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Point and Click?
@mikedidthis Where's the milk?
Gathering Video Game Characteristics - Any contributions/reviews/discussion would be appreciated.
Action and Indie are recent additions
I've changed the permissions. Feel free to add them.
Added a few
Hah, this could be a good idea-generator for games too. Pick some random characteristics, like, for instance: 2D, rhythm, racing, pvp
Yeah, it definitely could be!
@rlemon Ooh, that looks like a good web.
@rlemon ploop
@SomeGuy WTF is "4X strategy"?
Explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate, apparently
I've heard the term used for strategy games like Endless Space
@RyanKinal going back to our validation talk from earlier, ive come up with this: gist.github.com/hunterc/8149010
And more commonly known, Civilization
@hunterc Seems reasonable, at a glance
@SomeGuy Ah, gotcha
Should we add board games?
I think I want to keep it video games for now, but doing something similar for board games might not be a bad idea.
var html = '<a id="{0}" href="{1}" class="nav">{2}</a>';

var tpl = new Ext.DomHelper.createTemplate(html);
tpl.append('blog-roll', ['link1', 'http://www.edspencer.net/', "Ed's Site"]);
tpl.append('blog-roll', ['link2', 'http://www.dustindiaz.com/', "Dustin's Site"]);
I mean, there's already boardgamegeek.com...
Hello, what does 'blog-roll' mean in that extjs code?
But I guess this would be a more advanced/modern version.
@Phil Welcome to the extjs documentation room … oh wait
you joking?
@Phil Googling "Ext.DomHelper.createTemplate", first google result, it has the answer.
!!> "Ed's Site".link("http://www.edspencer.net/")
@BenjaminGruenbaum "<a href=\"http://www.edspencer.net/\">Ed's Site</a>"
I've read that, it doesn't explain what that first parameter is.
// The context element 'my-div' can either be the id or the actual node
var list = dh.append('my-div', {tag: 'ul', cls: 'my-list'});
> append (<HTMLElement/String> el, <Object> o) - Creates new DOM element(s) defined by o and appends them to el
It kinda does
@RyanKinal Do you think music-related would fit for a game like Rockband?
but what is throwing me off, is that the "blog-roll"
Yeah, definitely
will that make a <blog-roll>?
@Zirak I recently did an answer with esprima by the way, I remember you did one not too long ago too.
@Phil blog-roll is the ID of the element to which the new elements will be appended.
@Phil "appends them to el"
Nothing more, nothing less.
(so if you feel like totally telling me how I messed it up..)
@BenjaminGruenbaum heh, the dependencies one. yeah, t'was fun
oh, how was I supposed to know that it was the ID? O_o
> The context element 'my-div' can either be the id or the actual node
@Phil Seriously?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Looks fun, I'll take a look.
hahahaha, I didn't read that, I was reading the docs and not the comment section of the code example
@RyanKinal How about adjectives based on the engines used to describe the games?
ctrl-f ... is the only reason why I found it
HTML5, Flash, Unity, etc.?
thanks guys!
@SomeGuy I'd like it to be mostly related to the player's preferences. I'm not sure how relevant that would be. But sure, add them.
Any Express.js/Node users here?
@ŠimeVidas Just started learning it
@ŠimeVidas sure, why?
34 minutes until BF4
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have a "public" folder in my root and I use app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')); to enable direct access of files from this folder on my site.
@ŠimeVidas Prefer path.join over + here, but ok, what's the issue?
@BenjaminGruenbaum In visitor, i is an implied global
@BenjaminGruenbaum But, what if I put a file in my root? Can that file then be fetched anyhow (by visitors)?
@RyanKinal Can you think of an all-encapsulating word for modifiable?
Some people tend to like games which have lots of community mods
Guess we'll have to add separate tags for them?
I'd tend to go "moddable"
Or something like that...
@Zirak roger, I always miss that in SO questions since in editors I type propertyName in whatever and it autocompletes the rest, and also I rarely use for.. in loops :)
Yeah, that's what I've added right now
@RyanKinal Cool. Did you choose a hosting already? I'm trying out Nodejitsu.
But people may search for "mods"
@ŠimeVidas No, I'm just doing local dev right now.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Other than that, looks good, you've got my vote
@ŠimeVidas no, it can't. That's the point, it checks for things like .. in the path.
@Zirak If you were here I'd ask you to do it, you write that sort of stuff a lot better than me :P
@SomeGuy Yeah, I'm kind of envisioning this like an SE site, in terms of tags - we can mark them as aliases of one another.
meh, don't underestimate yourself
@BenjaminGruenbaum So I can safely put a secrets.js config file in my root and deploy my app (I use jitsu deploy) and no visitor will ever be able to access this file?
@RyanKinal Have you thought about how you're actually gonna do it? The heuristics, that is.
Seems like a difficult task
@Zirak I have some basic ideas. I'll probably work them out a little later in the day.
Yeah... should be a challenge.
@ŠimeVidas That's the point of the folder in .static , it would be really stupid if someone could access files in a superfolder.
But with a community effort, it should be possible
Figure that out before the rest
@Zirak I don't, I know I'm good at coding, I'm just not as good a writer :)
@ŠimeVidas if you're scared - the best thing in this case is to go to the source, just remember that it's not the express source but the connect source express is built upon, that's what does most of the work anyway.
@Zirak Well, right now, I'm just excited about describing video games. I don't have a plan for implementation yet, because I unfortunately have to do some work.
Like... day-job work.
Fuck that
This is more important!
Inorite? I'm one of maybe 12 people in the office... maybe 12
  describe('when traversing passed root', function(){
    it('should respond with 403 Forbidden', function(done){
      .expect(403, done);
Out of a usual 50 or so. Y'know... holidays and all that.
Unit tests are the bomb :)
@RyanKinal Can you think of a word to describe a game like Super Meat Boy? Rage-inducing?
That might be a difficulty level?
challenge level?
@BenjaminGruenbaum 404 imo
... something.
Yeah, but I don't think hard or difficult covers it
Ragequit worthy does, but that doesn't seem like a good tag
@BenjaminGruenbaum the URL doesn't even exist
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ah good. Btw why path.join() over +?
@SomeGuy lol, I see what you mean
@SomeGuy @copy How would you describe IWBTG in one word?
I'm thinking diffculty level (easy, medium, hard, rage-inducing) might be good?
bbl, lunch with the coworkers
@ŠimeVidas it's more consistent and lets you work across different platforms, no surprises if you want to host in Azure for example. Works with path quirks too
!!afk lunch
@RyanKinal Hurry back, ok?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Good to know. thanks.
you're welcome.
@RyanKinal LoL is rage inducing yet not hard
That's because it's multiplayer
Everything multiplayer induces rage.
I'm looking forward to bf4 rage
@Zirak LoL is a lot more rageous than other games though
Revisiting #34 and #82: Do we still want them, or can they be closed?
Meh on voting
Voting not as in karma, more in the direction jAndy thought of.
#34: meh, #82: still in for me
but I'm #82's OP.
And I still don't quite see the different between jAndy's voting mechanism and Florian Margaine's.
I'm cool with it, but I don't really want it. So a +0.5 or so?
@Zirak there's no "answers" in my proposal
it's either win or lose
Binary, yeah. But binary can be changed. They've got the same core concept.
I guess.
can you lose points in jAndy's proposal?
ah wait
yeah there's no internet points in jandy's proposal
No concept of points...which also doesn't exist in the bot.
posted on December 27, 2013 by Nicholas C. Zakas

There was a really nice article written by Philip Walton last week[1] regarding his experience interviewing for front-end engineering roles at various companies in San Francisco. To summarize, he was surprised by the types of questions he was asked (mostly having to do with computer science concepts) and the types of questions he wasn’t asked […]

@Zirak so what have you been up to lately?
Seeing as I've had nearly zero free time, nothing much.
Read "The Name of the Wind". Awesome book, ordered the sequel.
@rlemon I prefer to buy digital, because everyone who bought digital PSP games still had access to them on their Vita, whereas people who bought physical got screwed
the same could happen with PS3 digitial vs physical once they bring out the gaiku service
well i'm launching BF4 now :P
@Zirak when are you getting time?
let me know how you like it
@BenjaminGruenbaum hah. No clue.
Seriously, they tell us nothing.
At least you're learning a lot :)?
Oh yes, they try and squeeze our brains dry.
Did you learn how you can stack CSS transformations on top and have the same performance since it's just matrix multiplication :) ?
Of course, that was the first lesson
They teach us the secrets of the universe, after all. The universe is made with CSS transforms.
But don't tell anyone
I have a javascript error in the console "GEvent" is not defined"
 GEvent.trigger(Drupal.settings.gmap.auto1map.markers[i].marker, "click");
that basically means that I need to include
function GEvent correct?
function GEvent() {...
You should send me $7, it'll work then
You should, Zirak is a Nigerian JavaScript GEvent prince.
If you send him your 7$ as good faith money, your code will work.
@Loktar intense
lol, but so far so good
Can you use a php variable in jquery?
@jmalais Can you google?
Yes, but I had a followup question. And the time it took you to say that you probably could have provided an answer.
Not like there was much going on in the channel (Last post ~20 min ago)
Then why didn't you ask the followup question
Because I didn't know if it were even possible and that first question would have been an indication as to the questions merit...
My question was can I append a php variable to the body using jquery
And because you can google, you know the answer to the first question.
My recommendation: If you have to embed something in js, reconsider.
If you really have to, check your escaping, because you're in the middle of a language soup, so every backslash counts.
Well I'm working with wordpress and I want to append the post_thumbnail to the body as it's background.
Most important of all: Remember the server/client separation, know what runs on the server, and what's on the client.
I could insert a <style> tag, which I googled and found was acceptable in HTML5, but then the image won't load immediately.
And with js...it will?
If it's styling, do it in CSS
Well I suppose it won't now that I think about it
Alright...thanks for the guidance
And for your own sanity, try and limit the number of languages you have in one page.
Is it not common practice to use both php and jquery, especially with Wordpress (which uses both anyway)?
Let's look at it this way: You have php. Inside you have html. Inside that, you probably have more php, alongside with js and css; now, you want to put php in that, too?
@jmalais it's common but very bad.
I see what you're saying, but is the downside to it only load time and wider room for syntax errors? Or am I missing something else
The downside is poor code, which takes you longer to develop and is harder to debug and maintain.
@Zirak did I show you that fun video of bob martin taking bad code and making it much worse :)?
t'was funny
also js in html files are not cached by browsers if I'm correct
Are you guys like the regulars of this chatroom? I've seen you here before and I don't come often...
I do appreciate all the help and if you are interested I still haven't found an answer to: stackoverflow.com/questions/20754292/…
> first #fa-menu instance.
Why do you have more than one?
An id is as it sounds: A unique identifier.
If more than one thing fits the description, use a class.
omfg...that's why it wasn't working? Because I used an id?
Well, thank you again
$('#but #Ilike > #jquery')
Also someone said that this jQuery(document).ready(function($) was poor documentation. What's a better format?
jquery-ites change their opinion all the time. A year ago $(function() {}) was all the rage, then shit like (function ($, window, undefined) {})(jQuery, window) ... ask him what he meant, demand explanations.
Will do
let's call john resig
@ctrl he's actually a pretty nice guy.
@qwertynl Bananaphone?
Great.... Now that is stuck in my head...
yep, mine too :/
Assassin's Creed 4 is pretty good btw. In case anyone wondered.
I hate you all
Having time to play...
@FlorianMargaine Ooh, true
@RyanKinal It's been 20 years. You can't just waltz back into my life like this.
@CapricaSix JUST DID
I love my workplace. Except for the dirty looks from the one developer that doesn't like to have fun.
!!define fun
@ctrl fun (informal) enjoyable, amusing.
Any kind of noise or disturbance, and she gets super grumpy.
... I may have been gone for 2.5 hours for lunch... and I got a dirty look when I came back.
... I may also have had a beer in my hand when I returned.
... And a used condom.
No, that's for when I go back to have a drink with the bartenders in another hour or so.
No wonder you get weird looks, your mask is way too big
Hey. I have a big head. And I'm very sensitive about it.
I'm sorry. But at least you're not fat like @FlorianMargaine
(Pretty sure I'm fatter than Florian)
95kg for 1m80, I'm actually not skinny. That said, Americans can't compare since they don't know the metric system.
!!convert 95kg to lbs
@RyanKinal 209lb
!!convert 1.8m to ft
@RyanKinal 5.9055f
Quite similar, actually
"Can't compare" my ass
... but can compare my ass
!!convert 1.83m ft
@ctrl 6.0367f
@ctrl 6.0039f
5'8", 160lbs
@RyanKinal makes me think of something relevant...
I am shrinking though
@FlorianMargaine lol, yep
Thanks to that comic, I actually do that
@rlemon I was shrinking for a while. Not so much now.
stretching can give you back 1cm easily :)
I need an invert table
!!convert 76.5kg lbs
@phenomnomnominal 168.3lb
!!convert 182.5cm ft
@phenomnomnominal 5.9875f
NZ uses the metric system?
I feel really nice about what I did on github.com/Ralt/png-reader this week
felt productive
The whole world uses the metric system, except a few retards :)
!!technology i want to learn or technology i already know
@RyanKinal technology i already know
@phenomnomnominal three retards to be exact
That would be the quicker solution...
@rlemon US/Canada/... ?
however lots of countries that trade with the US use metric interchangeably.
@FlorianMargaine we use metric
!!define a few
@phenomnomnominal few (preceded by another determiner) An indefinite, but usually small, number of.
@phenomnomnominal a few A small number of
US/UK/... ?
then who are the 3 countries?
Liberia, Myanmar (a.k.a. “the country formerly known as Burma”), and the USA
UK uses metric?
Except for measuring speed of cars...
Metrication in the United Kingdom is the process of introducing the metric system of measurement in place of imperial units in the United Kingdom. Though it was first discussed in the Parliament as early as 1818, a formal policy of metrication only started in 1965. This policy, initiated in response to requests by industry, was voluntary on a sector-by-sector basis, with costs picked up where they fell. In 1969 the Metrication Board was set up to coordinate the programme. Only in 1978, after a carpeting chain store reneged on a voluntary metrication agreement, did the government start is...
they use knots for that :)
@ctrl I thought knots were used for ship speed and bondage?
@JanDvorak yes right, joking + for wind
I got that :-)
!!define bondage
@ctrl bondage The state of being enslaved or the practice of slavery.
!!urban bondage
@rlemon [bondage](http://bondage.urbanup.com/728073) Derived from a term for slavery, Bondage has come to mean sexual slavery, particularly dealing with the simple practice of restraining one's parter to beds, posts, from ceilings, etc. Usually entails either rope (asian forms) or leather, chains, and other equipment specially designed for the purpose (western.)

Bondage considered a fetish, as enthusiasts generally prefer the thought or presence of a fully-clothed restrained partner to a fully nude and unrestrained partner.
hmm likes that
!!urban bondage 1
@ctrl [Bondage](http://bondage.urbanup.com/763635) Tying up or restraining your consenting sexual partner.
Usually the restraining is done by the dom (dominant) and the sub (submissive) is the one restrained.
Sexually arousing for some, as the exchange of power is exciting, and the helplessness of being bound allows some people to really let go and enjoy themselves. Also, having complete control over a willing partner is very arousing. There are many reasons people enjoy this.

^ truth
!!ballgagify Caprica Six
@san.chez That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Hi @san.chez. Welcome to the room. Do I know you?
He's a regular but you just notice him now?!
Hi @RyanKinal I am popping in here but not often :)
I've never noticed him. Maybe we're just not on at the same times.
Anyway, hello there :-)
Hello :)
a pope is the guy that rules the catholic church
@JanDvorak haha yes, thank you
Hey man, poping is hard work.
Just wearing that hat puts some serious strain on the neck.
how do you call the pope when he loses his walking stick?
So, I'm having trouble thinking about database structures in a non-relational way. I'm so used to MySQL, MSSQL, and PostgreSQL that I think I'd probably use something like Mongo, Couch, or Dynamo in a way that just doesn't make sense.
Any tips and/or resources?
That is badass
@BenjaminGruenbaum very nice! I get some flashing in chrome though
@san.chez oh?
Tilting doesn't work on N5230 / Opera Mobile
@BenjaminGruenbaum What's that background?
hey guys just a really quick question, (posting it here since I couldn't find a meta chatroom), if I edit my answer to a question, does the asker of the question get a notification?
It looks insanely familiar
@Zirak Agreed... some sort of famous japanese artwork, iirc
Chrome -> Right Click -> Search Google for this image returns nothing useful
Got it
, also known as The Great Wave or simply The Wave, is an ukiyo-e print by Japanese artist Hokusai, published sometime between 1830 and 1833 in the late Edo period as the first print in Hokusai's series . It is Hokusai's most famous work, and one of the best recognized works of Japanese art in the world. It depicts an enormous wave threatening boats off the coast of the prefecture of Kanagawa. While sometimes assumed to be a tsunami, the wave is, as the picture's title notes, more likely to be a large okinami ("wave of the open sea"). As in all the prints in the series, it depicts the area...
Eastern-savvy sister FTW
Yup. Just found that too.
Called her, asked what was that picture of a gigantic wave.
lol, nice
@RyanKinal I'm using mongo a lot recently nodejs or java
omg too much beer
@ctrl Yeah, I'd be using it with Node. I just don't necessarily understand best practices when it comes to data structure design with NoSQL.
@RyanKinal you can play with the API from the console :)
well for practices don't ask me.. probably not any :) just direct raw and dirty json mapping
@RyanKinal You're good, I watched you argue for sensible data structures.
Think how you want your data to look like in your code. Then, put that into a database. Should be fine.
send({fn:'insert', args:[{name: 'dude'}]}, function(d){console.log(d)})
send({fn:'update', args:[{name: 'dude'},{age:28}, {upsert:true}]}, function(d){console.log(d)})
send({fn:'find', args:[{age:{$gt:27}}]}, function(d){console.log(d)})
@Zirak Right, but I'm still thinking in relational tables, when it comes to data storage.
this is my first chat.
@AbbasRahimi Welcome! We may be snarky and demanding, but ultimately we're friendly and helpful.
Also, we often talk about non-programming stuff, and we may make no sense at all sometimes.
@Ryan Kinal
what's wrong with tables without schema?
@ctrl they're messy
you never know what you get
they can, but you can filter from client, with the adequate request
What You Don't See Is What You Might Get
@ctrl yet your code has to make sense of them
the client code would be the ORM actually, if that makes sense
@JanDvorak 'course you know what you get
You get what you put in
so, the data the server stores is opaque to the server? Ew.

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