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function Parent(){

/* declare prototype methods for parent*/
function Child(){

Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype);

Child.prototype.addedMethod = function(){
@Oleg What do you mean ? "protected" variables ?
i kind of like microsoft's method
but the syntax is horrid :-(
The comment before the Child constructor looks wrong
JavaScript you need something better then this mess for the love of god !
firstly, are you sure you want inheritance?
@FlorianMargaine yes !
You have classes in ES6. But prototypes are pretty neat too.
I have a simple fileSystem impelementation. My files and directories are basically nodes and share a lot of methods
Ok, makes sense.
why isn't composition enough?
Most API define only one class for files and directories. Even Java !
@FlorianMargaine instanceof
@dystroy because in linux, everything is a file. Even folders.
Duck typing.
I later extend the directory to something called a network directory.
function emitter() {
    var listeners = {}; // these are not available from the outside
    return {addEventListener: function (n, fn) {listeners[n] = fn;}};
function something() {
    var api = emitter();
    // ...
    return api; // something has the functionality of the emitter
^ is that bad?
I not know if the canadians are stupid or intellegent youtube.com/watch?v=n4CEaoNADiY
so later on I just check

if( node instanceof SnDirectory ){
   /* The network directory and the static directory should both pass this */
enlighten me how can composition do this ?
@MirkoCianfarani LOL
if( node.directory || node instanceof directory ){
 // something like this
@AbhishekHingnikar The problem with using inheritance here is that most of your super level code will be wrong or suboptimal
@AbhishekHingnikar you should use duck typing for that
@AbhishekHingnikar Pseudo-code. If node has unique member/function it is of type this or that.
@FlorianMargaine what is duck typing ?
if (node.listDir) {
All your files should probably contain an object doing the real access. After all they're just an API.
!!wiki duck typing
if it can list the files in it, let it list the files in it.
yes, you usually don't need instanceof
duck typing: if it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, chances are it's a duck.
Hmm... refactor time
@FlorianMargaine no : chances are that you don't need to know if it's a duck, just treat it as a duck and it will be happy
What about my example above, do you think I should abandon that approach?
Even if it is a dumb goose thinking it'd be a duck.
I will show you guys the code
^PS anybody else seen this behaviour being caused just by windows media player ?
it keeps my cpu on 100% constantly when on
and as soon as i close it it just kind of drops to nothing
@Oleg I don't understand it. Are you using new ?
No new in there.
When I need to maintain a list of listeners, I just use composition.
But in JS, most listening queues are so simple you don't really need to reuse code
any windows users ?
I used emitter as a simplified example of extending functionality.
^2 lol nope ;)
I mean i have written mp3 decoders and stuff... even in js that was merely 30% system load
what the hell is wmp doing ?
@jesse Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
is the fucker actually decoding media synchronously and keeping a thread busy with some stupid technique ?
:-| any tools to sniff that ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Scanning your disk. Once the NSA had checked everything, it will be fast, don't worry
God, I'm so stupid!
@dystroy Dy
no ... that can't be
@Neil tell us what you did, so that we can confirm :)
my disk activitity is fairly low
Why is it that everytime my boss gives me a huge list of items to insert into the database, I get the fantastic idea of inserting it into a temporary sql table
I inevitably do some backwards query that deletes existing records
Your approach looks wrong
The worst part is that I knew what the query did when I hit the execute button
I just get confused ideas, and the one place I need a "You sure you want to continue?" message, I don't get one
:( In what way?
var __unimpl__ = function Uninmplemented(fn_name,fn_prototype){
  return function Uninmplemented(){
    console.warn("Uninmplemented method",fn_name," in class ", this.constructor.name, "prototype",fn_prototype);
    return null;
Dafuck did i wrote
Note to self : No more coding at 4am
this is nightmare stuff...
@AbhishekHingnikar before you do inheritance, what problem are you trying to solve?
@BenjaminGruenbaum implementing a file system which may or may not have nodes which have to be accquired by network
this filesystem will act as adapter b/w 3rd party api's and my code
Ok, describe the architecture you have thought about to implement this
(* in order to)
assuming you're coding in EcmaScript 9 and everything you want in terms of the OOP has trivial syntax.
That's just a large enough number to not have any real implications
my new desk
@FlorianMargaine cool :)
@FlorianMargaine whats with the high desk thing ?
standing desk
but why ?
Always wanted to try one of those
many reasons
@BenjaminGruenbaum same, I did it.
You like when your legs hurt?
Do you alternate standing/sitting?
@FlorianMargaine let me know how it works out :)
Sitting all day is unhealthy, a standing desk attempts to solve that by avoiding the problem. You end up a tiny bit more in shape and less lazy.
In shape, less lazy and with varicose veins.
we got a open-space office here, I'd love to try that out sometime too though
I'm pretty much sitting all day since I stopped smoking now
Okay now i am standing aswell :D
this has to stop
@yaron Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix thanks
Q: Why Object's properties get undefined when pass through as paramters

yaronWhy passing parameter in this JavaScript method makes it's attributes undefined, this is what I am trying at the moment, $.each(data.GetSomeRestMethodResult, function (index, item) { $("#sTable").append(AnotherMethods(item.a, item.b, item.c)); }); function AnotherMethod...

no, seriously, how do you like it so far, @FlorianMargaine?
@AbhishekHingnikar you gotta get the screen at eye height
@GNi33 it's been less than an hour, but I like it so far
@RyanKinal got a standing desk already iirc
well this is my desk 30 minutes ago
well this was my desk 30 minutes ago :)
yeah, I remember somebody posting a picture of his standing desk some time ago
Yes behind the laptop its a tesla coil
Clean that mess :O
@AbhishekHingnikar That's badass.
@monners its home made... still have to actually power it :-/ am too scared of the consequences
// ps its quite broken [to make things worse]
then... don't power it up
@AbhishekHingnikar Make sure you video the power-up. Live or die, we wanna see it :P
I will make a hangout.
those things can be pretty friken nasty :-/
ps to all those who use grunt on windows, it leaks memory like hell... but i guess you already know it
^ mine last year
@Oleg holy wow thats so clean
my desks have never been clean :-(
we moved into a new office at the beginning of the year
but nowi think i can actually get my laptop on eye height placing it abbove the boxes
@GNi33 What's it like?
@AbhishekHingnikar it gets really cluttered by the end of the week (then it's cleaning up time)
I barely clean it
mum and girlfriend are constantly running background threads for that stuff
@SomeGuy well, now I can't find the pictures
just a moment
@GNi33 Nice.
@GNi33 is that entire space your office? :)
it's pretty nice, I'm in the upper story
@GNi33 Top bunk eh? Tough break.
@Oleg haha, of course, I need space to be creative
Thats awesome @GNi33
ps my nsa friendly logging
@GNi33 That looks great
yeah, it is. Now I'd just need a height-adjustable desk
@GNi33 I don't have this :)
haha, yeah. I don't think I have cardboard-boxes like this lying around either though ;)
we got some new furniture lately :P
new desks and chairs
@user1599719 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'll try a standing desk too
@CJRamki Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi guys...
i validate this json data in jsonlint.com
it says...
Parse error on line 32:
...        "question": ​"6"    },    {
Expecting 'STRING', 'NUMBER', 'NULL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', '{', '['
but i could not find error..
any idea?
You have an invisible bad char I guess
If I remove that line ("question":"6") and retype it, it's fine
please format the Json... ctrl +k
!!tell CJRamki format
@CJRamki Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
sorry guys...
no worry
@dystroy oh thanks...
how to remove it...
just delete it
it's right after the ":"
@CJRamki hit the del key, then hit other keys
@dystroy @Oleg thanks its working...
And now think to find how you got that char, so that you don't have the problem later again
@dystroy yeah sure...
examples of common cases : concatenating files having a bom because of a stupid editor,
copying from jsfiddle...
Could also be little creatures living in your motherboard.
@Oleg or cosmic rays
Preventing copy in particalar password fields alone in JSF(writing a generic JS/JQuery function)
!!is it cosmic rays or little creatures?
@Oleg is it cosmic rays
Q: Preventing copy in particalar password fields alone in JSF(writing a generic JS/JQuery function)

user1599719I need to prevent just copying from password field(since user can able to copy it and paste it some other text field). It is in a huge application and I cannot write window.onload or document.ready() functions. So i want to prevent the copy functionality just by calling JS function for that parti...

According to Caprica, Florian is always right.
anyone knows answer? plz help me
@user1599719 what have you tried? Have you googled?
@dystroy done
@Oleg and since Caprica is always right, I'm always right.
@JanDvorak just golden.
is better :P @JanDvorak
Some one starred the question as well :(
@FlorianMargaine Right!
Or is that someone tracking the CV?
@mikedidthis OP, most likely
@JanDvorak nope, I checked. Oh well.
@mikedidthis how do you know?
Has anyone tried to --disable-web-security via a chrome:///flags ? Because I can't find it there
@mikedidthis That's me. I star everything.
@dystroy I thought I remember you saying this to me before :)
@Gaurav Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@mikedidthis yes
any one here
  services[req.path].root.getNode(req.path).get(2, req.fsServiceAccessToken ).done(function(node){
    return req.json(node);
horrible code :-(
hey Abhishek
i have problem can u help me
@Venkat i have many problems for myself
@dievardump guess whats the future going to be ?
i am trying to parse a external JSON file and i like to access one object at a time after sme interval next one like that
but i can't able to do it
@dievardump I'm waiting in front of a counter... Is it worth the wait ?
It's a decent website
Has a game and stuff too
@dystroy no.
It's ok but worth the wait I don't know
its still loading
I get the idea behind but their site is too buggy. Maybe it works well on their local network but it was impossible to go to the end for me.
its fun
i like the story but meh
@mikedidthis Seen the new tumblr ToS?
@Zirak Taken the pinned JS quiz yet?
Sorry, the community guidelines.
@SomeGuy Nah, saw that people were annoyed
You callin' me a wuss!?
Oh yes, yes you are.
I just saw that, black on...grayish.
@Zirak I have, I struggle with legal begal stuff.
@Zirak is the tl;dr they own everything including your sole?
They've revamped the community guidelines tumblr.com/policy/en/community
Can somebody explain me why my answer got downvoted ?
Q: Javascript Word Frequence Count

BoosterHere is my question: Input:an array a, indexed from 0 to n-1, each element is a string. Here is an example: a=["a","booster","booster","constructor","adam","adam","adam","adam"] Output: A javascript function which using an input array as the unique argument to count the number of occurrences...

> Being a teenager is complicated enough without the anxiety, sadness, and isolation caused by bullying.
@Zirak oh, sorry, then that I haven't seen. I signed the new ToS.
I think I need more coffee.
> Don't post gore just to be shocking. Don’t showcase the mutilation or torture of human beings, animals, or their remains. Dick.
It's a bit amusing. I thought they also changed the wording of the ToS, but apparently the legal department didn't approve of humour.
@Zirak are you sure you didn't write these? :D
shiftily looks around
Noooo now all the array items are GONE
@Zirak Do you use Tumblr?
@Zirak What array items?
> shiftily looks around
@SomeGuy oh come on!
That quiz is weird
@Zirak Hahaha
@Zirak I'm betting on you getting more than 70%
Could somebody upvote my answer to prevent the deletion of the question (and remove the upvote later) ? OP deleted the question immediately after my answer last time...
Your answer should be upvoted because it's reduce propaganda, which is always a blessing.
@Zirak Well. I put reduce each time I see an opportunity
Question 13 is interesting
Oh, wait, no it's not
You may remove the upvotes now. Thanks
+1 for using reduce. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 7 secs ago
hahaha, question 15 is funny.
That's also really ugly code, and it's quite unreadable :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum so that's a +2 ?
I hesitated between the readabler (+m[e]||0)+1 and the shorter 1+ +m[e]||1
@SomeGuy Got a 100
Can I put it up on the fridge?
the question is - will it bind!?
But,,,but...you always put Kate's tests up on the fridge.
!!spec arguments
You love her more than you love me!
@Zirak You're adopted
It's because I'm yellow, isn't it!?
@SomeGuy I KNEW IT
It was always odd that I was the only smiley in the family!
Because we've been telling you since we got you, you idiot
I just edited. This makes the code much longer (1 char) and more boring but also probably much more readable. — dystroy 34 secs ago
@dystroy making it uglier, one sec
@Zirak Hahaha
@RahulDesai An Apache Forbidden page. I already have that as my wallpaper.
function count(arr,obj){
  return obj={},arr.reduce(function(m,e){
    this[e] = 1+ +this[e]||1;
@HONy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
This is way uglier
@BenjaminGruenbaum what are we trying to achieve ?
Also, an incorrect usage
let's see if I can do worse
wait, needs a fix I think
Who got the quiz question #19 right?
@BenjaminGruenbaum You know you're storing in window, right ?
(function (a,o){
  return o={},a.reduce(function(m,e){
    this[e] = 1+ +this[e]||1;
@JanDvorak I got them right
@JanDvorak Me
@dystroy no, I'm binding
@JanDvorak It's not-so-well-known behaviour.
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh, sorry.
storing on window is probably better though, I should totally do that
@BenjaminGruenbaum totally. With special code to allow for existing properties. Maybe saving the values ?
damn. TIL that only passed arguments are bound by the arguments object
function count(arr,obj){
  return obj={},arr.reduce(function(e,e){
    this[e] = 1+ +this[e]||1;
IIFE it, brah
@Zirak OP asked for a function. But in fact, he doesn't asked for a reusable function...
Note the same parameter name twice :) That's my special touch
@BenjaminGruenbaum good one
OMG I have an aswesome idea
I should totally write it to Object.prototype
function count(arr,obj){
  return obj={}.__proto__,arr.reduce(function(e,e){
    this[e] = 1+ +this[e]||1;
@BenjaminGruenbaum I thought your special touch was when you sign your letters with bat sperm.\
I've used only that on not used vars : function(_,_,_,used)
lol, now it'll be on every object in the code

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