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Sounds complicated.
teehee, I like programming.
Angular is cool. But it's twice the size of jQuery. Wai even bother?
Get to do shit like that.
i don't like angular because of the landing page.
why does the page titled "SNAKE" not have snake on it?
@Zirak yes, injector. The injector is awesome. It's angular's dependency injection container.
It's hwy you get to do
@Cicada3301 background-image: thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/…
@rlemon What made you think it'd have a snake on it?
It isn't titled "This page has a snake on it"!
    // I have access to the $http service, the scope and $q here
    // testing and mocking : super easy
/games/snake/ <- does not contain the game snake
@rlemon my first thought was to build snake using canvas, except I knew nothing about canvas, so I'm just derping around
untill I get it without needing to look on guides
why did you "wow ..."
I used to draw on vga screens with QBASIC before you were born, son
@skripted I changed it about 1000 times in the meantime... you probably didn't see what I meant
The only colors you could use were cyan, magenta, white, and black death
thank you very much:-)
@Zirak write that meta answer.
@Zirak thank you :-)
@Oleg it solves a much bigger problem...
Not sure about that.
Backbone solves the same problem with less LOC.
... not sure why they had to depend on jQuery though.
I think I am failing pretty hard at javascript
@Crowz welcome to the club.
oh. It turns out the problem is just that I was an idiot
@Oleg that just shows you don't understand the problem.
@Crowz The first step to recovery is admitting you need help
now, this I call art (may take more than 5 seconds to load, then zoom your page out to the max) copot.eu/matei/games/snake
can I force JS to recognize that two things are one after the other?
@Cicada3301 Whoa, that caused my chrome tabs to crash..
@Crowz wat?
@Neil it's 3600 circles...
@Cicada3301 Tell that to my browser
lemme square root it
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
!!tell Crowz jquery delay
@BenjaminGruenbaum Don't be annoying, drop the @, nobody likes a double-ping.
delay won't do shit here
queue can be used
or put the remove at the end of the setTimeout
@RoyiNamir ...?
(crows answer)
Q: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL

Jeswhat am i doing wrong with this, as i get Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL this error while loading. $(document).ready(function(){ $('<div id=\"popup_0\" style=\"display:none;\">\n <div class=\"hideshow\">\n <div class=\"fade\"><\/div>\n <div id=\"drag-p...

@Neil now it's a lot smoother
@BenjaminGruenbaum for animations YES. for dom removeal - NO
even tho it doesn't give the same effect
yeah I don't think delay works. I tried $('#myDiv).delay(3000).fadeOut().remove();... it just went away immediately
As I said , a queue should be used here
@RoyiNamir where did I imply I suggested it for the dom removal?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I didnt reply to you.
I replied to this :
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
Ah, you don't need a cqueue, fadeOut accepts a callback.
also valid :-)
if there are many divs...
(just noting)
I just dislike jquery promises, since they're not really promises.
@rlemon Did you figure out how to make them real gifs?
no :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum Will do
@RoyiNamir Enjoy
I tried with this one
fell back to my old way
when you type hebrew on the pc, you still write it right to left?
doesn't that fuck with you when you toggle back to left to right for english?
It does sometimes.
changing language must be hard enough - changing the direction you read and write ... I can't even imagine
@BenjaminGruenbaum Kinda like when my wife tells me "I promise I do it tomorrow"
@OliverSalzburg lol.
@rlemon That is way too suggestive.
@KendallFrey is he staring into your soul?
I think he's staring just below my waistline.
@rlemon you're crazy :-)
just looked at the pic and i wonder why the helldid he do that
and then i saw the eye
posted on January 29, 2014

Just now I published the latest touch action tests. There are no nasty surprises, although IE remains idiosyncratic. The most common touch action is the single tap. When that action occurs, browsers fire off a whole slew of events, mostly in order to remain backward compatible with older sites that only use mouse events. Although there are quite a few deviations from the “standard”

can you explicitly assign a few actions to this jquery queue?
php y u no know console.log
SO decided they have lots of Portuguese-speaking users who feel, I dunno, overwhelmed or something by the English site, so they opened a new one.
Anyone hear of Avatar - the first Open Source OS for the internet? (sneakpeek.avatar.ai)
That sounds funny
Well the coming to age anti NSA
Chrome OS mach 2?
Sorry I meant No Such Agency, my bad guys
@rlemon o.O
the skin didn't wanna match
@rlemon I'm slightly aroused
Now if only @Oleg liked vim...
What? Bird? Where?
I shall not succumb to the dark temptation of Vim.
haha, nice
lol it took me some time to understand the image
i was again starring at the left eye like an idiot
How can I send a POST request from PhantomJS?
@mikedidthis sent
@rlemon awesome
however instructions were unclear. d*ck now stuck in mailbox. please advise.
@rlemon vaseline
Apply chainsaw to visible penis area.
when the mailperson comes I'll ask if they have lube
@mikedidthis broooo!
@Zirak Yea... It is going to lead to a lot of uness duplicates...
@OctavianDamiean dude!!! where have you beeen?
You know, here and there, doing all kinds of stuff.
Is there any ui pack for drag and drop email newsletter html building?
Please ...
@mikedidthis how are ye?
@OctavianDamiean been better, you?
@rlemon I meant like : building emails on website (email marketing), maybe based on jquery ?
you cannot send emails with JS
I'm alright. Playing lots of EVE. :D
assuming I am understanding you
If it has jquery, it must be good.
you want to send emails which contain HTML/CSS yes?
@rlemon no, like a drag and drop text, images, etc build a html and send it to subscribers ?
I think he wants a WYSIWYG webbased HTML Email creator.
^ that
well that seems like a very shitty tool if it exists
why not just use any old WYSIWYG editor and just copy and paste the code into the email
@OctavianDamiean good man, its nice to see you around!
!!tell Muhammet google wysiwyg email creator
thanks everybody
@mikedidthis meant to implement it in my own website
@Muhammet I think you may need to roll your own
So there is no drag and drop wysiwyg available
Have you googled?
!!can you tell me has he googled?
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
I will google for you, but its $10 per search
@rlemon Definitely
caprica charges $8 per result - he's already upto $24
nmap... Y U SO SLOW?!
I did google, but didnt find any drag&drop ones
@rlemon I sorry!
@rlemon he? (oh you mean the OP, not caprica)
you got it now!
does mike need a nap?
if you submit a form, then do a function with $('#myform').submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault });, how can you log what is in the form?
@Zirak lol @rlemon
@Zirak thanks, what happened to your grandpa? Or Margarine?
I don't reuse my stories :P
I think that's the first time I've seen you use :P
I'm just like... why did he have to post the screenie of me :P
@rlemon maybe...
@qwertynl What am I missing?
@Zirak Look at the OP. The image.
@Crowz console.log(form.serialize()) iirc
oh, yeah
...do any of you read before upvoting my posts? I may be awesome, but...
@Zirak I read the entire thing before upvoting
@Zirak Read? READ? READ?
and you did get me
Also worth noting - we were asked to turn it off for a little while while it was being investigated and discussed - this was some time ago and we were not updated on any of it at all. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 6 secs ago
One of our VIP clients called up and complained that he couldn't install our product properly and that it was giving him problems. After about half a day of e-mails back and forth and explaining how it should be configured and what to look for, I end up having to connect to his computer and configure it for him. Anyone with half a brain would have been able to configure it correctly after what I wrote. I don't think he's stupid either. I think he used me to configure his installation for him
I feel used.
@Neil were you billing him for it?
Do VIP clients get billed? Don't they just pay a flat support fee?
@rlemon can you make it log as an actual object?
@BenjaminGruenbaum They pay us yearly for assistence, and that essentially means we are at their beck and call
They make use of every cent they pay us and then some
@Crowz you sure can! get googling!
@Crowz Yes. You sure can :-)
@rlemon BAH! JINX :-P
@Kippie VIP clients pay a flat fee in our company, which is a stupid move imo
It would make sense if we had plenty of resources and manpower, but we're limited as it is
@Neil well, at least you got paid for it.
I cannot believe @balpha got rid of Eliza (and deleted my question about that bot ha)
@qwertynl ?? Please don't stir shit up..
@BenjaminGruenbaum True, I suppose I shouldn't complain too much.
I too get a flat fee though :)
@Neil On top of your regular pay, right?
@Kippie No way. Regular pay is my flat fee
@qwertynl screenshot?
@Neil Oh, thought you might be getting a flat fee per support ticket handled. And that a customer who nags you for days on end straight on one issue would royally screw you over
@BenjaminGruenbaum and this one: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/114271/… One sec.
screenshots plz
@BenjaminGruenbaum one sec
I must be missing a reference here, but who or what is eliza?
@Kippie No, that would be much worse. It's bad enough that I have to drop everything I'm doing to handle problems that aren't really problems. At least I still get paid
@qwertynl Why are you still using this account?
@Zirak I am sticking with it
ELIZA is a computer program and an early example of primitive natural language processing. ELIZA operated by processing users' responses to scripts, the most famous of which was DOCTOR, a simulation of a Rogerian psychotherapist. Using almost no information about human thought or emotion, DOCTOR sometimes provided a startlingly human-like interaction. ELIZA was written at MIT by Joseph Weizenbaum between 1964 and 1966. When the "patient" exceeded the very small knowledge base, DOCTOR might provide a generic response, for example, responding to "My head hurts" with "Why do you say your h...
hm okay got it serializing, but I want my form to serialize stuff in a very weird way, like {id: "", [ {"question": "", "answer": ""}, {"question": "", "answer": ""} ] }. Is such a thing even possible?
@Kippie ^ was implemented by one of the SE employees and unleased in one of meta's chat rooms.
@Crowz Then do it yourself, you know your requirements best.
Also, that data structure doesn't make sense
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^
@BenjaminGruenbaum @Zirak Oh, neat. I think there were some mirc doing that as well back in the day
Here is "The Couch":
As soon as you entered the room Eliza pounced!
See the transcript
And the "Someone on the SE Team" was balpha
@qwertynl and there was nothing more about it? No abuse? No problems?
It doesn't sound like they'd just 'cover their asses up'
None that I know of.
But they deleted all questions relating to it.
!!doge fashion,obscure,face
Q: What commands can be used with the 'Stack' chatbot?

Ambo100I only recently found out about the 'Stack' bot that lurks in the chat rooms. The bot doesn't seem to be as well advertised as the other features of Stack Exchange, presumably it's still in development? All I know about are the two commands whois and summon. There also doesn't appear to be anyth...

              much fashion
                         very obscure
such face
@BenjaminGruenbaum was there nothing more about the welcome message ?
we were told it would be discussed and what?
Answer by @balpha there ^
that was months ago
idk weird. but whatever. Eliza was killed.
@rlemon and nothing
$ phantomjs hello.js
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: $

Sounds bad :P
var page = require('webpage').create();
page.open('https://meta.stackoverflow.com/users/login?returnurl=http%3a%2f%2fchat.meta.stackoverflow.com%2f', function() {
  page.includeJs("http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js", function() {
    page.evaluate(function() {
I've stared at this for a long time and still can't find it. What stupid thing am I doing?
@Undo you are using jQuery 1.6.x?
Just because the page has the $ variable, doesn't mean it's introduced to your context.
@qwertynl Yes... I suppose I should use latest.
> ReferenceError: Can't find variable: $
@Undo Maybe? Also use jQuery and not $, might help.
that seems like an odd message to me
"Can't find variable"
@rlemon yea. a little odd
hrm, actually, I don't know what happens in page.evaluate
Try poking through the page's window object, see what's on there.
A: On PhantomJS cant include JQuery and without JQuery cant post form data

g4d564w56There is a well know bug that PhantomJS cant load JQuery, will be hard to post some form data to server but you can select elements only using querySelectorAll like this example: how to scrape links with phantomjs

No jQuery. Sorry.
buh, github changed the issues style.
@Undo Or you have to do some weird changes.
I dunno. lemme try some things.
Q: What is "chat with an expert"?

AntonyA box just comes out of nowhere which says "chat with an expert". It happened once on Stack Overflow and once on Meta. Is this an ad? Isn't Meta supposed to have no ads? Here's the HTML for that weird box: <div id="adviza-box" style="width: 380px; "> <div id="adviza-status"> <img ...

^ More from Eliza if you guys are still on that :P
@Jhawins lol that was an april fools prank
@qwertynl Yup. Eliza was on the other end of the chat window.
Thank you for stating the obvious.
@Jhawins It is possible but idk if it was confirmed.

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