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so this is odd
> From July 7th to July 11th SMB Developers will get the opportunity to spend a week building something they come up with. I’ll schedule a follow up next week for everyone to ask questions, give feedback, and further discuss what we’ll be doing. Below are some high level details.
^ where I work.
> • Use any technology you want to build your application
> • The afternoon of the 11th everyone will present what they’ve built. Peers, QA, BA, Product, and other stakeholders will vote on certain categories, prizes will be awarded to the winners
^ that gives me anxiety thinking about it
Sounds like Atlassian's FedEx days
Sounds awesome!
That's awesome.
haha yeah the anti social part of me is like noooo
we will be working at some other location too
kind of weird
Just build GrappleHero
FedEx days are great, we have at least one a year
@SomeKittensUx2666 hah, has to be business related
Damn I'm actually working hard from home
@Loktar Business GrappleHero?
!!google spreadsheethero
put him in a business suit
put grapplehero in an excel doc.
@JoeySalacHipolito You might have to manually count.
writing an example. Just a sec.
@JoeySalacHipolito Responded.
Hmmm. More complex than I thought.
A: Using deferred to chain loops with multiple ajax calls

SomeKittens Ux2666If you want the logins to run synchronously: var p = new jQuery.Deferred(); $.each(data, function(k,v){ p.then(function() { login(v.u, v.p); }).then(doSomething).then(out); }); Each new item iterated over in $.each won't trigger a new response until p finishes the last one.

@all Call me out if I'm wrong.
But Kittens is better at this promise/deferred crap than I am anyway
anyone wanna have fun generating passwords?
I have a set of unique seeds
@rlemon your password is kittensisbestprogrammer
[0-9][0-9][0-9A-F][0-9A-F] <- so I'll have a string like "01A0" or "1408" or "89F7"
I need a descent algo to generate p/w's from those
@SomeKittensUx2666 Seems like it might work. But don't you have to return login(..) to get the chain right?
@RyanKinal Yes, fixed
Good catch
@floatingeyecorpse Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hooray! ryan.skills.promises++
@David Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
USe these!
They are guaranteed to be random
@rlemon How do you define "decent algo" in this case?
something better than btoa(sn).replace(/=/g,'');
@JoeySalacHipolito Did that help?
!!> btoa('21DF').replace(/=/g,'');
@rlemon "MjFERg"
@OliverSalzburg yes, those are some nice sample inputs ;)
uhmm, my internet is kinda f*cked up..its not loading google somehow.
Ouch, that's not fun
!!tell JoeySalacHipolito help google
@JoeySalacHipolito google: Search Google. /google query
You can use the bot!
Philippines blocking google?
Hooray! Caprica saves the day!
1 message moved to Sandbox
Rules are for Fools
Idea: Create a facetious KickStarter for a "Standing Desk Converter" that's just a box
just not even going to bother questioning my self why on earth anymore XD
@rlemon Desired length for passwords?
hmm its kinda weird...cdn sites are not working..
server.js requires foo, foo requires bar, bar is in the same WD as foo
do I need relative path from server?
@SomeKittensUx2666 10/10 would invest
hmm its kinda weird...cdn sites are not working..
var foo = require('./modules/foo');
var bar = require('bar'); // is this right?

- foo.js
- bar.js
@rlemon Did you make any progress on that
@Jhawins sillyWeekendProjects++
said fuck it and am living with the error for now
@rlemon How about this? :P
var a = Math.floor(Math.random()*100).toString();
var b = Math.floor(Math.random()*256).toString(16).toUpperCase();
a = (a.length-1)?a:"0"+a;
b = (b.length-1)?b:"0"+b;
can't be rrandom
MUST be based off those initial inputs
Lucky for you Math.random() isn't random :D
What's the input?
13 mins ago, by rlemon
[0-9][0-9][0-9A-F][0-9A-F] <- so I'll have a string like "01A0" or "1408" or "89F7"
^ that is the input
will be num,num,hex,hex
4 digits
Hello :-)
Yeah, that's what the script outputs
Just fuck with the proxy and it'll start working eventually. Maybe
Or do you want to be able to redefine the pattern?
no those are the inputs ;)
I already have those
Weird stuff is about to happen
I need to turn those into a descent password
also @RyanKinal umm. any number > 5/6?
Okay, I think I'm slowly catching up ;D
I'm not overly concerned
so long as i'm not giving them a 64 digit password
Why not just run them through some SHA and use that as the password?
(horrible UX I know, but for the first roll out they are not able to change their passwords)
@OliverSalzburg because ^
time to ask noobish question again :-) i've got a <select> field, with few options, each of them has assigned "value" attribute and they got names. Upon selecting one of the options, I want one <span> to be filled with the title, second one with the value. Title works fine, but I can't get it to catch the assigned "value="asd"" value.
I would get nothing but complaints that the passwords are too hard to remember
$(".itemclass").on("change", function () {
what am I missing?
5 mins ago, by rlemon
var foo = require('./modules/foo');
var bar = require('bar'); // is this right?

- foo.js
- bar.js
seems this was missed. I know someone k nows this
it is simple
I'm having a brain fart
nvm, got off my ass and googled.
@rlemon So, substr() it?
Or convert it to base 60 to shorten it ;D
@rlemon function getInput(sys1, sys2, sys3, sys4){
    return parseInt(Math.floor(Math.random()*(sys1-1))).toString(sys1)+
getInput(10, 10, 16, 16)
@rlemon No randomness allowed? Must be deterministic?
One-to-one and onto?
@rlemon did you sort it?
(If I remember those terms correctly?)
@RyanKinal randomness === me having to check for conflicts.
@Connor yes, was being stupid
Go to facebook.com/Trending and check out the cover photo
Not really what you expected is it..
@rlemon oh...
@t1wc you have my requirements 100% backwards
@rlemon just noticed..
why is everyone generating my inputs! :P
@Jhawins Clever
ok i have no idea about java script. can some one describe me this code please
    function (response, status) {
        if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
            for (var i = 0, len = response.routes.length; i < len; i++) {
                new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({
                    map: mapObject,
                    directions: response,
                    routeIndex: i
        } else {
            $("#error").append("Unable to retrieve your route<br />");
@rlemon Because the inputs are the easy part ;-)
@user3457262 it calls the function directionsService.route and passes it directionsRequest for its first param, then an anonymous function for the second, likely a callback. it receives response and status, then works with them accordingly.
Also, 14 is probably too long, eh?
I was hoping for 5-10
@rlemon (parseInt("12ab",16) ^ parseInt("ubeenlemoned",36)).toString(36)
something a human can remember
12ab is your input :P
Yeah, that's what I figured
I'm not too worried about them being smart enough to brute force hack it
@OliverSalzburg nice.
!!> Math.abs((parseInt("15F7",16) ^ parseInt("ubeenlemoned",36))).toString(36)
@rlemon "iufmyg"
@rlemon "iufmkp"
I see a lot of iufm in those results ;D
this response and status what are they if i need to implement this function as a method in java or c# . what status and response are likely to be?
ask the person who wrote the code man
I have no effing clue
!!> var sn = '1408'; Math.abs((parseInt(sn, 16) ^ parseInt(sn.split('').reverse().join(''), 36))).toString(36);
@rlemon "f4ii"
@rlemon "7xqx"
Yeah, that's a lot of iuf...
better now, I removed the static string and just reverse the input
Or, rather, a lot of "iu"
@rlemon Ooh, yes
@OliverSalzburg thanks I'll play with this
we're kinda between a rock and a hard place
@rlemon Bitshift sn around a bit if you need something longer ;D
@rlemon it is about this. I have done the question described part in c# though . I really need the same thing to be done to my existing code which is there answer given in javascript which i am not clear to write as a c# code
@rlemon Add a non-empty join character to get longer results
no time to setup the system correctly, ergo one login has to be shared amung users
but not all users, just all of the users at one site.
@user3457262 yea I lost interest now. sorry, GL
Q: How to display alternative route using google map api

Dh...I am using google map and i am bit of stuck at one point. i want to display alternative route for my source and destination point. currently i am using the code which is working perfectly and displaying correct result but the only the problem is that this code displaying only single route for my ...

lol, I went with .join(input) and ended up with a password of "7"
Also, a password of "sausgx"
Mmm... sausg
Is it at all possible to build a fully functional and scalable VPN client in javascript?
@DemCodeLines Do it
@DemCodeLines You should find out for us
mmm sausg
Well, if I knew that it was possible, I would have actually gone forward and done it.
it is possible.
because node exposes the power of linux!
also you can write c++ modules for it
so yea, 100% possible. 100% would be a PITA to write
@DemCodeLines Does it include the virtual networking driver?
@DemCodeLines Well, if people only did things they knew were possible, where would we be?
tbh i only star things now for the unicorns doing the can can
@DemCodeLines why would it not be possible?
Because I don't if JS is powerful enough to handle that sort of stuff.
@rlemon No help for me?
do you know what is needed to build this?
@user3457262 no because I have no clue what your question actually is so lost interest
you asked someone to explain some code and what the expected results would be but it is clearly from a larger project or service, so really you should be asking them
@DemCodeLines typically if you have to say "i dont know enough about.." you should learn more about ...
it is a code for displaying map on a project and the route between two locations
@user3457262 the google maps API is very well documented.
@RUJordan I don't know enough about you, care to let me learn more ;)
@LeonelMachava Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon the Jordan Maps API is very well documented..
@RUJordan But no one uses it.
for c#?
@phenomnomnominal ... well played.
@phenomnomnominal OHH BURN!
@user3457262 you're using JAVASCRIPT? Have you not noticed that yet?
@RUJordan you're so cute. Work time for me...
!!afk earning dollah billz
hahaha i am quite adorbs
I like a rounder man
(are fat jokes still funny?)
i am not using javascript. but that java script code contains a function which is needed for my c# project. Since i don't know javascript . I need some explanation of what is happening there. so i can code it in c#
it is to display alternative routes between two locations
@rlemon mebbe. im not fat though
Does anyone have trouble resizing devtools, the hover spot is like 1px high
@Connor nope
on touch interfaces hell yes
@SomeKittensUx2666 it didn't work, it won't even contiue
with a mouse, nope.
@JoeySalacHipolito the one after my edit?
@RafaelRoman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittensUx2666, yes, btw, have you edited your answer? I didn't see the difference
> amaz coding skills C++, C, Java. computer.
@SomeKittensUx2666 they overdid the doge :(
@SomeKittensUx2666 wow so much <script>
you think thats bad look at the g+ source
> so participation in code review. much scary. no cry pls.
no cry pls
yeah that one killed me
@IanZhao Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Kyle.Belanger Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Does anyone have experience with Mocha + RequireJS using Node? I'm having an issue just getting it to work: stackoverflow.com/questions/22822018/npm-mocha-requirejs Would love any extra eyes/help!
@frostshoxx Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@don_mega Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Question:Correct this code, so that the greet function returns the expected value.

function Person(name){
this.name = name;

Person.prototype.greet = function(otherName){
return "Hi " + otherName + ", my name is " + name;

what is wrong in above?
Smells like homework
You're not referencing the object
what have you tried?
return "Hi " + otherName + ", my name is " + this.name;
Notice you have to use this.name
Sorry @SomeKittensUx2666 it was an easy one lol
Yeah, so he'll just copypasta.
Nuuuu I explained whyyyy
@SomeKittensUx2666: not really, I need to know how can I call name defined in Person in its prototype function.
@Mike take a look at how objects work in more or less every language. They reference by this keyword
yeah, I agree... that looks like homework...
+1 on the homework call
Oh shit, I just saw the code. Not the question T_T
^ start reading. your answer is in there
Oh god, do you think his professor will fail me now? D:
maybe a stupid question (actually I know it is)
Guys to put it to rest, I just saw this on codewars and when I did what was required. it didnt work. So I wondered if I ask here
whe i get a problem it is a super duper one very rarely someone can give a proper answer
see the second question
@FromWhereToWhere Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
nvm, i'm not asking it :P
It just gets stuck and doesn't pass the test when we use this.name
@Mike I just did it and it was correct
this. name is super cool though
adreess the currently excecuting instance
@RUJordan: mybe I have slow bandwidth here. but it just doesn't pass it. but I know that this.name is correct and should work
but thanks for your confirmation
@RUJordan: I become easily skeptical when my code doesn't work :)
Learn u dev tools
app.get(['/foo','/foo*'], fooRoute);
/foo/bar/baz ?? will it catch this?
Not sure if it will
I know you can regex
@rlemon you'll have to try, I'm not sure if it handles the /
but that why I ask you guys
fuck taking ten seconds and trying it myself!
@CapricaSix: who is behind blog.javascriptroom.com/about
I know Jesus, he sells oranges on the street corner near my office.
Heh... just came across a great SO ad fail:
hi everybody,

i'm building a slider, and I juste added Youtube support (iframe api)

but my problem is when i move the element in the dom, i'm loosing my reference, is there a way to keep it ?

I tryed to restart the association for the youtube element ( onYouTubeIframeAPIReady(); for those who know the api ) but I got a lot of error that the element has no method XYZ...
@RyanKinal is it reaaaally a fail?
More the like "the truth" I suppose
@JonathanLafleur Code is generally helpful
@RyanKinal yeah I can provide it, but it's 300 lines of code :P does pseudo code could help ? could help more to reduce the reading
Q: How to test promises in Mongo(ose)/Express app?

sunwukungI'm using promises to wrap asynchronous (Mongo) DB ops at the end of an (expressJS) route. I want to try and figure out how to test the following code. userService userService.findOne = function (id) { var deferred = q.defer(); User.findOne({"_id" : id}) .exec(function (error...

@JonathanLafleur pseudo code could help
JSFiddle would help more
Friend of mine just sent me that when I asked how last night went
so much beer
@RyanKinal I don't see the fail?
im using Date.parse
@SomeKittensUx2666 I don't get it
what is the method to get the day in english? or do i need to do that myself?
i want "saturday" not "2"
im feeding it something like 1223-23-1
!!> (new Date())
@rlemon "2014-04-02T20:45:12.990Z"
so i got numbers to start with
@rlemon "Ignored Tags: <p>Your job</p>"
@rlemon look at up and 1 keys
!!> (new Date()).toLocalDateString()
ah. i will use an array
@rlemon "TypeError: (intermediate value).toLocalDateString is not a function"
var weekday=new Array(7);

var n = weekday[d.getDay()];
!!> (new Date()).toLocaleDateString()
@rlemon "April-02-14"
fucking typos man
I swear they will be the death of me
> I have browsed throught all the folders of the internet browsers installed on my computer to find the above functions declared but i couldn't find them.
var weekday = [
don't use new Array()
oh alright
Yeah. Arrays suck; arrays are the way to go.
whats the reasoning for explicitly saying new Array
@RyanKinal @SomeKittensUx2666


Here's a couple of function just to let you see what I'm trying to achieve...

If you play the video, the slider stretch to fit 16:9 ratio, than when it's done, it go to the next slide
is it just redundant
@Bubbas It is just redundant
the problem is everytime he switch slide, that take the last slide and move it before the first one,
@Bubbas there are reasons, but you shouldn't ever concern yourself with them until you need to use them
when it come to the iframe, it move it, but the var player is not attached to a real dom element anymore
fair enough
array literal is faster, easier to write, easier not to end up with sparse arrays, easier on the eyes, and all around more flexible (imo)
Uh oh, my VPN connection cut out
okay guys
testing code
cross our fingers!
101 tests failed
db schema is wrong
Wohoo I finally can post in this chat! Only watching was getting weird :P
!!welcome LorryMcPorry
@LorryMcPorry Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
see I find this welcome message more relevant:
@LorryMcPorry Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Read this link or we'll eat you: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking a question inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf
I should fix the link parsing :/
@JoeySalacHipolito My answer never returned?
Was that your problem?

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