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ohhh Then yea, you can just require your individual files in your unit test files
using what?
well, I could write something
shouldn't be more than a few lines, now that I think about it
Do they do DOM manipulation?
Then you should just be able to use a testing framework. I'm not entirely sure what your question is.
require and exports aren't defined
Oh, well you need to run your tests in Node
global.exports = {};
global.require = function(name){return exports[name]};
maybe this is enough
As long as you aren't using browser-ish things like DOM stuff, you should be able to just run the test from a command line
I have stuff that does that too
DOM manipulation, that is
although without modules, I think
@JacobWinn Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ah no I need file names
meh, hard
If, hypothetically, you were to buy a gaming computer... from where would you purchase it?
ibuypower is decent
imo anyway. ibuypower.com
xoticpc too
I was looking at ibuypower
However I have never purchased from a manufacturer besides Dell (alienware laptop)
Right right
Yeah, I've never bought from anywhere except Dell and HP.
but I go to ibuypower when checking out specs
... but I sold for Gateway :-P
usually when Im about to build my new machine
hah Gateway!
I figured a lot of people here build machines. But... lazy...
@Loktar I know, right?
yeah I understand the laziness part
building is usually no more than 1-2 hours and a few screws
unless you have some freaky cooling system
and getting all the parts together
making sure they are compat
^ that's the part I don't really care to do
most of the work is done before the parts get to your house
there aren't too many options to trip you nowadays
There's probably a clever answer to this, but why?!? stackoverflow.com/q/22819779/1216976
generated content from the server maybe?
Aaand watch the downvotes flood in...
@SomeKittensUx2666 I did the exact same answer as you
instant -4
LOL wtf @Mosho
I just noticed that
Yeah, don't see why everyone's piling on you.
god have an upvote, wtf
no good deed goes unpunished
better watch out @SomeKittensUx2666 you're next!
stackoverflow.com/users/616443/j08691 if he is the user i'm thinking about, he is a pretty big douche anyways
@Mosho Oi, who said you could get more points than me!
the guy i'm thinking about is a fastest gun answer-er, usually omitting lots of info and details. then nit picks on others to show superiority and gang mentality with voting
"this is so wrong -1"
yeah.. look at his vote ratio
> but dude, your answer is exactly the same o.O
I think its BS if your upvote count is significantly less than your answer count
you should be upvoting almost all questions you answer IMO
unless its a really terrible question and you're doing it out of boredom
Actually, Kittens' answer is slightly better... and even was before the edits.
@RyanKinal such is life
how do you see others voting?
ah sorry @SomeKittensUx2666 I just upvoted you
@user1019696 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I just upvoted @Mosho to counter all the downvotes
since he was at -4 lol
\o/ 2.9 all of you
@SomeKittensUx2666 upvoted, you big baby
@SomeKittensUx2666 (What, exactly, does 2.9 mean?)
though I think I was first
@Mosho Gave you one too
lets start an upvoting cartel
we will rule SO in no time
@RyanKinal weren't you the one who came up with it?
!!> 2.9 <3
@rlemon true
Maybe? But if I did, I don't remember it.
Aaaaaah, gotcha
If that was me, I was definitely drunk.
I think it was @OctavianDamiean
now that I think about it
Think what?
coined 2.9 in the chats
Nah, not me.
transcript shows @phenomnomnominal
Nov 25 '12 at 9:25, by phenomnomnominal
oooh shit
also, @OctavianDamiean
wow wtf it was all the wya back in 2012?
You guys are old
No kidding you old farts
shut up dong hand
I've seen pictures man.. I've seen pictures.
Little over an hour in, kinda getting used to standing
It somehow reminds me of cowbell
@SomeKittensUx2666 music + shuffling / rocking helps a lot
Also, decent shoes
Or no shoes
I've already covered that ;)
no shoes + floor mat
no shoes without kinda sucks
They say that alcohol helps too, can't confirm though.
yoga mats double/trippled over are awesome
@OctavianDamiean bro you should totes jump on TS more often
@rlemon Literally can't stop shuffling
My employer bought mats specifically for standing
I should ...
@SomeKittensUx2666 also, try not to lock your knees
What are we even talking about?
@SomeKittensUx2666 is attempting a standing desk
tmk @RyanKinal and I are the only two in here who use one
The hell's that?
I stand in front of my PC and work
A desk... that you stand at... ?
I quite fancy a floating desk.
I don't even ... why?
It's like way more comfy to just sit down instead.
it really isn't
your body is just too used to it
a week of standing and sitting is ... ugh. uncomfortable.
@Shivam Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I had back problems. Then I started standing.
Comparing all elements of an array in a single if statement with ===, very bad practice! — aneelkkhatri 56 secs ago
I started standing, then got back problems. but it was unrelated
Downvoted this guy for using document.write and now he's flipping out
just bad timing
^ my standing desk
@OctavianDamiean I'm doing it for my legs
Q: Promise rejecting in function

NoitidartIn javascript how can I reject a promise? Simply returning new Error('blah') doesnt work right. So I included Promise.jsm and then did return Promise.reject(new Error('blah')) so my question is: if im in a promise like: then i dont have to return Promise.rject and can just return new Error right...

Why shouldn't you use document.write when the purpose is to do exactly what document.write does?? Undo the down vote!! — aneelkkhatri 3 mins ago
havent felt such joy downvoting in a while
if you want to advocate the use of document.write then you should be responsible enough to list all of the pitfalls for it and the cases where it should be used (this not being one of them). — rlemon 9 secs ago
Please @aneelkkhatri, inform me why === is bad practice? Please.. I would love to hear this. — rlemon 6 secs ago
@SomeKittensUx2666 please inform us every time you run into these users
they are fun
@rlemon Will do, this guy is great.
A: Very simple JavaScript code doesn't work?

SmeegsYou need to use a double == for conditionals.

this is equally as bad of an answer
Yeah! Undo the downvote! — RUJordan 55 secs ago
Why is firefox a tag on that?
Because of that dudes Tiger avatar.
@joosh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
He's still at it
This answer is outlining the core of the issue, which is the conditional statement in the IF. It provides an answer in its most basic of forms. It does not attempt, nor should it, to be a canonical answer. — rlemon 13 secs ago
I had this today on another one of your answers actually
why do people insist that every answer should cover 100% of the cases for all users
@rlemon Woot.
@QuentinB Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon oh, yeah the guy who insisted my answer cover all the edge cases when his didn't touch any of them?
undo the downvote!!! — Loktar 35 secs ago
there are a number of meta posts on this. I've run into it before
I love batshit crazy users
> -1 this fails on IE8-
@jpmonette Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
giving a downvote on that is retarded
You know, if someone asked you how to get of a tall building you generally don't tell him to jump off the roof because it wouldn't be quite healthy. — Octavian Damiean 40 secs ago
if someone tagged it as ie8 then yea its warranted
Just sayin'
^ that guy is weird, he never yells his "I'm"'s
@OctavianDamiean nicely put
That'd freak me out.
@Loktar let me get a meta post out
@Smeegs -- it's bad policy to use == in general. It's slower than ===, FWIW, and its behavior is non-intuitive. === does what you typically means by "equals". — Malvolio 21 mins ago
Just imagine, he's starting off decently with a normal "I'm" and all of a sudden he's like full rage.
@Loktar where is this?
@rlemon haha I made it up
A: Do we have to adhere to legacy browsers for answers to questions?

rlemonShort answer: NO Long(er) answer: NO, but in my personal option it is always nice to inform the user if the code does not work in any specific release (worth noting). So if it fails in IE6, who cares... if it does not work in safari or IE7... well I wouldn't go so far as to provide them wit...

I noticed I started using caps after I'm though
the huge but!!! in this is; if the question specifically outlines browser support. then you should answer accordingly. — rlemon May 24 '12 at 17:08
@rlemon approve my edit
@cheshireoctopus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@odysseas Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@all he removed the document.write from his answer
I was nice and removed my -1
I think he gets the point now
@aneelkkhatri that is not at all what he is advocating. However for the purposes of explaining the answer it is important to show the OP (imo) that step in the thinking process. Read the answer to the finish and you will see he offers a better solution. — rlemon 6 secs ago
okay, closing main now :P
@jAndy meet @cheshireoctopus
aww, no jAndy

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