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Yeah, I can't watch that.
@JoseVega Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@cat Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
That looks funny
thanks you
I'm trying to make a website that sends data through AJAX using JSON that updates the page with new information based on what I sent with the post. I've tried using location.reload(true); at various parts in my code to no avail.

Here is the js file that is relevant to my form button: http://pastebin.com/isjZcjuY
How can I make my page reload (or preferably just change the relevant tags in my HTML document) upon successful sending (and receiving a reply)?
@cat Dad?
After all these years, we can finally be a family!
I am not giving you my money!
Psh, haven't you heard?
I'm a famous web developer now
!!s/web developer/porn star/
@monners I'm a famous porn star now (source)
well then give me some money
@SomeKittensUx2666 Late reply but there's also a Strong Bad / Daft Punk mashup making the rounds (for any fans)
@HostileFork ...that is beautiful....
@mjsqu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
"Why are you still using Windows 98...what is wrong with you...stop buying your computers at thrift stores...!!!!"
I watched a minute of that earlier
I'm too impatient to watch things. Its not like homestarrunner's glory days. Spend an hour downloading a 5 minute animation, and I'm definitely watching the whole thing.
@twiz Just speedread the wiki transcripts, you don't need to watch it now that SB lost his edge
@Derokorian Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Speaking of which, I haven't gotten published in Have Edge Times Magazine lately. I'm even considering a guest post model for hostilefork.com
And now... I am porting an old discography generator that mashes up info from MusicBrainz and Freebase from mootools to jQuery. Not so edgy.
Hello all
Is there any special trick I need to use when setting the onclick attribute of an <a> tag through javascript?
@HostileFork so how's life been?
rlemon.ca/cavedive now with bonuses.
@HostileFork blackhighlighter.org is stopped :(
This is pretty much the best thing ever:
Q: Permanently uninstalling the user

That Brazilian GuyAfter a lot of deep and thorough research [citation needed], I have come to the undeniable conclusion that 99.875% of all security issues are caused, directly or indirectly, by the user. Worst of all, the problem obviously affects every OS ever created (and the ones yet to be created). Even mobil...

@SomeKittensUx2666 Laborious. Both my grandmothers died within a week of each other, causing some amount of shakeup. I came out to take care of one of the houses and the inherited cat, trying to use it as a "go through all the old projects and tidy them up" time. But it's turning out to be more like the Shining where I'm driving myself into the ground writing REDRUM on the mirror...
"Getting away and taking time for your projects" often sounds like a better idea than it really is.
@monners Thanks for telling me--much appreciated. But I know. So Nodejitsu has this "free for open source" program, and they ask you to first install the project and show it to them deployed, and send in your application once it's working... but you have one month of sandbox time before they cut off your account.
Game Over

Score: 5575.5
HighScore: 5575.5
play my game friends!
@HostileFork Yeah, that can really make you sit back and evaluate everything.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Yes, especially when you go through a house where someone just... died, and left all their... junk in it for other people to sort out. I'm a lot more regimented and minimalist as those who know me are aware... this is what I consider to be madness house. Weird Hummel figurines, ugly quilts, lots of medical accoutrements from end-of-life problems
I feel like the detection for the bonuses is off.
@rlemon What's the link?
@HostileFork So you're living out of her house now?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Well not for long, my parents intend to move here when they finish up selling the other one. But until then, free rent. Although psychologically, free may not be "free" in the full sense.
this took 20 minutes
@rlemon ha why so low....?
fuck off :P
Game Over

Score: 5350.0
HighScore: 5350.0!
first try
Oh, that's an apple and not a bomb
ha I was actually serious, but I guess I just got really lucky on my first try
but now I see that its not usually that easy
oh snap
@HostileFork I live to give!
and there are bugs in the bonuses
but w/e
is playable
I think I should name my environment Klendathu
9953... ha
yea the terrain is random
ok, I'm done
so you do have the chance (over time) to get really high scores
Come on, that was a clever joke!
Perhaps too clever...
really like flappy bird.
@KregHEk Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@HostileFork haha that's awesome
And he just won enough money to pay for half a semester at Carnegie Mellon
Of course the dude is CMU
@rlemon The visible seams on the terrain distract me, as in, I notice them... it's generated? Why the discontinuities?
the texture for the overlay is ripped off and not perfect.
i'm working on those
@rlemon I have written before about how with games, you can do your instructions in the game... article on the topic
this is very much a WIP
Why not have a very open ended beginning for the diver where he's falling but there is an apple and the texture says "eat me"
Ditch all the comments
@rlemon you just need a tileable image and it'll fix it
will move everything in game, in canvas.
it is tileable. but i'm scaling it
I just need to correct things
only other comment, not sure if this is by design but it feels sluggish
@rlemon I really thought Closure was quite clever for a Flash game... brought you in nicely.
It got picked up for production
yeah Closure is great
@HostileFork in all honesty @rlemon doesn't really need an explanation imo
its pretty inuitive
the on screen controls are just temp for the mean time anyways
@Loktar Well I actually was avoiding the bombs at first, then I saw the text
I come from a different era...
I'd just show an overlay of arrow keys...
@HostileFork I just got done beating Knight'n'Grail on the commodore 64
and make the apples coins or something less potentially explosive ha
I also come from an era long ago (in gaming terms)
do you even know who I am? Sheesh :P
@Loktar The last truly odd thing like that I did was to go in and beat Chrono Trigger.
some of my consoles
@Loktar Good ol' faux wood paneling on the intellivision
haha yea
I just ordered a dust cover for it on Saturday
^ pride and joy currently of my collection
Amiga cd32
@Loktar Better question is do you know who I really am?
Q: Dungeon Construction Set

Dr. RebmuWhen I was a kid, I played the Intellivision game Advanced Dungeons and Dragons: Treasure of Tarmin. The 3-D graphics put you in a first-person-perspective point of view with shocking realism: But then I got a C-64. And I was able to draw on the 40x25 character grid by cursoring around the s...

The beard looks real, but... it's a disguise! Yes, I will admit it now. I am Dr. Rebmu.
haha nice
fellow old school gamer + gamedev
I had no idea man
I was just joking btw with the do you know who i am bit
I talk about gaming on here all the time
@Loktar Didn't? Haven't seen you in Rebol and Red. Bunch of old Amiga folks there.
hah nice
Q: How do I update the current view after AJAX/JSON post?

agent154I'm working on a homework assignment where I need to send/receive form data via JSON. I've got the basic functionality working: I can interact with the page and fill out the form and submit, and the code works. But what I want to do now is add a small feature that updates the current view after I...

fcontext.drawImage(fill, 0, 0, fcanvas.width, fcanvas.height);
patt = context.createPattern(fcanvas, 'repeat');
@Loktar still repeating :/
fcanvas.width = canvas.width
fcanvas.height = canvas.height / 2;
I never use patterns
I just redraw the whole image
pattern is probably better though
pattern is for the fill
so I lineTo and fill and get the pattern
so its a tileable image you're sure?
@mgiesa Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Going to a Web Directions event tonight
@monners what's that like?
I might be going to some party tomorrow too.
Man, that just drags you down.
Ever since I realized how much trouble friends were, I let that all go. It was a problematic lifestyle.
You relapse so fast
Sorry, I'm not following your train of thought.
/am sitting here without friends. drinking.
@rlemon ~_~!
improvements have been made
@rlemon so high score
!!doge high score,wow,incredible,finally for once
very high score
              such wow
                           so incredible
much finally for once
Game Over

Score: 7254.3
HighScore: 7254.3!
in fact, it should be all around easier to get those scores now
more bonuses
I suck at my own game.
@rlemon why do you have so much free time. don't you work for a company?
it is 11pm here
code all day, code all night. such is the way.
e... OK, just noon here
rlemon, Ontario, Canada.
10.4k 4 32 72
EST here
@rlemon I fell tired if all day coding. maybe my work is boring and I do not want to code anymore after work.
trick is to code two different things
I made demos and stuff after work
keeps it fresh
OK, I will have a try
Express delivery coming.
@jesse same thing happens to me some nights
thats why I make demos at work as well :P
haha like today
I try not too
work@work demos@home
SO@work fun@home
^ that as well
eh sometimes there's no work to be had
and id rather not just surf for a few hours :?
fair enough.
"no work to be had"
@SomeKittensUx2666 when you're a sr dev like myself you get tasks done quick.
ez web ez life
I have all the tasks
^^^ // I wish
I'm in a glass case of emotion tasks
admittingly i could make way more pens in the gov.
how many devs you got?
in this project 4
man.. just got done with a deployment started at 7
fuck that was boring
in the gov it was basically just me
but they had pretty much no work
I couldnt milk it any longer got way too bored, was angry everyday so I left
this place has a decent amount of work but at the end of the sprints it dies down
Sprints end?
3 week cycles
What's 3 weeks like? We do 2
10 days of coding features, 2 for bugs
demo@home greate idea.
the last 3 days are for any deployment bugs
and sprint planning (thurs)
next sprint officially starts on fridays
they have a really good established system here
I like it, my last place was 2 week sprints
and it was code code code, shits broke fix it omg
and god.. the planning session was over 8 hours
here the max has been 3 and once you're filled up on hours with tasks you're free to leave which is amazing!
We do sprint planning on the first Monday with our PO, backlog prioritizing on the second Wednesday, retrospective on the second Friday, and in between its just dev, deploy things when they're done, fix emergencies (as decided by the PO) otherwise bugs just go on the backlog.
ah thats not too bad
our retrospectives are every 3rd Wed
tomorrow at 3:30 they are incredibly short
but these guys have been doing this for 2 or 3 years now I guess
We have ~200 unproiritised story points on our backlog plus like 100 worth of priorities, so sprint planning is easy
@phenomnomnominal What's your velocity?
yeah man our PO and Scrum master are awesome with priorities
35ish a sprint?
they are already set to go during planning we just hand them out basically.
That's not too bad
How many hours to you guys have total for dev?
Well, it's kinda 2.5 devs. One guy on my team is a fucking CSS genius, and he's working on building up his JS.
How so?
we do 54 iirc
Dev as opposed to what?
hours per sprint I mean for feature dev that need to be allocated
@Loktar You mean velocity.
26, right now
three devs
ah ok I wasnt sure what that was
We're dev fulltime, we have a dedicated tester & designer & DBA
I thought velocity was completion
Our velocity is story points per sprint
What trackers do you guys use?
was using Jira at my last place
I prefer teamcity though honestly
Fogbugz here, but supposedly moving to Jira (with some strong pushback from some devs)
im retarded.
Thats our deployment tool. WTF is MS's tracking one called..
We use Teamcity for deploys too
We use Pivotal Tracker
thats what we use, which I dont mind for tracking, for source control.. meh
We use Trello for our sprint management
same here
trello is pretty sweet actually
Yeah I really like it
I wish the scroll wheel would scroll the horizontal pane though
thats my only complaint which is crazy minor
We're trying to get it up on a massive touchscreen
yeah thats what I like about it too its great on mobile
only tool I wish theyd use here that was used heavily at my last job is Google Hangouts
they use Webex all the fuckign time
Are you not all in the same place?
no our PO is in Newyork
!!afk i'm too drunk to taste this chicken
and our PM is in Cali
liek tonight we had a deployment.. and we all had to be in on a conference call
idk google hangouts would be better. Some of the people have really thick indian accents
its hard for me to understand them on speaker phone
Every single person on my team is <5m from me
Well, our PO is away today, but still
that would be nice
the biggest issue for me is understanding the accent sometimes honestly
everyone is cool though
Makes text chat pretty important then
yeah for sure
but even then there is a barrier sometimes..
they will use odd words to describe things lol
like we had an issue with thumbnails not being proportioned right.. and they kept talking about image zoom
lol idk its a diff environment for me (the gov was all 50 y/o prior military dudes), but its cool
@jt0dd Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Just tried to format a file - hard crashed ST
Hey does anyone know what kind of jQuery has output like this: i.imgur.com/B5R7QcW.jpg
it's not returning standard jQuery objects, and I can't do things like .replaceWith()
Note to self: preprocessors fuck up asset pathing in stylesheets
Q: Chrome extension to post content to a remote site

Minghui YuI am thinking to build a Chrome extension that can post selected content to a remote PhpBB based discussion board. I know how to use programming language like PHP, Java to do it but I have no prior experience in terms of Firefox or Chrome extension development. Any advice is strongly welcome! Wh...

@SomeKittensUx2666 You're hired!
I really don't get some people… stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/4477922
yay, can't sleep again
!!go to work at 2am or NOT
@Mosho NOT
Q: Cannot call method 'forEach' of undefined node.js

user3487536i was programming node.js pagination based db-mysql. first, Well as the output of the list.ex)<1>[2][3].. but when i click [2] error occured. error message:Cannot call method 'forEach' of undefined. when i click [2] or other tag([1],[2],[3]...) this page is switched, css is not working that ...

is this even the right way to use ejs?
I mean, I haven't used it, but the docs don't show this usage of the API
no, it is not
Also ejs is bad :P
I use underscore's templates
is that bad too? :X
that made me lol
guess you need to be a dad? :P
@Mosho or perhaps you need to be drowning in it. :)
saw that cartoon on reddit
@phenomnomnominal fair point
if I have this string ",,,", can I have a regex like str.replace(/,,/g,",wat,")
so that the result is ",wat,,wat,"
!!> ',,,'.replace(/,(?=,)/g, ',wat');
@PotPlant ",wat,wat,"
forgot about that
Cute, SO hit 7mil questions
@PotPlant used it in an answer, hope you don't mind :P
Nah, of course not.
people upvoting str.split(',').map(function(x) { return x ? x : 'null' }).join(',');
Which q?
Q: Replace double commas until there are some

RiversI am trying to replace all double commas with ,null, The problem is that i need to keep doing it while it is replacing it. I am thinking about adding a loop but is there any other more eficient alternative? var test = "[1,2,,,3,4,,,,,,5,6]".replace(/,{2}/g, ",null,"); alert(test); The result...

ah, he accepted it
Yeah. There could be a problem however (though the answer solves the problem as specified).
What if the array has leading or trailing commas?
only leading is a problem
!!> "[,1,]".replace(/,(?=,)/g, ',null');
@PotPlant "[,1,]"
but the other solutions don't solve that either
ah, well, that's his problem
!!> "[,,1]".replace(/,(?=,)/g, ',null');
@Mosho "[,null,1]"
that's a problem with the solution, I think
can ^ be used negatively
though wait, "[1,,]" wouldn't work either because the last one wouldn't get matched at all
fuck it
takes the rep and runs
Well, you've answered the q.
technically, you did
Double commas may be exactly what the OP wants anyhow, who knows.
!!> [,,,3,,4,5,,,]
@Mosho ["undefined","undefined","undefined",3,"undefined",4,5,"undefined","undefined"]‌​
that might give him what he wants too
Well, you could just eval the string.
Awww the unicoins are over?
!!> new Date();
@Mosho "2014-04-02T05:40:57.861Z"
That will drive up their value.
but...I just auto-mined like thousands while I was watching my wife play Last of Us
I've officially gained 40 pounds this winter
@Anudeep Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@awongh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Min2 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
da faq mann
@veidelis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!> new Date();
@RahulDesai "2014-04-02T06:30:46.701Z"
why is there a T and a Z in there? ^
@RahulDesai "T" = time; "Z" = UTC
@yashhy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak I see
@Per Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@bhadram Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.

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