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Okay got 1 guy
now girl left
and i have got a good one
Maybe put in the eagle instead of the guy?
A: http:// becomes http// in jquery

AshwinPMay you forget so many things please check this one. <html> <head> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script> </head> <div id="sites">...</div> <script> var sites_list = [{"Title":"Yahoo","url":"www.yahoo.com/", "language":"en"}, {"Title":"Google", "url":"www.google....

what is this guy thinking?
beats me
@RUJordan free rep
That's probably it
he sure aint gettin rep from that
it was a little vampiric anyway
I am using jqPlot to render Meter Gauge. Is there a way to change the diameter of the meter gauge so that it looks like an arc instead of semi circle. I found an option of diameter in the rendereing options but I don't know the values of the same..
This guys profile simply says "I am software engineer" O.o
-1 just to motivate you to delete the question — Jan Dvorak 25 secs ago
He didn't even bother to accept an answer
Why would somebody do that?
@JanDvorak I don't think the question is deletable if the answers aren't deleted first
@RUJordan only upvoted answers count
ohhhhh didn't know that
Man, that whole question is a trainwreck
I've asked the high-rep people in the Javascript chat room to delete your question. Hold on... — Jan Dvorak 8 secs ago
delv = delete-vote
also, one more closevote needed
How much rep do you need to cast a delete vote?
20k to cast any delvotes
Damn that's a lot of rep
aaand gone
Isn't it 10k? I think I can cast them
We did it!
Score 1 for community moderation!
that point goes to social engineering
and the moment is ruined by a text message with a video of a hippo farting.
Got another one
Q: jquery code for slab flag fields

ssssif i click on add slab the fields will appear and i am going to enter wrong values it should show validations ,yes its coming properly. if i click add slab once again and entered wrong values its not showing the validation second time . iteration is not happening please help me <%@include file="...

@RUJordan Ruined? The word you're looking for is "Elevated"
lookit that obfuscation
@Zirak alright fine it was kinda funny...
He even obfuscated his description
I have no idea what was going on before the source
fontawesome.io ?
seriously .io ?
srsly? Someone approved an edit that left in a wall of unformatted code?
@JanDvorak I rejected because spelling is the least of that questions problems
Is anyone here elite enough to make a chatroom? A community moderation room could be neat
There's a room for that already chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/11
or that^
Not a moderation detail, but does anyone know what going on here?
It looks like someone's using JS objects as HTML names
@Dar PHP understands these
but the array syntax for forms doesn't use dots
at least I've only seen fieldname[] so far...
@JanDvorak IOW?
oh. Not sure if PHP understands dots, but it just as well might
!!tell ruj urban iow
@ruj IOW In other words
dots are string concatenation in PHP
but they are object dereference in normal languages
oh in other words
which is one of the reasons OO in PHP is so odd
!!s/OO in //
@JanDvorak which is one of the reasons PHP is so odd (source)
object->property instead of object.property or object::property
though I think the last one was recently added
C++ uses a->b as a shorthand for (*a).b
that is, pointer dereference and property access
-> does what dot would do there
the same applies to\ C++
I just witnessed 8.7k reputation post the exact same answer as a 60 rep 5 minutes later....
> -1 for stealing
Am I grumpy or are people being kind of really dumb tonight?
(answer wise)
why not both?
it's just you are reading more Q/As than usual
I don't judge most questions. I remember back when I started I couldn't make heads or tails or a lot of code, so I'm trying to not judge people
(I try not to judge most questions)
there's no excuse for laziness
couldn't make heads or tails?
How many languages have I learned from scratch? Python, Haskell, J, Golfscript...
JS, PHP, Python here
How many questions have I asked on SO? Zero.
I asked one but it was about the language in general, not a request for help
I've asked... 51?
@RUJordan RUJordan has 4106 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 51 questions, gave 251 answers. avg. rep/post: 13.59. Badges: 3g 11s 36b
(OK... i haven't really learnt Haskell... I read and understood a tutorial on it)
about garbage collection specifically
I'm at 1 question, 9 answers (two accepted)
@JanDvorak wasn't there a time when the easiest code eluded you?
try $.understand in jQuery
works like a charm
No. Tutorials to grasp the syntax, then lots of digging in the docs
Well you sir are a prodigy lol
@hwnd it doesn't matter if it's a one line answer or a novel of an answer. All good answers are explained. Even if it's just a few words. It makes that difference. — RUJordan 2 mins ago
also, googling "how to ..." when "manually" seems to be the suboptimal answer
8k seems to be the angsty teen of SO
BRB doing more rep-whoring so I cannot be considered "barely adult"
What's 8k?
@Dar of reputation
Please don't ask the same question again stackoverflow.com/questions/21794919/…RUJordan 29 secs ago
last one and I'm going to bed... lol this is just bad
Evening ladies
Sup scro
evening mn
@RUJordan var $index = 1; oh jesus
So Kevin Spacey's awesome. Just, you know, FYI
That's like 3-4 questions we took out. Good job gents.
And, surprisingly, Sarah Bullock's awesome. Watched Gravity last night. Wow.
She aged pretty well
Actually, is that her first name?
!!google bullock gravity
Sandra. Thought so
Can anyone see anything wrong with this?
for( var i = 0, howManyThumbnails = thumbnails.length; i < howManyThumbnails; ++i )
		preloadedImages.push( new Image() );
		preloadedImages[ i ].onload = showThumbnails( i );
		preloadedImages[ i ].src = thumbnails[ i ].getAttribute( "href" );
the onload function is being called too early...
when the larger image is loaded, a small thumbnail is supposed to fade in using the showThumbnails() function;
function showThumbnails( indexToLoad )
		thumbnailParents[ indexToLoad ].style.opacity = 1 ;
		console.log( preloadedImages[ i ].complete );
@Dan Try looking at showThumbnails( i )
What does funcName() do? It calls the function funcName
You want to do something different - assign the function itself to the property, not the result of calling that function.
I sort of understand,
must it be anonymous to do that?
I thought it meant "when this image is loaded, call the function and pass the index so I can tell which thumbnail to display"
Not at all, you can do onload = funcName; , but if you want to pass parameters you'll need to wrap in an anonymous function. Hang on, there's another question that's relevant, I'll try and find it
@Dan But then how can you tell the difference between "call this function now" and "call this function later"?
You tell me, I've been looking at it for hours now. I know the complete property return true and it should be false. I don't know how I can tell when it's called, or even why, at the moment!
funcName() always calls the function
There's no magical voodoo involved which tells the javascript engine "you see this code here? Don't do it now"
It's functions all the way down. And then some turtles.
Ok, I thought it was a function name being passed to use as a callback when the onload was complete.
Does an anonymous function work in the same way?
But you're using the syntax to calling a function
Can you show me how to change it?
.onload = funcName;
If you want to pass parameters, you'll need to wrap in an anonymous function. Be careful of this though: stackoverflow.com/questions/341723/…
Ah, so because I have the parenthesis it's no good?
Can you tell me why?
Because the parenthesis mean the function is called right away, rather than passing just the name?
Which is also why I can't pass the i value?
Well, as it's currently written.
I'll just read that link you posted me.
Good luck
Thanks. You're always very knowledgeable.
Anybody knows where can i get microsoft windows 8's glyphs [or similar ones] ?
well this is cool
I don't even know what that is
@kicaj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix what do you mean I haven't posted anything here.
I looking-for solution with positioning absolute elements with css transition. I described at stackoverflow.com/questions/21740288/…
@user689 Caprica wasn't talking to you
                 preloadedImages[ i ].onload = ( function( index )
			return function() {
		})( i );
Not 100% why, but this seems to work ok...
@user689 rofl
Is is essential to call someFunction() ?
@rlemon Hahahaha, I'm less than half your age? Regardless, that's nice of you to say, but it's untrue
are you fuckable for rlemon?
I'm not pretty enough :(
@rlemon i think you are forgetting minitech
or confusing his age with amaans
@AbhishekHingnikar That guy was an asshole. Wonder what happened to him....
@Dan Add a console.log(i) inside the anonymous function
@SomeGuy a hole is a hole
What you're doing is constructing a function which can call your function with the correct parameter.
Wait, what? Why'd that send to someone other than Some Guy's alter ego?
@SomeGuy You can always wear a plastic bag on your head.
Which says, "I'm not pretty anymore"?
@AbhishekHingnikar That wasn't directed at you! Fucking tab completion.
Bonus points if the plastic bag can speak.
@Zirak Unicorns have feelings too!
@Zirak Yeah, I see the index is being passed correctly. Is the basically wrapping a closure around what I had in the first place?
Aside from the fact I was calling the function incorrectly...
Is this basically*
@Dan Yep. You're passing the value of i into a function, so you know it won't change when the function will be called.
@monners What?
@monners Of course they do, dear.
@SomeGuy Nothing! Lies and conspiracy!
@Zirak That's the very last part: ( i ) ?
@Zirak Prove it.
@monners i was about to DDoS you for calling some guy an asshole
The entire article is pretty good, so is this
@AbhishekHingnikar Good luck with that
@Zirak Wow, that looks like a great resource
@AbhishekHingnikar Also, res-tec-ba!
was kidding
ps you know some guy changed his name to avoid getting googled
i think so should i :-/
cause my girlfriend might find the 500px porn i flooeded the room with earlier
Not entirely the reason
!!google AbhishekHingnikar
In related news: If you find a message/article/piece of text which confuses there/their/they're, please ping me or mail [email protected]. Thanks.
Or do you just want to rant at anyone who misuses it?
I've looked at bigram and trigram dictionaries, they don't have sufficient data for it. Gonna try categorising Gutenberg books, but the speech there isn't "common English".
Jan 31 at 15:19, by rlemon
@Zirak can you write a script that automatically correct their/they're/there ??
@Zirak If you're looking for a problem to solve, how about world peace?
@Zirak Enjoy being SMURT!
@monners It's solved, you're just fed lies by the media.
@Zirak You know I'm not American, right?
That's what they want you to think
@Zirak I'm sure whatever their up to, there totally aware of they're responsibility to the public.
@Zirak Might be fun as a project, but I don't think Caprica should really do that
Maybe the EL&U room might like it
@SomeGuy You're right. If there is a God then it should be his/her prerogative to rid the world of such syntactical sinners!
How can a God exist if our eyes aren't real?
How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real
@SomeGuy Yet another example of the innocence of stupidity.
1 min ago, by Zirak
How can you even if you know what is that is doing what you are if you cannot?
@SomeGuy Science!
Oh, @monners, you'll like these
> The old man the boat.
@SomeGuy Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look?
Hahaha, yeah, that was it
> The complex houses married and single soldiers and their families.
> The author wrote the novel was likely to be a best-seller.
> The government plans to raise taxes were defeated.
That last one didn't work for me. I read it correctly on my first go
A fuck I giv'th thee none.
@Zirak You're never going to read The Republic, are you?
Given the amount of time I have on my hands: No.
Maybe in 5 years
But Socrates!
My favorite Socrates quote:
> Don't be such a cunt.
@SomeGuy My favourite Socrates quote: "Plato! You asshole..."
"I told you, my feeling for you are...hmm...I wish there was a word to describe it..."
@Zirak Swimmingly?
"Like, I'm not into your body and stuff, just into your soul, you dig me?"
@Zirak "Like a grave for the baby sitter!"
"I'll call it Socratial love". That's when Plato knew Socrates had to be eliminated.
uhm, okay... gutenberg.org/browse/scores/top#books-last1 #15 is Kama Sutra.
Whatever floats their goat
That is brilliant
I really need to clean this place
I pretend my kitchen doesn't exist and just eat out 3 times a day
Is anybody interested in programming language theory?
Looks interesting
@AaditMShah Haven't seen you around lately
is that legit ?
seems like it
pretty reckless if you ask me
deep fried poor guy
@SomeGuy I've been a little busy with all my studies.
@AaditMShah Still at Mukesh Patel?
@FlorianMargaine Lisp has a metacircular evaluator. Not the same as modifying the lexer at compile time.
@SomeGuy Yes. Third year.
How is it? I'm planning on giving the NMAT this year
It's going well. I am giving GRE on 25th March.
Where will you be applying?
Oh, I wanted to ask. Is the fact that NMIMS is a "Deemed University" a problem?
Some people say it is, some say it isn't. Googling it, it doesn't really seem like it should be
No. It isn't. If you're applying for a college abroad then they look at your GRE and TOEFL scores. It doesn't matter what type of college you're from.
The only problem with a deemed-to-be university is that you don't get good jobs in India because Indians like "qualified" people from known universities.
@AaditMShah what college are you in ?
However that's not a problem in NMIMS either because you have 100% placement in Mukesh Patel. Not that the jobs are any good.
vagrant + puppet totally rocks
@FlorianMargaine you are awesome :D
I know
once this is merged in, you'll be able to quickly run a miaou vm
he got a 25kva iirc
@SomeGuy I'm aspiring for MIT, CMU or Berkeley but that depends upon my GRE scores. Let's see what happens.
@AbhishekHingnikar I'm from Mukesh Patel.
GRE's going to be easy
(with everything set up, like postgresql, node, redis, etc.)
@AbhishekHingnikar and a shiny darwin award
@AaditMShah So there would be a problem in India?
@SomeGuy I wouldn't be so sure. The questions are easy but it's easy to make mistakes under pressure.
Gah. Not like India has many good jobs anyway
@Mosho that ends my work day
i am too sad to watch anything now
people die, bro
@SomeGuy I wouldn't be so sure. The questions are easy but it's easy to make mistakes under pressure.
@AaditMShah Yeah, fair enough
@SomeGuy From NMIMS: no. Most people either go for further studies in a college which is not a deemed-to-be university or settle for a placement.
Oh my gosh. I don't log into Twitter for one month and they revamp the entire UI.
It looks pretty slick though. It's also more responsive.
Yeah, matches with the mobile UI more as well
Oh hi @AaditMShah how have you been?
@AaditMShah Only your GRE scores? No other standard exams?
Hello @BenjaminGruenbaum. I have been busy preparing for GRE.
@SomeGuy You have to give TOEFL as well.
That's to prove that you know English.
@AaditMShah Good luck! I assume that's like your GMATs?
@BenjaminGruenbaum So how have you been?
Although GMAT is for business - we really don't have any such tests after your BSc
Yes, GRE is for Engineering. GMAT is for Business.
@AaditMShah working on a cool AI project with a friend, lots of work at work on a new single page app, living the life - you know. Say, weren't you interested in a theoretical CS second degree?
Sounds very interesting. I recently read an article about the direction of AI in the future. It focused on Natural Language Processing.
@AaditMShah NLP is what we do at work :)
I am still interested in CS. However I have to prepare for GRE at the moment.
TOEFL is easy as fuk if you have decent english
Sounds very interesting. I recently read an article about the direction of AI in the future. It focused on Natural Language Processing.

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