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@Loktar Hahaha, I just saw your Walmart prank video
Calling the police for bringing in a camera? XD
Hey dudes, can I write a game for us to play via Caprica? If so, how do I get started?
What kind of game?
You'd have to go through the source
We do have hangman on Caprica, so hangman's source should help you see how to interact with the rest of the codebase
I haven't totally decided, but I was thinking of some kind of rpg. We had this funny discussion a long time ago and I thought about it today.
@m59 Totally a wicked idea
You probably want to create a room or use the Sandbox for testing some basic stuff
Run it on your account with a different modifier or something
I was thinking of implementing a few methods of gaining xp, like if you get a starred message
and lewt
That might be interesting
When we talked about it before, some one came up with a this sword
because it's so pointy LOL
Where's the hangman source?
Someone else had made a text-based adventure with commands a while ago
@m59 That'd be cool
You ran a command, it presented a new situation, and gave you other commands you could use
Like a make-your-own-story thing
@m59 You on IRC?
Check out #wangingout on freenode
I go to the angular one sometimes
They have a bot-based economy
Probably a karma like system
Yeah, in Wangbucks
You found out about #wangingout through ListServe, right?
Can Caprica tell if a message is starred?
I don't think so
She totally can
It's possible but it's not built-in
I think I see what you mean. It's just monitoring the chats, right?
Listen for the change event on the right.
Caprica tries to avoid using the DOM as much as possible
heck...how? long polling?
Or the AJAX
or whatever
Actually, yeah, I'm sure the incoming objects will include details about starred messages
@m59 Right now, it just hooks into the XHR object
Yeah, I get it now.
If I get the time, I'll give it a go. I'm probably starting back at Applebees in two weeks, so I'll have some money and maybe I'll take it easy on studying so much.
Sublime Text users: Try Right-clicking and scrolling. Fucking hidden features!
Does not work on OSX
Cycles through the tabs for me
cool, I get a right click menu
  |   |

Can anyone help me in my attempt to split a string on , as long as the , is not in quotes like "something, else" or 'something, else'?
!!hang a
  |   |
  |   O
@m59 Be warned: Sometimes playing hangman feels a bit spammy
!!hang s
  |   |
  |   O
a, s
better win quick then heh
then again, we don't have to play.
@onurtaskin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SimonGong Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@arun Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: How to avoid large "script.js" file, organizing js/jquery code

SrleI always end with huge "script.js" or "main.js" file in my project with one document.ready function and always feel bad about it, but dont know how to organize js/jquery code well on my own. Im familiar with concepts of modules but again dont know how to do it. So for example, im working on pro...

Yay! reduced my PE14 solution from 90 hours to 90 seconds
Did you figure out a formula to get the length?
I wonder if one like that even exists
anyone using requirejs?
Why does console.log(Array.prototype); print []?
@JanDvorak closed.
@thefourtheye because it's an array?
But, shouldn't the prototype be an Object?
hey there
Does this code have any meaning:
if (event && event != true) {

I found in in extJS source code.
@thefourtheye Object is a function. If you mean {}, then no - it doesn't have the neccesary methods
@gdoron Sure
@thefourtheye it is. Compare console.dir([]) and console.dir(Array.prototype)
If event is truthy, but isn't actually true
!!> 'text' && 'text' != true
@SomeGuy true
@SomeGuy should be !==, then
Q: How to open 2 website urls in new tabs

user2707013i want to open 2 website in new tab not in new window, in my code but when code is run it open first link not open second. Here is my code <body onclick="doOpen()"> <script type="text/javascript"> function doOpen() { window.open("http://website1.com/",'_blank'); window.open("http://webs...

@JanDvorak Yeah
@dystroy sufficient information?
how to bind change event for a checkbox via jquery?
or plain javascript
thanks in advance
!!tell paul jquery on
!!tell paul mdn addeventlistener
@JanDvorak, actually it works even without !==. But it's not a code I would have written... thanks
Great, Actually I am trying to understand why I am getting error in this code
var a = ["1", "2", "3"];
console.log([].map.apply(a, parseInt));
It fails with
console.log([].map.apply(a, parseInt));
TypeError: undefined is not a function
But the previous line prints
$(".cls_competency").on("change", function () { alert("blahblah");});
[Function: apply]
this does not work
@thefourtheye which browser?
.cls_competency is a checkbox array
@gdoron btw, are you related to @RahulDesai by any means?
@Jan, no... Why would I?
@paulcheung any chance these checkboxes don't exist yet?
@thefourtheye This should not happen in a modern browser.
@gdoron similar avatars
@JanDvorak What made you think of that? :D
@dystroy But why is that happening?
there already exist
@Jan, that's me... :)
@thefourtheye, basically your error means that the map function doesn't exist in the browser.
or shadow Array or...
The same happens with
var a = ["1", "2", "3"];
console.log(Array.prototype.map.apply(a, parseInt));
You can polyfill it though
@thefourtheye upgrade to a browser
@dystroy might interest you
Q: How to deploy a websocket app without downtime?

Florian MargaineDeploying HTTP applications without downtime isn't that hard: HTTP is stateless, so with a load balancer in front of 2 HTTP applications solves the problem. If both applications use a common backend to handle the sessions, everything turns out fine. However, WebSocket is a stateful protocol. Whi...

But this works
["1", "2", "3"].map(console.log);
if it happens with node.js, check out why they didn't implement map
@thefourtheye Use call, not apply
apply needs an array
console.log(Array.prototype.map.call(a, parseInt));
@FlorianMargaine Ping me if you get a good answer
@dystroy But a is an Array, right?
and it was probably trying to execute parseInt[0]
@SomeGuy k
I'll try to remember
@thefourtheye the second argument of apply must be an array. Just use call
@dystroy but a is an array...?
Ohh, never mind, I was off
@gdoron Think a little and read my comments more attentively
@dystroy Aah... I missed that one. Thanks for pointing that out :)
done that already. :)
@gdoron Thanks man :)
@thefourtheye you're welcome though I wasn't a great help here... :)
Got to go. thanks
Hi is there a "Function" key word in js? When inspected in console it says something native code...
@deostroll function is a keyword
Function is a constructor
what is that constructor for?
it creates functions from source code. Don't use it.
functions created by the function keyword will have Function as their constructor, meaning you should never call Function yourself.
@copy got it down to 90 seconds. Any further tips? pastebin.com/H5p7EBvJ
I am look at code like Function._validateArguments ... trying to figure what it means...
@deostroll never saw that before. What framework are you using?
asp.net ajax client side framework
Hello All
Is there someone who can help me in my javascript issue?
!!welcome Phpgee
@Phpgee Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ok my question is
Q: How to add tool-tips working in div elements to li elements in my table?

PHPGeekI'm using PHP, MySQL, jQuery, Smarty, etc. for my website. I want to implement the tool-tip functionality on one of my webpages. For it I have developed some sample jQuery code as a Proof of Concept. See Proof of Concept Fiddle. However, when I tried to implement the same functionality in my...

Can anyone help me in my issue please?
@FUserThrowError Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@PHPGeek Outlook not so good
@JanDvorak: Outlook means?
The Magic 8 Ball is a toy used for fortune-telling or seeking advice, manufactured by Mattel. Origin An 8-ball was used as a fortune telling device in the 1940 Three Stooges short, You Nazty Spy, in which it was referred to as a "magic ball". While Magic 8 Ball didn't exist in its current form until 1950, the functional component was invented by Albert C. Carter, who was inspired by a spirit writing device that was used by his mother, Mary, a Cincinnati clairvoyant. When store owner Max Levinson was approached by Carter about stocking the device, he called in his brother-in-law Abe Book...
!!welcome PHPGeek
@PHPGeek Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
> Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hey people, question: where can I can the jquery 2 source? Is it the master branch github.com/jquery/jquery ?
@PeeHaa can you repeat your question please?
Hey people, question: where can I can the jquery 2 source? Is it the master branch github.com/jquery/jquery ?
"where can I can" is not understandable in my limited english, sorry
Aaaah damnit\
@FlorianMargaine but do you understand "where can I cancan"?
@PeeHaa well, I'm not sure master is jquery 2, but you can get the release tags
@JanDvorak of course.
Yeah, but that doesn't allow my to view the source online or does it?
it does
@PeeHaa ^
use 2.1.0 instead of 2.1.0-rc1 of course.
why are releases as tags, not as branches?
because a release is a snapshot of code
branches that don't move
or, tags := branches that don't move?
@JanDvorak What if there's wind?
@JanDvorak yes.
tag = label for a single commit, rather
oh. Thanks
tag draws a line in the sand across all commits
Makes it a lot easier to return to a point in time
it's mostly used to define releases though
@Neil including side branches and even private branches?
Branches can do that too, but they're meant to be developed separately
Are pull requests tags as well?
pull request is someone asking for someone else to merge his commits
@JanDvorak Never thought to try to tag across all branches, so I couldn't tell you if it is possible, but probably not
Usually a tag marks a branch only, or trunk
@FlorianMargaine Well, yeah, I know that. But what does github do with it?
@FlorianMargaine please annotate your reply with whom are you replying to
@JanDvorak oops :)
@Neil no
in git, a tag marks a commit
@FlorianMargaine So it does nothing for the code you didn't commit?
and only one commit can have a particular tag?
wherever the commit may be, a tag marks a commit. So it can be private branches or whatever, it doesn't care. A tag is one more label applied to a commit (a branch is another label, applied to every commit you do while "in the branch")
@Neil of course not
@FlorianMargaine I think in some weird way, we're both right, just that how I make sense of that indicates to me that you're not
If you could only tag everything you commit in one single commit, returning to the tag means reverting only those files of that particular commit, and not all files
Unless by "commit", you mean the state of all files upon commit
by "commit", I mean "git commit"
not sure about untracked files
I think it must be that, because otherwise tags would be worthless
@Neil I'm pretty sure that's what he means
but for tracked files, it reverts everything
@SomeGuy Ok, then we're talking about the same thing I suppose
Imagine your code's timeline like reading a book. A tag would be a bookmark you leave somewhere in the middle
That's how I'm interpreting it, at least
@SomeGuy Right, that's how I'm used to thinking about a tag
However if you tag only what you commit, then it'd be more like leaving a bookmark in one page of one book, and having 50 other books continue to flip pages
That analogy isn't entirely clear to me
Yeah, it doesn't entirely make sense
Why would you want to tag uncommitted files?
@Neil it is
You'd use a tag when you're like, "Hey, in the future, I want to be able to find my code the way it is currently" easily
the base of git is the following: each commit is a state for the files. Nothing to do with branches or tags or something else. A commit is just a state of files. Branches are labels you attach to commits, to be able to know how different commits follow each other. That's pretty much it.
Is it a state of files, though? I always thought of a commit as a list of changes, which do not necessarily indicate a specific state, as it can easily be merged with other commits.
It's a state
According to me :p
That's the worst possible source
@Kippie it's a list of changes
hence the name "changeset"
I thought "state of files" was easier to understand
The 2 aren't really different
Having the changes gives you the current state based on previous changes
fair enough
to follow up on my earlier explanation and finish it: a tag is a label you attach to a commit.
to follow up on my earlier remark:
Why don't pull requests occur in the "master" branch? (or do they?)

It's odd, but when I check my repository's remote branches, I see tons of branches made by github named pr/1 ... pr/60
Any reason for that?
that's what you choose
by default, github tries to merge the PR into a branch named the same in the upstream repo
Q: How to show text in CSS

xiiJaMiiEI can't seem to get my text showing. Here is my website so far: http://jsfiddle.net/xiiJaMiiE/dAz9L/ .home { font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; position:absolute; top:12.3%; font-size:25px; color:black; left:5%; z-index:9; } Html <body> <div id="wrapper"> <

Hello, is anyone aware of issues with IE8 deleting browsing history while browsing the same site ?
room topic changed to JavaScript: DolphinLove: READ : rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking a question inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf [dolphins] [ecmascript] [ecmascript-5] [javascript] [why-are-dolhins-here]
room topic changed to JavaScript: DolphinLove: READ : rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking a question inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf [dolphins] [ecmascript] [ecmascript-5] [javascript] [why-are-dolphins-here]
why are dolhins there?
I thought we answered that question.
It's 'cause dolphins are awesome
unicorns are awesome
why not have both-in-one
da faq
@jAndy unicorns aren't awesome
You clearly don't get it, do you? Do you!?
hey there
please give me a hand
the dolphin gets fu**ed by a unicorn! Your argument is invalid !
<label class="checkbox-inline"><input type="checkbox" class="cc" id="1" value="123">content</label>
how to get the text of the label("content" at above) using jquery?
anyone help?
@jAndy I just found my new tattoo.
@paulcheung Google it, sir.
Q: Get Text of checkbox with Jquery

slandau<input type="checkbox" name="PrePayment">Pre-Payment<br /> How would I get the text "Pre-Payment" from this using Jquery? Thanks!

@paulcheung jQuery('label').text(); will pretty much do it in this case
thanks for ur response, the issue is that the checkbox is contained in the label, and what i wanna do is when i check/uncheck the checkbox, i will get the label's text
im not sure whether i describe my issue clearly
I don't think so.. regardless if there are elements contained by the <label> you will always get the TextNode with .text()
dolphicorns seem to be pretty viral these days
$('input[type="checkbox"]').on('change', function () {
    var text = $(this).closest('label').text();
@jAndy pretty sure the word you're after is narwhal.
wow, it works fine, @phenomnomnominal thats very kind of you~
thumb up~~~
A: Weirdest way to produce a stack overflow

Benjamin GruenbaumJavaScript - not a single expression {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{...

@BenjaminGruenbaum I think I already saw that on SE, maybe already by you. Is that really a new question or a duplicate ?
+1 by the way
@dystroy it's codegolf
The question is 'something not obvious that causes a stack overflow'
Yes, I've read the question
I seriously don't know how people find out about those things..
how much time do you need in your hands to ... put like 2555 opener brackets and test if something bad happens :P
@jAndy People who don't know promises :)
@jAndy probably log 2555
Since you always double them
That's around 12 iterations
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've looked at other answers. Apart the asm one (not sure), they're all very bad :\
Yeah, all kind of obvious

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