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I should change my SO name to Michael Phelps, cuz I get the GOLD!
and you take wicked bong rips!
fuck yea! ( if you are here because of Google index.. the previous statement is 100% inaccurate )
I have the same amount of gold but you kick my ass in silver and bronze
and rep
previous comment by rlemon has been rescinded
the media already knows
@nderscore i'll be in Colorado next month. We can talk openly then.
you're finished as a swimmer
I wish NYC had more indoor pools. I'd like to swim :(
I need goggles
I need polar sunglasses for tomorrow. Shades that wont fog
My brother has a pool.
but I live in Canada
so 9 months out of the year it is an ice rink
@Miszy Is that not a weed reference in your area? Here... Cloud9 === high.
We even have Cloud 9 hookah bar/head shops.
@rlemon you mean your brother has an ice rink that melts for 3 months a year? :P
!!afk home
Canadians and your hockey
Hmm, does anyone know how to move the cursor with window.getSelection()?
var sel = window.getSelection();
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
var text = document.createTextNode("TEST");
range.insertNode( text );
This is working, except that the cursor is still at the front of the inserted text; and any combination of range.setStart, range.setEnd doesn't seem to move it.
@Retsam By front, you mean the start of the text (0)?
You could change focus, then text.focus(). Not saying it's a good solution, but it would put the cursor at the end.
Err... You're selecting normal text, not an input, so maybe not.
The problem is it's a contenteditable, which may be the issue to begin with.
And, yeah, I can't just move the cursor to the end, because they might be inserting in the middle of text.
I don't do much with text selection haha.
I can see why that would be a problem...
@rlemon :) please help
@DušanRadojević rlemon is afk: home
Ah, I think the root issue is that sel.getRangeAt(0) makes a copy of the window selection; it looks like changes to the returned range don't affect the actual window.getSelection()
I'm gone for a minute and there are hello kitty stickers all over my desk
Ah; got it.
Jokes on my coworkers, I'm keeping them! >=(
What was it?
oh they don't stick well :(
range.setStartAfter(text); //move the range selection

Makes sense
How to make this work: jsfiddle.net/XAHXL/11
I need to draw line with canvas between relatively positioned divs
Like that?
Great, now all I need to do is make it work in IE...
@Jhawins but I need it to work when divs are positioned relatively, thanks so much
@DušanRadojević Open your console and look at what offsetTop is for each div.
The numbers don't quite make sense do they
offsetTop is relative to the parentNode.
stackoverflow.com/questions/21443850/… the inline js answer got 2 upvotes D:
@RUJordan We'll have to fix that won't we...
oh u
@Jhawins can you point me please
@rlemon lookit my answer. Didn't use onclick = function() { ... } this time :3
@RUJordan rlemon is afk: home
I can't. I don't do this stuff haha. Design is going to be a question for someone else.
Or you can Google the appropriate properties and point yourself in the right direction. offsetTop might not be what you need.
I'll offset your top >=(
I want to suggest things because I know how to make it work... But I don't think my solution will be the right one, or a good one.
Well, got my accepted answer of the day
my work here is done
I'm so hungry... I skipped lunch to leave earlier
@AbhishekHingnikar Neat, open an issue
@Zirak o/
Don't eat me
No promises brah
Anyone know of a decent responsive table plugin?
I bet "bros before hoes" will be quickly vetoed when the zombie apocalypse kicks in.
every hoe for themself
!!afk bros before hoes
(home time)
How can i remove the SPAN created by the JQuery Validate plugin? I do not want it to show, just the error class.
    errorClass: "error"
Also, I just watched "American Hustle"
@Zirak Yeah, along with 'no child left behind'
When the Zombie apocalypse comes.... I will have my AR and 12 gauge. I'll take them to a country where guns are not allowed and reclaim the land as my own. Because everyone will be zombies, or fighting zombies by hand. And.... Wait shit. That means there's no ammo either...
!!afk home
@EliteGamer you assign the error content to a variable, delete the span with class error (i don't know how it works, but that span should have an id or class), remove the span and add the content of the variable
@EliteGamer What's wrong with this span? :P
I have returned.
But on mobile so I cannot write code
But I have answers for all
okay off mobile
@DušanRadojević you need to calculate absolute relative position to the body
give me a second and i'll show you how
@RUJordan :slow clap:
@rlemon RUJordan is afk: bros before hoes
@Retsam I know you are done, but you should check out the source for my chat easy input tools
(not a long script at all)
@rlemon Yeah, I'll take a look; thanks
@rlemon thanks man
How can i use an anchor like #anchor in the url to do a specific function?
@DušanRadojević np. umm let me see
ohh god my configuration on N++ was corrupted... default theme is so painful
function getOffsets(elm /* the element you want to get the position of */) {
    var ret = {
        x: elm.offsetLeft, // start with its relative position
        y: elm.offsetTop
    par = elm;
    while (par = par.offsetParent) { // keep getting its parent element
        ret.x += par.offsetLeft; // and add their relative positions
        ret.y += par.offsetTop;
    return ret; // return object will be {x:value,y:value}
@rlemon Don't you like the pink unicorns I put? :(
vanilla n++ !!! vanilla!!!!!!
I wish it had unicorns
@rlemon jsfiddle.net/XAHXL/23 I am still stuck with it :(
nice face however
yea I really have no idea :/
thanks for help
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about comparing a non-working option to a working one. — Jan Dvorak 2 mins ago

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