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unlike *
Why use a service which serves advertisers more than user. Use #Pixter where customers are YOU, the user, not advertisers http://pixter.in/
Does that makes sense ^ ?
anybody had problems with jquery mouseup being triggered multiple times?
@ThiefMaster you shouldn't use ActiveXObject objects anyway :)
I agree that a way to identify host objects would be nice
@BenjaminGruenbaum ..,. it exists ?
Not really?
var foo = new Foo();
foo.on('stuff', function (fo){

  foo.bar = function(data){
    for (...){
        if (this.bar[i] === fo)
I'm a bit concerned to add a foo.bar function at this place
where it depends on fo
usually such a function is defined in the outer scope
context: foo would be a server, and fo a connection
(oops this.bar[i] has nothing to do with this.bar = function.. )
Don't do foo.bar = function inside an event handler
You're concerned for a good reason
yes it sounded bad :)), thanks
foo.dostuff = function(fo, data){ ... }
i'm going to name a method dostuff in the future
sneak it into production code
;) trolololol all the way home
Well... I did name functions in similar ways ^^
In fact in some java interfaces of things whose action would depend on the concrete class, it was even sometimes legitimate.
Impressive, a user writing a stacktrace instead of doing a copy-paste...
@ dystroy; @ AbhinavRanjan ... I'm typing the error message as I don't know the command / syntax for copying it., Thanx. — user3116798 yesterday
you could be grateful that he didn't took a photo of his screen
or ask me a phone number to send me a fax
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't, some guy on SO does
@copy an exception in a script tag crashes the rest of the code executed in the script tag. Each script tag is a different application according to the browser
@ThiefMaster ah lol
@FlorianMargaine And asynchronous errors don't stop execution (in the browser they don't, in Node they do)
what do you mean?
At least that's what I found out with a short experiment
an thrown error stops the execution
if it's not caught
@FlorianMargaine This good comment remembers me that I gave to miaou a feature I miss in this chat : the ability to upvote a comment without starring it, just to show you agree but without putting it in the side list
setTimeout(function() { throw 2 }, 2000);
setTimeout(function() { throw 3 }, 3000);
@copy The biggest difference in errors in Node is the fact you have real stack traces ^^
@FlorianMargaine I mean other async stuff is still running
yeah dunno how that stuff works, another thread is spawn to handle the setTimeout?
@dystroy nice feature
@FlorianMargaine heck no, libuv handles it.
Or did you mean in the browser?
yeah in the browser
if a worker is ran and an exception happens at the parent, is the worker execution stopped?
My guess is no
@FlorianMargaine that would not make much sense
@FlorianMargaine There's also, symmetrically, the downvote...
Q: Guid me how to be a hacker

user3002180I want to be computer hacker. Anyone can tell me where I need to start. I have used some websites to have basic knowledge about hacking. It'd be appreciated if you guys let me know good books and links.

@BenjaminGruenbaum according to the spec, it may... let me check
!!> var test = (x, cb)=> cb(x); test('...', console.log);
@ctrl "undefined" Logged: "..."
in chrome: TypeError: Illegal invocation
wow sometimes cloud9.io can take several seconds to answer requests
anyway, jsbin.com/EnEGAYE/3 websocket with callbacks (like an Ajax request)
is it still bad to use "global vars" if you wrap your code in (function(){ })(); ?
@hunterc what do you think?
@BenjaminGruenbaum probably but they can be so useful
Hi there all
Did you watch the special @rlemon ? :-)
no I don't have cable dude
I will stream it later
I wish beautify algorithms would learn to not put {a:1,b:2} on 4 lines, but just 1
deciding to get serious into JS. been reading professional js for web developers. anyone have recommendations for books?
@ctrl JSON.stringify({a:1, b:2}, null, 4)
@copy That is a pretty cool chat
amazon kindle store -> javascript -> sort by average rating
@rlemon I do not have cable either. I got it for $2 on iTunes.
@FlorianMargaine yes :), but using editors beautification, not from code (cloud9.io)
use a good editor
^ makes a valid point
hmm yea, didn't even thought to edit outside the cloud
i won?
@rlemon !!!!!
 |  the           )
(        CLOUD  |
@eazimmerman you fucking did
holy shit
Hmmm that came out funny
I give up on ASCII
@FlorianMargaine As you know require.js, you might find this one interesting :
Q: Node.js - What is the difference between require() and new require()?

ShahThe core of my question is, what's the difference between var fs = new require('fs'); and var fs = require('fs'); Are there any effects or caveats if I were to use new for all modules everywhere? While using Webstorm, I noticed that I can get intellisense working only if I use new require...

Is using require as a constructor normal ?
it's not require.js, but nodejs
and no, it's not
Damn... I'm stupid...
usually we do var Stuff = require('stuff'); var stuff = new Stuff();
but I guess it can work with new require() too
it's stupid for fs though
@FlorianMargaine But that's something different
what's different?
require in nodejs is an operator, right ?
isn't it just a keyword?
@dystroy it's a function
guys I am trying to print node results in file from console.

D:\output> "C:\project\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\project\nodejs\node_modules\iced-coffee-script\bin\coffee" --bare --runtime inline --output "C:\Temp" --compile "C:\Temp\7826db25-93b9-43d1-9b86-40432d789c02.coffee" > file.log

but it print on console and create an empty log file...
@FlorianMargaine Are you sure ? So new require('fs') would return an instance of require ? So require would have to be the module constructor.
is there a way to redirect node's stdout to a file?
@Annie Is replacing windows with linux an acceptable step ?
@rlemon thank you and merry christmas! (the video was nothing short of satisfying)
@dystroy, are you proposing to switch operating system in order to get text in log file? Ofcourse No!
@Annie Damn, so I don't know how to do :\
@dystroy, is there a node command switch I need to supply or some bash(ful) mojo you were thinking of?
@dystroy yeah but require is not that, it's just a function
for the record pipelining is also available on win posh
that will go get the module
@FlorianMargaine So how would new require('fs') work then ?
I'm in holidays, fuck it
on linux, I simply do this without problem :
nohup node main.js >> server.log 2>&1 < /dev/null &
Is this correct?
Unless I misunderstand you final setence (which I might), this is not correct. new (require('fs')) would do what you describe ("invoke new with the return from require"). new require('fs') is closer to require.call(Object.create(require.prototype), 'fs'). — apsillers 50 secs ago
@qwertynl That's the question. The fact it seems to work for OP makes me doubt require is really a js function. But I'm too lazy to look for sources or doc.
@dystroy I have no idea. I am just a little confused.
@dystroy, thanks, it worked on windows cmd ! :)
> server.log 2>&1
@FlorianMargaine new f() vs new (f())
@copy yeah I thought about operator precedence afterwards
and then thought "fuck it, I don't wanna think"
which is kind of backwards thinking
how could I calculate the average size of PNG frames?
1) Get the size of all frames 2) Calculate the averages size of the sizes
... before reading the frames
there I give a random number of frames: github.com/Ralt/png-reader/blob/master/src/main.c#L11
and I don't really know how to do that better :\
I don't see the problem
if I could calculate the average number of frames from the number of bytes, I could give a better number and not randomly reallocate or overuse memory
this way only one reallocation would have to be done at max
Your intention is to read the complete file anyway, isn't it?
I do that anyway
but if I can avoid reallocations uselessly, I'd take it :)
So then you need those informations at a later point
I don't think we're on the same wave
Probably not
Hello Javascript chat! I was wondering how I could return an object from an asynchronous callback?
getCurrentLocation() from the HTML5 GeoLocation has two parameters
success and failure
I was wondering if I could call one function like init() and get a JSON object?
from the getCurrentLocation()?
A: How to return the response from an AJAX call?

Benjamin GruenbaumIf you're not using jQuery in your code, this answer is for you Your code should be something along the lines of this: function foo() { var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); httpRequest.open('GET', "/echo/json"); httpRequest.send(); return httpRequest.responseText; } var resu...

so I would need geoLocationObject.init() and geoLocationOjbect.getLocation() ?
AJAX call is an asynchronous callback, so it's the same issues you'll get
reading this, thank you Florian!
posted on December 26, 2013 by addyosmani

Allo’ Allo’ and Happy Holidays! Welcome to the second issue of the Yeoman monthly digest – our regular round-up of articles, tips, generators and videos to help you stay on top of what’s new with your favourite man-in-a-hat. We hope you find the updates below helpful! Grunt pro-tips It’s tempting to try every Grunt plug-in out there – there’s a bajillion! It’s also easy to get carried away.

@FlorianMargaine I'm still confused on how I could extend an object and get the JSON?
will fire the getCurrentLocation() function which will fire the success function
does the success function get passed a callback?
but than how do I get the JSON object via the geoObject?
geoObject.init() THAN geoObject.getLocation()
@dystroy see that openid
@ctrl I know OpenId. Why are you showing that ? BTW Google doesn't seem to like the OpenId protocol right now
(I've used github.com/havard/node-openid/blob/master/sample.js just wonder why it keeps asking if I accept..)
@dystroy well no redirection, for example
@ctrl The problem I had is in Express/passport. There won't be redirection when I'll drop all that
@ctrl Your example doesn't work for me
with google?
wait it's down
My terrible drawing:
A: Work is hard, let's color the walls

qwertynlBURNINATE the hats (until next year)

this method just fucked as I tried yahoo openid and from yahoo -> google openid
Today I'll be preparing some javascript training for the other devs on my team
Where should I start?
@Shmiddty The ninja tutorial is quite good for newbies
Depends on their level
And there's also zirak's game
@dystroy Ninja tutorial?
This is going to be a guided thing, with me taking questions as we go, blah blah etc
@dystroy Thanks
@dystroy you can try it now, but I just found that popups are not good, for example an openid identifier can use another openid identifier (yahoo -> google) and yahoo button links opens a new tab
which is tricky
here is an update to my question: stackoverflow.com/questions/20788080/…
Here's my rough outline:
1) Variables, Functions, Objects, Properties, and References.
2) Managing scope and "this"
3) Working with Arrays, and pre-processing
4) MVC and Backbone
!!afk puupen
@Shmiddty Why are you leaving me!?
@ctrl It worked this time. I'll look at it later
@Shmiddty No DOM ? No prototype ? Managing modules and IIFE ?
@dystroy Shmiddty is afk: puupen
@dystroy k, the node code is probaby ugly, (my first time with node c9.io/cytr/demo-project/workspace/node.js/server.js) but any remark welcome
@dystroy could you brush up your C for me? :D
look at the p content[1] and p *content[1] being different... any idea?
this is the calling code: github.com/Ralt/png-reader/blob/full-read/src/main.c#L29 (where content[1] == 'P'), and this is the receiving code: github.com/Ralt/png-reader/blob/full-read/src/… (where *content[1] == '0')
@FlorianMargaine One is a pointer and one is not?
because I give the address in the calling function
the 1st is a pointer, the 2nd is a pointer of pointer
but it's weird, since I malloc'd content, the address should be there and available :\
@dystroy I'll probably touch on the DOM when I talk about Backbone. prototype isn't really necessary, this is targeted training, but I might talk about it when I talk about Objects/this. IIFE will come up when talking about scope
@Shmiddty You saw that whore again, didn't you!?
could somebody please tell me why this shows nothing? donovansystems.net/svgtest.html
@jamesson you never actually call makeWord
@FlorianMargaine Sorry, my C is too old. But I suppose there's a relevant room
@Shmiddty, duh ty
@AbhishekHingnikar, new meaning to "reach out and touch someone".
@dystroy hm, nah there isn't :\
anyway I'll try to reproduce
with minimal code
alright, this reproduces pastebin.com/dasd41EB
Q: Address of malloc'ed array passed to function - seg fault

Florian MargaineI have a malloced array, and I need to pass its address to another function so that it can manipulate it. However, it looks like my C is rusty. Here is the minimal code to reproduce the issue: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void f(int **ints) { printf("%d\n", *ints[1]); } int main...

@FlorianMargaine Magic insta answer :-)
Silly order of operations...
Damn... with a kind in arms it took me more than 3 minutes just to compile and run you program...
Shouldn't the malloc take into account the size of an int ?
something like malloc(3 * sizeof int) ?
disclaimer : what's C again ?
ah yeah, sizeof(int) * 3 it should be
@dystroy C is for cookie.
Is it possible to do something like: addEventListener('allBrowserEvents'
Q: Listen to all javascript events

knoopxIs it possible to listen to all javascript events? I'm trying to guess if there's an event triggered after the DOM is modified by an AJAX request.

@m59 That was hard to google... :-P
@qwertynl that doesn't do what I'm asking for :(
I did google and SO it first
@m59 what's your use-case?
It's a hack. I'll just say that if you want to do it, you'll have to register them manually, so probably better to subscribe to the common ones. It'll do.
I'll show you when I get done.
1) Variables, Functions, Arguments, Primitives, Objects, Properties, and References.
    * Basic Syntax
    * Hoisting
    * The Arguments object
    * Classes and "prototype"
    * Cloning objects?
2) Expressions
    * Function Expressions
    * Ternary operators
    * Short-circuiting
    * Implicit type conversion, and truthy/falsy values
    * Bitwise operators?
2) Managing scope and "this"
    * Implicit Globals and Function Scoping
    * Call, Apply, and Bind
3) Working with Arrays, and pre-processing
Anything significant that I missed?
@Shmiddty DOM basics themselves
also, jQuery
also, other built-ins (alert and stuff)
Hey fellas, I need some help with finding an example for proof of concept
An example of an object filmed from every direction, and that can be rotated with user input (keyboard/mouse).
@JanDvorak I'm not going to have time to teach them everything. I'm trying to hit the big players
@Shmiddty whats this? sorry late to the convo
Anyone knows such a fiddle or something? Perhaps using a library like 3js or something similar?
Training for coworkers, because they don't really understand javascript
@Shmiddty setTimeout is pretty basic
also, the execution model (timing, events, singlethreadedness)
@JanDvorak I should probably talk about that.
more important than Function functions (2b), IMO
Does anyone understand this question?
I'm trying to find a balance between total understanding and functional knowledge
I mean, right now, the two other front-end devs can get things done, kinda... But they don't really understand much of what they're doing.
Timing is pretty important
including the principle behind callbacks/promises
"forget blocking functions" is pretty basic
Anyone? :P
@JanDvorak I'm only going to have a couple hours tops maybe once a week
Looking for something similar to this: truview.ortery.com/HTMLJavaScript/Nike_PegususTV/…, with a higher quality.
Is there anything like that?
@Shmiddty you can just say that once when you're done with the basics and start talking about events
@JanDvorak I'm not sure what you mean here.
1) Variables, Functions, Arguments, Primitives, Objects, Properties, and References.
    * Basic Syntax
    * Hoisting
    * The Arguments object
    * Classes and "prototype"
    * Cloning objects?
2) Expressions
    * Function Expressions
    * Ternary operators
    * Short-circuiting
    * Implicit type conversion, and truthy/falsy values
    * Bitwise operators?
3) Managing scope and "this"
    * Implicit Globals and Function Scoping
    * Call, Apply, and Bind
4) DOM and jQuery
    * Getting references to DOM objects
Not sure short-circuiting needs much attention
my png reader works fine now
@JanDvorak I probably wouldn't spend too much time on it
but, show the common idioms (default value, if-exists)
anyone typing git checkout -d branch-name to delete a branch? ~~
@JanDvorak right, exactly.
Do you think that's a good outline?
@Shmiddty I can't see front end devs need bitwise math too much
@hunterc I know, anything with a question mark is "we probably won't use this"
skip web workers
ah gotcha
Don't make Re too long
looks good
We might not even do regexp stuff.
I'd really stress 3)
that's why I put it at the end
search? Never used it
@JanDvorak it's like indexOf, but takes a regexp
I've only used it for codegolf
Hi guys, I need a fast reply: how can I check if two strings are approximately equal (in JS)? Please give me a link...
define "approximately"
For example: "LIVE" ~ "LIVEE"
if (longerString.indexOf(shorterString) > -1) foo()
Levenshtein distance
@Shmiddty I know that, but... still not so good.
what @copy said then
calculate the lev distance, then reject anything over, say 3.
@copy Thanks! Reading about it...
A: Sort an array by the "Levenshtein Distance" with best performance in Javascript

James WestgateI wrote an inline spell checker a few years ago and implemented a Levenshtein algorithm - since it was inline and for IE8 I did quite a lot of performance optimisation. //http://www.merriampark.com/ld.htm, http://www.mgilleland.com/ld/ldjavascript.htm, Damerau–Levenshtein distance (Wikipedia) ...

This is great! Nice one!
If you ever need to compare sets, Jaccard similarity
I am working on a small funny application playing with the voice recognizer from browser API. It's just awesome!
And if you need to compare large amounts of sets, Minhash
@copy No, it's just a color name. :-)
Your own fault for posting here, now you need to listen to all the cool algorithms we know
@JanDvorak Go
just found a really awesome bash feature:
> [root@pluto:~]# shopt -s cdspell
[root@pluto:~]# cd .ss
@Loktar you having issues connecting to the PS4 store from the console?
says Network Unavailable. but I can connect to google with the web browser
> ((verty[i] <= testy && testy < verty[j]) || (verty[j] <= testy && testy < verty[i]))
&& (testx < (vertx[j] - vertx[i]) * (testy - verty[i]) / (verty[j] - verty[i]) + vertx[i])
&& (c = !c);
what the....
and netflix works.
@rlemon did I win anything?
The whole for loop is confusing...
Sorry teddy bear. You didn't
A: Checking if point inside polygon is not very exact - Javascript

qwertynlYour isInsidePolygon always returns c. The whole thing makes little sense, I have no idea what it is supposed to be doing.

i'll try turning it off and on again
Your code is not the same at all.. Your code does nothing.... — qwertynl 5 secs ago
github.com/trapd00r/zsh-syntax-highlighting-filetypes (syntax highlighting for the current shell command line)
now i'm tempted to give zsh another try..
@rlemon my ps4 hasnt been on for a month or so
psn could be down though
I added you to friends via my vita which is always on lol
no i checked
hold on ill turn it on
downloading an update
when writing client side validation is it better to have the error has a hidden element in the html and then show or to inject the error into a empty hidden div?
I'd inject it. Don't want the error to be indexed by search engines
I'd be interested if anyone had anything to add here
Q: auto resize iframe height when the height of the iframe content change

user2625363I am loading an iframe inside a page, which the length of the content of the iframe will be changed from time to time. I have implemented the following solution. However the height is fixed as the dyniframesize only get call when iframe.onload. It is possible to have the iframe to be resized acc...

@Shmiddty that's the event thing I was talking about ^
There's probably some circumstance I missed.
but it should be easy to account for it.
@rlemon im on the store rigjht now
> Network Unavailable. Please check your network connection
netflix plays fine
connection test comes up roses
@rlemon hmm
idk man
mines being weird too
like I can get to the store, but other stuff is giving me the error
psn is pretty flakey though tbh
wouldnt surprised me around christmas it going down
when ps4 came it it was down the entire first day
Don't Starve and Awesomenauts are coming to the ps4
that is pretty cool
and the indie selection is nice to have.
I have awesomenauts for ps3
if that means I auto get it for ps4 ill play with you
I have it for pc :P
if you get it I mean
yeah same
I got it for free via ps+ on the ps3
but ps4 assuming separated servers means level playing grounds
so that'll be cool
I can't wait till all of these games on their website come out
I might pop over to target later and see if they have BF4
bioshock inifinite is in instant game collection for january!
uggh can't load scripts served on http, when https, this one of security rule is dumb
@ctrl JSONP

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