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sleeps in
@CapricaSix (@rlemon) Instead of the usual morgue?
@KendallFrey overacted*
So should I cut mine day?
It's the world cup though..
it's the superbowl of soccer.. maybe you don't watch football but you don't miss the superbowl
!!define overact
@KendallFrey overacted simple past tense and past participle of overact
@Neil It's still just guys rolling over when they get tapped though...
It's an event
@Zirak What gives man? You can't just surface when I'm drunk like this!
@all Hi
@KendallFrey [overact](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=517715) (performing arts) To act in an exaggerated manner.
He overacted his part.
@Neil Super what? No Rugby on my tv
@Magikaas I have no idea what you mean
@Magikaas That's true.. and I'd be lying if I said that didn't bother me
@monners Pardon me for being alive
@KendallFrey Sorry, that should have been overreacted, but still it applies, they act like they are hurt so badly, so they can get a free kick or the other team gets a yellow/red card, if nothing happens they stand up and nothing happened
@sanjaykushwah Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak no excuses!
More executions
@Zirak lmao..
@Magikaas I said overrated because I meant overrated
If you want a sport with overreacting, try golf
O_o How does one even overreact in golf?
or darts. ghawd, lamest sport ever
@monners <3
Apart from bending your club if you miss that hole in 1
You answered your own question
They actually do that?
I think the only time you ever hear someone cheer in golf is if you hit a hole in one and do a little jig afterwards
Wow, I was just joking, never thought they'd act like a 10 year old
they don't usually
@KendallFrey Golf is overreacting?
no, the people that watch it do
Aha, I was talking about the players themselves. Though in football, the supporters also overreact in a major way regardless of the outcome of a game
If you think about it, really any sport is that way
I can hardly imagine a sports professional good at what they do that justifies the salary they get
You do have a point there
@Magikaas Us Canadians only riot when we lose a hockey game
!!wiki Vancouver 2010 Riots
@KendallFrey The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
That's a non-hockey riot
@Magikaas Canadian riots :)
@Neil I disagree. Especially in contact sports where injuries are looming, even after retirement. Not to mention the enjoyment it brings people to watch such competition
@RUJordan So the injuries justify their salaries? No way
Wow, I added hockey to the search terms and things turned bad real quick O_o
@Neil There's a reason risky jobs pay well
Professional football players don't get paid that much because they might get injured
Don't be naive
@RUJordan They put themselves in harm's way to entertain others, but the end result does not justify the cost, in my opinion.
Partially, ok
More of it is because they're the best in the world at something
It's not just injuries. Everything they do justifies the money they make. If they don't make that money, then the owners and coaches get it. The money the NFL makes is going to be there no matter what
If it were something like rig-worker or bomb-squad, sure, but football / Rugby?
@KendallFrey You can be the best at something in the world and not get a 7-figure salary
Or any sport for that matter.
@Neil obviously, I'm the best in the world at lots of things
It has to be something useful
Then in that logic, google employees should have a 6-7 figure salary, the money google makes will be there anyway
@Neil well the best McDonalds burger flipper isn't really comparable to a prime athletic being now, is it?
@RUJordan How is that not the same? If he can flip 10 burgers at once and bake them perfectly
What google employee ISNT rich, though?
hello, when I'm selecting a column in a table I do $('td:eq(4)','<tr id="whatever">'), what does mean eq, where can i find references o documentation, to read about it?
Random on-topic question :P
@EmilioGort api.jquery.com/eq-selector From what I can find, it looks for elements that contain exactly what's between the parentheses, but the website should tell it more clearly
the url jqueery.com work :(
try browsing the site
oh, it get funny really fast
Lol, that website
150 \o/
@Neil Gymnasts
Have all the good JavaScript questions on SO already been answered?
@AaditMShah not those about es7
@AaditMShah there's a good one every now and then, but mostly yes.
@FlorianMargaine I hope that I do get a Christmas present this December.
Well actually I kinda am.
Wouldn't he fall off if he were on the opposite side of da urf?
@RUJordan When you realise it.
:knew the whole time:
@Magikaas Depends upon whether Galileo was born yet.
Arg, SourceTree is so slow..
@AaditMShah We need a new one, we made the earth spherical when it was flat, now we need to add another dimension. Who wants to be the new Galileo? Raise your hands!
Anyway, it's been way too long and ES6 isn't out yet. I hope that they don't delay any further.
Oooh, oooh, oooh... may I? Please! Please! Pleaseee....
!!should i implement a tablet view or just mobile first ?
@AbhishekHingnikar just mobile first
@AaditMShah You may do your presentation, please come stand in front of the class
@EugeneYurtsev Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Cuprica 6 has spoken
@AbhishekHingnikar ha
@AbhishekHingnikar Not sure if intentional, but it works
Welcome, today we will learn about the shape of the Earth.
Nuff said.
@RUJordan :D
Abhishek I found a gem.
Q: How to implement client side Twitter login for website?

XIMRXWe are developing a node.js based API and responding client side website. In future same API will cater mobile apps' requests. The problem is we want to create client side Login for Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Login for Facebook and Google are successful but Twitter doesnot allow client side ...

i am confused if i should even launch snapick for Tablets
He doesn't wanna use servers for this. :le sigh:
@AaditMShah Thank you, very well done, anyone have any questions?
@RUJordan well twitter's official app doesnt use servers either. [or maybe tweetbot]
No questions? I must be a better lecturer than I thought.
But then how does it get data??
@AaditMShah You should do something with it :D
With the Earth?
Stay away from nr 34, anything else goes (within reason)
If I were a character from Final Fantasy... I would tell you that the Earth has a spirit.
There are lots of things you can do to a spirit.
Crush it
I am thinking of summoning a succubus.
Crush the spirit of the Earth?
I can get behind that
Yeah, we got this.
Any random spirit, the Earth might be somewhat out of our league
I wonder what Zirak would have to say about that.
But clients/employers crush developers' spirits on a daily basis
@menriquez Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
So it can't be too hard
But, sadly, it is that time of day once again. Time to say goodbye to the lovely people in this chat :3
@RUJordan We're in agreement then ;)
Sure, lets go with that
@Magikaas later
Hehe, been a pleasure. Have a good weekend to any and all I may not see again :)
I'd better get going too. There's a lonely corner in my room that misses me.
@Neil Yes, that is me, how'd you find me?!
i did not friken entered all my details till here to cancel you retarded freak -_-
Or programs that have popups at random times, so you accidentally select an option while typing
Why does that man kind of look like James Franco
popup shouldn't accept input for 500ms after they showed up
@RyanKinal impressive!
@RyanKinal When's your gig?
9:00 EDT
Thought you'd like this: youtube.com/watch?v=CkPShym1SIE
One of the better riffs I've heard
Hello everyone... I got huge problems with the canvas element on Google Chrome. I'm drawing with requestAnimationFrame on a canvas of size 256px*240px, if I resize the canvas on CSS (768px*720px) the FPS drops to 30 from 60... is it possible to fix this? I'm on a Mac (10.9.3) with the last stable version of Google Chrome
Do not resize canvas with css.
@NickDugger how should I resize it? I need to draw on 256px*240px but I want the canvas to be 768px*720px... On Safari I have 0 performance problems by resizing from CSS
posted on June 06, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} In case you want to hear me at my long-windiest, I did an interview

@arvindwill Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
We have a Java intern in here today he's so sharp with his suit on xD
@RyanKinal At the end of the night, when you're signing women's chests, could you leave a "property of Zirak" on one?
I'm demoing a project to the CEO of the company I work for, today, so I'm a bit more sharp than usual, too :p
I guarantee I won't get anything done today. At all.
Too much shit. Someone make me laugh about something vulgar and strange
@JohnCleary Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RyanKinal right after you've signed Ziraks name, on said woman's chest, will you also put my phone number instead of his?

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