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@CapricaSix You suggest closest() and find(). Can you help me with my example? Because I don't understand how to apply them to my case.
!!is it bad to reassign dirtily evs = JSON.parse(evs); ?
@ctrl Frankly my dear, I don't give a dean
you win
@ctrl why would you do it?
@stdio caprica is a bot
@BenjaminGruenbaum I hope smarter than Siri :P
Get the jQuery.antiValidate plugin it has plenty of jQuery to solve your problem. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 10 secs ago
I found the solution on a stackoverflow question :) Here the code: jsfiddle.net/F2nrW/8
@BenjaminGruenbaum lazyness to edit code :)
and to write var
send({fn:'find', args:[{}]}, function(evs){
    evs = JSON.parse(evs);
why doesn't it accept parsed data to begin with?
it's my own websocket code, data comes in plain text
let's go with JSON.parse(evs).forEach(function(ev){ for more beauty
I'm stumped here. Does anyone know how to do what i have in the comments?
editbox.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
   var node = document.getSelection().anchorNode;
   node = (node.nodeType == 3 ? node.parentNode : node);
    if (node.id !== 'editbox' && e.keyCode === 32) {
        //press key 39
        //continue with 32
I can't get it to press a key for me. I've even done it before.
I thought that would do it.
!!jquery keypress
@ctrl tried it
var press = jQuery.Event("keypress");
press.ctrlKey = false;
press.which = 40;
@ctrl yeah, that's what I did. I think this explains the issue
A: simulate the cursor keys (left,right,down,up arrows) in a content editable div?

Tim DownIt's tricky, because it's impossible to fully simulate a key event in general. Specifically, it's not possible in most browsers to trigger the default browser action for a key event without an actual keystroke having occurred. That being the case, you have to do it manually, which is complicated...

k, never been in this situation to do it :)
A: Work is hard, let's color the walls

Mr. Peanut Monopoly McManishHow to cause an apocalypse, or, Atlas visits Stack Overflow Background meme, Who Atlas is. The other head is Ólafur

such confuse
@Nico: sorry if my question make everyone confuse — happi 55 secs ago
good morning
@ctrl good night (source)
you know an easy way to export google chart to pdf?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Stay safe.
!!afk night
@JanDvorak good morning
What's that trick to flip a value? ^=..
something like that
Maybe we should give up on the whole idea of a 'back' button. 'Show me that thing I was looking at a moment ago' might just be too complicated an idea for the modern web.
@jamesson say what ?
do anyone of you know what do you call that transition of icons when you unlock a device in ios7?
arghh, gotta go, but here is my question in stack... stackoverflow.com/q/20794448/1328014
Which one sounds the most waste of money thing to do
1. Buying a cup of green tea for 4 dollars at Starbucks
2. buying a weapon for your character on a online game with real money
can anyone let me describe use of AngularJs @ShyamK @EnglishMaster
@EnglishMaster ew
@tereško why delete? Is the question actively harmful?
because it is a duplicate of duplicates
What's the difficulty with indirect duplicates? Does the automatic redirect not work correctly in this case?
still it has got lot of upvotes.
How many of you use LiveScript or some other language that compiles to JavaScript instead of writing pure JavaScript?
@AaditMShah I've tried coffeescript but I'm longing for ES6 instead
@JanDvorak When do you suppose ES6 will ship?
It already is on Node.js
IE? Never. FF? Check. Chrome? Soon, I hope.
Speaking of which you can create deterministic monads in node.js using generators:
Q: Implementing monads in JavaScript

Aadit M ShahNow that node.js supports ECMAScript Harmony generators we can write monadic code succinctly ala do blocks in Haskell: function monad(unit, bind) { return function (f) { return function () { var g = f.apply(this, arguments); return typeOf(g) === "Generator" ?...

!!> let [prev, curr] = [0, 1];
@ctrl "ReferenceError: let is not defined"
sup bitches
@AbhishekHingnikar ...yes?
with angular js - using order by on an ng-repeat list. the dom is loading array items sorted correctly but when i make updates to the list with ajax everything is shot. am i missing something obvious
@Zirak Hi!
How's it going?
Tired, but pleased. Also, from Sunday I've thought of an awesome bot improvement, can't wait to try it out.
@SomeGuy How has the outside world been?
Man I missed the clitter-clatter of this keyboard...
@Zirak What is it?
@Zirak No clue. You know, since I've been inside.
@Zirak Does it looks like that in the JS parser.
@FlorianMargaine so are u santa ?
@SomeGuy github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/issues/146#issuecomment-30565109 , so I thought of a way to "solve it": Event streams. IO will use event streams, bot.adapter will also have one, problem solved?
@Zirak bitch yourself
oke doke
Florian... are u pissd ?
No, he's just fat.
hello, I have a problem, can you help me ?
!!welcome Chicharito
@Chicarito Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Chicharito Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
wonder how p2p will be possible with js...
var arr = []

for(var i = 0; i < 5;i++)
var arr1 = [[i,i+'A']];


alert(arr[0][0]); // '01'
alert(arr[1][0]); // '11'
alert(arr[2][0]); // '20'
!!tell piedpiper google WebRTC
isn't that hot? ^
@FlorianMargaine var arr = []

This code work:

var arr1 = [[1,'a']]
var arr2 = [[3,'a']]
var arr3 = [[2,'a']]

arr = arr.concat(arr1,arr2,arr3);

alert(arr[0][1]); // '01'
alert(arr[1][1]); // '11'
alert(arr[2][1]); // '20'

But this code not work:

var arr = []

for(var i = 0; i < 5;i++)
var arr1 = [[i,i+'A']];


alert(arr[0][0]); // '01'
alert(arr[1][0]); // '11'
alert(arr[2][0]); // '20'
@Chicharito use console.log, you'll quickly see what's wrong
@FlorianMargaine jsfiddle.net/2RDst TypeError: arr[0] is undefined
use console.log
Q: What is console.log?

MihirWhat is the use of console.log? Please explain how to use it in jQuery, with example.


TypeError: arr[0] is undefined
console.log(arr[0][0]); // '01'
console output
@FlorianMargaine please review my code jsfiddle.net/2RDst/1 :)
http://local.pixter.in:3000/:username/ <- can anybody give me a regexp
!!tell Chicharito mdn concat
i came out with
but well thats wrong x_x
what's your input/expected output?
@Chicharito no

this code work: http://jsfiddle.net/72ZRL/
this code not work : http://jsfiddle.net/2RDst/1/
I'm having enough issues with my sed right now.
!!tell Chi mdn push
@FlorianMargaine the url. with :username
@ctrl @CapricaSix thank you. solved my problem
as the last part :/
!!tell Chi echo yw
@Chi yw
this one is getting beaten up badly stackoverflow.com/questions/20798420/…
I want to see if thats a url which meets the requirement
yeah, even I think so
@AbhishekHingnikar something like this /http\:\/\/local\.pixter\.in\:3000\/\w+\/
@FlorianMargaine except for the http:\\local.pixter.in:3000 part can be any of our urls :$
i guess i will sniff what angular is doing... mwahahahaha
use window.location
cant :P
its before the locationChangeStarts
lol it broke
/^\/(?:([^\/]+)?)\/$/ <-wihout the function ... :$
any angular comfortable people in here? im using an array as datasource for a ng-repeat table. when dynamically pushing multiple objects into the array, the 'orderBy:predicate' sort fails to work. am i missing something obvious?
@Joe I'm not an ngMage, but still, drop the code here
ill have a link up in a sec
i want to remove marker from google map. but i am not able to do this
i am adding new marker on click, bit not able to delete on click
here is my code
@vishal please fix the [external resources] so that I can test
Today I rode my bike just a little over 220km. My legs are not particularly happy about this right now.
kilometers per second?
something about yo momma riding my dick for 220km...
@phenomnomnominal It's often hard to define the level of class your presence brings to this community.
why mousedown event does not work on dynamicaly added element?
@monners haha thanks :) That's a damn good effort though!
@DušanRadojević My guess would be you're binding that event before the element exists
@DušanRadojević because you're attaching it incorrectly, most likely
$("#style_game_slides img").on("mousedown", function(event) {

move_image(event, $(this), "big");

@DušanRadojević use delegation, then
!!tell dusan jquery on
then I add some element to div with id="style_game_slides img" but it does not work...
@JanDvorak i have added external src but not able to see map
thanks @JanDvorak it worked
$('#style_game_slides').on('mousedown', 'img', function(event) {
    move_image(event, $(this), 'big');
I have figured it out :) thanks anyway @phenomnomnominal
pastebin.com/BezDqL1E @BenjaminGruenbaum ... thats how i solved my issue
<3 u zeeek
Hey @Zirak what's up?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Were you bitten!? Strip! Prove you weren't bitten.
Good, pretty good
How're things outside?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I got a call
@copy My friend Yuli said you didn't return his email
who called you?
Someone who hasn't written me a mail yet
I didn't get a mail from Yuli
posted on December 27, 2013 by Victor Rodriguez

The purpose of this post is to be able to reproduce different dependency resolution scenarios and experience how they affect object behaviour. It is located inside folder chapter02/dependency-resolution (look at repository commit ea2e00026c1eb44f4dd37518a94a0e6ce97f1a2f) Simple scenario is fine Let's start with an already known scenario, named simple, where there is one produce

posted on December 27, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Whee!

@copy pls call me xoxo
@BadgerGirl Can the rest of us call you xoxo too?
Or is that just a nickname he's allowed to use?
I'm changing my name to xoxo next year.
So it'll be Xoxo Girl?
Looks interesting
I've never looked into pair-programming, though
@Zirak That's nice. Pair-programming is one of the things we do to keep the spark alive in the relationship.
Haha, most couples argue about where to keep their things. You guys argue about spaces vs. tabs
@SomeGuy How would that even be a discussion?
If you can't agree on both using spaces, the relationship is doomed anyway.
(and in all fairness, people who use tabs really aren't good boy-/girlfriend material)
@Zirak You use tabs, right?
@SomeGuy My point exactly.
so i have a form thats elements are being used alot. is it a dumb idea to store the cached jquery objects for each element in an object to access them easily?
@BadgerGirl How are you?
@SomeGuy Correct
@Kippie Yeah, keep telling yourself that. It's because they use tabs.
Otherwise, you'd be in many-a happy relationship.
@qwertynl Delicious.
i just realized im pretty much writing a json validator for client side validation
function validateJson (str) {
    try { JSON.parse(str); }
    catch (e) { return false; }
    return true;
That was exciting.
@Zirak i mean against a scheme
pfft, what is this, xml?
@Zirak Ouch, that's kind of confrontational. If you'll excuse me, I have to go be alone and cry alot, now.
@BadgerGirl Ummmm Ok
haha yea. well i was given legacy code that is a 2600 line js file. so im trying to trim it down so i started storing all the form stuff in an object with a cache jquery element pointer and ive managed to cut out 300 lines
the validation is another 1000 lines. im figuring out a way to use that same fieldmap object to do the validation. that is where i realized i effectively am validating json against a scheme
Morning, folks
if I wanted to validate based on keys in an object would it make more sense to just have if statements for each key i expect or to loop through all the keys available and have a switch statement inside the loop?
@RyanKinal Mornin' m'lady
@hunterc Neither
@Zirak o/
@RyanKinal ?
var values = { a: 126, b: 908, c: 12 },
    validators = {
        a: function(val) {
            return val < 500;
        c: function(val) {
            return val > 500;
    validate = function(values, validators) {
        var valid = true;
        for (i in validators) {
            if (typeof values[i] === 'undefined')
                valid = false;
                valid = valid && validators[i](value);
The if might not be entirely necessary. You could just handle the "undefined" case in the validation function for each key.
Man, I didn't even stick to my own (admittedly quite strange) style rules in that snippet.
lol its okay. thanks @RyanKinal
Does that make sense, though?
Man, using an NTFS partition on linux is fuuun. Especially when dealing with permissions.
Damn it windows, why can't you read ext4?
i think. basically you are creating a validation function for each key and then looping through each key and making sure it passes the validation function
@hunterc Yep.
if they all pass then its valid
cool. i love functions being first class objects
Me too!
Awww, Object.create(Date.prototype) doesn't work as I hoped.
aawww yeah, configured awesome to be...awesomer.
As in, it doesn't work at all
@Zirak What are you configuring?
I need to figure out why my Apache configuration is broken.
... but I forgot to write down my home IP address
@RyanKinal the way you showed above is the preferred design pattern for doing something like that or just your personal preference?
@hunterc It's the common, sane way of doing something like this.
I'm gonna answer "both"
@RyanKinal (@copy, @FlorianMargaine) i.imgur.com/1cN3Zkw.png
@Zirak @RyanKinal thanks :)
@Zirak Awesome?
@Zirak is that vim in the middle?
See the red note thing at the side? That's mpd for ya.
@hunterc Emacs
the evil is strong in this one.....
Emacs? Evil? Surely your brain has lost control and you've spiralled into madness.
@RyanKinal Sorry. I had a fanboy moment.
No worries
We all do it
buries head in sand
I fanboy over recursion for Eich's sake.
@RyanKinal and where do you stand on recursion lol
Fanboying over recursion is perfectly natural!
@hunterc It makes me unreasonably happy.
No joke, I'm smiling right now because I'm thinking about recursion.
@RyanKinal you ever used a lisp dialect
Nope. Python and JavaScript are as close as I've gotten to anything remotely functional.
@Zirak i cant say anything i code lisp in vi, so im a little messed up in the head
@RyanKinal youd love lisp. recurse all the things
So I hear
But...emacs was made in elisp!
It's perfect(er) for lisp!
@Zirak i know....i just hate modifier keys so much
Don't get me wrong, Vim is cool and all.
plus broken both wrists cant be twisting my hands in vweird directions all the time lol
@Loktar is there a downside to buying the ps4 games online instead of the physical copy?
Is it bad that I want to run home to get my IP address?
@RyanKinal nope no shame
I could be configuring my Mac Mini while at work...
i keep a list of that stuff stored in a dropbox file with locks on it
@Zirak nice theme
Dunno why, I really like Powerarrow stuff.
@hunterc no, not lisp.
@FlorianMargaine not a fun?
@hunterc Lisp is a multi paradigm language: object, functional, declarative, you name it.
it's not really limited/strong in recursion
even though most implementations provide TCO
if you want to give a "recursion language", try Scheme or Haskell
@hunterc quite the opposite :-)
@FlorianMargaine i said lisp dialect. i use scheme myself :)
been meaning to get into haskell
@Zirak I wish I could have linux on my mbp ._.
@FlorianMargaine vm it?
@hunterc you said "lisp", to which I assume you mean "Common Lisp"
@hunterc a vm is not really... dunno :\
I could try I guess
@FlorianMargaine ah you got me i said lisp dialect the first time and lisp the second
my mistake
I just use openbox lately though
yeah...you're always jumping between things.
I'm lazy and don't want to get my hands on the keyboard sometimes, so with a few shortcuts it's all fine. I generally use full-screens windows anyway
@Zirak true.
crunchbang is my latest crush
Just recently I did pacman -S steam
Pretty cool
@FlorianMargaine mpd and ncmpcpp are pretty cool so far.
@Zirak nice
just noticed the js resources part of the rules page is blank. apparently we recommend nothing? lol
In the screenshot that's the red note part, to the left(ish)
@hunterc Just lazy
There are plenty of resources we recommend, including MDN, Eloquent JavaScript, Blogascript (:ahem shameless plug:), The Good Parts, etc.
question. if we wanted to paste code is it preferred to just paste the formatted or to paste a link to a certain site?
@hunterc Depends on the size of the code
I'm fairly new to using js for real and ive been reading professional js for web devs
The code I posted earlier was pushing it, and if the room had been busier, I would have gisted it, or maybe fiddled it.
Pardon, I need to test something in a room I "own"
@Zirak And on this day, you shall paint eggs for a giant bunny.
Sweet. Carry on.
Mmm. Beer.
So, I've been reading a couple "Top 10" lists for the video games of 2013, and it got me thinking... is there a site that allows you to enter your preferences and/or rate games you've played, and then suggests more games you might like?
Kind of like a Pandora for video games?
Because if not... there should be
dont sure it there is but there should be. make it happen
Hmm. I'll have to think about that one.
@Zirak 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, domain, findcommand, github, google, hang, inhistory, jquery, learn, 5318008, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, knock, lick, insult, ultimateinsult, microlove, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, ninjad, adventure, w3schools, 3mdn, joystick, stackoverflow, rimshot, fools, hal9000, oregon, botnet, cake, rtd (page 0/5)
@Zirak new commands i take it
nah, reorganised.
RFC #154
I'm not sure how I feel about it
Oh yeah, did y'all remember the bot's birthday?
Did we miss it?
<== amazed. just realized that chatbot is javascript 0_0
I think we missed it.
The 24th
Totally missed it
Well, I did at least
the bot has a birthday?
I woke up that morning, and in the middle of morning cleanup, suddenly thought "fuck, it's the bot's birthday today"
Neither do you, but you have a birthday.
.... that's true.
Dec 24 '11 at 22:44, by Zirak
@IvoWetzel @Raynos May I try and test a hangman bot in this room?
That's when I finished writing the first version. Which didn't work.
Has anybody in here played Papers, Please ?
@SomeGuy did
... because it's made the top of two "Best of" lists.
Yeah, it's a brilliant game
(Wired and ArsTechnica)
Huh. I'll have to give it a try.
They have a demo on the website
@SomeGuy played all the games
he's the game guy
@RyanKinal If the mechanics of the game don't repel you, you should get it. The game gets tougher as time goes on, and has a pretty neat story to go along
@FlorianMargaine Loktar's probably played more games. I most likely know more about when the games are on sale, though :p
Loktar's probably bought more games, not sure if he played more
he didn't play 80% of the games he owns
@Zirak lol :)
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, I'm the same way. I've played a very tiny percentage of the games I own
I own ~30 games on GOG
I've played 1
@FlorianMargaine is any of that 30 P&C adventure?
what's "P&C adventure"?

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