrestible, you want to squeeze it. 3. (n) A sandwich made of two thick meat patties, grilled to perfection and dripping with juices
dat ass.
@Ivy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@yoz Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Drop your panties, Sir William; I cannot wait until lunchtime!
Haven't had those in a while.
!!remember zalgo
@SomeKittensUx2666 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@BenCraig Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
Evening all, how's it going
On windows laptops, what does the little X image on the battery mean?
For me it normally means there is a problem with the connection to the battery
ok thanks, I thought so
Or it is not charging properly due to it suffering from memory issues
So. I am a developer without a computer again these days.
!!afk till tomorrow
@Kevin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Working with jsperf as someone new to benchmarking and my test case (jsperf.com/haversine-js-vs-google-distane-matrix-api) is really one-sided
Can I make POST requests from within a test case?
And is it foolish to think that an API call would ever be faster than a computation?
I'm working with node.js so I figured it was worth a test considering the whole I/O-bound vs CPU-bound performance dichotomy
Um, if I send an XHR request from Angular and it gets to the .success() function, but doesn't show up in the Network panel in Chrome... what do I do?
@NullPointer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@NickMc Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Martin is the server data present? maybe the network isn't updating
@room when a new user signs up and goes to ask a question, are they prompted with common close reasons that can happen?
@Martin it's cached.
Try adding "?breaker=" + Date.now() to the URL, see if it fixes it.
Hi :)
How are you brah?
@BenjaminGruenbaum <3 my bad for drunk pinging you last night
@RUJordan lol
New users are at least promted with possible duplicates and how to ask a question, most seem to not read it ?
I was so excited to finally be drunk and on SO to make you laugh but it was like 1am for me lol
@adeneo true. I have an idea. TO META!
Yeah, there's more activity on Meta these days, lots of high rep users arguing about how to be better dicks
@adeneo I wish I could star that twice :D
I should start asking bluebird promises generator questions :)
hmm... wondering if I should ask "How do I wait for object properties to complete in Bluebird generators?"
Or something like that
@BenjaminGruenbaum - But it's true, all they do is argue about trivial stuff and how they should close and punish newbies, and it seems they are more active in discussing how to limit SO then actually answering questions.
Update: Will hear about job by end of day (PST).
Q: Display Close Reasons to New Users

RUJordanExample: "Is there a library/plugin.." We see this question hundreds of times a week. Perhaps either until a certain rep, a new user has to pass a "close vote" test to post a question? "Does your question fall under any of these categories?" --> read the close votes That or/and have a little ...

@adeneo YES. Which is why I said - I wish I could star that twice. People focus on being dicks instead of helping.
I'm sick of library begging questions D:
@SomeKittensUx2666 glhf
Seriously, you'll nail it
And in celebration, most likely nail somebody else too.
Sorry I've had sugar today =x
In my ongoing investigation, I have found no evidence to support the hypothesis that married folks have less sex.
@SomeKittensUx2666 wanna compare notes? I have a list on my phone :P
@SomeKittensUx2666 I would guess on avg its more to be honest
@RUJordan You trying to seduce me?
I mean its very dependent on the relationship as well
That'd throw a wrench into the study.
Research shows that married couples actually have sex with much greater frequency than single people.1 For instance, just consider single guys between ages 18-24. What percentage of them report having sex more than 2 times per week? Just over ten percent. How about married guys in the same age range? A full two-thirds (just over 66%)!
@RUJordan Just back back from asking for it... no access logs available :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is caching enabled by default in Angular?
I'm going to ask "Performance degraded with async generators JavaScript." with a yield example.
!!> [].map.call(new Uint32Array(3),Math.random);
@rlemon [0.32745303998547204,0.8639430844950414,0.7459100455102942]
is there a better way to do that?
@Martin not that I know
@rlemon lolwat?
@BenjaminGruenbaum So I don't think that is the problem, as I didn't turn it on at any point in my code
You just want an array of three random numbers?
What in the hell is a Uint32Array??
@RUJordan - give that Meta question a little time, and you'll have an answer from shog9 or Martijn Pieters (or both) telling you what a bad idea it is.
well N random numbers
[Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random()]
Is there any advantages of not using jQuery for your script other than it means users dont need to use a jquery cdn?
Lots of overhead saved @serupticious
@adeneo shog9 answered my last question... I swear that man straight up read my mind
@serupticious - you get to type more !
@rlemon You're getting a normal array there, no Uint32Array
@serupticious You also can ask questions about your code here without us giving you shit
!!> [].map.call(new Array(3),Math.random);
@rlemon ["undefined","undefined","undefined"]
Uint16Array would also work
@serupticious native JavaScript is faster. jQuery can be more cross browser stable. It's really depending on several factors
I just got 32 happy.
s/32/any reproductive organ/
@RUJordan \o
[].map.call(new Uint16Array(n),Math.random);
@SomeKittensUx2666 Wut
@rlemon Oh, that's alright then. I would use a for loop, because what you write cannot be easily verified for correctness by most developers
so if we're pulling out one liners, can that be improved?
@Jhawins Had an onsite interview Tuesday
Where at
@copy i'm going for clever, it is a demo. :P
@Jhawins Tagged
var array = new Array(3);

for (var i=0; i<3; i++) {
    array[i] = Math.random();
Cool. Good luck
bah, you are no fun.
I thought the code golfers would love it
I'm no golfer, but I did like it, cool way to fill an array
[].map.call(new Int16Array(3), Math.random)
Saved you a character :P
We had a similar question and it ended with a for loop
@phenomnomnominal GENIUS GENIUS GENIUS!
var x = Math.random; var y = [x,x,x];
Shorter, but that's cheating prolly lol
wouldn't work
why not?
@RUJordan also, you're just moving around the function.
it'd be an array with three functions
@RUJordan And doesn't work lmao
x,x,x,x should be x(),x(),x(),x()
oh duh
Maybe it doesn't need binding, idk
3 is an example
should handle N length arrays
Q: Performance degraded with async generators JavaScript

Benjamin GruenbaumI'm writing code using generators and Bluebird and I have the following: var async = Promise.coroutine; function Client(request){ this.request = request; } Client.prototype.fetchCommentData = async(function* (user){ var county = yield countryService.countryFor(user.ip); var data = ...

Need some help with caret/cursor on a text box for letting a user enter values into a preformatted date time string.

Here is my jsfiddle

For some reason the first 4 key presses are not being inserted into the textbox but after that the input is fed into my formatted string.
@BenjaminGruenbaum congrats on breaking 40k
@RUJordan ty, that happened the day before yesterday.
I'm trying to write more q&as on promises covering common mistakes, if you have any ideas let me know.
How about
(function(c,oo,l,_) {for  (c=new oo(3), l=c.length;l--;) c[l]=_.random();return c;})(0,Array,0,Math);
@BenjaminGruenbaum you might spring an idea by looking at my questions about promises
Those are questions from a JavaScript guy who is 100% new to Promises, so you may find something that is severely lacking in being taught early?
!!> [].map.call(new Int16Array(3), ~~Math.random)
@Jhawins "TypeError: 0 is not a function"
Can someone tell me a better way to do something like this? jsfiddle.net/6YF3M/3
I've seen $1 being used before but from my understanding that's just the first match
@Jhawins wot
@Jhawins well.. she's not wrong on that one
Just being weird
my brain is... wot
@RUJordan hmm
Wide Open Throttle?
@KendallFrey Wide Open Thighs? (source)
Isn't [].map a function?
!!mustache MikeNolan
@MikeNolan Yes, but 0 isn't
@BenjaminGruenbaum basically, going from normal JS, like, I just grasped prototypes, to Node/Promises was MAJORLY overwhelming for me.
Internal Server Error
right but if [].map is a function and not an object how can you do [].map.call(...)
@RUJordan hmmmmmm
@MikeNolan - how about just a callback
s = s.replace(regex, function(x) {
    return '['+x+']'
@adeneo ew
It is shorter, I thought there was some notation for the current regex match for string.replace()
@thumbtackthief Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MikeNolan - there is if you group them with parenthesis
@adeneo could you give a small example?
@MikeNolan I swear I thought your last name was dolan for a moment
@Martin shh don't tell anyone
@djjeck Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.

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