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@ThiefMaster they can
> There are no other restrictions on what form an ID can take; in particular, IDs can consist of just digits, start with a digit, start with an underscore, consist of just punctuation, etc.
@FlorianMargaine <span id="♦">Moderator</span>
@SecondRikudo that's valid afaik
not maintainable, but valid
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, and awesome :D
I'd shoot the developer who wrote that in my codebase though
@FlorianMargaine It's actually more maintainable than you think.
you know the saying about the psychopath reading the code after you? That's me.
Q: Jasmine: $q-promise does not get resolved nor rejected

SlueI got a problem when testing my angular service with jasmine 2.0 I have a method in my service, returning a promise. Now I would like to test, that this method returns or rejects this promise. I smallered it down to this simple test: describe('calling a promise returning function', function()...

@SecondRikudo no.
@FlorianMargaine On one of my projects, I implemented that as a part of the CSS minification process that the server did every time the master CSS file changed.
That was before the time of SASS and co, so it was done with PHP.
@SecondRikudo oh, if that's generated code I never look at, I don't give a shit
So things like "heart" or "diamond" got turned into unicode symbols, to lower the file size
Also, when using custom fonts, actually using the right character for icons where applicable makes things very easy to understand, and very good usability wise.
yeah, that's not in your commit though, so it's not part of the maintainable code I meant
Screen reader reads ♦ as "DIAMOND SYMBOL" or something similar
That's the one
@SecondRikudo I've used a couple of screen readers, got sick pretty quick
So it gives you a better idea of what the character in the icon is rather than just a "d"
so....cern want TERRAbit networks
I'm hoping this net neutrality thing blows over
If they can put restrictions where there were none before, I think we can all drink the red koolaid
it only a matter of time before someone comes out with a neutral net if it happens
just rebuilt internet with new DNS servers etc that cant access the higher paid stuff
I think it's obvious that such companies will try it
It's the governments I'm worried about
They are the only thing keeping it from happening, and if they just shrug and say "Well i don't understand technology so whatever you want must be good for the internet at large", we're doomed
@Neil at which point someone will create a neutral web on kickstarter, everyone on the planet wil help them raise the billions needed and help roll it out and voila, square one again
@DrogoNevets i don't think it works like that
That only works if everyone wants it.. the existing internet companies will fight tooth and nail
@Neil theres not an awful lot they can do though, if someone raised the capital then theyve raised the capital
It's harder to justify change. It's easier just to let things as they are
Yay, just passed 300 upvotes for promises and 142 answers
@DrogoNevets You'd need a fleet of engineers as well as a fleet of lawyers
Besides, before that happens, things will get bad
@Neil things gottas get worse before they get better
That's like saying that it doesn't matter if war breaks out, because sooner or later it will end because people want it that way
its a saying
granted....commonly used with DIY and interior design
@DrogoNevets Pretty bad saying, if I say so myself
@Neil i like it
brings hope
Well yes, in the context of "Don't worry, things will get better", not in the context of "Don't worry, you'll suffer soon enough whether you like it or not"
I'm just being pedantic though I suppose
pedant, a pedantic person, is a pedant
!!urban pedantic
@DrogoNevets pedantic A state of mind which is about caring a lot about formalities, often more than necessary. One may be called pedantic when he/she points out corrections in unimportant details.
dont feel like working today
im glad we not talking code today :D
@Wandile The last time we talked about code was the 20th... of march... 1997
how can i tell git push to use the non system default username/password?
every time?
no, just this once
Q: Git: How do you commit code as a different user?

CarlI want to be able to do this for a script. I'm essentially re-creating the entire version history of some code in git - it currently uses a different version control system. I need the script to be able to add in the commits to git while preserving the commit's original author (and date). Assumi...

fatal: No existing author found with 'DrogoNevets'
(I have already run the commit command)
nvm found a workaround :)
Goooood Morning US-- Everyone! :D
@Neil wow good to know :)
@Neil lol
anyone has any idea of what I should do to practice my angular? (as in, anyone has any ideas for [yet another] simple app?)
whats the best way to transfer multiparagraph text in JSON? in html or escaped strings or what?
I would assume: Escaped strings, you never know what the user might put
yea thats what i was thinking
@DrogoNevets no ideas for my angular exercises ?
@giosans Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
thanks Caprica Six.
@CapricaSix give me ideas
@MoshMage buy the ng-book and work through that
ffffuuuu $50 ? [I'm currently moneyless till the 27th but.. threefidy for a book? damn!]
Angular lovers - how can I get over my heeby jeebies with regards to all that extra stuff in the markup?
@phenomnomnominal i got sold when I saw "ng-repeat" and understood that I wouldn't have to write for-loops for so much.
I also got sold on the two-way data binding, which Is pretty neat since you don't have to manipulate dom values, just the "model variable" (not sure it's called that, but you get the gist)
@phenomnomnominal just ignore them, or put "data-" in front of them all
But I don't like data attributes either?
also, Drogo, I need ideas for apps - not a resource of tutos (though it was apreciated)
@MoshMage there will be an app to build in the book
It all feels like logic that doesn't belong there.
@phenomnomnominal then it probably doesnt
Then what is the point in them?
only thing that goes in markup is the view logic like ng-showor ng-repeat not much else
view logic, belongs in the view (markup)
there should be VERY little in that case
I agree, but that's not the case with most of the angular I see?
And it's really put me off getting really in to it
@FatihKaya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@phenomnomnominal got an example?
I'm on my phone, I'll find one when I'm back at a computer
@CapricaSix hi! thanks for your help. I will ask my questions :)
@phenomnomnominal ok
maaan. I need something to code or I'll be death-by-bored in a few hours :|
anyone has a shitty job they don't want to do? xD
@MoshMage do something pretty for this: github.com/Ralt/pastie
@user3667973 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FlorianMargaine Are rlemon and Zirak working on their own ones too?
@SomeGuy yeah Zirak started working on one yesterday
but only on the frontend part
rlemon will just host zirak's iirc
my backend part is done in this project though
well that was quick tbh
took me like 20 minutes
@FlorianMargaine define "something pretty"? (also, i just got this when I surfed into /vies folder) imgur.com/316iPz7
@MoshMage refresh
Yeah, a paste service isn't much
@MoshMage and something pretty for the / route
and also the /:id route
y, i know but.. FABOULSY HANGRY FLAMBOYANT UNICORN! How godamn rare is that?!
I think I'll maybe change to use uuid instead of id, more "secure"
i.e. harder to find another unrelated pastie
@MoshMage heres something that will help you with angular
have something with 2 controllers, that can share data
oh yeah! I only used one controler
so maybe, a guest list where i can have a list of people, and a guest list, and can add them to the guest list
nice and simple
I will happily critique your work
(if nto finished today, i will be back on tuesday as bank holiday for us in UK on monday)
damn you, uk'er. and your weird holidays. I want a holiday on monday as well :x
I may add this to the pastie code: gist.github.com/markselby/7190454
@MoshMage this is the last one until christmas though!
but ill start thinking what it should have, thanks for ze idea ;D
@MoshMage oh, and do it in codepen, plunker or jsfiddle
not pastebin
i only use pastebin for php or passing small-scripts :P
(or... to save data to pastebin.com xD)
good evening
i have a form with jqery validation
on submit the jquery validation does not work
thats the page i m working on
i have included the script in the default page
@DrogoNevets I think jsfiddle needs more ads :P
@MoshMage riiiiiiiiiiight
hello guys
I have this td
<td width="35%" class="Fsize12 out" id="0"><a href="#" class="checkbox-inline" onclick="getModal()">Get Options</a></td>
what should I write in the function getModal(){}
so that it will give td id
I tried
then inside
getModal function
but it gives me undefined
@OamPsy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hey yesterday you helped me
so thought today also you might help me
oh look
just to draw your attention
do you too learn jquery language
I don't want to now.
I don't want to past.
@JqueryLearner and @BartekBanachewicz both of you: If you use JSFiddle.net instead of pasting the code here your odds of getting helped out improve by an irrational percentage
!!afk chain smoke
I found an interesting quote on Meta
> If you have low rep users asking poorly formatted questions that are being answered by other low-rep users giving bad advice, what you have is a mosh pit, not a programming resource.
@MoshMage I really don't think that me using JSFiddle to post Haskell source would improve my odds of getting helped here (IOW you pinged a wrong person :P)
@MoshMage here most of the guys are genious
so i have not created the fiddle
@BartekBanachewicz true. I wanted to ping @Bartek my bad x)
@SomeGuy Niiiiice
!!afk chain smoke
@Zirak I'm going through this category. Lots of great stuff there
google is down
Up for me
check your cable hahaha
You mean...down for some more Monster Truck mania!?
Would it be possible to get an opinion on my overall approach to javascript for a site I'm building please?
let's say NOdeJS got 5 request to read from DB and now there are 5 results ready , The result would be served one by one right ? ( not in cluster mode)....am i right ?
(not in parallel)
@user2131001 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I want to know how to convert fusionchart with other html to pdf ?
I was asked to come to chat?
By whom?
could someone help me
@SomeGuy The Flying Spaghetti Monster.
could someone help me ,I want to know how to convert fusionchart with other html to pdf ?
!!tell user2131001 google convert fusionchart with other html to pdf
No bot?
!!tell SecondRikudo help
@SecondRikudo Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@Zirak Why didn't my work then?
You missed a bang
Yeah, I'm an idiot, laugh at me.
@Zirak turns out that wasnt the game. anyone remembers the name of that game that's F1 cars in impossible tracks?
points at Second and laughs
@CapricaSix I want to create a webservice for that so that it will email that pdf as report
That's my second-favourite image on the internet. Nobody cares...hehehe
!!help teach
@SecondRikudo Command teach does not exist. Did you mean: peace
@CapricaSix these were great
Hi all

i want to call logout function when browser closed

$(document).ready(function () {
$(window).bind('beforeunload', function (event) {

this is not working, how can i achieve it ?
@rlemon Why unoneboxing no work :(
!!learn bot "I'm actually a bot, so don't reply to me."
@SecondRikudo Command bot learned
!!tell user2131001 bot
@user2131001 I'm actually a bot, so don't reply to me.
@SomeGuy Functionality is enabled
It is enabled!
@rlemon Y U
hey there, how to bind event to an element in a iframe?
you have to ask it politely
iframe.ask("Could you bind that event for me?");
sorry for offending you
@SomeGuy The Glass Delusion band isn't that good
Haha yeah, it does make for a very cool name for a band, though
could you help me please?
@paulcheung I'm not offended
i do don't realize the way in which i just asking question is impolite, so...
@BartekBanachewicz : hi , give me some solutions i want to call logout function when browser closed

$(document).ready(function () {
$(window).bind('beforeunload', function (event) {

this is not working, how can i achieve it ?
so sorry,,,
you didn't format :( can't work :/
Any other way is there?
depending on what logout() does, ... well actually it doesn't matter what it does, even if had some blocking code in there, the browser will (should) ignore it
afaik there is a maximum time frame (like a second or something) after that the page gets unload regardless what you do
your best shot is to return false; from the beforeunload handler to let the browser ask the use if he really wants to leave
@Swathi is that you on the picture ? Please say yes
@jAndy : Thanks for ur reply, I dont want this type, If client close the browser i want him to logout.
@Creator Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@GaneshPravin no way to reliably achieve that
@jAndy leave the poor girl alone!
@jAndy Stop being a retard.
@jAndy : ok thanks :)
@jAndy be kind, harassment is illegal y'know
@Celebes Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Drakiula Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@belinda Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@TomAx Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@jAndy There are no girls on the internet

The (false) Kiss

Jan 19 at 14:27, 46 seconds total – 9 messages, 5 users, 2 stars

Bookmarked Jan 19 at 14:28 by Second Rikudo

@SecondRikudo Kirsty's a woman
She switched teams.
Plays for the other side
She's a Jedi?
@rlemon so.. she plays on our team? Damn her. Stealing our woman.
Is there any value of x that x * NaN !== NaN?
it's already hard as hell for coders to get girls and now this? bah xD
@phenomnomnominal Nope
@phenomnomnominal All values! :D </asshole>
is isNaN(this.x * this.y * this.z) === isNaN(this.x) || isNaN(this.y) || isNaN(this.z)
Probably, yes
NaN carries through operations, so if one of the values is NaN, the result will be NaN
Well, unless there's a string or something like that, but I think you get the point
yeah that's what I'm hoping
will the former be faster?
If there's a difference, it'll be negligible
Gonna jsperf it
@phenomnomnominal No
On the one hand, the latter has to carry mutliplication; on the other hand, if one of x, y, z is a string, it'll have to be converted to a number
!!> Infinity * 0
@copy "NaN"
If I'm making a billion vectors, negligible can be big
They won't ever not be numbers
And you're doing those expressions exactly?
But they could be 0 or Infinity
So I could end up with a NaN and I need to fail early on those Vectors, so I'm doing one of those tests (which ever is quickest) in my initializer
Do you also want to exlcude Infinity? If so, isFinite catches NaN as well.
!!> isFinite(NaN)
@Zirak false
why is it sausages taste just as nice cold, as they do hot?
does anyone know where to find mongodb connection string validation regex ?
there are no girls on the internet ?
@jAndy nope...none
jAndy left the channel for good
@MKesper Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
$.extend({}, today_json, today_tomorrow_json); this produces only today_tomorrow_json :(
sounds like timemachine.js
why would $.extend work like that?
I need to merge two json with same structure...
@jAndy just the channel? not the internet?
> <Cale> Java seems like it was designed especially to be a strawman for people who hate static type systems
@mikedidthis thanks, I know it actually works but in my case no :( I validated json, is it limited by json complexity?
@DušanRadojević json has complexity?
@DušanRadojević extend merges objects. You may need to do something with your json before, but I am not sure: api.jquery.com/jquery.extend
@csahlman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
thanks, I will solve it soon hopefully :)
@copy do you have any experience with FUSE? (filesystem in userspace)
(That goes to anyone else here too)
could someone help me ,I want to know how to convert fusionchart with other html to pdf ?
@phenomnomnominal Your tests are bad and you should feel bad
@Zirak they're good enough for me
The part your testing is negligible inside the test. One sec...
What's the point in testing it outside the context of how it's used?
Do you create the vector function every time you want a new vector?
If not, then why do you put that in a benchmark?
shoots self
Okay, so it's like 40% faster the first way :P
But also could give false positives
{ x: 0, y: Infinity, z: Anything
That's why I suggested isFinite, as copy was right.
@IgnacyMoryc Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
But { x: 0, y: Infinity: z: Infinity } is still a valid vector
so I have to check them seperately.
I guess I could only do the slower check if any of them aren't finite
nope that's stupid
Oh well, slow way it is
What about XOR?
nah, it'd be borked if x === y && z === 0
Are you sure you're getting NaN as an argument?
It's possible
Can you say "don't pass NaN or you'll cry"?
vector1 = {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 }, vector2 = { x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: 0 }
vector1 * vector2 = { x: NaN, y: NaN, z: 0 }
Can you offload it to the multiplication function?
Infinity / Infinity
although divide can just be made into 1/multiply i guess
You can put the arguments through Number and check arg !== arg
Question is if Number is nicely optimised
I feel like isNaN would have to be the fastest way?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nope
@phenomnomnominal Worth a check
I guess I can defer the assignment til after the check too.
Q: How to change color canvas SVG Editor?

user3567173I write to source code for changing canvas color in SVG editor.How to change color it?

man question quality is horrible
getting real sick of your shit @main
it was hard getting the golden badge
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes
well, experience as in "used it"
> I write to source code for changing canvas color in SVG editor
You misspelled Santa Claus
the guy who commented as a dupe, and the most voted answer on that last one both recognized it was a dupe and still answered.
I hate rep whores.
Q: dropdown selection not less than second dropdown jquery

Steve Bals <form id="add"> <select type="text" style="width:70px;height:24px !important;" name="stparttime" id="stparttime" class="required time ui-timepicker-select" selected="true"> <option value=""></option> <option value="00:00">00:00</option> ...

@rlemon How do you improve a question to say something sane, when you have no idea what the question is?
@SteveBals That's not a question, that's a shitload of code and with a vague requirement
@Zirak Can there be a sane answer to an insane question?
@SteveBals What is your current situation? What's your desired output? What prevents you from getting from where you are, to where you want to be? All of these should be in a question.
your last few questions are no better
I suggest checking out the help center on how to ask questions
/me leaves main
@LouisMatthijssen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon Oh yeah, we all hate rep whores ;)
everyone does
almost as much as we hate pants.
Q: AngularJS promise and prevent redundant async calls

karanbaI have a wcf service method that gets some data and I call it using Microsoft Ajax library. To share this data I create a dataService, and many controllers use this service. I want every controller to get the same data after first call of getData is done, unless somebody need to refresh data an...

@Florian would you be able to help me with it in about an hour?

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