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נמשיך לדבר בעברית או שנעבור לאנגלית?
עברית זה נחמד
@Jhawins How did you know it's hebrew?
עברית זה מעולה.
@Illaya sorry yes - but i am at work and do have a job
what does canvas equal?
@DrogoNevets I dont know what you expect from me
למה לוקח לכם כל כך הרבה לתרגם את ההודעות שלי בגוגל תרגם?
@VladGincher jsfiddle.net/RE24b/1 <- this is the correct one
@VladGincher rlemon's was a "good morning" I think. My boss has a glass crystal with the same thing he said on it for some reason
@VladGincher אני לא מתרגם אף הודעה
@Kostis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Illaya you will have a line that says var canvas = or something similar
לא יודע מה איתך
i want that line
And it's on the desk behind me lol
אתה יודע עברית?
He's got all kinds of little things laying around haha
@VladGincher אפשר לומר :P
$canvas = $("<canvas/>"),
canvas = $canvas.get(0),
@Illaya put canvas inside the DOM before doing the 2nd one
@Illaya wouldn't it be easier to post the code on a fiddle?
@MoshMage How can I see the array? :D
@MoshMage yes it would
@DrogoNevets I am new to canvas. Can you explain me how to do this?
@Illaya this isnt canvas
@Illaya why would anyone do that?
@VladGincher what?
i dont really have time to spend ages helping anyone today, sorry - the issue is, i am guessing canvas is undefined
@SecondRikudo למה אפשר לומר? אתה ישראלי או לא? מה הצבע של החולצה של השחקנים של הקבוצה שניצחה בפיינל פור?
@VladGincher i don't do privates.
How can I see if the array is
[1, 'link1', 2],
[2, 'link2', 0],
[3, 'link3', 0]
@BenjaminGruenbaum you should write BrewScript. JS in Hebrew.
could be big.
(I never even knew there were private rooms)
@VladGincher console.log(myArray) ?
@VladGincher צהוב כחול, אפילו שאני לא כל כך שמח כמו שרוב האחרים :D
אתה ימני?
מאיפה אתה בארץ?
@DrogoNevets that means I need to put the $canvas = $("<canvas/>"), to where?
document.createElement('canvas'); // WAY less ops
@Illaya and put it into the DOM
if you are so concerned, write a utility function for it
cmon, guys, "Having a single unified language in the chat is a must, and this language is English." @ rlemon.github.io/so-chat-javascript-rules
function $$$(str) {
  return document.createElement(str);
var canvas = $$$('canvas');
done and done and you still get the nice blingy code
hello guys I am trying to add a class to image carousel if the height is greater than some value but its being added in all the images can you help console.log()
@rlemon and now we search the internet for a function called $$$
@DrogoNevets DOM means?
@Illaya stop programming and go pick up a book
@rlemon +1
@DrogoNevets had any luck with my jsonp ? ( jsfiddle.net/JL2eL )
@MoshMage sorry chap, ive not looked at all
@MoshMage But it doesn't shows the parent
If you don't know what DOM means you need to go back to the basics
had live issues which are just begining to stabilise now
@rlemon thanks. Did you know about that?
@MoshMage can you put the full example in the fiddle (html/css missing)
@Illaya Document object model
@DrogoNevets np. Are you beering enough? I don't want you raging nekit on the streets - shit's bad, yo!
@rlemon Seems counter-intuitive to the newest ones but this is what he needs
@VikramAnandBhushan alert is not useful for debugging generally.
even I didnt knew before
use console.log
@rlemon ok so what should I use for it ??
hi all, is anyone aware of html special character to display |< in browser?
55 secs ago, by rlemon
use console.log
@VikramAnandBhushan I know very well about this. I am just playing.
@Illaya I still would like a sane explanation why you create an element with jQuery just to unwrap it?
why involve jQuery here?
@rlemon do you know about DOM?
I know about everything
including the BOM
and the DOM
just tell me, what is DOm in a single line
@rlemon ok i will update it but can you tell me how to fix this problem ??
i wasn't quick enough to read the removed one xD
@Illaya everything on the page.
speak english
here is with updated code
@VikramAnandBhushan what is the issue?
@rlemon see I am trying to add a class only if the height of the imageis greater than some value but in
the firebug I see its being added in all the images
because that is what you are doing
above you reference the image with $(this)
@MoshMage ive had a large tiger beer at lunch, that is it, and its getting VERY clsoe to home time
@VikramAnandBhushan jsfiddle.net/rlemon/4PQLr/16 works
maaan I wish my home time was neer. It'm still 3hrs short :\
!!afk doctors appt.
@MoshMage I'm still 8 hours to go :c
@ralp lol!
I am 1 hrs to go :P
meaning you just started? I wish I was as fresh xD
But the question is: do you guys have actual work to do? 'cos I don't. I'm 8hrs sitting at this desk doing fuckall
if I don't entertain myself coding something I'd go haywire in a couple'of hours
just started, 19 minutes in
@rlemon reply me da mayiru
I have a lot of work to do, but I'm not really doing anything currently
@Illaya rlemon is away.
and if you don't post a fiddle, I'm guessing it'll be a pain to help you out
@MoshMage actually this is a big project. So only I cant put this into fiddle
well, sir, then you're out of luck. on a big project and you don't know what the DOM is?
that'll go smoothly.
@rlemon what change did you do bro . ?? I could not find any :P
@VikramAnandBhushan rlemon is afk: doctors appt.
the dom is obviously the opposite of a sub :3
@VikramAnandBhushan where are you from?
@VikramAnandBhushan you had $('.thumb').addClass() <- this is telling jq to add that class to every .thumb class
rlemon changed that line to $(this).addClass() as $(this) refers to the image which is bigger than you predefined value
@MoshMage What do they have you do?
oh! okies osrry @MoshMage got it
@illaya Bangalore dude
@Jhawins I'm a consultant without a project (LOL, this is a neat title for a song/movie xD)
@VikramAnandBhushan know tamil?
I get to take a dog to the vet on lunch
Because a horse kicked her in the mouth
And it's gross...
wow. damn.
@Illaya only little bit of Kannada bro tamil only poda and Naai
i mean. heeeeerrr. heeeeer xD
@MoshMage lol sounds like fun for a month, then would suck.
@VikramAnandBhushan apo tamil theriyatha?
I'm hoping they get me on a project soon. Though I'm taking this time to try and learn some angular - so I guess it's a win-win [as if I were home, I'd play games like a motherson]
@VikramAnandBhushan and @Illaya english, please.. them etiquette rules are neat :D
ok cool.
@Illaya Enakku theriume
@varadarajan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@NLV vanga nanba. enga irunthu pesuringa?
@illaya it was all bouncer for me what you spoke
@VikramAnandBhushan I just ask him, where are he from.
@NLV irukingala ji?
oh well. off to google again. I have a nasty JSONP line :\
dumb question, but what is javascript's .contains function? I am trying to see if a query string contains a certain argument
@rlemon vanthuteya da chellam...
Speak English
It is a room rule.
The contains function determines whether the first argument string contains the second argument string (lol, descriptive - aint it? XD)
@rlemon I am speaking english
@Calum Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon I don't believe this to be true
@Crow erm.. " if a query string contains a certain argument" <- couldn't understand that. real life example?
What to be true?
Speak ebonics
Speaking english being a rule
Read the rules.
Because TheGreatRupert would never break the rules
34 mins ago, by rlemon
אפשׁר לדבּר יותר לאט?
I know it is there, I wrote it.
nicely caught xD
@rlemon I'm just being a nitpicky bitch
Regulars can step over the line.
That is also mentioned.
Am I a Regular? ;D
I covered my ass
I'm regular because of my daily fiber intake
@Illaya Better to mind your language and keep the discussion healthy related to programming.
@Illaya Good for the community boss.
@MoshMage I have a few links. They might just look like this: /?chart=my_chart. Then I have my querystring, which might look like /?chart=my_chart&chart=other_chart. If my link is contained within the current query string, I want to put a "minus" icon next to it (as to say, if you click this your chart will go away)
!!afk running with wood.
wow. ok. I know how to do this, theoretically: You need to make the querystring an array, then iterate through that array and check if matching
!!afk I'm googling my own solution, how sad is that?
@rlemon @Illaya Adios me going home :D
@VikramAnandBhushan rlemon is afk: running with wood.
other enjoy your day :-)
@MoshMage ... not... sad?
At all?
Googling is how everybody does it.
no he wants to be sure he hasnt just given crap advice
i think
I mean, I guess it would have been preferred if the googling was done before it was a solution...
What's a non-vamp?
Or better yet, what's a vamp?
!!urban help vampire
@RyanKinal help vampire A term used most frequently by chat room programmers for blood suckers who aren't interested in the functions or inner workings of a solution but rather the end result. They normally mask themselves in chat rooms pretending to ask for "help."
Are they also allergic to garlic?
I think they're allergic to documentation
@RyanKinal I've been googling this for like.. ever xD I managed to reach to a point where I can't understand the message and Drogo (who said would help) is kind of under the weather - so I went back to google again
@Kippie and have no reflection
@MoshMage im not under the weather, just had a new project go live today and one of my minion devs is useless, didnt test his code and left it full of holes
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://paste.is/?callback=JSON_CALLBACK. The request was redirected to 'http://paste.is/?callback=JSON_CALLBACK/', which is disallowed for cross-origin requests that require preflight. <- what does that mean?
(also, the tester didnt test in MSIE)
Me: So, do we have to FTP files, or do we have hg installed on the server?
Other Dev: ftp
Me: *:procrasinates:*
OHWOW. I've been reading "live" as "life" <- lol.
@RyanKinal Why hg, though?
Because that's what we use, currently
so, all this time I read it as you having LIFE issues xD
@MoshMage LOL no!
glad that isn't so :)
We're probably switching to git in the next few months
my life is dandy atm, other than im skint as saviong for a wedding
awscrewthis. I'll look for a propper pastebin which actually has a ?callback payload. (instead of trying to swim against the current)
time for bed. peace out!
Later @Kippie
Someone! Help!!!
Yes! Someone!
They're trying to rip off the OS X UI for linux and it's evil!
Stop them!!
... just use a different UI?
Because, you know, that's possible with most distros of Linux
our client changed the specifications out from under us.. again
It's not me I'm worried about
@Neil That sucks
what?! Who in their right mind would want the OS X UI in anything ?!
@Jhawins dude you and macs have issues
It's the fact that linux takes more time to get used to because it's real. Things are actually happening right in front of you. OS X and Windows take the approach of trying to hide as much as possible.
We tried to get them to sign a formal contract where they'd agree that what we understood is what we need to implement
I'm unconvinced that there's anything wrong with the OSX UI.
Or at least clarify things
Sure, it's not as low-level, but most people don't need low-level
So the less you see, the less you see. Pretty obvious that this inhibits self-learning
@RyanKinal That's why we have OSX. It serves it's purpose. We don't need to duplicate it
The only thing we signed was a contract where it was written when we'd have this program ready by
@Neil working without that contract is... mad unless they're paying you like $100/hr
@MoshMage Do you realize how ludicrous it is for us to promise to have the program ready by a certain date with them changing the specifications?
Almost as crazy as allowing our client to change specifications whenever they feel like it I suppose
@RUJordan Yeah. Because I treat them like ubuntu...
@Jhawins What's wrong with duplicating it?
@Neil yep. I do. Hence why "if they're paying you that much per hour" :P because if they're paying you $100/hr they don't care about how long it'll take xD
@RyanKinal You're right. We should also duplicate JavaScript and call it "DavaScript"
Because more is better?
@MoshMage Yep, too right
@Jhawins You mean like... CoffeeScript? Or Dart?
I suppose the craziest thing about this is that I'm not getting paid 100$/hour
posted on May 21, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

OSX is (for all intents and purposes... well most) Ubuntu with a shiny UI, trying to hide as much as possible for you. So if we take Ubuntu, try to hide as much as possible. All we have to do is remove half of bin|sbin and it'll be a Mac :)
@Jhawins s/Ubuntu/BSD/
@RyanKinal I just think that Linux has too much power for such a shitty UI. (I don't like the dreamy ui they have, nor the animation OR THE FACT THAT THE CLOSING CROSS IS ON THE WRONG SIDE. This last one gets on mah nerves xD)
@MoshMage Sure, and so does OSX. But the UI is there for people that want it.
@RyneEverett Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RyanKinal Nope. The point here is for the end-user. The end-user doesn't know the difference.
@Jhawins Which is exactly the point of a UI
@RyanKinal also, I'm just being a hater - I have no real issues with it because I load gnome everytime I use linux ;)
@RyanKinal Right!! Exactly. So can you tell me what the point of using linux usually is?
@Jhawins Depends on who you ask
The exact opposite of the point of OSX.
For us, it's probably the robust CLI
OSX is to be easy and do everything for you.
Which, personally, I use in OSX

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