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So, on that "no jQuery"/QSA question earlier, I was considering commenting that it doesn't matter why the OP doesn't want to use jQuery.
suggest alternatives to Deployd and Firebase for MMO games ITT
@BartekBanachewicz Own backend.
But it occurred to me that, for other issues, we might recommend completely alternative solutions/technologies.
@BartekBanachewicz By own I mean dedicated solution.
@Miszy I want to explore the "generic" solutions first.
I don't know of any I could recommend. Google is your best friend here, I guess.
i have to reread firebase api again
Firebase won't fit your needs. It's not good for MMO.
You need RTC server.
@Miszy they claim it is RTC
JavaScript claims to be a decent language Okay, then try it.
I would say JS is a decent language..
@RUJordan you'd be wrong
By what standard?
@Miszy I could stop doing anything right now assuming that, heh. BTW look at that plz
@RUJordan TC39 :D :D
you're the one that has the shiny certificate
@Miszy ?
@BartekBanachewicz write a backend with Yesod? Or if you want to get shit done with NodeJS?
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, geospatial is cool in mongoDB.
Also, @BartekBanachewicz , Mongo is horrible :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum I was thinking about not writing a backend and using something readymade
@RUJordan TC39
@RUJordan you should have -w3schools.com on that search
@Miszy could I use Meteor.js with that?
Considering the amount of time taken to develop JavaScript, I'd say it's quite impressively good.
@RyanKinal it's as old as Lua
@BartekBanachewicz nice to meet you mister buzzword.
@BartekBanachewicz Meteor apps use MongoDB as their database
@Miszy I was asking about geospatial specifically. IIRC you know/used Meteor.
@rlemon they removed it :(
@BartekBanachewicz I think so.
@BartekBanachewicz Sure, but the original design was like "Hey, we'll take some stuff from these things and those things and slap them together and OH LOOK IT'S JAVASCRIPT"
@Miszy what does that have to do with JS being a decent lanaguage?
@BenjaminGruenbaum what's so buzzword in saying "can I use library X" again?
@RUJordan what other languages have you used?
Java, C#, PHP
@RyanKinal And what's that supposed to tell me?
@RyanKinal no point. He will never learn that some people prefer a language style over another and are in fact more productive in it.
Meh drop that topic anyway
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why do you think mongo is horrible? What do you recommend instead?
@BartekBanachewicz it's a buzz framework - it's silly. It doesn't really work well outside PoC
@RUJordan that's, pardon me, not a very broad spectrum.
@Miszy anything with the slightest bit of projections API, hooks and transactions..
fuck transactions
@BartekBanachewicz It was designed and built in a rush. And now it runs the Internet.
I'd say that's quite impressive.
not just the internet
@BartekBanachewicz well I am only 5 months out of college...
@RyanKinal says enough about "the internet"
@RUJordan I am still studying. So what?
@BenjaminGruenbaum They don't have transactions, true. But mapReduce is awesome for aggregation.
:unzips pants: - can I get in on this competition?
So how broad should my spectrum be?
Fuck if I know
It's irrelevant
I'm just pointing out that you used 3 languages.
which isn't fucking lot
geez, really go to "let's hate JS room"
Get the the point?
(I am not coming there)
and dunno, piss your pants over how great JS is
because it's so much better than PHP so it's great
They each have their faults.
@BartekBanachewicz wait what?
Somebodies a little salty that people like JS
We're not even talking "great", we're talking "decent"
all languages have pros and cons - there is absolutely no fucking point whatsoever in debating one is better than another - let us move on to more important subjects like why comma first is the fucking devil!
@BenjaminGruenbaum when I wanted to stop "shitposting other languages", these two make me argue again
@rlemon comma fist is totally the devil!
Do I want to know what comma fist is?
@rlemon ur mum likes comma fists.
That was dirty
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think we're talking about premature optimisations here. Until you don't have huge traffic or big data then just use whichever database system you find the easiest.
also we're talking about PoC really so I don't see what's the fuss about
And when you do have these problems - then you have them in virtually any DB.
@BenjaminGruenbaum damn, didn't see that :P
MongoDB is easy to learn and very popular which makes it a perfect fit for start-ups or small and medium applications.
@Miszy No we're not. Mongo is particularly horrible. Use PostgreSQL or another sane free solution.
@BenjaminGruenbaum but it is webscale! WEBSCALE!!
@Miszy it's popular because people do not understand the problems involved with software design - like why PHP is popular.
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol you're kidding right?
> webscale.
I've worked a lot with mongo.
!!youtube mongodb webscale
fml here we go again
I've even helped some people in this room with it.
why the fuck would I want to use SQL database for geospatial data is beyond my fucking comprehension
It's not a serious database.
Petition to deport Justin Bieber: ~127K
Counter-Petition *not* to deport Justin Bieber: ~1.8K signatures
.... but webscale.....
I'm working with mongoDB everyday. We have it on production - it's perfect.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you aren't a serious developer either.
No big data.
No huge traffic.
Perfect fit.
by the same criteria
But why are we petitioning to deport someone lol I don't think that's how it works.
Bold statements
@BartekBanachewicz wat?
bold statements
@rlemon well you're not wrong there lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum your statements against mongo are as dumb as statements of mongo fanatics
@Miszy it, has, no, transactions. If you hve a bug in the middle of your program your schema gets corrupted. That's retarded and beyond me.
@BartekBanachewicz read its code. Seriously, just do it.
@rlemon lulz
@BartekBanachewicz There.
@BenjaminGruenbaum and JS has retarded type system and no static typechecking, but I don't see you going around screaming how retarded it is.
@BartekBanachewicz has it occurred to you that the way you word your arguments makes you come off as a jerk?
anyways - I'm logging out early because these conversations just piss me off :P
later all
@Jhawins How about a petition for Justin Beiber not to be considered important news....
@BenjaminGruenbaum why the hell am I supposed to read its source
@rlemon later man, I'm not far behind you
@BartekBanachewicz totally not the same thing and you know it.
or for him to just not be mention ever
^ This guy gets it
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's the same thing if you go as brainless as you're doing it now.
why don't you chill out
take a big breath
@BartekBanachewicz because it'll a) be readable because Mongo is very basic and b) let you see how it's implemented so you can formulate your opinion.
and realize that we're talking about a small PoC app
@BenjaminGruenbaum b) is your dumbest argument you've made to me so far ever.
a) is a plus for me right now.
Why do I argue with you, you've never written software with Mongo, or JavaScript but you have all these big opinions of them.
oh right let's use ad hominem again
Seriously, why do I bother.
that always works when you have no real arguments
You're a crank. That's the term.
I am not even bother looking it up.
It's a db with NO TRANSACTIONS and NO PROJECTIONS. It's completely retarded.
Can we talk about something fun?
@BenjaminGruenbaum it would be all fine if you just pointed out what do you think is wrong with MongoDB instead of going all jerky and "read the source or you're dumb".
@BenjaminGruenbaum JS IS a language WITH NO STATIC TYPING. It's completely retarded.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It has projections.
@Miszy I started by linking to an article..
@Miszy "projections" , it has the lamest projection API ever, querying subdocuments is horrible.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I read it and I don't find any of the arguments convincing, especially taking my needs into consideration.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why is it horrible?
@BenjaminGruenbaum OMG doing joins is horrible in SQL - just as bold statement as yours
No decent querying of subdocuments, if I want to link two subdocuments in a projection...
No, I have no problem with NoSQL ,there are lots of good NoSQL databases... just not Mongo, Raven for example.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I can agree on that one.
Ok, so here's the thing. In mongo, your real 'Zen' is to build the data around your use cases and denormalize when appropriate.
do you consider BigTable good?
@BenjaminGruenbaum But stop being the "read the source or I won't talk to you" guy.
That's the 'Zen', that's the only sane way to work with Mongo, it's the only way to work with it.
hm @Miszy Meteor looks a bit too much "it just magically works" to work for me, I guess. Any other ready-to-use mongo.js thingies?
Rave, eh? googles
If you've worked on Mongo, I assume you agree with that, right?
@BartekBanachewicz Look at either Derby or the MEAN stack scaffold.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nope. It's not the only way to work with it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum +1 for MEAN
So you don't model your data after your application (and not the other way around) in Mongo?
> [Derby] is an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java
lol nice joke. So many wrong things in one sentence.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Isn't that kind of the philosophy behind most NoSQL? Denormalization when appropriate for the use case?
@BenjaminGruenbaum These are completely two different things.
@BartekBanachewicz don't be a smartass derbyjs.com
Oooo, .NET api. Angular/Raven/.NET stack?
@BenjaminGruenbaum :F not my fault those two are named exactly the same
@monners no .net
So I just read an article about strong dynamic typing vs. strong static typing. I don't understand what's so bad about strong dynamic typing.
@RyanKinal no, but it's very nice sometimes - it's also the philosophy in Mongo. It's what 10gen or whatever they call themselves now always tell you to do in books and conventions.
As long as you know what you're doing, does type really matter?
@BartekBanachewicz Raven's website disagrees
@RUJordan nothing. JS has weak dynamic typing, though.
@RUJordan Yes.
@RUJordan compiler checks before runtime in static typing
@RUJordan lol, wrong time - come back later :P
"Strong Dynamic Languages: JavaScript, Python, Ruby And Many More"
Isn't it kind of pointless to argue over whether or not the languages are "good"? If they didn't work, people wouldn't be using them.
@RUJordan that's a lie.
@RUJordan bullshit
ahh fine. I'm just trying to understand lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum Okay. Fair enough. I don't know much about NoSQL DBs. Looking to implement something with Couch soon, though.
@RUJordan python, yes. JS, no.
Well fuck this article
@twiz bullshit
strong typing means you can't do that: "test" + 4
@BartekBanachewicz Name a major language that has never worked commercially.
@RyanKinal I love NoSQL, it has been helping me tremendously when we needed to scale - it ended up being a lot cheaper.
@Benjamin MEAN has Angular. Why would I need angular?
Just not Mongo, Mongo is horrible.
@RUJordan It'll never get better, you'll just learn to live with the pain.
@BartekBanachewicz Because you want to be productive
static typing means the types are checked at compile time, not runtime
@RUJordan the definiiont ^
@BartekBanachewicz not sure what you're building. It's a framework. It uses Angular for frontend on top of JS. It's just popular.
@BenjaminGruenbaum recommend another database with geospatial indices support ITT
@BartekBanachewicz ITT?
@BenjaminGruenbaum How does RavenDB compare to CouchDB?
@BenjaminGruenbaum "In This Thread" :)
@SomeKittensUx2666 it won't make me more productive.
@BartekBanachewicz I hear pineapple juice will make you more reproductive though.
@twiz I like how you changed "was popular" to "worked commercially" in a whim.
@BartekBanachewicz PostgreSQL has an addon for it, Raven supports it out of the box (but I admit it's only really free for open source or small projects)
@BartekBanachewicz why, you scared?
@BartekBanachewicz I never said that.... can we just ban this guy? haha
use datomic
@FlorianMargaine right, because JS isn't compiled
other db suck
> If they didn't work, people wouldn't be using them.
Neo4j does, but it was not 'itt'
@BenjaminGruenbaum I sometimes wonder if you aren't really a 16yo in disguise :P
(just like me)
@RUJordan JS can be compiled. The important thing is that the types are not checked at compile time, the errors happen during runtime
@BartekBanachewicz 14 actually.
I don't get it how @BenjaminGruenbaum mixes brainless hate with completely logical and well argumented statements.
It makes this discussion pointless.
this raven thing looks big
I've heard of it
user image
@Miszy I love how you call my hate "brainless" when I've done a lot of research on these subjects. I'm trying to provide useful advice but people disagree and it turns into an argument. I was not looking for an argument so I don't really bother arguing.
@FlorianMargaine I didn't know that. Why would you compile JS?
This is where the 'read the source code' is coming from. I don't feel like repeating myself.
3 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@BartekBanachewicz why, you scared?
To date, Mageia:

started in September 2010 as a fork of Mandriva Linux,
Yeah, looks like lot of research.
@RUJordan compile just in time, for performance
@FlorianMargaine thanks :) Appreciate you being patient lol
> It is possible to expose RavenDB directly to a JavaScript application, sure. But it's usually not recommended. The main reason is security, but there are many other reasons to have a middle-layer.
that sounds complicated.
@BartekBanachewicz the guy who is in charge of Raven is a world class bauce.
I see why he'd say that.
@RUJordan a language static/dynamic strong/weak typing doesn't mean that a language can't be compiled or interpreted
!!urban bauce
@monners bauce Someone who is incredibly cool and awesome.
it's an implementation detail
{ loc : { type : "LineString" ,
          coordinates : [ [ 40 , 5 ] , [ 41 , 6 ] ]
} }
that's kinda cool
looks exactly like what I want
@FlorianMargaine so a Java program could skip compilation and hit runtime errors or is that completely wrong?
@RUJordan Java is also JITted
!!google JITted
just in time compiled?
have anyone of you tried making an online text editor / ide?
@BenjaminGruenbaum so your recommendations are Cassandra, Redis, CouchDB, right? Raven? Why?
@JoeySalacHipolito Cloud 9 IDE
Java programs cannot run before making a .class file
class file is compiled first and then class file is fed to jvm
yes, i've seen that.. and it was very good...really..
@JoeySalacHipolito I've made some simple WYSIWYG stuff
but nothing like Ace or anything
@rlemon golf a whole IDE brah
@JoeySalacHipolito Cloud 9 is written in JavaScript, backend is node.js.
i got half a year to come up with one, baaah, more like a prototype,,..
@Miszy Cassandra is decently mature and could be nice. Redis has limited use cases, Couch is nicer than mongo definitely but iirc its geospatial support is kind of lacking. Raven is a bit expensive. My recommendation would probably be an SQL database for most common applications. Again, it depends on the backend.
@Miszy, yes.. i've downloaded the source
Anyway, I'm off to have a beer with friends.
See you later people.
baaah, ciao @BenjaminGruenbaum
Later @BenjaminGruenbaum
@BenjaminGruenbaum So every noSQL database is lacking something, as you say. I don't understand why you're hating particularly mongoDB.
@Miszy fpcomplete
@BenjaminGruenbaum SQL databases are pain in neck for startups, especially when concept changes and data structure is changed just too often.
@RUJordan s=new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application"),c="C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe";s.ShellExecute(c,'‌​','','open','1')
done and done
ill hang out most of the time here, i need some feedback on the idea, plus i don't know if its possible, well i think it is, most of the things are in c9.io, which is very cool... @Miszy . . are you hangin' out in here always?
@JoeySalacHipolito I'm here often now.
Jokes on you, I haz mac
Jokes on you - you can't use my awesome cool IDE
aww shit, backfire D:
and you are likely out a few hundred you didn't need to spend :P
but that is moot already
Well, work bought my computer I'm using now
I bought my macbook air for $750
+ shipping
@RUJordan java is first compiled to java bytecode. This is where the static part comes. Then the JVM runs this bytecode and JIT compiles it. But this is an implementation detail. I could make a java interpreter.
work bought my home PC :)
@Miszy will I fit a Mongo and a node.js app in 100MB of RAM?
"Rob, you work from home some times yes? .. uhh yea... Good, go buy yourself a new PC on the company" :D:D
oh wait V8 is shitfuck big I forgot
Work bought all three computers I currently use...
@FlorianMargaine my buddy who works for CGI had to build a Java compiler in college. It was wicked
@RyanKinal but they bought my windows pc... which is also my gaming pc :P
so my most expensive pc
@rlemon Mine too :-D
@rlemon do you go by Rob? Robby? Bob? Bert?
Although, it's more of a high-ish end laptop than a gaming PC.
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 1 hour ago, by rlemon
Rob, Robert, Robbie, Lemon, Hey you in the bushes.. and in California: Sex Offender #4297
I don't play much that's really resource intensive.
@rlemon Those last two are related, eh?
@RyanKinal neither do I (anymore) and when I am gaming it is Terraria or BF4 on the PS4
@RyanKinal sadly they are not
Hi guys I need to draw line between divs it need to connect those divs, divs are created dynamically. Is there a way to do this?
@DušanRadojević as a DOM element?
html needs a line element
yes, maybe with canvas
@DušanRadojević I'd go with canvas if you can
I have tried some examples yet it failed
@DušanRadojević canvas, no problem. in the DOM you will need to use a div and rotate it
@DušanRadojević wait you can't draw a line on a canvas?
are there any examples?
give me 5 minutes
    function drawLine(x, y, x2, y2, color) {
        ctx.fillStyle = color;
        ctx.moveTo(x, y);
        ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
So... hungry...
@Miszy hehe... Cloud 9.
straight from my code
... pub not open until 5:00...
look at this
How clever. No one will ever know you are a stoner now.
... want beers with dinner...
@rlemon lol that's funny
divs with border wont help?
I have used some examples found on so yet it does not work as needed...
Once again jsfiddle: jsfiddle.net/aXutE/10
	do {
		curLeft += obj.offsetLeft;
		curTop += obj.offsetTop;
	} while (obj = obj.offsetParent);
this looks cryptic
@DušanRadojević STOP
We saw it the first time.
@DušanRadojević I think it's kinda overcomplicated
@DušanRadojević ^^
using canvas underlay to connect two divs
thanks I am looking :)
@rlemon yup
@Miszy why the fuck does MongoDB installer carry 93+71MB debug symbol base? o.O
@rlemon it fails when I change top and left css styles for those divs
define "fails"
switch offsetTop / offsetLeft
my ordering is backwards
x , y not y , x
@Jhawins ?
see daisy
because of dev tools I'm used to seeing height before width
@BartekBanachewicz No idea, who cares. :P
sometimes my brain doesn't like me and that translates to code
!!afk beerz and food
@rlemon huge thanks :) it works
remember when you resize the document you need to recalculate the positions and redraw
assuming you will not be using fixed height and widths
otherwise it will probably be fine
thanks again
> I may want to use pure JavaScript :tags jQuery:
@rlemon nice golds man

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