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@RyanKinal "remove half of bin" refers to this.
in another news: Anyone knows of a service that allows me to paste stuff to it via jsonp/javascript ?
Yes, you use it. Is it capable of doing most the things you need out of the box? I know the CLI on a mac is worthless to me for a few hours before setting things up the first time per machine
(After 2 hours I finally understood that there was no ?callback option)
Unless I just ssh -x with another nix machine lol
@RyanKinal from now on, I don't care what OS you use ;D
I use all of them, tbh
(everytime i read "use all" that 'all the things' meme pops into my head)
Day job = windows, media streaming/staging server = OSX, home laptop = linux
And I use CLI on all of them (mostly via git-bash for windows, admittedly)
pff. real coders use their MOUSE!
Hey cool, one of my Meta questions made the bulletin board!
@RUJordan huzzah :)
@MoshMage Remember that linux does't have a "ui", there are implementations of UIs. If you don't like one, try another.
Q: Improving RegExp Answers

RUJordanIs there anything we can do (besides meticulously comment and downvote) to improve answers to regular expression questions? Let's be honest.. they are terrible quality. "How can I blah blah blah?" "Oh, try this regular expression \s\g+\$" (<-- not a real regexp) This is THE MOST COMMON answer ...

I haven't used a mouse on Linux in forever :c everything gets done in a tmux session
So June 6 I'll officially know if I'm staying here or leaving :D. Fuck not having a house.
@MoshMage Next time you log in first click "change session"
I have never once turned animations on on linux, or actually used the "dreamy" shit. I basically gave up on what comes with it and stick with gnome
@Zirak 34 upvotes is the most I've ever had lol
Ubuntu 7 style lol. My favorite without a doubt.
Now 35 is the most you've ever had
Well, I just hope people see it and start explaining their expressions.
3.6" is the most I've ever given
I'll take -100 votes as long as people "get it" lol
@Loktar the urge to make a penis joke... the tempts... D:
@Zirak I did mention that i was just hating for that same reason. gnome rules. ;D
If you want to try alternative UIs, I can wholeheartedly recommend awesome. It's programmable with lua, and it's all keyboard oriented.
@RUJordan it was supposed to be a penis joke :(
@Loktar But only a quarter of the most you've received
ouch man..
Whoa, I just got a recruiter call, and the guy actually went through my GitHub and talked about it. I might actually call him back -- he said he was impressed by my NodeJS uptake on SourceUndead (which is nuts, I uploaded that yesterday!)
But it is a recruiter... should I call him back?
@RUJordan nice dude!
@RUJordan Yes. Yes you should.
I got my most recent job from a recruiter
I used to dislike recruiters.. but they aren't all bad
wth is SourceUndead, @RUJordan ?
@Loktar yeah, I got my current job from a very nice (and pretty cute (but married :( )) recruiter. Most just see you as a quick paycheck, but I like the ones that actually do some research to see what you do
@MoshMage it's my game I'm developing
I'm trying to secure my queries, but it looks like the mysql module being Promisified doesn't take prepared statements well
man, I started to make a "build your own adventure" game in php but i just fell flat when faced with the enormity of the project :x
I keep getting errors
@MoshMage yeah, normally I wouldn't dare start an MMO from scratch, but I needed to learn engine foundations (it really helps you understand HTTP requests and control flow)
@RyanKinal thanks! I'll give him a call during lunch!
Good luck :-)
well, tbh I did start the project in node.js but I understood I knew too little to make that happen :x
@Zirak rlemon is afk: running with wood.
Your life was rougher than I thought
lmao!! ^^^
@MoshMage I knew nothing about NodeJS when I started this game lol It's tough, but once it clicks development speeds up so fast
Doesn't look too bad, are you stuck or just out of gas?
stuck, I managed to make "modules" work but was unable to set routes within the module
In a perfect world people would write native JS and not jQuery, but that's my perfect world. :P — RUJordan 11 secs ago
so it kinda defeated the propose of making modular thing, which then drained my gas
Did you try using app.post() or app.get() to route your modules?
That's how I do it
ohwait! I made it work! (i went and read the code and I am using app.get() )
so idk why I stoped :D
Get back on it brah!
Sure will! The project is cool enough (and I had completly forgot I was able to write my own module loading thing) to grab and give to the community
though I need to finish my bookmarks in angular first (I'm only missing the posting to gist and retrieving said post)
Is it possible to add something to a string in JS that will make the whole thing undefined?
@VaughanHilts a little less broad question should work
how do you change the href of an anchor?
@Crow with or without jquery ?
@Crow aNode.href = "whatever";?
@MoshMage It's exactly as I say -- is it possible to make a string undefined using nothing but the + operator
@VaughanHilts no. The only way you can make a variable undefined is by var x = undefined or if the variable is not declared, or there is a bad reference.
That's what I thought.
@VaughanHilts You want x + 'blah' === undefined?
!!> var x = 4; x+= undefined; x;
@RUJordan "NaN"
@Zirak That's right, I'm working with some code and sometimes that message sent up is undefined
@MoshMage doesn't matter, I can use js
And I'm wondering, if this long chain of additions and minified code somehow could produce undefined in the hand
When either argument is a string, + gives back a string.
What if message was undefined to begin with?
This is it's first decleration
!!> var x = undefined; x+="derp"; x;
@RUJordan "undefinedderp"
Again, if either argument is a string, the result is a string.
man, at least do some stackoverflowing first.. @Crow stackoverflow.com/questions/3998496/…
^ I like this guy
Yeah, I saw it's output
I figured \that\ was obvious, but I was curious if I missed \something
Seems not
@MoshMage That answer's horrible, it suggests changing the href attribute...with attr, of all things
It's just something.href as Second Rikudo mentioned
Q: Check availability and list available rooms

VisuniThese days I am working hard for my degree project on Hotel Room Reservation System. Now I strucked at the check availability stage. Here is my table structure Bookings `ID` int(11) `roomID` int(11) `startDate` date `endDate` date Rooms table `roomID` int(11) `name` ...

Please downvote and close vote as you see fit..
@Zirak it has both solutions ;o
var domElem = $('#<%= this.downloadLink.ClientID %>')[0]; // DOM element is at 0
domElem.href = downloadHref;
@Zirak Thanks for the spec.. should have looked there first
well, I guess the part that's important is the domEle.href = ""
but still, the three first links on dgg.gg were refering to that question
@ton.yeung With learn syntax, or with the Message object?
@MoshMage what happens if it isn't initialized with an href?
you should've spooned it instead. Bots don't like to be forked ;D
@ton.yeung msg.send
@Crow that's a question you could easily find out yourself by running some code ;)
!!tell ton.yeung format
@Zirak Command format\ does not exist. Did you mean: format (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@ton.yeung Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
Then it's args.send(message)
touche... this might be odd, but how do you syntactically do this? var newURL = $.QueryString['chart'].push(otherchart)?
Commands always gets a bot.Message as an argument
Rivers have reeds
So do clarinets.
@ton.yeung Enjoy!
Reed on brah!
Glad you like it!
@Zirak I like your sweet ass better
yeah girl you know what I like
I might be dumbing, it's normal, but how on earth am i supposed to post to gist via javascript if there's no such a thing as a ?callback thingy ?
!!afk chain smoking
Ahem. Morning @Shmiddty
@MoshMage oh cool... sorry I'm failing pretty hard at this
good morning @RUJordan
How's it going?
@MoshMage You can't from browser js, since creaitng a gist is a POST request.
@Zirak MoshMage is afk: chain smoking
a post request is appropriate for creation
as our RESTful forefathers have laid to law
PUT also works
put would generally be for replacing a collection
or updating a single item
@VikramAnandBhushan changed $('.selector') to $(this)
@Zirak yes it is
the life of a lemon
^ case and point — RUJordan 8 secs ago
Q: Cannot figure out how to chain nested promise with Q

user3661587I'm new into node.js and promise (Q), so please be kind. I want to chain nested promises with his executing parent chain and i can't find how to. I've made a toy script to illustrate my pb, you can launch it with node.js : var Q = require("q"); function init() { return {nbIn: 0, nbOut: 0, ...

That's what happens when you answer bad questions.
@fehmi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak exactly what I thought. Do you know of any service that allows me to paste a string and retrieve it whenever I wan? (a lá gist, but from browser js )
From GET? Not that I know of
'cos i wanted to avoid having a backend :\
@MoshMage - local storage ?
> So I played along—which was difficult without a Windows PC in my office.
@Zirak that killed me lol
@user3649503 I am using localStorage - i just wanted to be able to paste that localstorage value to another spot so I could load it from anywhere
Write a 5 line program and upload it to heroku
function main() {
  return 1;
/* multi line comment
TRUE! @Zirak ... maybe someone has already done it? ;x
am I going it right?
@MoshMage Wrote a pastie service?
noes, a heroku app that does relaying to a pastie service
I did! I did!
but I took it down.
@MoshMage It's 5 lines!
lol I think those code pasting websites need a new nickname. Pasties (at least here) are what strippers (or anybody for that matter) put on their nips to "cover them up" to avoid state nudity laws
true. I'll just write the relayer, upload it to mah server and then use it -- though I didn't want to write the relayer (I'm a bit lazy at the time)
lol @RUJordan
though idk if my server has curl - and I'm almost sure it doesn't
should be easy to install I think
I haven't curled before except once in PHP 2 years ago
Has anyone here ever used webodf?
nope, I don't have sudo -- I'm paying 0.98cents per month and to have sudo it's 5€
@rlemon is canada big on curling (the sport ("sport"))?
I can't seem to get it to work correctly but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right.
16k coming soon!
@MoshMage lmao wowwww I didn't know sudo was that pricey
right? xD
no one has heard of webodf in page file editing?
@FlorianMargaine congrats on 16k ;)
@billmalarky not me
I wish I had dat rep. But I'm just leaving my vamp phase :x
@RUJordan It looks amazingly promising, but I can't get the demo project to work correctly, as simple as it seems. webodf.org/demo/ci/webodf-0.4.2-2009-gb122af0/editor/…
@MoshMage eh, once never really leaves the vamp phase. They just get sneaky with hiding it <.< Like me
surprisingly there doesn't seem to be much buzz around the internet on what appears to be such a powerful product.
@billmalarky without me reading the article, explain to me what it does and why it's so groundbreaking
this is behaving oddly... am I doing something horridly wrong? chartList = chartList.splice(chartList.indexOf(link[1]), 1);
@Zirak Hahahahahahahahaha
@RUJordan Check the link, it is to the demo page, not the article.
@RUJordan I lost it at this hahaha
How can I reload the javascript?
Was like oh my god. This article started off with potential, but now it's going to be a masterpiece.
English please
@billmalarky lol I said without me reading it
@BenjaminGruenbaum you speak Hebrew, right? ^
1 message moved to Goats
@RUJordan but reading my text will be more work and less informative lol
It's just a really powerful in page editor
it is a WYSIWYG editor
all of them suck.
that is supposedly all done in JS for editing ODT files.
What I see is never what I get
I have this code: <script src="hello.js"></script>. How can I make him run again?
I just want one single decent one dammit
@rlemon Idk if it's technically the same (I don't know that acronyms meaning and will !google) but Ace is really really good.
@RUJordan Yes he does.
@VladGincher first explain why you want to load the same JavaScript file twice?
Seems like a waste of load
(that's what she said?)
It's hard to explain :D
Then it's hard to answer :P
Seriously, if you think you need to load it twice, you should re-think your strategy
!!s/your.*$/..... Everything/
@Jhawins Seriously, if you think you need to load it twice, you should re-think ..... Everything (source)
@VladGincher You don't
@VladGincher Write a function in your hello.js and call it when you need it instead of load same js file again
@RUJordan אני כועס עליך
@VladGincher Stop it
Hiding behind a language someone can't understand is childish
Stop what?
I'm a child :D
Then go away
@Zirak Ageist!
@VladGincher Don't hide behind your age, though
Why most of SO are so mad? (or med, how to write it? :D)
SO = StackOverflow
I don't think any of us are mad
Not here, on SO itself.
Because every time someone posts a stupid question on SO, a hamster dies
And having a pile of dead hamsters in your closet tends to make a person angry
Well now I just want to know what he said
@Zirak just did that. lol @ him being mad @ me
Look how cool Facebook is. And Windows too. And Google Chrome.
@PalaniKumar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Not sure if trolling or genuinely idiot.
@SecondRikudo So pro
What next? Using TamperData!?
@SecondRikudo What you think whenever someone calls himself a PHP developer?
@SecondRikudo Just ordinary people, not superior as we are.
@VladGincher We're not mad. But we regularly sit in this chat room. Do you have any idea the amount of bullshit that comes in here every day?
So much bullshit D:
!!doge bullshit
much bullshit
@Jhawins So why are you here?
He's not
> then don't refresh
> What's better is if you download the .html of a page, edit it yourself to remove javascript and some other crap, open that page up, and see if you can manage some SQL injection.
@Jhawins lol
Oh my God the comments there are freaking hilerious
!!s/that comes/I type/
@user3649503 @VladGincher We're not mad. But we regularly sit in this chat room. Do you have any idea the amount of bullshit I type (source)
I wish it was easy to draw dynamic images with code. Then I wouldn't have to use paint to make pixel art D:
@user3649503 @VladGincher We're not mad. But we regularly sit in this chat room. Do you have any idea the amount of bullshit I type in here every day? (source)
> The solution for that is to use a session variables to validate anything, instead of letting a normal HTML determines what do
@RUJordan It is. Photoshop bro. Scripting
@RUJordan @Loktar would like to have a room
Do you relly love coding? :D
lol what?
Supports multiple languages including JS. We don't do any image generation, just modification, but I use JS scripts in PS CS4 to do a lot of things
oooh @RUJordan haha I see
@Jhawins ah I mean generate images
@RUJordan Yeah, I'm just saying we don't. You can, I just don't.
Or you mean for web lol
Shut up bro I'm off on a tangent and I'm not coming back till after lunch
@Loktar exactly, but more dynamic. Someday D:
I have no idea why I said room, meant "word"
Brain melting
@RUJordan like imgur.com/a/GazA7
@Loktar Make Pxly open sauce
@Zirak yeah that confused me too. I thought you meant he should rent my room xD
@Loktar whaaaaat are all those made by code?!
after grapplehero its my next project
not even going to do a kickstarter now
going to try and release right to steam
Was it easy to do or is it all canvas magic?
its technology agnostic
the render method doesn't matter
@SomeGuy maybe after a release I will
technology agnostic?
er the language/render tech doesnt matter I mean
it could be done with any language that can draw
I've done it with php and js so far
loky pls
PHP has some pretty decent image generation capabilities actually
So I could theoretically write a similar application that can render random zombies?
I came back early...
So cool
@Jhawins Compared to brainfuck, yeah
@RUJordan I came early... (source)
Oh yay @copy is here to chime in with something negative
It's ok Cap, it happens to the best of us.
@Copy See you in a few hours when someone says something is good again
@VladGincher sup
@Jhawins Meh
Not really
Just busy, no time for small talk
@copy Negating him, are you?
@RUJordan How you 'doing my man?
Doin good. Working on a python API for my boss
@Zirak Just bashing some PHP. The usual, you know
Somebody likes Obama
@RUJordan yes.

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