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@Mosho where in Waterloo do you live?
are you on Campus?
hell no
I got a place
in bridgeport
technically Kitchener I think
okay i got my data back what do i do with a faulty hard-disk ?
can i still use it ?
saving you a ball shot
Does anybody know if hostgator uses mysql or mysqli?
@rlemon dryer master? :D
So they can do ~620Mbps on the moon, but I pay for the fastest internet available and get 10Mbps? FU
"Just read the code" is an acceptable excuse for poor/no documentation when:
A.) You don't feel like writing docs
B.) There are four lines of code
D.) There's a million edge cases/if statements/random SQL queries/mis-named and misleading variables.
All of the above -except C-
@Mosho yes
@rlemon 10 mins away
@Jhawins Oh, right I thought you were closer to Indy for some reason.
And maybe A. Because lazy.
haha they blur out "systems" in the name
@Retsam Nah about 2.5 hours up the Interstate
Indiana has a thing for stealing town names from more famous places. Not sure if other states are as fond of that.
E.) It makes sense to me!
There's a Peru, Brazil, I think there's a Mexico...
When less than 10 users use it :P
@rlemon not on my screen
for example I had to read the code for jQuery UI because they dont have a few options documented..
@Retsam ontario has it's share lol
in their case that is very poor.
nothing to see here
oh shit
That bike is fucking huge
@Jhawins I don't get it
well, cities in ontario with english names
@RyanKinal I found her next to @rlemon 's work on Street View
See direct reply link
Ah, lol
@Loktar do you know how to connect to my mysql db on hostgator? I just want to implement a simple mysql class in PHP for easy queries
Here's a fun one: Coworker thought the update query ran before anything else because I had declared the function that built the query above the other two 'Build query' functions.
it wasn't even attached to module.exports
@RUJordan I think its just localhost
and then username/pass
@SomeKittensUx2666 Brilliant.
you can set the accounts up in cpanel
Where is your car
He was so used to procedural code, he didn't realize that it was only declared.
under mysql I believe but Im not 100% sure.
To be fair, I'm not that great with commenting either.
I put comments in when I do something counterintuitive.
@RUJordan I do it. Watcha need? Did you try it?
You have to go to cPanel and make accounts/set permissions from there first.
I put comments like I'm giving someone the grand tour
I put comments in for //this is retarded fix it
^ lol same here
mostly my own code
> //this is so gay
who can forget the classic //this shouldn't work
@Jhawins Joke on Arizona's silly "If you're gay we can mistreat you legally" law
if (act === 'delete') { //This has caused me a lot of grief for not adding it sooner...
				var con = confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?')
That's a comment right there
Co-worker deleted sooooooooooooooo much stuff because she "thought that's where the other button was"
@Jhawins I -think- I'm getting there
Yeah you just set it up in MySQL Databases in cPanel and you're good to go. Remember the database names are prefixed with $accountName_
If you want to do things remotely it can be a bitch though.
// sorry future me. there is a $20 tucked behind the driver CD in your top drawer, go buy yourself a few beers on me.
@SomeKittensUx2666 no clue, she is up, no errors, nothing.
!!are you alive?
@rlemon Absolutely not
^ maybe that has something to do with it
# df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs          1.7G  1.6G     0 100% /
/dev/root       1.7G  1.6G     0 100% /
somehow in a day something ate up 100% of my root filesystem
I keep getting "No database selected" :(
Ah, I got it. Didn't add user to db
Mounts old faulty hdd on windows
saves data :D
// the key -> Disabled my antivirus
Yay! I got a great review from my former manager :-)
- Neal did a lot of web dev for inhouse projects
- He initiated and supported these products
- Vast knowledge of web techniques and tech
- Very successful in learning new technologies
- Very smart guy
- Excels running complete projects by himself
As far as url encoding goes is + deprecated? As in, encode('url with spaces') => 'url+with+spaces'
@qwertynl Congrats!
@SomeGuy Haha well that does not get me a job :-P
It's something
quick question about media queries if you don't mid... In bootstrap this media query: @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) is triggering for iphone 4 screen in portrait
I thought it was supposed to trigger with 768px as min and up...
@SomeGuy sure sure :-D
Long time I hadn't seen this kind of HTML, it's in a question :
<TD class="Example">
                I need this text to be captured
Is that generated HTML ? This font element is so MSWord... — dystroy 28 mins ago
FYI - [The <font> tag] is obsolete. Although it is still supported by browsers, its usage is discouraged in new projects. Try to avoid using it. - sourcerlemon 21 secs ago
Anybody see an issue with this query?
$db->query("INSERT INTO zombie_views (ip,ip_proxy)
I keep getting You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '.25.82' at line 1
@RUJordan because you need to pass it in as a string
I just tried that, didn't work
you are passing it in as a number and therefore it is trying to parse it as a number
and an IP is not a valid number
die("INSERT INTO zombie_views (ip,ip_proxy)
and show us what the query actually is
@RUJordan For one you didn't escape your quotes... But it didn't matter?
@rlemon I'm still only seeing the mysql error
Ah there we go
INSERT INTO zombie_views (ip,ip_proxy) VALUES (, )
second param is missing
> Do you still with to it?
Do you still WISH TO IT!?
Its not a fucking Genie
@Jhawins they are just demonstrating the types of issues you may experience if you include a file from github ;)
I just loaded the fiddle. Somebody else did it haha
@rlemon And they are wondering if you still wish to it.
@Jhawins excuses
this is bullshit
what are those data types
need dem quotes bro.
then those need to be strings
INSERT INTO zombie_views (ip,ip_proxy) VALUES ( '', '' )
they are D:
I was just making sure there isn't some crazy "ip" data type or something I wasn't sure of
@RUJordan okay, now is this throwing the same error?
@rlemon mhmm
@Jhawins Is that from including a github file in a fiddle?
@Retsam yup
if (!$proxy) $proxy = null;
$db->query("INSERT INTO zombie_views (ip,ip_proxy)
there's the code
If it's "raw.github.whatever" and it's not working, you can change it to "rawgithub.whatever" and it'll work.
I want to show someone the contents of an object more-or-less as an example of how something is working. Does anyone know if there are any cool plugins to "explore" JS objects within the page?
I'm trying to avoid a monstrous var_dump type approach.
@RUJordan you try the query with inserting some hardcoded vals?
@Jhawins Firebug + DOM tab?
@mikedidthis I know that, but I need to display the information to someone without using the developer tools.
If gives you the window and any objects inside it
It seems counter-intuitive but I want to use JS to nicely display it's own objects in HTML.
mysql> INSERT INTO zombie_views VALUES ('','');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
@RUJordan ^^^
Sorry, then I am out of answers.
mysql> describe zombie_views;
| Field    | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ip       | varchar(128) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| ip_proxy | varchar(128) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Hey guys, can anyone see an error here?
<a href="javascript:delpage('$row->pageID','$row->pageTitle');">Delete</a>
Oh finally it works!
I think there was a server lag or something
@DanielMinett yeah, you're using inline javascript
It should be calling
Try separating concerns and use event listners
<script language="JavaScript" type"text/javascript">
function delpage(id, title){
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this page? This action cannot be undone! '" + title + "'")){
window.location.href = '<?php echo DIRADMIN; ?>?delpage=' + id;
I basically want to output console.dir(ele) to the page instead of the console.
Guys... I may have squashed my heisenbug
I have pretty good evidence that we were doing something wrong regarding URLs and the encoding thereof... and it only mattered when videos fell back to flash, and used RTMP.
a href="javascript:eval('alert(...
@eazimmerman BEGONE FOUL BEAST
if not a href then how?
@RyanKinal did you try eval()'ing it?
5 mins ago, by RUJordan
Try separating concerns and use event listners
@DanielMinett ^^^
missed it, thanks
@RUJordan It was the first thing I tried.
What's the best way to track views of a web page?
I feel like just having a unique IP count isn't the best way
@DanielMinett basically you give it an id. then in JS you search for it by that id and add an event listener to the object.
@RUJordan Google Analytics.
how do you call the HTML transformation from the PSD files?
Google Analytics is fucking fantastic
you know, the HTML pages
fucking fantastic
"HTML assembly"?
I've used paid analytic tools before and Google Analytics is MUCH better
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^ that should stay now.
@FlorianMargaine Like, the automated one, or the one that people pay to have done by a professional who will write good okay some code?
the latter
I call it "PSD to HTML"... I'm not sure there's a better name for it.
meh, I'll use "HTML assembly"
@RyanKinal every time I touch any device on my desk I shock it. shuffling around listening to music while working is dangerous to my hardware #standing-desk-problems
Seems reasonable
@rlemon Hah, I know what you mean.
Ok, I'll try analytics. That'll let me keep my site free of PHP :)
@RUJordan after about 25 minutes of using it you will be like "HOLY FUCK AND THIS IS FREE?!?!?!"
s/try analytics/use analytics forever and ever because there is nothing better/
@rlemon <a href="#" onclick="javascript:func(delpage);">Delete</a>
probably my #3 fav google service behind search and gmail
@DanielMinett gtfo
I'm trying dude
!!google javascript click event listener
> event listener
> separate your concerns
<button id="deletePage">Delete</button>

/// .. in js
var btn = document.getElementById('deletePage');
btn.addEventListener('click', delpage, false);
> listen to us
@DanielMinett we are pretty sarcastic.
if we are even talking to you, just assume that to be the case.
Will do, new to this place and JS#
@DanielMinett also use a button where you are taking actions, and a link only when taking you to a place.
buttons do things,
links take you places.
semantics FTW
@RUJordan I'm telling you this because I forget to do it myself: Don't forget to use !!tell when googling for somebody else.
@RyanKinal I try, but usually I fuck it up D:
I just flat-out forget
fooscript.com/zombie/index.php help me test my new analytics plz
upload your analytics script maybe?
It looks like you don't have the Google Analytics script on your site.
!!youtube finale madeon
@RyanKinal also we're good to go now for oneboxes
listen to your hearts content
also that song is awesome
<3 madeon
Ok, fooscript.com/zombie i wanna see some stats, is that correct?
!!youtube stay awake madeon
^ probably my fav.
@RUJordan There's usually a bit of a delay, but yes.
!!youtube pop culture madeon
my favorite by madeon
Yay this is exciting stuff. Thanks guys!
@RUJordan after a few hours (iirc) the real-time data kicks in
that is bauce
:checks analytics because it's fun:
@RUJordan check out the real time dashboard
see if you can see me (the Canadian) connected
which will be better to use google feed api or yql .. for a new ticker app where i am fetching the news from a few rss ... like the bbc , ndtv ...
Right now
active visitors on site
that's so 1995
I was shitting my pants when I release lorempizza.com and was watching the live reporting
also @Loktar - no shitting myself.
Watching blogascript just after I published The Illusion of Class was fun.
lots of small stuff. registers/register missing ; extra }
that kinda shit
once I get ST all pimped out I will have plugins to catch this kinda crap for me
:> :gets kinda excited about the notion:
ohhh iphone app for analytics

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