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I don't think anyone here is for adding libraries or frameworks when it is not required.
@skripted you need to create a delete: function() { ... } action in your controller
Frameworks are mostly useful for prototyping.
and over-ride the default delete
Once you have your business logic fixed, you should probably get rid of the framework.
!!tell RUJordan youtube good morning vietnam!
There's another thing with Angular that bothered me when I was considering it. Doesn't it move a lot of stuff into the HTML itself?
@BenjaminGruenbaum And then what?
@JustDon't that was my first idea too, so it only works by overriding it, thanks :)
@Miszy what do you mean?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Get rid of the framework and... ? Rewrite whole application using vanilla JS? Or I got you wrong?
@skripted Well, i don't think you can get access to the response object in a lifeCycle
@Miszy not vanilla, libraries are perfectly fine. In practice, I use Angular mainly for simple things and prototyping. I would not use it for something with 100K LoC like TipRanks.
@BenjaminGruenbaum but Meteor is literally A better way to build apps. - your move beer-boy
posted on January 31, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} YOHO. Once again, doing some curated content over at The Nib.

^ LOL (the button)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hmm, I don't agree. Noone has time or money to build everything from scratch. If AngularJS (or any framework) is what you need - then use it. IMHO it's perfectly fine.
time to hit the slopes :D baii
@RUJordan break a leg!
@Miszy We use it for plenty of 5K LoC apps, just not for anything truly big. After all, frameworks are all the assumptions with all the business logic removed :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, frameworks help you save a lot of time.
Angular is still missing so much and there are so many assumptions it makes. It's far from a one size fit all.
I'm pretty sure they're working on it :) So far I found it to be my favourite framework.
Just a tool in the toolbox, though we just committed to a pretty large Angular project ourselves. The whole workflow too.
@rlemon Template.myTemplate.preserve(selectors) yucky
Angular with Yeoman (bower for deps, yo for scaffolding and grunt for automation), it's the first time I'm using it for anything pretty big.
@Zirak lol nice
Aaand Karma test runner. It's good.
@Oleg dude, it is how all of the real devs do shit in Java - I don't understand why people are so stupid to not see how beautiful that code is
@Miszy yeah, Karma is nice. The whole workflow - it's nice. It's not perfect but I love how it gives you pretty good defaults to start with.
TemplateClass.prototype.getMyTemplateObject = function() {
     return new TemplateObject(TemplateClass).forReturn();
I really need to learn unit testing and TDD (or BDD?)
AngularJS team educated a lot of frontend people by giving a good example :) Preaching by example.
you should learn what each is first :P
@RyanKinal Yes, learn a lot of abbreviations.
@FlorianMargaine TDD? is that like a nested <td> ??
I was looking at different templating solutions as well. And they all are weird.
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, probably. I'm assuming I mean TDD, considering that it stands for test-driven development.
@rlemon hmm, that doesn't seem right. lemme fix: <td></td><joking></joking>
TDD = unit tests, you write your tests, you pass them red, you write the code, you pass them green. BDD = write user stories in kinda-human readable text. It's closer to integration tests.
BDD = TDD done right.
Beer Driven Development?
I personally like FDD
^ This is how we roll.
@rlemon I'm already fairly proficient at that
Also, DI
Unless I misunderstand, Handlebars' render replaces the entire contents of the template, no matter what has been changed inside.
Faith Driven Development - Just pray and hope shit works the first time.
@Miszy exactly
@BenjaminGruenbaum Googling "Misko js" got me here misko.hevery.com/2010/07/14/how-javascript-works which sounds...ambitious.
Yet front-end tools for BDD are still in early beta. Correct me if I'm wrong ;)
@Zirak that actually has some mistakes iirc. However, that guy has moved from not knowing JS to being in charge of JS in Google.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Man, I already saved 5 links you posted today to read them later :D
!!php or kill self
Why would you do that?!
because... php
@Zirak oh yeah it's the incorrect one - first slide is "Everything is an object and an object is just a hash map" both of which are incorrect statements.
!!info php
@Zirak Command php, created by rlemon on Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:08:22 GMT, invoked 1 times
!!php or kill rlemon
ohh wow
Why would you do that?!
I didn't remember creating that at all
!!forget php
@rlemon Command php forgotten.
Oh, heh
Protip: Prepend weasel stuff with "should I" for greater glory.
@rlemon kill self
I'm apparently a little slow this morning
!!afk smoking
I hate PHP
@RyanKinal Yeah, this morning.
!!should I hate PHP?
@Oleg Yes!
Wait @rlemon...I've never seen you use meteor. I smell trolling.
!!should I love JavaScript?
@Oleg Of course!
!!should I inline JavaScript in HTML?
@Oleg I expect so
She only answers yes or what?
!!do you ever answer no?
@Oleg All signs point to yes
!!should I ask Oleg for a date?
@KendallFrey No way
@Oleg Usually people complain that it only comes up with negative answers.
She told me to work till 21:00 the day before yesterday!
I had to stay in the office...
good morning everyone
good afternoon
@Zirak you have a great sense of smell my friend.
It's from diddling with all these goats.
!!urban diddling
@rlemon diddling In short, to fool around with oneself; to masturbate; to commit Onanism.
you sick sob.... o.O
I will now proceed to commit Onanism to our SVN.
@Zirak :-P
@Oleg coitus interruptus?
onanism === fapping is a common misconception
@KendallFrey That's from diddling with the CPU
@KendallFrey a bene placito
You get lots of ints
int in the asm sense, I assume
The CPU isn't likely to just hand out bytes
You need to be in kernel mode first, gain its affection.
I'm always in kernel mode. I roofied it once, and now I have unlimited access.
BTW, I wrote some machine code yesterday.
I have no idea if it works yet
someone wanna help a poor soul understand why this npm package will not install?
Did you try turning it off and on again?
@rlemon go ahead
npm log
are you getting an error?
tried installing it globally?
Have you tried peeing on it to declare dominance?
@Zirak that's one alternative to sudo.
sudo make me a sandwich my ass, it's pee; make me a sandwich
@Zirak Why would you want to declare dominance on a jellyfish sting?
@Zirak my dog tries to bang the dogs he wants to establish dominance on.
@Zirak make me a pee sandwich
A good alternative. @rlemon Have you tried bedding it?
here is the error
I've asked the project maintainers for help and all of their suggestions are not working.
I have the dependencies they(in the issue) are asking for.
this is your issue
> fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Odd. I got that error yesterday or the day before
For something completely unrelated
> ./make_libmodbus.sh && node-gyp configure --python=python2 && node-gyp build

Cloning into 'libmodbus'...
remote: Reusing existing pack: 3718, done.
remote: Total 3718 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (3718/3718), 1.29 MiB | 135.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2243/2243), done.
Checking connectivity... done
HEAD is now at 79a7c1e Fix missing argument in synopsis section of modbus_rtu_set_serial_mode
patching file src/modbus.c
patching file src/modbus.h
patching file src/modbus-private.h
I get this
so your issue is that it can't clone the git repo
and how might one fix that issue?
can you clone other github repos?
try: git clone https://github.com/Ralt/tartempion
I don't have ssh keys setup anymore
:( forgot I re-imaged the OS
at least you found your issue.
You don't need SSH keys to clone from GitHub
Cloning over HTTPS works just fine
> ssh-keygen: command not found
^ what @OliverSalzburg said.
so why is this failing
# git clone github.com/stephane/libmodbus.git
Cloning into libmodbus...
error:  while accessing github.com/stephane/libmodbus.git/info/refs

fatal: HTTP request failed
@copy .
$ wget github.com/stephane/libmodbus.git
--2014-01-31 15:45:19--  github.com/stephane/libmodbus.git
Resolving github.com...
Connecting to github.com||:443... connected.
ERROR: cannot verify github.com's certificate, issued by `/C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/OU=www.digicert.com/CN=DigiCert High Assurance EV CA-1':
  Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.
To connect to github.com insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.
Unable to establish SSL connection.
Make that is related :P
No, that's because you're not using https
I just wanna know how to install this package... :(
Or wget is weird, or whichever. But...it is weird. I'm able to clone the repo
Try git clone git://github.com/stephane/libmodbus.git
then I need ssh-keys
Wait, what git version are you using?
@rlemon No. You need SSH for [email protected]...
I know it isn't the latest.. but it is all that is available from my package manager
@Zirak So am I :P
I can't build modbus, but I can clone the repo ;D
hrm, so it's not the version, github says it's cool from 1.6.6+
@OliverSalzburg this works...
@OliverSalzburg any luck with the data structure?
Would asking another question about it in particular in SO make sense?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Haven't tried again. Was hoping you get a word from @copy
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, probably. I just fear the backlash of "OMG You're not supposed to do that! Downvotes!!!"
@OliverSalzburg that won't be an issue. You can ask it or I can, you can probably phrase it better though.
I think people will be OK with the sentiment of trying to make technology accessible.
@OliverSalzburg soooo (don't get mad) THIS ONE requires ssh-key?
@SimonSarris o/
@BenjaminGruenbaum I once asked about the storage location of an icon and was almost lynched
bonj @rlemon
# ssh-keygen
-sh: ssh-keygen: command not found
fuck Angstrom Linux man
@rlemon The problem is that the git clone is in the build script of modbus. So it will always use https. No idea how that should be approached
@rlemon Angstrom? Do you have dropbear installed by any chance?
Is so, there's dropbearkey, but I'm not sure about compat. You can try installing openssh-keygen
@OliverSalzburg I'd upvote it, I'm sure other people in this room will too. It's an interesting question that's in order to make interesting technology that has been walled off by Microsoft and then used by companies that charge for it accessible to the average programmer. That's a very positive sentiment.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Working on it...
@Zirak BROOOOOOOO!!!!!!
how are you getting Angstrom Knowledge?
remind me to buy you some ducks one of these days
hehe, I once read about ssh clients, and saw dropbear. Thinking "who the hell uses that", it appears that Angstrom is on the list.
But don't thank me yet, there's a good chance dropbear SSH keys aren't compatible with OpenSSH ssh keys.
beagleboard.org/products/beaglebone%20black comes pre installed on these
I fought with Arch but couldn't get it to boot
@Zirak <3 man
much much <3
@rlemon Impossibru
@rlemon How much less than three? The lowest I can do is tree fiddy.
Speaking of different technologies @Miszy @JustDon't - I should really try Bacon.js
Q: Why is my TB_INSERTBUTTON message causing comctl32 to throw?

Oliver SalzburgI'm trying to add an additional button into a toolbar in Internet Explorer. I assumed the implementation to be straight forward, and am currently using this code: TBBUTTON buttonToAdd; ZeroMemory( &buttonToAdd, sizeof( TBBUTTON ) ); buttonToAdd.iBitmap = 1; buttonToAdd.idCommand = 1; buttonToAd...

@Zirak the BBB has two partitions, one being the bootloader - the bootloader was being a POS because it is required to be FAT16 and doesn't like the ownership copy
@BenjaminGruenbaum :D
they say I can "ignore those errors" but I can't
nothing works
Now let's hope for helpful answers :P
Everyone please consider upvoting @OliverSalzburg 's question :D
Side note - This is part of an attempt to make a black-box Microsoft technology open so anyone can create IE extensions easily for free rather than have to use closed-source propitiatory technologies. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 24 secs ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum propitiatory?
@OliverSalzburg got an answer!
lol +7 you guys are awesome.
@BenjaminGruenbaum also tweeted and g+'d
don't forget social media shares
tonnes of views
@rlemon :D Thanks bro, I'm really looking for an answer to the original one - the fact it's so hard is amazing to me.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ooooh
Yeah, that could work, I guess ;D
> Yea, he couldn't mix the colors.
man that is gold.
everyone upvote this comment
I'm tempted to give him gold for that
@OliverSalzburg awesome.
@rlemon I don't get it
@BenjaminGruenbaum the answer was edited
@FlorianMargaine ?
> Be warned that this is a somewhat difficult task to get right. In particular it matters greatly whether or not the two processes have the same bitness. The layout of the struct differs between 32 and 64 bit. The easiest way for you to make sure you send the right layout is to compile your process with the same bitness as the target process.

> By far the easiest way to do something like this is to be inside the target process. If you were to write a plugin then you would not have to deal with any of these issues and would also be able to use officially supported APIs for extension.
@RyanKinal the original posters name is "ASK ME IF I AM HITLER" so someone asked him - then someone responded with "Now we know why Hitler did so poorly at art school"
then that comment
btw - the original comment was about some guy getting someone else to stand in on his classes
@RyanKinal add ?context=10 to the URL
@FlorianMargaine +1
didn't know that
Tsk tsk.
it can be 1 or 3 or whatever.
@Zirak that is the guide I followed
@rlemon ... I thought you were the one who learned me that.
I'll muck more this weekend
Well shit
@FlorianMargaine maybe I forgot?
yeah or someone else I guess
@FlorianMargaine Taught
I have a few of the boards so yea
yea... who teached you how to spoke
@Zirak right. Sorry mum ;_;
You asked me to correct you!
3 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
@RyanKinal add ?context=10 to the URL
but thanks for your input :P
@Zirak can you write a script that automatically correct their/they're/there ??
NLP again?
NLP isn't easy
It's tricky
@FlorianMargaine I didn't get that far yet ;P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh no, Raymond Chen commented O__O
@OliverSalzburg is he famous?
@FlorianMargaine Kinda
@OliverSalzburg so what :D?
looks like he works for microsoft
Worst thing - he tells us how to do this in a better way.
@FlorianMargaine yeah.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I see you have him covered, no need for me to jump in and apologize wildly :P
Worst thing - we end up on his blog being mocked for our carelessness ;P
Alright, let's implement this!
@OliverSalzburg I have no intent to apologize for their incompetence in their extension API, or their horrible documentation. I've spoken to Microsoft personal several times about it. I actually have quite some friends in Microsoft, just none on the IE team or related. Most of the people I know are related to WPF or Windows Phone. I even hold a semi-official title at a microsoft venture called AppCampus.
@OliverSalzburg It may be my corrupted brain, but I imagined you as a pink-haired chibi continuously bowing down before his gravatar.
So this is obviously why it works for Crossrider. They have a DLL that is loaded into the IE process
hahaha, seriously?
@BenjaminGruenbaum hah, nice
now who is David Heffernan
@FlorianMargaine yeah, typo
@OliverSalzburg how do we do this?
@rlemon hehe, doge is used
@BenjaminGruenbaum I wonder why it crashes in the BHO. I thought the BHO DLL would be loaded into the iexplore process as well, but I guess iexplore just calls into it
of course it is!
So we have to go the way as outlined in the answer
node people... I can get the install working ( I think ) by changing his package to not use https on the install
.... how do I rebuild / use it without submitting it to npm
@OliverSalzburg how can they do that o_0
@rlemon clone the repo of the extension
see the package.json file to see what's run at the install
and manually run it
clone it in your node_modules folder ofc
@BenjaminGruenbaum They load it into a separate memory region and just invoke functions in it. I'm not quite sure how Crossrider solved it. Maybe something nasty :P
@Zirak You may or may not like this dictionaryofobscuresorrows.com
@SomeGuy Neat?
@FlorianMargaine sounds great. thanks.
You might need more coffee if: You read "Virginia" as "Vagina"
or you might need to get some fuck.
@RyanKinal You wrote "Vagina" twice.
Wait, fuck.
@FlorianMargaine Also probable
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, this is quite the problem we're facing now. Either we have to mess with another processes memory (I'm not even sure if I'm capable of doing that) or we have to inject a DLL into the iexplore process somehow. Both are usually red flags for anti-malware solutions
And those are the reason you don't want to use Crossrider IIRC
@OliverSalzburg so there is no way to do this from outside of the IE process?
@RyanKinal co-worker?
@retsam this is weird and right in your neighborhood sorta huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/28/…
@rlemon co-workress?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, there is. The way David outlined in his answer. But that is really tricky. Messing with the memory space of another process... it's the stuff that game trainers do
Anyone want to ramsack a demon possessed house?... Didn't think so.
sure, do I get to keep any lost souls I find?
@OliverSalzburg damn you internet explorer. Why can't you be more like Chrome or Firefox or Safari or Opera :(
@retsam oh... Shit. It's in Gary, I thought the thing said Speedway. That must've been the 20 foot snowman in Speedway.
@Jhawins That depends. Do the demons spoil milk?
I could use some instantly spoiled milk
@Zirak Read the story man. Then we'll go try it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I would assume it is actually easier to get IE to load our DLL. After all, I got tons of DLLs loaded into it from some addons
@Zirak So that's what you do with all that goat milk!
@OliverSalzburg IE loads the BHO dll, if that's the issue. I still think it (the BHO) runs in another process.
> Latoya Ammons, Indiana Mother, Claims Demon Possession, Authorities Corroborate
But then you have to maintain a fully fledged IE addon instead of just a BHO
I'm really not sure how that COM interface works, but the BHO does run under iexplore
Authorities Corroborate demon possession... 'MURICA!
@rlemon No, that was definitely me. Thankfully, it was not out loud.
@OliverSalzburg an IE addon is a BHO isn't it ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, I think so too. Otherwise it should have worked when you tried it the other day
@BenjaminGruenbaum Good point
Yeah, that's right.
As long as I don't type "Vagina" on this new page, it will all be okay.
I just assumed they are classified differently
> The family eventually moved (and the children were returned to their mother), and the owner of the supposedly 'possessed' house reported no other tenants had complained.
yea... I'm going to just call them delusional
wonder if the house sold for cheap
Talk about an obvious function name
hey need help
this is the site
scroll below..go to help topics
@Jhawins Wow that's odd.
@OliverSalzburg awesome name.
click on any first 3 questions
@KingshukDeb What is your problem?
@KingshukDeb do you have a question on main site about this?
i am using jquery slideDown and slideUp
on clicking on any li it opens next li
@KingshukDeb Post some code please
@KingshukDeb so you're asking why the slideUp and slideDown are not animating well? (The chop) ?
no no..the problem is its working well but on click on the same li...it does not close
@Zirak I thought it was going to be about the guy whose mother had cancer (and he found her journal which detailed plans to kill herself)
@Zirak That's not so sad anymore, is it?!
Yeah, that was sad too. But someone who doesn't have Magick partners?
but if i click on any li ..it closes the opend li and open next li

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