May you forget so many things please check this one.
<script src=""></script>
<div id="sites">...</div>
var sites_list = [{"Title":"Yahoo","url":"", "language":"en"}, {"Title":"Google", "url":"
I am using jqPlot to render Meter Gauge. Is there a way to change the diameter of the meter gauge so that it looks like an arc instead of semi circle. I found an option of diameter in the rendereing options but I don't know the values of the same..
if i click on add slab the fields will appear and i am going to enter wrong values it should show validations ,yes its coming properly.
if i click add slab once again and entered wrong values its not showing the validation second time . iteration is not happening please help me
<%@include file="...
@hwnd it doesn't matter if it's a one line answer or a novel of an answer. All good answers are explained. Even if it's just a few words. It makes that difference. — RUJordan2 mins ago
for( var i = 0, howManyThumbnails = thumbnails.length; i < howManyThumbnails; ++i )
preloadedImages.push( new Image() );
preloadedImages[ i ].onload = showThumbnails( i );
preloadedImages[ i ].src = thumbnails[ i ].getAttribute( "href" );
the onload function is being called too early...
when the larger image is loaded, a small thumbnail is supposed to fade in using the showThumbnails() function;
function showThumbnails( indexToLoad )
thumbnailParents[ indexToLoad ].style.opacity = 1 ;
console.log( preloadedImages[ i ].complete );
Not at all, you can do onload = funcName; , but if you want to pass parameters you'll need to wrap in an anonymous function. Hang on, there's another question that's relevant, I'll try and find it
@Dan But then how can you tell the difference between "call this function now" and "call this function later"?
You tell me, I've been looking at it for hours now. I know the complete property return true and it should be false. I don't know how I can tell when it's called, or even why, at the moment!
@kicaj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I've looked at bigram and trigram dictionaries, they don't have sufficient data for it. Gonna try categorising Gutenberg books, but the speech there isn't "common English".
No. It isn't. If you're applying for a college abroad then they look at your GRE and TOEFL scores. It doesn't matter what type of college you're from.
The only problem with a deemed-to-be university is that you don't get good jobs in India because Indians like "qualified" people from known universities.
@AaditMShah working on a cool AI project with a friend, lots of work at work on a new single page app, living the life - you know. Say, weren't you interested in a theoretical CS second degree?