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00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

@rlemon so this is the code right?
<script type="text/javascript">

Notifier.success('Changes have been saved!', 'Success');

problem I am facing is upon ajax loading
can this be delegated?
put it in your success function
i think the script is conflicting with something else
its not working for me
wthout ajax loading
do you think it could conflict with something?
weird that I have the script in the <head>
and I put the code to call it in the <body>
didn't work.
If I call the script in the <body> with it it works
....And about 90% of Central Valley's air pollution comes from San Francisco
Btw, is this you @rlemon? lol
haha i wish
look at those abs!
Smexy man horse reminded me of you
@Shea but, about 90% of China's smartphone app polution comes from San Francisco!
I'm still not sure what to think about #154
@Shea, also, 90% of statistics are completely made up
@rlemon its fully in the cms now
works and looks awesome
I used the info one for the software update message
@jamesson I made 90% up, but I'm 99% sure it's close within a margin of about 25%
<decides to stop abusing statistics and arithmetic
is there a general web tech chatroom?
What's wrong with this one?
@Shea, I just have a general strategy question not specific to js, but if you dont mind me asking it here then I will
We usually talk about anything, depending on how fussy some of the room owners want to be.
I just didnt want anyone taking my head off =P
Go for it, I just can't promise an answer. :D
@jamesson The topic is JavaScript. You will talk about JavaScript. We only allow discussion of JavaScript... and general web tech.
I want to do this, demos.flesler.com/jquery/scrollTo/js/jquery.scrollTo-min.js, but with a menubar rather than a series of left/right arrows. How should I do the preloader? Should I load everything at once, or is there some way to only load some of it? Like, does loading on onmouseover make sense?
If I want to play a preload animation, how do I achieve the scrolling effect?
Wrong link?
Check your link, not sure you sent the right one
You're talking about the image one right?
no, the text
but, it will be mixed-media, probably include stuff from soundcloud and vimeo]
and I would like to have a submenu, that would scroll vertically
but, the submenu would be easy to preload
It'd probably be much easier and save you a lot of unnecessary trouble, if you just load it all at once.
I would only fuss with it, if loading everything all at once actually became a problem.
@Shea, yea I figured
Good to know my thinking is correct :)
I could also do preload animation for the really ehavy stuff, most of remote content does that anyway (youtube etc.)
Well, if you want it to be seamless, it might be better to preload content on section 4 when you reach section 3.
Depending on what the content actually is
@Shea, yea but that only makes sense for sequential access
A menubar does not guarantee that
Obviously, you're not going to want to load GIF animations until you actually reach the section they're on.
@Shea, no gif animations here =P
I'm having a difficult time understanding this output in JavaScript :P
for (c = 0; c < array.length; c++)
console.log(typeof array[c]);


[Constructor, Constructor, null, Constructor]
object, object, object, object
!!> typeof null == "object"
@Shea true
@monners That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@DaveChen What's are you having trouble understanding??
arrays can have different things in them?
@jamesson Yep
Even other arrays! It's crazy town!!!
eh, never new JavaScript treated null as an object, just ran Shea's code thanks
@DaveChen But that's practically JavaScript's slogan Everything is an object
@monners, yea but the different elements can have different types?
@jamesson See above
@monners, why did they do this? It makes them the same as objects
@jamesson It's a very powerful feature.
@monners, right, but doesnt that make object redundant?
@jamesson Errr, no?
@DaveChen Maybe you want instanceof?
!!> [] instanceof Array
@Shea true
@monners, how are objects different from arrays with differing item types? Inless you cannot put a function in an array?
you can put a function in an array, which is pretty sweet, only PHP 5.4/higher/create_function can do that
!!> console.log("I AM BOLD"); // just foolin around
@Shea "undefined" Logged: "**I AM BOLD**"
@jamesson To grossly oversimplify, they're all objects - they just have access to different native methods. There's the 'Function' object, the 'Array' object, the list goes on....
!!> a = function() { a() }();
@DaveChen "TypeError: a is not a function"
@DaveChen "ReferenceError: a is not defined"
!!> (function a () { a() })();
@Shea "InternalError: too much recursion"
too much recursion is an error message?
Is that custom or native?
It's "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" in Chrome
I was lookin for RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded or like stackoverflow haha
@monners, ok, so just different methods, i gotcha.
@jamesson Read Douglas Crockford's book Javascript: The Good Parts
@monners, will do ty
well, I will admit I haven't stepped through it yet, but tell me what you guys think of the general strategy; donovansystems.net/xmlgettest.html
> Difference of opinion
I rage whenever someone says, "that's your opinion," when arguing facts.
Ironically, it usually ends with them calling me stupid.
@Shea, stoopid people iz stoopid
if we spent all day pitying fools we would have time for nothing else ;)
I will take on the burden of pitying them for you, so you don't have to
@Shea, now I feel really rich
@Shea, is that actually you in conversation?
No, @BadgerGirl retweeted that
Epic typing fail....
!!afk dinner
@Shea Hurry back, ok?
@Shea would be nice to know the company in question, so we could avoid it
@Shea Classic.
@monners Shea is afk: dinner
Winner!!! @phenomnomnominal!!!!
@phenomnomnominal You won, over
@DaveChen all those people are wrong. null is not an object. typeof null === "object" is merely an historical mistake - they tried to fix it but too many existing websites broke.
@monners except for null,undefined,string,boolean and number - the language has a specification you know.
@jamesson Arrays are just objects with keys that match unsigned numbers. You use arrays because they have a bunch of convenience methods - most array methods can be even used externally on "array like" objects (just objects with length and splice usually - think jQuery sets for a common web example).
@phenomnomnominal congrats :)
@rlemon r u there?
Can you make it do you can config html to be put into the the message?
do = so
anyone here like deadpool?
@eazimmerman, somewhat
i painted this for a friend
granted i used a reference image
it turned out fairly well
@eazimmerman looks like matt wagner, in a very good way
@eazimmerman, youve seen grendel right?
@eazimmerman, id google it for you, but then I would have to pick one
just imagegoogle matt wagner grendel
@eazimmerman, I really hope that ryan reynolds deadpool movie happens
@eazimmerman, origins wolverine was underrated, but he was fucking awesome
they made deadpool into something he wasn't
at least, he wasn't the deadpool i liked
he didn't even have a mouth
@eazimmerman, well yea the ending was meh, but when he was still ryan reynolds, fuck yea
They did gambit, who was my fave 80s-90s xmen guy
just cause the coat and the cards =P
and stryker was the shit
cause danny huston is the shit
if you havent seen proposition yet you need to do so immediately
@rlemon also make it so we can set the link when the box is being cliked
not yet
@jamesson i want to
@jamesson wolverine is my fav
dumb question but: how do i reference back to my actual object using this when i'm inside of a callback function?
you can bind the object to the function
what if it's not a function
myObject.functionName(/*callback*/(function (){
	console.log(this);//logs myObject
i don't know that method .. is this some jquery stuff?
i tried caching it but somehow failed
no, it is pure javascript
how are you making your callback?
var myObject = {};
myObject.init = function load (onDoneLoading) {
	this.value = 10;

this is a working example
function.prototype.bind just creates a new function that uses the first parameter as the "this" keyword
i'm using node.js
sry to mentioning that so late
module.exports = {
  _config: {},

  myMethod: function () {
    // ...

  create: function (req, res) {
      someAttribute: 1
    }).done((function (model) {
      this.myMethod(); // error
try that
brb, let me know if that works
it worked.
is wrapping the function in extra parentheses necessary?
strange .. without those parentheses node crashes
@BenjaminGruenbaum Damn it... Nothing gets through your radar.
@skripted yes
it is essentially order of operations
in "function() { }.bind()" the . doesn't know what to look at, in "(function() { }).bind()" the function is being encapsulated as an object, kind of like declaring it in a variable
okay :)
Apparently I need to lose weight
my mom thinks I'm an extra large
so I've got these tent-like pajamas
That's so cute
@Shmiddty at least it will be more appropriate when you pitch a tent ;)
whenever I'm sad or frustrated...
I watch this like 3 times.. and I'm laughing like a lil kid
Is ASCII compatible with UTF8
and UTF8 is compatible with UTF16?
Is Ascii compatible with UTF16?
No, actually I don't know about utf16
But from what I read it's not
Happy birthday Jesus CHRIST!
Doesn't it sound violent because the name "JESUS CHRIST" has been abused as rude word so far?
not really
any word can be used rudely
how could "sheep" be used rudely
sheep is used rudely to describe by-standers in a social situation
wake up sheeple
Your face, JESUS man!
The only rude thing is your CAPSLOCK!
jesus loves you
jesus loves everyone
Jesus is like Java. He loves everyone like Java works on all operating systems
Merry Javamas
Merry Scriptmas
@rlemon is the tits. Big round of applause for such a massive show of generosity!
Is this.inherit() a existing method in JS?
and what does it actually do?
Q: How to pass variable to href in javascript?

JoelHow to pass dist variable value here? below code is not working. And all other discussions in stackoverflow is unclear. Please help me <script type="text/javascript"> function check() { var dist = document.getElementById('value'); if (dist!=""){ ...

Lol @
> And all other discussions on Stackoverflow are unclear.
@EnglishMaster i don't think so, must be specific to a library
I see
Object.prototype.inherit = function() {
	for (var v in this) {
		this[v] = this[v];
Not sure what this is for
Anyone can explain?
me neither
what would v be if you each loop "this" in an object? Methods?
What do you mean?
Like, you will use that method in an object
It could be methods
function TestClass() {


TestClass.prototype.testMethod = function(){

It'd be any property under that object
Well, TestClass is an Object
Essentially what it's doing is looping through every property and overwriting the property
so TestClass has that inherit method
Whatever it is, SOChat doesn't like you entering it into the console
Everything is really an object... everything is extended by that prototype.
@Jeremy Exactly
I'm just not sure what you'd use it for.
So what's going to happen?
@monners can I console that on SOChat bot?
!!> Object.prototype.inherit = function() {for (var v in this) {this[v] = this[v];}};
@monners "function () {for (var v in this) {this[v] = this[v];}}"
@EnglishMaster Console what exactly?
!!> Object.prototype.inherit = function() {for (var v in this) {this[v] = this[v];}}; function Test(){this.inherit();} Test();
@EnglishMaster "TypeError: setting a property that has only a getter"
!!> var someObj = {}; someObj.inherit();
@monners "TypeError: someObj.inherit is not a function"
@EnglishMaster Where are you seeing that anyways?
The code, you mean?
Some source code, I think this guy wrote it himself
Where does he use inherit()?
Bascially in objects (and in its contructor) that are being created inside another class
Hmm, let me experiment for a while
Well, I'm not sure, but if you had Dogs as a child of Animals, where Animals.food = grasshoppers. Then you inherited using the method, then changed Animals.food = green beans, would Dogs.food still be grasshoppers?
How do I find what domain names a company owns? (for free)
@BenjaminGruenbaum And what about script minimization? Probably my function operator_sharp will be renamed o (e.g), then eval("operator_sharp(2, 3)") will throw an error.
@イオニカビザウ you're not supposed to use it in eval. You're supposed to run your file through it.
@Jeremy @EnglishMaster that function will not do anything.
@phenomnomnominal sure it will?
That inherit function
Sure it does?
@BenjaminGruenbaum what? iterate over the properties of an object and assign them to itself??
Cuz, it iterates through all properties - even those on the prototype and stuff?
Although inherit is a dumb name for it, since it already inherits those proerties on the prototype - that's the whole point.
oh, how silly of me!
It inherits methods and properties of Object
to the callee object
@EnglishMaster go read the code.
jesus christ
for every property of the object this, assign the value of that property to the property
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm pretty tired and I can't tell if I'm being retarded or not. Am I missing something?
execuseme? Btw, you should stop coding today, it's JESUS CHRIST'S B'DAY mate! (If you have no friends to hangout then it's find to code today)
No, it's pretty well established that he wasn't born on the 25th of December.
And I'm not actually coding today, I'm just bored, so I'm on here.
@phenomnomnominal no, that's what it does.
@BenjaminGruenbaum and there's fucking 0 point in doing it aye?
@phenomnomnominal not really - there's point
It's just usually an indicator of another issue
I first thought purpose of the function was to make function overloadding possible
@EnglishMaster wait what?
@rlemon Awesome! Quite amusing to see how differently people can pronounce things
Do you guys pronounce Aunt as ahnt or ant?
@rlemon You should list all the prizes and the winners on the website when it's done
We can see the winner's list here chat.stackoverflow.com/… :p
Huh I totally forgot about ?= in CS
Can someone make a site which shows the test that modernizr uses for detecting a given feature?
How do I explain how SQL injection works to someone who only understands how servers work like protecting a servers files
He thinks that the protection will be provided by doing rotating IPs and keys and using vps tunneling
show him an example?
He still doesn't get it
I even demonstrated SQL injection and he thinks I am modifying files no matter how hard I try to explain it modifies a database
@phenomnomnominal rtfc?
@phenomnomnominal I rarely use it, I don't understand what it's good for
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know duh, I just always do it
It's annoying to have to go select the feature on the modernizr site, make a build and scroll through the bit at the bottom to find the function
When normally it's just something like !!window.Worker
I was reading old code and at one point i did something like:
window.performance ?= {}
performance.now = (->
  performance.now or
  performance.webkitNow or
  performance.msNow or
  performance.oNow or
  performance.mozNow or
  -> new Date().getTime())()
performance.initTime = performance.now()
I never/rarely use modernizr tbh
Seems like a reasonable use of ?=
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh really? I love it.
mainly just because of yepnope I guess
With default arguments I don't find myself needing ?=
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah but like there, i don't want to overwrite window.performance if it exists, but if it doesn't I need it to
and for modernizr, meh, nice for graceful degradation
I have global eval and I'm in a function, I need real eval but can't.
What do?
That is, I have execScript but not eval directly since I'm in C#, I need eval directly..
explain it again but with more words, I'm semi-food coma'd and almost falling asleep haha
Need eval
Can't eval directly, have access to global eval
need to cause local eval from global eval
roger. under.
Function constructor?
No just being dumb
I have this convoluted idea - passing a message with the eval's code to be caught at the caller site and execute.
Well, not an actual message since that'd be asynchronous - but rather create a new function with the date and pass it to that as a string, then eval there - but that still wouldn't work since it introduces new scope.
So, I can pass a function and wrap it with a with on the parent's this - quite horrid.
@BenjaminGruenbaum woah, what magic are you actually doing?
@phenomnomnominal IE browser addon
black magic
I feelz your pain.
Okay, I'm gonna go eat more food (or something). Merry Christmas buddy, have a good one! Over.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
@BenjaminGruenbaum what
Christmas sucks because gym closes today!
!!s/gym/every single restaurant/
@JanDvorak Christmas sucks because every single restaurant closes today! (source)
I hate it when people delete messages.
Also, it's not Christmas where I'm at so meh to all you having fun.
Where are you?
Christian holidays aren't a very big thing here
It's just a Jesus's another birthday to me. He's just a guy who lived 2013 years ago, no biggies for me
Message of Christmas day: "Don't die virgin"
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, nor are they here
But it is Christmas where you are, isn't it?
11am or so?
You might just want to use a pastebin.
yeah, lol
gist.github.com/neara/8121871 here is a more readable version, the javascript version of my code
can't wrap my head around that 1px. why does it appear? same code every time, but first click 1px off
Does #about even have an outerWidth if it's not showing?
yep, it has one. before first being shown its 480px, afterwards its 481px
hello guys
i need a help
i have a strange error it's the first time to meet
i think that px has something to do with how show() works
Look at the jQuery code, then. Though I thought .show() basically just set display: block on an element (unless it had a different display-setting beforehand)
i have to save a content of a webpage to the database using ajax request , the content was successfully saved but the following tags weren't saved or removed
<script src=""></script>
<a href=""></a>
<img src-"">
<link href="">
any help ?!
@Kippie it had style="display: none" before
@uzaky that sounds like something is clearing away dangerous tags. safe formatting for html code.
hold codedump
I have jquery event on some class li elements when user clicks it it checks if that li has nested ul and if it has it do event.preventdefault and do some logic if not it just needs to load link that is clicked but for some reason I even can alert clicked href content yet link is not being clicked. I have done return true; after that alrt...
@DušanRadojević English, do you speak it? Create a short self contained example on JSFiddle or another fiddle site - articulate your problem in a way we can understand and we'll help you.
I use this example jsfiddle.net/YaSvg but i copies and check its not work in my side i add following two files also
<script src="js/jquery.cookie.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
Could any one help me in writing javascript
Q: Javascript/JQuery to validate the Radio button list in the Gridview at client side

Sanjeev4evrIn a web page, we have a Gridview, each grid view row contain a check box and a set of radio buttons in each column. as shown in code. If a check box is selected the radio buttons will be enabled to true to select as shown in screenshot image. At the bottom we have a submit button to save selecte...

Problem with javascript closure for click function:
I need to alertg the option tag value on click of button:
Any Ideas?/
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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