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@Zirak Im pretty novice, Could you emphasize on:"get rid of the ad thing. What you've shown is just GET params"?
wtf people?
@Zirak I see nothing about those 404's
@Zirak "Firebug's log limit has been reached. 5442 entries not shown."
SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified

Time to introduce log levels...
Why does Javascript call not work as expected but Apply does. I am passing array as parameters to Apply while as name to Call:
APPLY: http://jsbin.com/fasemege/1/edit

call(thisArg, param1, param2, param3);
apply(thisArg, arrayOfParams)
ahh nvm
I misread your code
do you want to use call with both arguments?
!!> Math.max([1, 2, 3, 4, -42])
@KendallFrey "NaN"
@Mike What would the invocation look like?
You're only passing the first argument
Maybe you should use the arguments object?
(function largestNum(){
Try logging args
And not use call
are you trying to do this?
@rlemon You don't have to use slice on that, apply will happily receive arguments
@Zirak ahh, good to know
Q: Pagination using JQuery UI Tabs for 'n' tabs

CodeMonkI tried to search everywhere but couldn't find a possible solution. What I'm trying achieve is a real pagination view. I understand that there are many pagination plugins available which can give me the paging button view, but My requirement can only be fulfilled with jQueryUI and hence I am aski...

apply will manage anything with a length property.
> What I'm trying achieve is a real pagination view.
what is a "real pagination view" @CodeMonk ??
Q: Can't render a cube with three.js, when I have prepared the OO-structure of my application

Gelo VolroTo render a cube or any other geometric figure with three.js is as clear as a crystal, when your code is rather simple, but when you are going to prepare a future structure of your application with some module logic in OO-style, you may got some problems. So have I... If you doubt about my possi...

your question is lacking a question.
woo microsoft
1) corrected the typo.
2) what i have is http://jsfiddle.net/codeMonk/cmkn6/4/
3) what i need is https://i.sstatic.net/5b9hh.jpg
4) how?
@rlemon why? have you even reviewed it to make such a decision?
@GeloVolro try to keep up, I wasn't talking to you
@rlemon ah sorry
@CodeMonk update your question to be a bit more concise (more what you just told me)
and for 4) sorry I don't use jQuery UI, just trying to help your question be better understood
@Zirak: the problem is only with call method, Apply works as expected. Any Ideas whats happening with call?
@rlemon thanks :) I have mentioned my need and codes so far in my question
@CodeMonk but it isn't clear. saying "this is what I have, this is what I'm trying to achieve" would be better
anyways, good luck with the issue.
@rlemon make sense. thanks. i'll update the question
jQuery UI can be a POS at the best of times
Is ExtJS the most powerful UI library for web-development? :) What do you think?
facebook.com/photo.php?v=606580842744957 <- watch it till the end guys
@SomeGuy , @Zirak ^
14 mins ago, by Zirak
Try logging args
@GeloVolro From the outside, ExtJS looks like a mess.
I've been too afraid to give it a try.
@Zirak like WebForms from ASP.NET? :)
In that technology MS has attempted to merge client/server sides into one entity to make a developer feel like he's developing a desktop application (like WinForms or Qt, etc...), but a lot of bugs and horrible work. MVC is great one.
@AbhishekHingnikar Holy tomatoes.
@AbhishekHingnikar The robot could have been a little more smug, the bastard.. ಠ_ಠ
I need to share a 4gb image with someone. Ubuntu one or Dropbox?
which will be faster upload/download?
I have no idea.
The chat transcript search kinda sucks
Or maybe is just poorly documented
it sucks
man how do people work on small displays
I am working on a 15" monitor right now
I code quite a bit on a 15". Most of what I do for SlickText, actually.
painful how little realestate I have.
At work, I have more space, though.
... I should buy a monitor for my living room home office
I lied, 16"
@rlemon do you actually need to pass an array to apply? Wouldn't Math.max.apply (null, arguments) work too?
That's, like, a whole extra INCH. That's massive.
(My work laptop has a 17" monitor)
@MSG you are late to the party, but thanks
I was hoping somebody would pick up on that.
small screens suck I remember playing games on 13" displays
hell my commodore was on a 13"
@rlemon mhrg, just read the rest of the conversation :P sorry ^^
!!heroku or nodejitsu or amazon
@RyanKinal heroku
@ezraspectre Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
doods LOL that Yahya Akhtar guy asked me the same question!
on Twitter
and I was like wtf?
this was like 2 weeks ago
@loktar00 i need some help
@loktar00 i need help in html5 canvas .successfully i get all the pixels in of image i want to change the teeth color how can i accomplish
I think there's a jQuery.toothBrush plugin
wait, that was an actual question?
Yes. Yes it was.
and you guys told him that there's a jQuery - plugin for that?
HAHAHA, oh my god
i thougt this guy was making fun
I mean, it's actually kind of an interesting problem, once you realize he's talking about image processing.
And if you ignore his request for jQuery
zit remover app, I would be rich mother fuckers.
Whoa, spotify just randomly emptied two playlists :(
yeah, it is
the way he asked the question in here just didn't make any sense at all
@C5H8NNaO4 You have angered the free-music gods
sooooo Ubuntu just compressed a 4gb image to 12 meg
@RyanKinal I even pay them a tribute of 10 bucks every month, how would they be angered
nvm - it isn't finished.
spotify has a great way of checking that two songs are really flowing into each other
but says it is :/
they always play their ads right there
grooveshark ftw
@C5H8NNaO4 The tribute is super ineffective!
"Dude, you gotta listen to this interlude, totally builds up tention until the real song starts... wait for it... there it comes"

*ding ding ding* Spotify blablaba
I find the song quality on grooveshark to also be quite superior to other services I've used.
only issue is I keep having to remind grooveshark that i'm still here and listening
I don't really know why I stopped using Grooveshark
@RyanKinal Yeah, maybe a goat will do better
4gb -> 500mb
that looks a bit less insane
@C5H8NNaO4 make sure it is a virgin goat.
(so none of @Ziraks goats)
@C5H8NNaO4 But... adorable
That goat may be Australian. I can't tell.
best thing ever amirite?
@RyanKinal Does it has to be adorable? I'm afraid i couldn't pay such an adorable tribute

@rlemon I just use one of @Ziraks goats before they loose virginity
@RyanKinal Baaaaaa
@rlemon sooooo shopped.
... but good.
@C5H8NNaO4 The greater the adorableness, the greater the tribute, unfortunately
@C5H8NNaO4 There is no before, for his goats
@OctavianDamiean what is this 4chan? who cares if it is shopped
@rlemon The children! Oh, won't somebody think of the children!
hur hur hur
@KendallFrey Oh you do, do you?
^ relevant to goat conversation
@RyanKinal What a pity, what merciless gods they are

@KendallFrey Oh, I see, well that makes sense, poor little (adorable) goats..
@RyanKinal Baaaaaa
!!learn ooOOoo00oo '<>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjyQ2pL2Cus'
@rlemon Command oooooo00oo learned
for everyone else :P
@Zirak OoooOoooo000OOOoooOoooo
@rlemon Hahahaha brilliant!
@jAndy Happy birthday!
hurr hurr
@RyanKinal lol
!!doge annoying,yet,@RyanKinal
             so annoying
                         many yet
very @RyanKinal
/ignore rlemon
(it is fun pinging people from three rooms at the same time)
Not that it would matter much. Caprica still gets around that, right?
okay, time to get off this tiny little screeen
!!s/(off )(.+)/$2 $1/
Aww, so close
try again
@RyanKinal okay, time to get this tiny little screeen off (source)
My lord and monsieur
i present to u
also 【 ๏̯͡๏】
snapicks full photo view
// with the chrome ^
// without the chrome its just the photo
Why do you sometimes put comments in your messages?
I'm uploading a larg(er) file and that sometimes fucks with my network
sorry if Caprica isn't responsive over the next few minutes
So, that's what the kids are calling it nowadays? "Uploading"?
Well, it does have a very high bandwith.
@AbhishekHingnikar Looks good
why is the font so pixelated
is that just the screenshot?
@rlemon don't be pixel-hatin'
@rlemon windows.
@rlemon its running on a very small resolution :-)
perfection or nothing
ugh, this upload is going to take an hour and a half.
solid speeds from my ISP.
I'm backing stuff up to a comp in my LAN. A solid 3 Mbps...
my LAN is also quite crippled
but I am using a shitty 2WIRE modem/router
... and maybe... 30ish computers connecting to it
@OctavianDamiean ^^
@rlemon Huh... should last the weekend
@AbhishekHingnikar Holy potatoes
awwww yissssss
I was as stunned as you @SomeGuy almost shit my pants
i mean i was like
oh wow its spinning ... yeah now that spinning is boring ... about to close the page ... HOLY FUCKING HSIT WHATEWRH WINL:S"MKJFDM LFD:L :DFM WHAT THE FUCK !
You have a way with words
not sure that's the best way
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't get it. It said right in the title...

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