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I am trying to use grunt-webfont and I'm running in to an issue with it. I am able to compile down everything and grunt builds it without any errors. However the demo page does not work at all. I opened the .ttf file in OS X's Font Book, installed it and validated it, so it seems to be a valid font. Can anyone give me some suggestions?
@dystroy he is curious, closing him without a proper reason or answering him is just rude
@daviesgeek any console.logs ?
@AbhishekHingnikar I'm new to grunt. How would I do that?
new to grunt, but I've used brunch a lot
Q: How do I style the bars like this?

Rahul DesaiAs of now, I have the background bars styled like this. How do I change it so as to look like this, with the tiny white stripes: Code: defs = svg.append('svg:defs'); defs .append('svg:pattern') .attr('id', 'stripe_bg') .attr('patternUnits', 'userSpaceOnUse') .attr('width', '8') .attr('heigh...

Q: How to avoid large "script.js" file, organizing js/jquery code (requirejs)

SrleI always end with huge "script.js" or "main.js" file in my project with one document.ready function and always feel bad about it, but dont know how to organize js/jquery code well on my own. Im familiar with concepts of modules but again dont know how to do it. So for example, im working on pro...

@Srle I'd already seen this question yesterday but it's bad. Why not just look for requirejs tutorials ?
hello there... I need to implement bot in my room .. will u please help me to do so?
@KillerR did you notice the bot used here is open-source ?
I know about caprica six
Does'nt jQuery stored it's matching elements in array ?
({}).toString.apply(jQuery("*:lt(2)")) ......//[object Object]
it's an array-like object
sample please ?
function jQuery() {
    this.length = 0;
so each matching element is prop ?
@RoyiNamir yep, with integer indices.
jQuery.prototype.add = function(el) {
    this[this.length - 1] = el;
oh ... Thank you
(why not using arrays ? just a stupid question and im sure im the dumb here)
objects are more basic, you can do whatever you want with them. With arrays, you have some used namespace you can't use
hello everyone
@FlorianMargaine I must check if jQ ver 1 was using arrays :-)
<tr valighn='top'>
                                    <th scope="row"><label for=""><?php echo $field['lable'] ?></label></th>
                                        <input type="hidden" name="sfp_custom_feild_contact[][lable]" value="<?php echo $field['lable'] ?>"/>
                                        <input type="button"  value="Delete Feild" class="button-primary button sfp_delete_fields">
i have this html now when user click on button
the whole td must be deleted
@Zirak win 8 is just a better version of 7
!!summon 43899
hello, everyone
@dystroy, im confused about examples, do i need to organize javascript code per models and controllers(im not using any javascript framework such ember, angular and so on, just traditional multipage app in play framework). Just want to organizer my JS code per modules.
controllers/models/etc are just layers, they're composed of modules
Am I the only one who is being bothered by AngularJs that the logic has moved to the client , and not in the server ?
@Loktar Thanks Bro! :-)
@Loktar I hoped Neal was the oldest one around ...
@RoyiNamir What logic ? The GUI logic ?
@dystroy no , the whole logic in the controller.js's files
@Florian, so for example i have "organisation" and "users" resources with traditional CRUD operations. Both of them have search (list all of them) which is done by ajax where i populate tables with json. So is it appropriate to have "base" model which will encapsulate logic for populating those tables?
@RoyiNamir why does it bother you?
business logic should not be visible to the clients.
Error 404 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
Error 404 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
will AngularJs replace the position of JQuery?
@RoyiNamir why?
@jesse They're compatible. They don't do the same things at all
of course you're not going to put your secret formula in angular, but most of the actions are CRUD anyway, so there's no risk in putting the business logic client side
function (){ if ($scope.isDiscountableUSer) showDicountDiv()}
@dystroy OK, I am not familiar with Angular. Maybe I should learn it recently.
@jesse Angular uses jQ lite inside. it's a Framework(!) not a library (like jq)
@RoyiNamir Oh, I see. I download the JS first, I will check the code first.
Error 404 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
Error 404 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
@rlemon ^
fix it before putting it back alive
@FlorianMargaine her*
Anyone have the slightest idea why ubuntu would only play sound when in root account?
or by sudoing into applications
@AbhishekHingnikar it's a bot. Don't give it a conscience.
watch Terminator to know why we shouldn't give bots a conscience.
Watch iRobot for why we should
hey guys
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 1 min ago, by Patsy Issa
json question, in my db jsonencode stores the string as [21,30,31,32,33,34,35] and sometimes it wraps the elements with quotes such as ["21", "30"...], should i be worried ?
@PatsyIssa no
@PatsyIssa yes
not mmkay
you can't certify the integrity of your data
turns out it was a row left from early testing phase
in general, the data you hold in your database is what brings you money on the table
it's the most important thing to hold onto
and to make sure it's correct
that's why I won't use mongodb btw, not maintaining integrity of your data is a joke
Hello everyone !
Is here any moderator that can reopen the question which is on hold ?
but you can vote to reopen
5 votes are needed
@crypticous link ?
oh, jenkins, stop spamming me
Question is written wrongly though I know what was the point
Q: CTRL+C and CTRL+V of the Regular Expression

user3058574Can you Please tell me Regular expression for CTRL+C and CTRL+Vin java script for allowing the copy and cut shortcuts?

I know my builds are failing :(
@crypticous I voted to close that
     // Madness this is madness,
     // Madness ? This is MICROSOFT !
    element.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
        WinJS.Navigation.navigate(element.dataset.href, '');
@dystroy Yea, I just noticed haha
And I still have no idea, even with the last comment, of what OP wants
@crypticous edit the question, and if it's good we'll reopen it
It would need a very major edit...
@all Good AN
@dystroy Like you see OP is just a beginner and can't see the difference between reg exp and key pressing detection
Any one can help me
@dystroy I strongly believe that he just want to guess when is Ctrl + V or the second one is pressed to accomplish his next steps
@crypticous I'm against, in fact, an edit : you're just guessing what OP wants. That would probably be a totally different question.
If you want to make the Q and the A, do it in another question.
I have a json like {"Result":"[\"[{\\\"tour_id\\\":\\\"1\\\",\\\"channel_no\\\":\\\"1\\\",\\\"tour_name\\\":\\\"Goa\\\",\\\"tour_type\\\":\\\"Education\\\",\\\"tour_description\\\":\\\"Enjoy!\\\",\\\"start_point\\\":\\\"Chennai\\\",\\\"end_point\\\":\\\"Goa\\\",\\\"crtd_by\\\":\\\"1\\\",\\\"crtd_date\\\":\\\"2014-02-28 10:40:26\\\",\\\"mofied_by\\\":\\\"1\\\",\\\"mofied_date\\\":\\\"2014-02-28 10:40:30\\\",\\\"act_flg\\\":\\\"Y\\\"},{\\\"tour_id\\\":\\\"2\\\"}]\"]"}
@SKM17 ctrl-K
@dystroy ctrl + k won't help that
What is Q and A ?
That's not JSON by the way. Maybe some kind of string literal to write JSON
@crypticous question and answer
holy jesus keep that \\ away from my eye
@SKM17 you are double escaping
@dystroy Oh, I see now
i need take tour_id value
@dystroy I'm just new on here too, and not aware of much those kind of shortcuts :)
@crypticous Sorry. It means this shortcut was too cryptic.
@monners what if i tell you i have a userscript to do the same on facebook ?
This guys themes are wicked nale12.deviantart.com/gallery
@rlemon Do you possibly have the logs around the bot errors? I don't know what 404d
It looks like something related to polling
@Zirak And on this day, you shall paint eggs for a giant bunny.
Will you behave now?
@Zirak how about if someone posts something that ends in a question mark, and no-one replies after 5 mins, the bot replies something stupid?!
Like what?
magic 8 ball answers?
So let the weasel take over?
good morning
dat -25C :(
Ouch. Where are you from?
I'm in waterloo, ontario
but I'm from Israel
my first man-winter
@rlemon has been crying over the weather for a bit.
he is 10 minutes away from me
Did you guys meet up and fuck yet?
@Zirak damnit, way more elegant solution.
I tried to get him to have a coffee with me
and then, who knows
@joker Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hey canadians, thanks for giving Comeback Kid to the world! :D
!! got it
@joker That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
CBK released their new album on spotify today
was pretty happy to check my mail today :D
This must be exciting?
@phenomnomnominal they have really, really good songs, but I just can't get into them, don't know why
@GNi33 noooo don't say that
They're so damn good
yeah, maybe I'll just have to listen more to them
@Zirak it is, if you've been a fan of the band for as long as you can think ;)
Plot twist: I can't read a word, except "Comeback Kid", "Spotify", and "Lukas" (maybe "Hallo" means "You suck" though)
Yeah, it does
come on, you don't know "verfügbar"?!
that's like.... so german
(no offense, austrian.)
it's got an "ü"
no, that's german
uhmm.. is there an option to merge two or more jQuery Deferred objects into one "new promise" ?
ummm, you can pass multiple promises to $.when?
or you don't use jquery deferred objects which suck
I can't really re-new or implement a new promise object maker into a like 30k line codebase
use bluebird
as I said, its not in my power nor my wishlist right now to replace that promise-maker within such a large codebase
but when() should pretty much serve the purpose
can anyone help me regarding teeth detection in j query for whitening the teeth
@Nailgun Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
at least jquery and dentistry makes more sense than the jquery and java beginners chatroom
i need help detection of teeth within the mouth
@Mosho there's something like that? hehe
oh, it's locked :(
probably due to too much trolling
I see we are migrating
Hi! I have a problem with javascript x-tmpl.. I want to put a variable inside jsp tag.. ex: <script id="template-download" type="text/x-tmpl"><p class="name">{%=name%}</p><img src="<portlet:resourceURL id='{%=file.name%}' />" />
but I get the image url as follows:
insted of:
@Fuiba Don't see how you get that url at all..
Which means that value is being furnished by something else
Probably whatever <portlet:resourceURL id='{%=file.name%}' /> returns
I assume portlet is a server-side tag, which means javascript values aren't going to be present
@GNi33 Kalbsragout mit Spätzle. yummmy :D
Thank you @Neil
Going for a bike ride after months :D ... my excitement level ... .its its over 9000
Take care, don't crash.
room topic changed to JavaScript: As the citizens of the realm of JabbaScript Land we present to you our citizen charter : rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking a question inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf [ecmascript] [ecmascript-5] [jabbascript] [javascript] [why-are-dolphins-here]
PS dear jesus . even i haven't read the rules
Jabba the Hut?
jabba the script
@Neil With jQuery portraying the Rancor?
@OctavianDamiean Nah, IE would be the Rancor
jQuery would be more like Boba Fett, who thinks he's smarter than he really is with his batman utility belt
Isn't IE the dark side?
Microsoft is the dark side
I see.
Makes sense.
tempting programmers to use microsoft products exclusively
Preferring extreme programming methods
jedi programmers prefer agile programming style and careful future analysis of project development
guys have any idea how I could convert an advertiser's 3rd party cookies to 1st party? I want to close a hole created by affiliate links
"3rd party" means someone else made it.
Right... But if it's a cookie from a middleman (ShareaSale) I want to just take that cookie data and place it on the visitors machine without going thru the middleman
when the visitor clicks the affiliate link\
in escence turning that 3rd party cookie into 1st party
since I would be placing the advertisers ID and my Publisher ID on the visitor's computer when they visit the advertisers site, the way I see it, everything should work just fine.
The only problem would be I wouldn't show any reporting of clicks or impressions in ShareaSale's dashboard but this would be ok with me as long as sales tracked
Date.gmt = function() { return Date.now() + (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 6000; } // correct?
You can't, really. That'd break any and every safety measure we have for cookie theft. If I understand your situation correctly, you've got an iframe or something to another domain, and you want to either take or put a cookie there. You're running into the Same Origin Policy
(well, not every measure - one of the best is marking cookies HttpOnly...why don't people do that?)
Jesus 8 pings
@RyanKinal Besides being 6 minutes off, what are you trying to do?
@Zirak get gmt time?
Date.now() returns the UTC time; it's only displayed with the timezone offset.
But UTC isn't always GMT, right?
@PratikshaRaikundaliya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I want my times normalized to GMT for data storage purposes (server side, not client side)
Hi Zirak, I'd like to provide an example of an affiliate link I am attempting to gain better control of / over (Slightly modified for my privacy)
Oh, heh... I should probably just use the TZ environment variable...
@RyanKinal Surely you would just minus the offset?
@RyanKinal Not that I know of, UTC is just a better defined GMT
@Zirak Here's an example of an affiliate link I am using;
utc, oh
@Zirak But will UTC be the same no matter which timezone I'm in?
Yes? It's Universal Coordinated Time
Hmmm. I don't trust it.
For some reason.
Every other time is an offset of it, and Date.now returns the UTC
Well stop that, then
It's like 0 for times, it's a neutral thing. Timezones are an offset of it.
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.ShareASale.com/click-1235456789-123456789?sid=ProductDetails&am‌​p;url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.AdvertisersSite.com" target="_blank">Red Widgets</a><img src="http://www.SAS.com/image-3727760-10719076">
@RyanKinal server help?
Surely I can convert that to a 1st party cookie placed by MY site?
Some reckon you can get the time from the response headers if the server is GMT that is
@YourAdrenalineFix There're no cookies there, Wanda. Those are GET parameters.
@Zirak I was just messing with timezones in Node... and I got different results for Date.now() depending on which TZ I set.
@OctavianDamiean uuuugh -.-
I've looked at every cookie in my cookie folder set by Share a Sale and they are nothing but a few files with data placed on my machine such as 47855678dsfdfsdf89sd90
haven't had anything good to eat today :D
I wanna know how to emulate that
bypassing the 3rd party until a sale is made
@RyanKinal Maybe because time passed between calls?
Not 3 hours
Wait... maybe I'm wrong
Yeah, I'm wrong. I was doing something stupid.
Okay, maybe I'll trust this so-called "Universal" time.
If you're really concerned, do var d = new Date, and then the full date constructor like new Date(d.getUTCFullYear(), d.getUTCMonth(), ...)
Nah, I've convinced myself
Thanks for dealing with my idiocy
@GNi33 twas good
What're internet strangers for if not that.
I bet it was
@Zirak any ideas?
@YourAdrenalineFix As I've said before, the link has nothing to do with cookies. If you want to set cookies yourself, then do it, have fun, get rid of the ad thing. What you've shown is just GET params.
So many iOS questions on the CV queue...
Hi all
What type of OS does everybody use for their coding?
Windows, Mac, Linux, etc
I use a von Neumann computer
TI-83 here
That's an OS, there's no consensus, and I use linux.
I used to use a Turing machine, but there aren't any good text editors for it.
@Zirak Thanks. Updated.
one does not simply ask a question like that in here and gets serious answers
Most places I interviewed at were using Macs
So they asked me at my new job is I wanted a Mac or Lenovo.
So I went with Mac.
They're popular among hipster Americans.
That doesn't make sense
I could get used to it I think.
Just ask @SomeKittensUx2666
@KendallFrey What doesn't make sense?
"Would you like JavaScript or CSS?"
They aren't the same thing
Mac is an OS, Lenovo is hardware
Haha idk. They were mostly using Mac. So I went with Mac.
MacBook Pro if u want me to be exact @KendallFrey
I literally couldn't do my job with a Mac
Since I work for some MS fanboys
If I was doing node web dev, Linux absolutely
Well I am going to be doing web dev. So we shall see
I start Monday
@phenomnomnominal is a Mac fanboy, so is @jAndy
Congrats on new job, btw.
@Zirak bro, do you even lift?
@Zirak Thanks :-D
Q: Get File path from binary data

OpenCuriousIs it possible to get the path of a file from binary data? I have only binary data which came from reading the file, but have no information of file path. Does the binary data have the information of path? if yes then How can I get it. I need to read xlsx file using python xlrd lib, which requ...

@HolgerThiebosch Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
"I have data, but I don't know where the data comes from, how can I get the filename so I can process the data"
@phenomnomnominal you got a new job?
oh, qwertynl does?
@GNi33 nah, @qwertynl
are you still in Oz btw?
@GNi33 I gotz a new job :-D
congrats! :)
Nah, got home Wednesday night
I'm looking too
3 years are enough
@GNi33 Thanks!
where do you work now, if i'm allowed to ask?
@GNi33 Who? Me?
I start Monday for stealth.travel
@GNi33 ^^^ there
that looks interesting
Hopefully :-D
they're just starting out?
oh man, prepare yourself for insane work hours
@GNi33 Ya. it is a startup.
@GNi33 I am prepared (hopefully) and hopefully my wife is ready for it.
I don't get it, what do they want to do?
@Zirak Senior PHP Full Stack Engineer
It's just one line in the About page
> revolutionize multi-channel travel retail with our B2B & B2C products and services.
Ha. Basically they hope to sell travel packages like a travel agent can
I think. If I understod everything correctly
something like booking.com I guess
As link only answers go, this one stackoverflow.com/a/8937913/3278057 is perhaps a little bad. A link-only for one, and acronym-link-only on top of that. But as the answer is rather old, is it OK or bad to bugg the poster like I have done?
@GNi33 Maybe. Dunno. We shall see :-) They hope to go live in 12-18 months
@user13500 Flag it
k, let's give the js tag a scrub stackoverflow.com/review/close/…
@qwertynl: OK. Thanks.
@user13500 np :-)

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