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nice high five
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hi all
@Zirak It's got a fiberglass aircooled engine, and it runs on water!
~\o/~ someone needs deodorant
yay ascii art
I once was good at it
in C#, Aug 15 '12 at 15:42, by Kendall Frey
         __+`"j  _,,*-,
  `,   *`/ 'Y7 |"/ FY* |
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 /  `*__"        \     I~:,\
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 \q,` ,       ^^  |-,_  _,/  `
  \L   "..____,.-'    "`    /
   ', dy              ___,-*
is that a potato?
@FlorianMargaine yes, a couch potato
@FlorianMargaine catato
ok, I wasn't great
I'm more of an ansi art kinda guy
It's a Garfield
@KendallFrey lol
children checks only for direct children anyway to get that affect it is in wrapped in an arbitrary amount of divs
Did you check before that there's no garfield character in unicode ?
@hunterc Is that a question ? Is it garfield related ?
@dystroy yes sorry
@Zirak You know, religion can be cool youtube.com/watch?v=drJAzQjE4_0
@KendallFrey Tell us if it's SFW before
@dystroy i want to get all fieldset children of the current fieldset but i dont want any fieldset children that they have
but the fieldsets are wrapped in divs so cant just use children
@dystroy I said porn. -_-
@hunterc Do you use jQuery ?
@KendallFrey there is sfwporn
@KendallFrey OK, I take it that it's SFW, I click
@eazimmerman that's not porn
@eazimmerman pornsfw.com
@hunterc do you want something like $('fieldset *').not('fieldset fieldset *') ?
@dystroy yea thanks
@hunterc if you need that, you probably didn't design properly your page.
There must be a cleaner solution
@dystroy completely agree but legacy and they wont let me change it
i just wanted to do fieldset > fieldset
/cc @mikedidthis ^ hows that ?
@AbhishekHingnikar nice! All metro-esq.
\o\ the power of snapick :D
and metro friendly ... i guess microsoft shall have an orgasm when they see this :D
Does anyone know of any JS flip-clock libraries (something like this) that work in mobile browsers?
Good morning
@dystroy thanks again for your help last night :) I got LAMP and Node installed in under an hour!
!!afk going home, sick. :(
Everybody is getting sick :(
@RUJordan cool.
@jAndy happy birthday!
they have been building something across from a gas station with a tim's in it for a while, and I just noticed they put up the final touches today, including the sign
it's a tim's :|
that makes 5 within a 3-4 minute radius
@rlemon get better, bro
@KendallFrey rlemon is afk: going home, sick. :(
@KendallFrey where are you that they can't spare a tim's while it's about 20% of KW's businesses
Hmm, what's the "best" websocket for node?
I used this and haven't had any problems with it
@Mosho the middle of nowhere
@GerardCondon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeGuy thanks, i'll check it out
Thanks @Room (and I lost the game, good reaction @rlemon)
@KendallFrey To be fair, the phrase "___ porn" often doesn't refer to actual pornography, but just something appealing to someone who enjoys ____.
Who's this "Room" you're talking to? SOMEBODY I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT?! >=(
Though on the other hand, people should probably still be careful clicking any link that includes the word "porn".
@Retsam I see twitter accounts all the time like that.. "Food Porn" => Pictures of delicious food.. "Car Porn" => Pictures of expensive cars etc
So, Virtual Machines only run from ISOs? You can't virtually boot into a real installation?
See, now "Costume Porn" is kind of unsettling to me :P
@m59 A real installation?
@m59 huh?
If I understand what you're saying, no
I could have sworn my W7 VT was a real installation
@Retsam ah, didn't think of that
@RUJordan The term or the idea?
Darn you technology.
@Retsam in a NSFW sense both LOL
@RUJordan Yeah... I avoided googling the term to get the link, since I'm on a work computer.
I don't see how that isn't possible. If you have to OS's on your computer (able to boot into either one) why can't they be loaded virtually from within one another?
Instead I navigated to tvtropes and searched for "costume".
@m59 install esxi
or hyperv
then your primary OS is the vm os :P
then you can make VM's and boot into them
heh you cant really do all that on one machine
but it would be nice
mi estomago no es bueno... :(
1drv.ms/1gHeziq @Loktar :D
guess whats canvas in that ui :3
all of it?
looks really nice btw
@AbhishekHingnikar that's incredible man
the hair covered boobs are definitely my fav
@Loktar nah the background thats 1080p in real scenario and animates blur at 60fps :P
@Loktar Hahahaha
It's a bit weird.
Classic hippie nudity
@Loktar i had better options :D
but i chose that ;-)
when snapick comes just search for "Photos with nudity on 500px arrange them by skin percentage"
That red button, man
I assure you snapick won't let u down :->
And I don't have the graphics driver installed, so the 1920x1080 screen is in 1024x768
But yeah, win8 definitely feels a bit odd/
@Zirak yeah I hated it my first day or so
but got used to it
Why do weird things happen when you press Start
Hmm, what's a good thing to build to get a hand of using node? I've read a book and read tutorials, but I want to get my foot in the door before jumping straight into game mode
I wanted to install win7 but didnt have a license so was like ugh fuck it.
@Zirak do you have 8.1?
@RUJordan NodeBeginner's guide is great
You get the router done, and you're used to a lot of things already
@SomeGuy that's the book I read :)
@Loktar Affirmative
I only have 8, so I dont have a fancy button
The second thing I built was a WebSocket based chat
@Loktar license !== product key?
If you need a product key, I can get you one next time I go down to school ($13 discs)
@RUJordan I'd focus on whatever tools you think you might use for the project you want to do. e.g. if you're going to do websockets, work with those, if you're going to do mongo, use that, etc..
ah I'm good now BUT I might take you up on that offer for win 8 :P
@RUJordan I dunno, make a Social App media. People can broadcast that they're unhappy, and other people can tell them to cheer up or tell them to fuck off.
I can do win8 :)
the copy I have I got for $5 but the license wont let me upgrade to 8.1
And next to each unhappiness message a meter will appear, showing how many "cheer up" and "fuck you"s there were.
super frustrating.
Node itself is basically just Javascript with a few different conventions; it's the libraries that really require the practice, in my experience.
And now the driver won't download ~_~
@Zirak Hahaha, yeah, first time I read about visual agnosia. It's on my reading list, but I don't know when I'll get to it
Ok, I guess I'll start by doing a simple account creation
@SomeGuy Are they deliberately using a skin-tone color scheme?
@Retsam No idea
@SomeGuy oh god, that alpha mask
That's what it looks like to me, and it slightly bothers me for some reason...
Yeah, now that you've mentioned it
Step 1. Find and setup a database that works brilliantly with node.
A JSON file works brilliantly
I think I'll go with MySQL and MySQL workbench.
oh yes sweet regular resolution
@RUJordan Why do you hate yourself
BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T LOVE ME ENOUGH! i mean.. what do you mean?
@Zirak Reminds me of when I was stuck with 800x600 on Ubuntu
@RUJordan Yeah I've been looking into that myself, recently. Postgres and SQLite are other options, I believe.
And I had to just keep using it that way because Windows was too fucking slow
@RUJordan It's your chance to liberate yourself from your past self!
Break your chains, free yourself!
@Zirak suggestions? I just want a simple relational database with a GUI interface that works great with node
SQLite isn't the highest performance, particularly if you're planning to go large scale, but I really like it.
Like PHPMyAdmin
But not PHP
How about you get balls?
It's annoying that just about every example of Node+db seems to use MongoDB...
I was looking at Mongo earlier.. what benefits does it offer over mysql?
Redis is quite popular, as is PostgreSQL
@RUJordan Have you used anything beside mysql?
That's the benefits of every other db.
Try new shit, learn to use the console
SQL Server 2008
@RUJordan Truth be told, I've never used Mongo, but I've heard it should probably be avoided.
@RUJordan Now I feel bad
Are you jewish too?
Oh, Win8, your layout switching is horrid
@Zirak I always see Redis used as a caching layer in front of another db; can it be used as a standalone database on its own?
Mongodb uses 1% CPU on my server when idling, that's way too much
I didn't know picking out a simple DB would be so... difficult to choose.
This is the article I remember seeing on some of the issues with mongo: hackingdistributed.com/2013/01/29/mongo-ft
I may go with Mongo simply because it seems to be the go to choice for node, and it looks like it has decent community support
it's really intuitive to use with mongoose
Wait... did you tell us what you want to store in your db ? mongo is quite different from your usual reliable rdbms...
If you want to do something really off the wall, Firebase looks interesting.
@dystroy good point, I have no idea if a NoSQL db is right for what I want to do
@dystroy Oh nothing, just several million videos in base64 encoding
Oh, @Zirak, in about 2 weeks I might have a bunch of free time, so I might try to get Caprica running on Node
I'll be making a game, so it will need to store player personal data (user pass email, ip etc), and then equipment, items, battle data, map data
So I feel it will be highly relational
map data is a fun thing. Especially 2D map data.
but if you don't know why to use a nosql db, you probably should chse your usual reliable db, like pg.
X,Y coordination to the max, baby.
Do you have something in every cell ?
"pg" : postgresql
It will use websockets (hopefully) and let you chase around and watch other players move
so you'll see players on tiles you're on, and aorund you
It's 6:11 pm. My inspiration to work is leveling off somewhere at 12%.
A fun optimization : if you can fit the basic description of a map cell in 32 bits, you can store the map efficiently in an image. This allows for image fast image operations (merge for example), easy handling of fog of war or map sending to the browser. You can even use the color indexing to provide a fast preview of the unzoomed map
@RUJordan Like Club Penguin? :p
@dystroy Haha, yeah, I remember your demo of that
@RyanKinal pizza looks too America
Color me impressed
What's club penguin? lol
(Get it? Color!)
"Echo Park velit small batch Thundercats" I agree.
> Next level fap flannel
wat lol
@RUJordan Haha, it's a game for children where they play penguins, and have mini-games with friends and shit
@SomeGuy LOL I love penguins
@dystroy Lorempizza was the first placeholder site I remembered
@RyanKinal I'll "borrow" your style for miaou home page. As you know I'll steal it anyway, can you simply edit the scss yourself ?
I always find it interesting what they put behind the food they're tempting you to eat
lol, could do :-P
@RyanKinal Is there a civilized variant for, you know, Italian pizza ?
It gets all sorts of pizzas
In this case, a bottle of tequila, garlic, hot pepper
Oh maybe that's a bottle of oil
@RyanKinal In fact, wait a little, I'll change the home page this we with tabs
Fair warning, I'm probably using something very similar for my next personal project.
Yay lorempizza!
<3 u guys
friggin Super+Space...
no pizza for you. must lay in bed and drink ginger ale
Couch. But I am drinking ginger ale
It is a pop I can drink without feeling horribly unhealthy.
Unless you pour Gin in it
Just spent the entire day debugging a program I didn't even write in a language I don't even know, because the programmer who wrote it is a pompous asshole who, as far as he is concerned, is never wrong
!!doge sick,poor,rlemon,get well,love
50/50 it with OJ... Mmmmmm
                             very sick
much poor
                such rlemon
                           many get well
so love
@Zirak I think your sister might appreciate this thoughtcatalog.com/shawn-binder/2014/01/…
@Neil Why did you touch my Coldfusion+Prolog app?
@Zirak Oh geez, I've written prolog once. It was not fun.
Yay Coldfusion!
@Retsam Your conclusion is null and void
@SomeGuy You want her ego to be bigger?
Why would you do this to me?
@Zirak It probably doesn't help that it was like a "you have two weeks to learn this language and do a fairly complicated project" assignment from a professor who didn't teach.
can you make yourself sick from too much programming?
only if you're writing nasty code
Half the assignment was writing a general case solver for "SEND + MORE = MONEY" sort of problems, which wouldn't have been easy in a language I understood.
ohh :( .... damn
@Retsam Ooh, I know, I know! NIGERIA
5 stars? ohmai
Hmm, it's been a long time since I've used the console for creating DB tables
this is gonna be interesting
Hey fellas
Should i take a professional course of design ?
Sup OG triple OG
Is it free?
Take it
then it's not professional?
time :P is money
@RUJordan Since you're just starting with NodeJS, you might want to get nodemon and node-inspector
@KendallFrey somebody else is paying for me... aka free
Ask Caprica
@SomeGuy yeah I still need to make sure NPM is there
Oh, and Sublime Text has build processes that can run the current file in Node too
always accept free training
!!shall i do a design course ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Yes!
Your path is set.
she said it with excitement !
!!shall he do a design course?
@RUJordan Certainly
Oh man she's not bullshitting this one
!!shall i buy condoms
@AbhishekHingnikar Indeed
Take that course before she finds you
@someguy apropos nodemon, can I tell it to monitor a different folder to monitor besides the one it's running in?
okay that was for testing her sanity
one last check
!!shall I practise unprotected ***
@NinjaEcho Should he buy condoms?
I don't think so.
@AbhishekHingnikar Absolutely not
@C5H8NNaO4 How would that make sense?
She's on a roll!
@NinjaEcho Should he **** unprotected?
Please don't.
@KendallFrey Caprica 6 is smarter and more capable
Ninja Echo thinks you are a virgin
@Germain Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!is he a virgin?
@KendallFrey Of course!
well, that settles it
@C5H8NNaO4 If you mean another folder which includes files that are required in the running file, then nodemon already does that
> mysql > exit
Awww bye mysql!
Yay I do have npm
@someguy it's a module that I'm working on that is used in an example project, which is running
@RUJordan You on Windows?
I hate jquery width/height shit
width = should work
@RUJordan To an outsider, NPM might as well be an STD
@C5H8NNaO4 If it's a subdirectory, it should do that automatically
not width(fancyval) so lame.
@Loktar same, not that outerWidth crap
If not, you can use --watch IIRC
@RUJordan mit-scheme says "Moriturus te saluto."
it's not a subdirectory
> Ctrl + C on snapick server.

You scoundral, freak bastard, friken idiot why the hell are you putting the human existance under threat ?
Thou Shall not be forgiven, your soul shall eat the blue waffle till eternity
@Zirak what does that mean?
@AbhishekHingnikar ...what
@AbhishekHingnikar lol yikes
@Zirak don't want that server dying
takes almost 30 seconds to get everything back up.
From my superior logic skills.. morturus te saluto has something to do with death and being saluted?
@RUJordan "I, who is dying, salute you", something like that
Sometimes I think that @AbhishekHingnikar is a constant reminder of how well the Infinite Monkey Theorem works
@someguy Thanks :) --watch seems to do exactly what I want
!!urban infinity monkey theorem
@RUJordan No definition found for infinity monkey theorem
@BadgerGirl Care to elaborate?
@SomeGuy touche
@Zirak A guy from work typed that.
I just let him instead of fighting back.
@Zirak I expected a "fuck you"
I'm sure he did.
1 hour ago, by Zirak
And next to each unhappiness message a meter will appear, showing how many "cheer up" and "fuck you"s there were.
@SomeGuy Isn't that the most basic social network there is? Someone's unhappy, they bother everyone else about it, other people react favorably or unfavorably.
Pretty much, yeah
@Zirak you just unraveled the mystery of social interaction :O
it would take an antisocial to do that ;)
Case and pint?
I'll take the pint
I'll take the sack of gold
It's case IN point
@Zirak What's wrong with your sack of leather?
Or maybe case of pints
@RyanKinal Good point
Good pint
Bad case
@RyanKinal A Case of Pints: The new thriller by Dan Brown
No, ThiS IS bAd cASE
Someone should write a Universal remote control app for Android devices that have an IR blaster. That does the same as Samsungs WatchOn but with less hassle, more remote control and no stupid EPG
My boss just gave me "The Last of Us" to play. I'm so excited!
That's a great boss
andddd my work computer just restarted on it's own. That's cool
When Hector LeMange opened his fridge and took out a beer, he realised what was missing.
His pants.
I think you should continue this story
You would make a great author
switch (alignment) {
    case: 'good':
          return pint;
    case: 'bad':
          return null;
@rujordan more creepy: my computer sometimes starts on its own
Wake-On LAN?
nope, no cable attached at all
more creepy: Zirak's name is Hector
how can I star that on mobile
Zirak's name is Zirak.
@C5H8NNaO4 You can't
Well no stars then
@C5H8NNaO4 Use your phone to order a real computer.
It's not the only thing that thickens ;-)
@Ziraks There's already one, but like 5 meters away, and I'm lazy
@C5H8NNaO4 go to chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms scroll to the bottom and click show full site, then come back to the chat and star it.
@C5H8NNaO4 (My name doesn't end with an S)

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