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@Retsam So <a href="#" onclick></a>?
@Second It seems unnecessary.
@bjb568 Better, but I'd lose the onclick and attach the event via javascript.
Now, who uses backbone?
ew inline event handling..
<a href="#" id="foo"
Because I have got a demo to build before my interview and I want dem good links :D
need to handle outline for focus
and margin / padding for inline flow
@Retsam By definition a link is something that's supposed to link you to another page.
@SecondRikudo Cannot copy text. Also it's completely pointless
@rlemon HOW DARE YOU
@SecondRikudo Sauce?
I expect the page to change when I click a link. And something to happen on the same page when I click a button.
@FlorianMargaine I know. I also hate Hashes
I meant using the hack that id become global variables
it was implied that you were using the element, I don't care how he gets it
yeah yeah find excuses
dude, I didn't even close the a tag
how is that all you're bitching about
that's the worst
if you're going to bitch. at least bitch about everything
cherry picking isn't cool
too lazy
only one hand available :(
:backs away slowly:
the other is taken by my wife, hand in hand.
I'm stoked
!!s/, hand/, penis/
@rlemon the other is taken by my wife, penis in hand. (source)
@SecondRikudo Using a link to do something other than change the page is really standard.
@rlemon nooooo xD
and with that, home time.
@FlorianMargaine that's adorable
I was watching a google io conf on my tv (chromecast) while she's watching "hart of dixie" or smth like that
!!afk holding Florians "hand"
@SecondRikudo Like for example, in this chat room, if you see the indicator that a chat message is a reply to a previous message? That's an <a> that doesn't open a new page when you click on it.
@rlemon I'll be drunk in t-minus 2 hours so have a good night man! Prolly catch you manana
@Retsam It's a link so it works for people without JavaScript
I shit you not they even have the best possible interview questions
> *What you hate about JavaScript (and not just the differences in browser implementations)? Please elaborate.
It links to the transcript, and JS hijacks it to scroll
Now as long as I don't go off on a tangent once I'm railing on about problems...
typeof NaN === 'number'; // f u js
@Jhawins Lack of interfaces.
That irritates me most.
@Jhawins no lookbehind assertion with Regex
@dominicbri7 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
They sent me so many questions tho lol
the Math object
(rlemon already closed chrome. he's really leaving now. bye)
How will I choose a code sample that represents my coding philosophy?
lol do I have a "coding philosophy"
No pointers, that's the problem with javascript, that and not enough boobs.
@SomeGuy Well, this chat doesn't work at all if you don't have JS enabled. (Just checked)
I have a problem with an annuity loan formula.

Formula: (a * ( 1- (1+y)^2)) / y
and my code is http://pastebin.com/LgSyRgcr
@Jhawins magic = new Magic(magicSause); magic.doApp();
@Retsam you can read it
(function foot(inAss) {
    if (this.foot != "in your ass") placeFoot({position:"ass"});
@Jhawins ^ aggressive IIFE might work
@FlorianMargaine If you link to the transcript, I suppose. Attempting to navigate to this url just gave me an error.
Actually never mind, it works now.... I didn't change anything, just left the computer for half an hour...
@RUJordan Man, terrible API, strings all over the place.
@Retsam at least you didn't notice that this.foot wasn't even defined xD
@SecondRikudo they asked what I think of PHPs magic methods...
@Jhawins Define magic methods, __get() and stuff in objects?
^ yea
I hope they mean magic quotes
@Jhawins some are necessary, others should be avoided
They have their uses. But are very widely abused.
@Jhawins Correct answer: I try not to.
For example:
@sap1ens Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SecondRikudo Yeah that junk. Unneeded
@SecondRikudo Don't you dare paste php code
var I = $

I.promise(I, function(suck, javascript) {
    return I + suck @ javascript;
Also, what are we doing with Caprica? I have pull requests to make
Or you could use @rlemon 's famous method
__construct is needed, __set is... well, good to hydrate repositories objects, but not much more
It's not exactly how it's written, but you get the point.
But I thought we were going to node or something
1 message moved to Trash can
try { hooker(); } catch (std) { return false; /* phew */ }
@Jhawins use that one ^
@RUJordan LOL
@Isti115 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
But yeah, this is one of those almost full stack sorta deals. I'm really excited haha. I've always done the front and back
@RUJordan But yeah, this is one of those almost full stack sorta deals. I'm really excited haha. I've always done her front and back (source)
I hve a 3 hour motorcycle ride as soon as I leave work but I don't wanna sit for 3 hours haha
I figured out getting current path in node-webkit but still not understanding why calling my function in the html from the main.js isn't working (reference error)
@SomeGuy Oh, it used to be a user
A bot which replied to everyone who had "I'm sad" in their post
What did it say?
index.html `<script src='main.js'></script></head><body><input type="button" onclick="save();"/>`
main.js `function save(){/*the code*/}`
Gets me a reference error.
of course it does
script is not a self-closing tag
> (っ⊙з⊙)っ HUG ME!!
thats not the issue, I have a closing tag in the code, sorry for the quickness/sloppiness
@Event_Horizon Don't use inline event listeners.
save is just not on the global scope
Yesterday I had a scare,
I ran some code that wasn't there,
It wasn't there again today;
Oh, how I wish that it would stay.
@SecondRikudo Question: In Phone to Chrome, if you typed "Check out this tweet: twitter.com/sajdaiudhasd";, what would you expect to happen?
@adeneo Never had that issue. It's always the code that IS there that gives me trouble.
Should Phone to Chrome strip the URL and open it?
@Zirak ok, how do I get it there in node-webkit
I once had the most angering bug on IE...
Or should it do what it does with ordinary text?
(Plug it into Google search)
I have searched for a while or I wouldn't be asking btw..
@Event_Horizon You're asking me as a node-webkit expert? I've no clue. Just don't use inline event listeners, all your problems will be nicer.
bugspray helps
@SomeGuy The link to be sent to chrome
@Zirak I agree and will change it but was doing it for testing purposes, I wanted to make sure the function worked first (which it does if inlined into the html)
why do they always give skeeters crooked noses?
My actual expectation would be an error message, but I'd be impressed if it were to recognize the link
Oh yes. Anyway, it was enraging not because of what it was, but how I solved it...
If there are two links in the same line it should definitely throw an error though
@SecondRikudo In this case that makes sense, but what if someone types something like, "developer docs facebook.com" or something?
with bugspray ?
If it stripped the URL in that case, it'd be a bit silly
// it was something generic, like:
obj.foo = 4;
// I managed to find it was that exact line, so to check, I commented it out:
// obj.foo = 4;
// Refreshed, still didn't work! Removed the comment...
obj.foo = 4;
// ...and now it worked
Maybe I'll add an option, "Extract URL from text" that people can enable
@SomeGuy Well, recognizing URLs in a string is an age old problem
With countless solutions
Extract URL from text sounds good, but it should be enabled by default.
Recognizing URLs isn't the difficult part. It's recognizing whether the URL is the feature of the text or not
Yeah, I think I'll add it in the next update
Of all the caching mechanisms, IE's is the most annoying. Not sure how it is in 11, but 10- it's terrible. Ctrl+F5 doesn't help at times, only the dev tools one works.
Actually, no, I don't think an option is a good thing.
For what purpose will I paste anything into phone-to-chrome?
To send it to chrome of course.
You won't paste things
Sometimes you share them from other apps
And what you share is text which may include a URL
@SomeGuy Well, what's generated from a program is generally a well formated URL
And if shared from a program, the purpose remains the same, send the URL to chrome, so I'd expect there to be only one URL
Try sharing a tweet from Twitter
@Zirak - I've had that issue
I think I'll still leave it in as an option
I don't have Twitter for phone.
@Dropped.on.Caprica uhmmmm...
^ ??
@Zirak - And a similar one in Chrome with DNS records being cached and it's freaking impossible to refresh them manually
it's an actual user
@adeneo YES! Chrome has this weirdo DNS prefetching
@Zirak - Spent two days tearing my hair out until I figured out it cached the DNS records, didn't even think it was possible so didn't think about searching Google etc ?
^ One of the most annoying bugs I've encountered
I don't get how heroku pricing model works
anyone knows how to keep a free account?
Don't use more than one dyno?
1x CPU Share
@FlorianMargaine That's probably a worker dyno. You get 1 free web dyno
Yeah, 1 free web dyno
(It's what I'm using for Phone to Chrome)
So @SomeKittens what did you do with your offer? lol
@adeneo Yeah I was dealing with this on my domain earlier :/
@Jhawins Negotiated them up to $130k, then turned it down
But it sorts itself out eventually
...... wut
You turned it down?
How come? That's a lot of money
Think of all the hookers D:
Their CEO musta been a dog guy?
It was a megacorp consulting company
Yeah, I probably woulda taken it for a year and then taken a year of vacation
But that's because it would be jhawins.salary * 6
There's really no comparison lol
would have been almost triple my salary
Q: NodeJS - MySQL and Unicode strings being garbeled

David XuI have a NodeJS server running as a message forwarding service and I've noticed that although it works perfectly with english (ASCII) text, it fails to insert UTF-8 encoded strings into the MySQL database (using nodejs-mysql driver) Things i've tried: conn.query("INSERT INTO messages(content) V...

interesting issue
Ugh. When one of my asshole drivers doesn't answer my questions or writes something totally illegible on his sheets I say "what?" and start adding question marks and making the text bigger every week he ignores me...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why does it seem like reject is equivalent to catch?
@Zirak BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: away
No bashizzles
I wish I could fire this guy
@Zirak I'm kind of busy with a friend writing FUSE.
reject is kind of like throw
.catch is kind of like catch
I'll google it
AHA! So you're NOT away.
!!google fuse
It's the last two
@Zirak domenic's articles are good.
Promises are a DSL that swap how concurrency is handled. catch is swapped for .catch, and ; (or next statement) is replaced with .then and you can write throw safe code
If you want to throw, you just throw new Error() inside a .then handler
@RUJordan @Jhawins it's not where I want to go. The company I work for now most likely will be biting the dust soon. The CEO/advisors already have contingency plans if that happens. I'll have a nice landing.
If you want to return you just return inside a .then handler.
If you feel like reading about monads that helps.
@Zirak I wrote chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/conversation/… but it's not as good as anything Domenic wrote :D
Already read You're missing the point, will try and find more
I get promises, I don't get why you have both reject and catch
that conversion I wrote helped.
@Zirak reject is throw
Also just caught myself trying to make a MTG analogy at work. Turns out I'm a bit nerdier than everyone else.
So you can say "this is bad" and "this is the worst"?
Not at all
@SomeKittensUx2666 Skittles strikes again
Again, rejecting a promise is like throwing, and .catching a promise is like catching a thrown error in sync code.
@Zirak Hehehe
But why can't you just throw?
I think Skittles can catch on
At least there isn't a text trail like
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
@SomeGuy tobacconist ziraksadvice gayclubs loktar zirak_naked slidepoop lol mhm roomowner buttstuff greatest_question_in_universe abhishekpornfreak
@SomeKittensUx2666 Nice
Same here but I'm looking to trade up early instead.
Jan 21 at 16:46, by Abhishek Hingnikar
they love there work like i love p***. maybe i should do a p*** site !
And ok, you don't throw because you're in asynchronous context and it might not be caught, so why is there a reject in the first place?
Q: Java Serialization Behavior

Benjamin GruenbaumI'm going through serialization and I can't understand the following: I don't understand why the output of this code is: import java.io.*; public class InnerOuterTest { public static ObjectOutputStream out; public static ObjectInputStream in; static { try { out...

aw, thought it'd be @BadgerGirl's php question
^ Haha I remember that
!!info list
@Zirak Command list, created by Benjamin Gruenbaum on Mon, 28 Apr 2014 11:40:11 GMT, invoked 1 times
hrm, need to special case that 1 thing in /info
...why didn't I do that while writing it?
Remind me the !!learn syntax?
If I want only an image
Without the ()
!!learn libby "<>https://i.sstatic.net/9tc42.gif"
@SecondRikudo Command libby learned
It's in the command list somewhere. I'm sure of it.
When I spot someone who speaks my language in a chatroom in Stack Overflow ^
...there's just so much crap there
@Zirak - It's like when your girlfriend gets fat and ugly, you really want to throw her, but you can't, she's just to heavy, so you have to reject her instead. It's the same with promises, at one point they just get to heavy to throw !
@Shmiddty Can you confirm this? ^
he likes em big boned?
He did that with his girlfriend.
Apparently not, if he dumps them when they get fat.
@adeneo We usually don't encourage selfies
We can't all look like boyband members I suppose ?
@Zirak unless they're blinking
news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7791015 <- We were talking about how SO became much more rules-centric a while ago, this sums my thoughts up pretty well
speaking of girlfriends...
@SomeKittensUx2666 you saying we're all losers irl?
In related news: TS?
because you may be onto something there...

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