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@qwertynl fucking links
@rlemon I did that already....
@qwertynl Then you didn't read the first result
@rlemon The documentation there is useless
@Zirak yes I did
@Zirak o/
> Use HTML5 strategy if available.
wth does that mean??
html5Mode(mode): {boolean}
  true - see HTML5 mode
  false - see Hashbang mode
  default: false
@qwertynl History API vs #!
@rlemon Hmmm ok thanks.
@Zirak blank doc page?
@Zirak angular docs don't like to be linked
the $ is stripped
> TypeError: Cannot read property 'shortName' of null
at Object.docsPathWatchAction [as fn] (http://docs.angularjs.org/js/docs.js:789:39)
at h.$digest (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.11/angular.min.js:100:466)
at h.$apply (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.11/angular.min.js:103:264)
at http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.11/angular.min.js:18:23
at Object.d [as invoke] (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.11/angular.min.js:30:452)
@Zirak ^
Fascinating. Have you tried peeling an avocado slowly?
I heard it fixes that sort of problems.
@Zirak every day :P
@Zirak Nope. Do not like 'em
nah almost every day
@qwertynl That's why you peel them, make 'em suffer.
The fucking bastards.
There's a paragraph which explains it...I mean...c'mon
> $location service has two configuration modes which control the format of the URL in the browser address bar: Hashbang mode (the default) and the HTML5 mode which is based on using the HTML5 History API. Applications use the same API in both modes and the $location service will work with appropriate URL segments and browser APIs to facilitate the browser URL change and history management.
I'll admit I haven't touched OSX in several years, because I haven't had any Macs in a long time. But I wouldn't pay the premium for one on its own right, and getting OSX to work outside of that environment is not encouraged. That's a big enough black mark on its own right.

Companies try to accommodate OSX better these days, but Windows still runs more stuff with fewer restrictions, while having the home-field advantage of being more intuitive (for me)
my brothers GF has a imac
I have used it occasionally.
!!doge dislike,anger,rage,fail
very dislike
              such anger
                        so rage
many fail
I dont understand why people are so in love with them really
@rlemon Your bro's gf's imac?
if the fans werent crazy zealots I probably wouldn't care
I have a mac. I'm not terribly impressed with it, but it's not a horrible machine.
no her hair curler
@Loktar It's not bad if you're simply using it
Like not developing on it
yeah but then id rather just use chromeos :P
and pay much less
@qwertynl In the same page, again:
> In HTML5 mode, the $location service getters and setters interact with the browser URL address through the HTML5 history API, which allows for use of regular URL path and search segments, instead of their hashbang equivalents.
@Zirak hmmm ok. Cool :-DGot it. Thanks :-)
In short: google "angular html5 mode" -> Cntrl-F "html5 mode"
eh, I figure it has its place and a lot of people like it - I don't. I don't understand why people care I don't like OSX... but some people seem to get offended that you think the Apple way of life isn't right for you.
Maybe they put cocaine near the CPU's fan, so you get addicted.
@rlemon exactly
@rlemon I feel that way about Christianity ;-)
You just don't get that rush when using non-cocaine hardware.
I don't understand why so many developers like Apple when they seem like a violently anti-developer company
@RyanKinal psh thats because Christianity is the only way dude
and have been since the app store opened
but I guess devs will go where the market is, abuse from companies be damned
I think Apple has long-standing policies of being openly hostile to hackers and developers, even just people who want to tinker with hardware
no question about that. But from a technical perspective the OSX respectively unix kernel is way more stable and performant than any windows-kernel ever was. The UI is a pretty subjective topic (that includes right-clicks, which are available at present). Furthermore. The only argument I could buy is about pricing and general "business decision" from Apple. But then again, software on OSX is pretty expensive compared to all other platforms, but in most cases, its a pretty darn high quality
@Loktar clearly Judaism is winning
@RUJordan :P
@jAndy I can only go from personal experience..
win8 has never locked up on me
my mac did twice..
@RyanKinal Hi. You seem to have accumulated -7 Prayer Points. I urge you to discover the ways of Jesus H. Christ and Baby Jesus H. Christ. We have a special Baptism + Bible sale, where you can get baptised and receive both the Old Testament (which you'll never read anyway) and the New Testament for FREE, only $99.99.
@RUJordan Nope, Royallism
performant? Who cares in the post SSD world? Hardware is gloriously cheap. I don't even know how much RAM is in my desktop, 16 or 32 gigs. I have not wanted for more performance since at least 2008
@SimonSarris Yeah, it sucks
I mean, as long as it doesn't offend @Jhawins, of course.
I'm so hesitant to learn win8
@Loktar I'm not using windows machines for like 5 years, but before that I had bluescreens like every day
heh yeah I upgrade every 2 years and it doesn't even matter anymore
@jAndy That's not normal
@Zirak Will you baptise me yourself?
@jAndy wtf were you doing?
@Zirak Already been baptized, thanks. Dutch Reform FTW!
@SimonSarris well I meant it more on software perspective, not the hardware
Upgrades are no longer needed: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6606720
Just sit on my lap and close your eyes, son...it may feel a little sticky, but don't worry.
@Loktar as a prior of dudism.... that's like... just your opinion... man.
@Zirak O.O
@Zirak 50 browser tabs with pr0n ? what did you expect ?
@rlemon lol I was just joking
@jAndy you can't talk about performance without remarking that hardware has made up for it, big time, in the last 10 years
You're out of your element @rlemon
!!youtube just your opinion man
@SimonSarris I agree
the last reason to upgrade was BF4 I guess..
thats the only game that even began to test my system
I upgraded from my 2008/2009 machine not because I needed to, but because I wanted to give my brother (Who didn't have a computer) my old one
it wasn't even necessary. Things are just too fast to worry about performance ever again post SSD upgrades
@Loktar The Witcher 2?
yeah my kids get my old ones
@Zirak I raped it dude
every 2 years I buy the top end (on the amd/ati side of the house)
my boss just (10 minutes ago) gave me a new 256GB SSD to "trial on my home PC"
I havent had an issue with any games in years
@Loktar I'm veeeerry pro giving kids full computers and not just tables, see the second half of my comment: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6606720
kids need to be able to make things like you and I did
yeah exactly
my kids are already into modding!
they watch you tube vids all the time on how to do X
@rlemon What a rad dude
@SimonSarris What use is a computer if you don't have a table to put it on
@rlemon Wait. That's your girlfriend's father, right?
> I think its something hackers, especially those with children should ask themselves: Would I still be me, if I had grown up around primarily content consumption computing devices instead of more general purpose laptops and desktops?
^ 100% agree
the commodore made me who I am
@SomeGuy yup
because all it said was "Ready:"
but he does this with all of the employees
That's awesome
@Zirak ha ha
You Canadians are nice people :p
I have an android tablet paid for by work. My N5 is paid for by work. I'm going to get an ipad mini (eh) - and he did also buy my current windows pc at home
JS isn't a multithreaded language, right?
Until they unleash their moose to rape you.
@rlemon Wow
@RUJordan Affirmative
@Zirak do you know much about web workers?
I am slightly underpaid for the position (but I still make a comfortable living), but the perks are just fantastic
Q: If I want an asynchronous thread to, do I need setTimeout?

Mattias SvenssonI have a script that is very complex and hard to distill, but here is the essence of what I am doing: var modulesCount = 4; // setup the modules object for (var i = 1; i <= modulesCount; i++) { composeModule(i); } I have some strange behaviour, where is seems every call to the functio...

@RUJordan The js there is single-threaded too.
the answer talks about web workers making threads?
> A worker is, as a rule of thumb, something similar to a Thread in Java.
They're not like threads. You don't share the same execution environment.
he said it is similar to Threads in Java
he doesn't call them threads
got it
It's much more similar to a process than it is to a thread.
@Zirak Actor is the word you're looking for
The isolation and message passing are both properties of actors.
But nobody knows what actors are, so "process" is easier
I meant to reference Erlang, but nobody knows about it too
lol, good luck with that
Reference the bible while you're at it
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks. More reading to do
Any particular recommended reading?
Oh Bob
Ssshhh, don't tell Benjamin
@rlemon the title is great :)
I don't like the express docs
too white.
spice that shit up guys!
@SomeGuy "Introduction to Multiagent Systems" is a solid start - by Wooldridge
> Don't Drink Too Much Kool-Aid
You get a +1 for figuring out what OP actually needed and not what he asked for. I'm voting as duplicate :) — Benjamin Gruenbaum 19 secs ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum Okay, that seems a bit too easy to give up on. Is it worth it?
> In the Erlang shell, expressions have to be terminated with a period followed by whitespace (line break, a space etc.), otherwise they won't be executed. You can separate expressions with commas, but only the result of the last one will be shown (the others are still executed). This is certainly unusual syntax for most people and it comes from the days Erlang was implemented directly in Prolog, a logic programming language.
@Zirak Yeah, I have that bookmarked to get to eventually
that just seems ... well like they said... unusual.
@SomeGuy it shows a completely different kind of abstraction - don't read it all at once - it's an introductory book to a field.
@SomeGuy it won't make you a better programmer in a day like some books but it'll give you insight
@rlemon Just 'cus Prolog is unusually awesome.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That makes sense. Thanks!
Prolog is hard
@Zirak there was a funny in HN about it the other month
I almost took a PROLOG class in college but I failed the pre-req math class and got discouraged
Actually, if you just want the actor system part, read this chapter. It's got not (a lot of) Erlang in it, none in the theoretical section.
lemme find it
friday seems like a good day to start with Sublime Text AND Express at the same time!
wish me luck!
good luck :D
It's not like any of them is hard anyway
I don't know what I hate worse. A bad question with an active OP who just doesn't "get it", or a bad question that is never touched again by the OP.
for the first bit of any new technology I feel a little lost :P
The former
two at once proves to be an interesting day
You waste more time in it for the same result
@rlemon Yeah !
If you've used notepad, you can probably get by basic Sublime stuff.
<3 ST3
Can't find it :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum Because Prolog is srs bsns, no funnies involved.
@BadgerGirl are you enjoying your new job?
someone linked me a nice little cheat sheet last time I mentioned ST3
still got it on hand?
Holy shit, "funnies" is a great name for an escort company, where the escorts are comedians, and dressed as bunnies.
and scare people away
@Zirak .. please let me invest in your bunny clad hookers that are funny.
My sources from beyond the grave tell me... "Close Vote the question" — RUJordan 12 secs ago
is this mean?
@rlemon sublime text will set you free
The magic 8-ball never lies
sublime text is incredible
@SimonSarris got a good quick start guide?
it is sub lime
open it up
command cheat sheets?
Especially if you're on a Mac.
open up a JS file
I am finding lots of docs on ST2
@SimonSarris Hahaha, lemon pun? :p
CTRL+click places
notice cursors
@Zirak - Escorts aren't usually known for their standup routines ;)
I could write a getting started guide
@TravisJ That's part of the innovation.
@rlemon You might want a plugin like Clientside. Minify, format, and lint code in Sublime
Oh, but Package Control before that
@Zirak - Although they do tend to excel at hopping in the crouch position
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh boy, that's some view count.
@RUJordan Yeah, I get to travel around and do nothing.
@Zirak Yeah, the title is also very misleading
@BadgerGirl How come?
hrm, I think I'm gonna make a survey on some bot decisions (what's the most pressing issue, should the repository be split up, etc), because reasons
So I was thinking of making a userscript that would listen to the socket for a set of rooms and then place the messages into the current room for you with the room title above the message div. That way you could have one tab open but be in like 6 rooms at once. Perhaps a dropdown near send could specify which room to respond to. What do you think?
@Zirak Strawpoll that shit
@SomeGuy Thanks, that was my hidden question.
@SomeGuy There was an optional sales conference we could go to, so my team decided that we would go. So they paid us 2 weeks in California. It's like holidays.
@BadgerGirl :O That's so lucky
@rlemon that was me, and Google "sublime text keyboard shortcuts" on gist.github.com
@Zirak Enjoy :p
@SomeGuy But...it's only one question...with 4 options.
Well, too bad, then :p
You could make a form on Google Drive
I think my boss might let me go to that Dell seminar where they take us to lunch, happy hour and a hockey game
@SomeGuy Awesome
Docs is getting impressiver. Google is scaring me.
@FlorianMargaine cheers
@RUJordan Yesterday we went to an arcade after the conferences and we could play any game for free and drink whatever we wanted.
Imagine if you had funnies with you...
@BadgerGirl When is "bring your kids to work" day?!
@BadgerGirl did you drink .. all .. the things?
I'm not sure if funnies are fun for the whole family.
Well, they are, but...
@Zirak Sharing is caring.
@SomeGuy Any day. Come here. You can all come to work :D
hrm, maybe if there were like underage and child funnies.
I'm hungry.
so am I
all this talk of rabbit porn
Then you'd have a 4 year old funny for your child.
But my coworkers are not out of their meeting yet.
!!pizza 500 600
And we're going out for pizza
@RyanKinal You consume your coworkers?
4 messages moved to bin
@Zirak Only their souls
Delicious, delicious souls...
don't you find souls to be a touch bland?
Mmm. Souls.
@rlemon Depends on the soul
Or, rather, it depends on the person to whom the soul belonged
sniffs Ryans soul - yup, nothing but harmony in there... I need some spice. something with a little kick.
I'm one zen-ass motherfucker
I still have a double hotel room for a week in Mountain View if anyone wants to come.
@SomeGuy I've got another problem: I don't know what to write.
@Badger Girl - Visiting silicon valley or just one place in particular?
@TravisJ I'm here to work.
I might go to Google to visit some friends but I'm not sure.
@RyanKinal Hey, how's SlickText doing?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Great! Still growing. We have some big clients coming up.
@BadgerGirl What are you doing tonight? We could meet up in the city after work.
@Badger Girl - That's cool. Definitely a lot of large corporations there. Amazon, ebay, sega, apple, google, etc
@SomeKittensUx2666 Yes, tonight we will go to SF.
@RyanKinal Great to hear!
@BadgerGirl Sounds good. You have my phone number?
@TravisJ So you're saying funnies should be based in SF.
Surprisingly not. :P
@Zirak - They would certainly fit in :D
I really dislike that almost all our department heads are attractive, engaged women.
Mostly the engaged part :(
@Zirak - You would get the best of both worlds. All the tech execs, and all the financial execs.
@TravisJ I assume that means you're SF based?
We should meet up.
@SomeKittens Ux2666 - Nah I am in Santa Barbara right now, but I grew up near Sacramento. SF is freaking awesome though
ns.Urls = {
    "getTeamUrl": '/team'
ns.Urls = {};
ns.getTeamUrl = '/team';
What do you think?
@TravisJ Ping me next time you're in the city - I live in Alameda.
@TravisJ To be fair, a lot of the cool stuff gets done by startups.
I'll keep that in mind :)
@SomeKittens Ux2666 - Yeah startups are teh future :)
@BadgerGirl You do now!
I NEVER CAME TO SF! HAHAHAHA now I have your number! :D
If that's true, BadgerGirl now gained a thousand internet points.
@CharlieBrown Object.create({ Urls: { getTeamUrl: '/team' }});
!!afk commuting to work
@Zirak It's not. :P
/me is a bit disappoint
@Zirak - lol
That would've been awesome.
How come checkboxes remain checked when you go back to the page?
@Zirak - Social Engineering++
Are they cached?
if you are using the browser back button it could be repopulating the forms
Is there a way to stop that?
The box remains checked, but the js doesn't trigger for obvious reasons
inform your users
You: I am in your town, what is your phone number?
Them: (555) 768-1234
You: Hah! I am not in your town. Now I am in your guild bank vendoring your epics!

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