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anyone here?
eek, process is a global in node..
is there shorter than:
var query = querystring.parse(url.parse(someUrl).query);
late draw
Day Twelve (last draw) Winner!!! @eazimmerman
Q: Wamp icon is orange

NikitaFirst, I must say that I'm totally beginner. I installed Wamp server 2 verison (I have XP) but the icon is orange. I have found somewhere that problem is probably in Apache because something using port 80 (probably my skype). Does anyone know how to change that?

lol, Skype
didn't eaz.. already won?
@rlemon I haven't got my prize :(
@ctrl Day Twelve (last draw) Winner!!! @ctrl (source)
@BadgerGirl @BadgerGirl you should have.
if I want to put a variable into svg setAttributeNS statement, do I need to escape quotes?
@BadgerGirl i'll look into it. need to find the order receipt.
Thanks :)
@BadgerGirl did you check your junkmail ?
I have a charge on my account from them
I did.
wait this makes no sense.
I have a charge, and a return, then another charge.
!!> console.log([[], {}].map((o)=>o.length))
@ctrl "undefined" Logged: [0,"undefined"]
isn't .length a good way to differentiate Arrray ad Object?
I was looking at stackoverflow.com/questions/4775722/check-if-object-is-array, but doing toString() sucks a bit
It fails for empty Arrays and Objects with the property length
!!> console.log([[], {}].map((o)=>Object.prototype.toString.call(o)))
@ctrl "undefined" Logged: ["","[object Object]"]
Hey, where would I ask a question about SQL? Like is there a room or something, everytime I search I don't get any results.
@ctrl "undefined" Logged: ["[object Array]","[object Object]"]
Probably PHP
Now to see if I can google a link to that room :P thanks


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Google showed one :P
Thanks @ctrl :P
How was/is everyone's day?
@BadgerGirl i opened a ticket with cafepress
I will let you know what happens.
Alright :D
basically, they charged me, refunded me, charged me again. you got no email.
so wtf?
anyways. long day i'm going to bed
@BadgerGirl they said they will have a response for me in 5-6 days.. :/ sorry
@ThiefMaster abc is random flagging in Android again
@rlemon It's fine :) Thanks
The hard part is finding people who don't already have Left 4 Dead 2.
So, you all said w3schools isn't a good place to learn anything about JS/HTML/Anything is it?
It's mediocre
Well I don't know much about SQL expect a few things I learned just from examples and I took their quiz and passed 85% of it XD
I still have no clue how to use it in things I just know what the functions do etc
@Loper324 The major issue with W3Schools is that they don't promote good practices. They'll give you a tiny example outside of the greater context of a real webapp, and the more people that use that solution, the more cleanup/debugging for the rest of the community that are unfortunate enough to inherit those projects.
Press the key above shift please
@phenomnomnominal I'll name my next cat after you.
isitchristmas.com Open console in Chromium
@copy -_- i told that ages ago
microsoftvirtualacademy.com/training-courses/… <- college is enrolling me into that.
Bet that's going to be a bundle of fun.
@AbhishekHingnikar give the most complex solutions for the simplest problems that fit 100% of the criteria.
@RUJordan :-/
dude they are telling me how to make a <p> in html how can i complicate that ?
I'm sure jQuery has a plugin for that
Write a complex virtual machine for converting a prime number to the desired output.
My first Post on this chat . Merry Xmas everyone !
Oh, it's really your first post.
Merry Christmas.
Merry X-Mas!
Ho Ho Ho and all that
Merry Chrismas everyone
Its the 26th !
Pandora, why you no work in my country?!
Goal of computer science major: To teach you fundamentals of Computer Science so you can learn further about each topics
And it takes 3~4 years to just teach you fundamentals
@BenjaminGruenbaum still haven't found a likeable solution for the viewmess
Any one have idea in the html content spited columns start and end location of each column.
@AbhishekHingnikar: hi
could someone tell me why this never shows up? jsfiddle.net/VQ8Cr/5/4
@jamesson I guess that fill does nothing to a path
@jamesson it does get appended to the document, however
@JanDvorak, i think you are right actually. let me try one thing
@JanDvorak yes I saw that
nor would I try to fill svg itself
@EnglishMaster, meh
@JanDvorak yea I know the test now
OK, shouldn't the path have some waypoints, too?
@EnglishMaster if ee's know 75% at least of what cs know, and they do it in 4 years, meh
note that svgs normally autocrop; they derive their size from their content if you let them.
@JanDvorak, I expected there to be at least a green fill but I guess youre right about svg fill
What about a rect?
@JanDvorak what I need to figure out is, if I put the path in a var must I escape out the quotes?
@JanDvorak yea I was gonna go for that next
@jamesson if you mean the namespace, I don't think you need to
or, do you mean the quotes that delimit the string literal? These need to be escaped within the literal, always.
@JanDvorak, well that is the whole point of this test but now I also find all these others small errors
I dont know what you mean by that distinction, I am referring to stuff that goes after d = in the path
I've never coded SVG
Try without escaping first
@JanDvorak I can experiment by setting it after I write the svg and leaving it blank inside the svg, no?
I guess so
!!weather goa
@IamDesai Goa: 26.152C (299.302K), moderate rain
did you hear about the local airline? Its called Goa Ways
lol no
Hi. why does ('A'|1) is 1 ? (how does 'A' is treated here?)
@RoyiNamir Try 'A'||1
This is not the same cuz the first is truthy
(it wasnt my question)
@RoyiNamir | converts both arguments to 32bit integers
I asked why the first sample is 1
Number('A') is NaN, which is 0 in an integer context
so how it becomes 1 ?
@JanDvorak 1
!!> 0|1
thats make more sense.
I was pretty sure that it converts to its char int representtation
How would 'ab' be converted, then?
yup you're right
!!> NaN | 1
@EnglishMaster 1
@EnglishMaster "SyntaxError: syntax error"
!!> "" | 1
@EnglishMaster 1
!!> Number('A')
@EnglishMaster "ReferenceError: int is not defined"
@EnglishMaster "ReferenceError: Int is not defined"
@EnglishMaster "NaN"
!!> '2' | 1
@EnglishMaster 3
@AbhishekHingnikar 3
In JS parser, it would look like

function bitwiseORExpression(leftOperand, rightOperand){
   if(Number(leftOperand) != Number ){
      leftOperand = 0;

  //do the same for rightOperand
   return leftOperand | rightOperand;
@Zirak ^
Number(leftOperand) != Number will always return false.
It's just a psuedo code, mate =D..
@AbhishekHingnikar What did you eat for dinner yesterday?
Guys, what did you eat for dinner today or yesterday? I had chicken.
I wish you didn't have to write return statement at the end of your JS code
function test(){
  var a = 2;
  var b = 3;
  a + b;
Obviously you are returning a + b anyways!
hello everybody
@EnglishMaster do you know jquery?
no, sorry.
I asked and blender has commented this The problem is that you're storing your entire application state in the DOM. The DOM can be used to display data, but you should not use it store it.
so what does it mean
I am new to javascript/jquery
@EnglishMaster can you help me understand this?
It means you shouldn't use DOM to store data
you can store your favourite data in DOM when you are lazy though, I do that sometimes when I'm lazy
and nobody cares
@EnglishMaster in that fiddle which line says that I am stroing data in DOM
@EnglishMaster that's how it works in Ruby... and J... and coffeescript... and (to some extent) Golfscript
Merry Christmas everybody!
@JqueryLearner data-id = ...
@JanDvorak sorry I didnt understand
@JqueryLearner data- attributes are attributes attached to the DOM. You shouldn't store the majority of your data there.
Hi guys
I have written a ajax request on check/uncheck of a checkbox
To avoid some mad users, I am aborting the ajax request on repetetive click
but this is delaying the ajax response.. any suggestions?
@JanDvorak I am using this because I want the check boxes to selected when group is selected
So what is the alternative to this?
@Mr_Green hard to tell without seeing some code
@JqueryLearner an associative array source checkbox ID => array of target checkboxes?
@JqueryLearner better yet, close over an array of target checkboxes in the event handler for each source checkbox?
@JanDvorak I am very much new to javascript/jquery,so could not understand the technical terms you have used
@JqueryLearner can I see your code?
yes sure
its all there in the fiddle jsfiddle.net/4GP9c/265
	sendCompareRequest : function(url){
		var me = this;
		this.ajax = new Ajax.Request(url, {
		  	onSuccess: function(response) {
                            //do something
@JanDvorak ^
it is based on prototype
	sendCompareRequest : function(url){
		var me = this;
		this.ajax = new Ajax.Request(url, {
		  	onSuccess: function(response) {
		  		if(response.statusText.toLowerCase() == "ok"){
		  			//do something
^ Updated
@Mr_Green maybe you can prevent the later one instead?
oh, and it would be nice not to abort those that have already finished ;-)
@JanDvorak did you see the codes?
@JqueryLearner hold on; sorry
@JqueryLearner AAAAH, hold on; I need to breathe. That code is bad.
@JanDvorak sorry ,basically new to this js and jquery
tidyUp helped somewhat, but it's still drowning in DOM access
hello frnds
ready to help
if any one wants ?
@Bharatsoni hi
@Bharatsoni depnds. Do yu spk english?
oh, and
!!welcome bharat
@bharat Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak what I can prevent with later code?
the later code is making the delay if I click the checkbox repeatedly
Should the same happen if you click the checkbox once as if you click it multiple times?
then you need to wait
@JqueryLearner can you clean up the code? It's hard to read. Start by clicking "TidyUp"
what will happen if i click tidyup
SURPRISE! It'll tidy it up!
It will erase your hard drive
And your back-ups too
And hard drives of anyone related to you
well some spaces are increased between the codes,do you want me to do this?
@JanDvorak good joke
The most important spaces are to the left of the code...
I didnt know that so asked
ok done
after tidyup you want to update and give you the link/
Not just
remove dead code (including the immense amount of commented out code)
break up long lines; the recommended code width is 80 characters
@JanDvorak my dear friend,If i remove the comments then I will be dead.I keep these commented to understand me at a later which functions is for what purpose.
so you can see each and every line will have comments
Line 369 is way too f*ing long.
@JanDvorak line 369 is this Ialert(arr[0]+" "+arr[1]); think
A few strategically placed newlines would solve the issue and make code more readable
var output = ...
that's 300 characters. Very few people have screens that big, and noone will remember the start when they get to the end even if they do have huge screens
aha yes,i agree
I don't think I'll be able to rewrite this, so I'll do some general code review instead
@JanDvorak yes sure,
@JqueryLearner What the hell is var val = ' '?
it's a global variable (ew), and it's not explained or used anywhere near.
@JanDvorak see this is the solution I got from one of the solutions
Even i dont understand why its used for
but I got scared to remove this
copy-pasted code? Shame on you
also, shame on whomever you got the code from.
I have only 2 problem in my app
three empty lines around a function body? No need to
After it gets completed I will start learningg js from the beginning
three empty lines means function x(){
space space space
do you mean this?
I can't understand the code. It needs major cleanup before I can read it
@JqueryLearner yep
well I have another problem
in the users tab
when I press the group button
for example del
then it shows me the respective group members
the check boxes will be selected
Now I want to add another memeber
another bug: all but the bottom line of the menu are inaccessible if the menu line-wraps
so i will just select another check box and hit the save button
can you tell me how to do this
what fucntion should I call to
sorry,can you describe this in more detail
all but the bottom line of the menu are inaccessible if the menu line-wraps
Edit: the first line of menu is completely inaccessible
How do you click the menu? What are you developing in?
or, how do you call that stuff your page begins with?
where the "users" link blue text is located
users is a tab
so, a tab bar?
It's unclickable
I know how to fix
any angularFire user here? any idea how to use $firebase to callback ?
@JanDvorak if i write <div id="myModal" class="modal fade hide"
then all the tabs will work in small screen
but i have written <div id="myModal" class="modal fade" so its not wokring in small screens
@JqueryLearner never ever ever use overflow:scroll. Disabled scrollbars are ugly.
div.span2 does not fit on the screen
I was told to keep group table and user table height of 400px
so if the number of records increases then there should be a scroll bar
if you have any other alternative then most welcome
if the height is below 500px or so (netbook with the dev console open, for example), you've got 3 scrollbars next to each other. That's bad.
div.span2 does not fit on the screen horizontally
@JanDvorak so what is the solutions/
redesign the GUI to not use tons of incompatible fixed heights
@JanDvorak can you help me how to do with that save button?
@JanDvorak yes
@JqueryLearner hi
@CapricaSix ok
IE, are you drunk?
>>> window.ActiveXObject
>>> typeof window.ActiveXObject
>>> typeof window.ActiveXObject === 'undefined'
>>> window.ActiveXObject === undefined
@ThiefMaster host objects...
doesn't make it any less stupid. especially in IE11 that's supposed to be "good"
Can I get an eye bleach?
Q: How to get anchor tags without a speciic css class using jquery?

ramanI am reading Jquery cook book. i have learn how to filter DOM elements with a specified class. now i want to do opposite from it means now i want to get elements which does not have that specified class. My code is: <li><a href="#" class="external">link</a> <a href="#" class="external">link</a>

please help me
@ThiefMaster What about JSON.stringify(window.ActiveXObject)?
@ThiefMaster oh thank you :-)
probably the universe explodes
returns undefined
not 'undefined'?
Next facebook avatar ;3
@AbhishekHingnikar sweet
how to pass # symbol in url
!!tell dotnet google url encoding
@CapricaSix thanks
somebody wanna come c me ? i am using my android to use webrtc :D come lets chat :D
or test :->
nvm it works like a charming virgin
@ThiefMaster That's legit, I don't see the issue with that at all...
I'm serious too
@JanDvorak yeah, that.
In this window, in chrome or whatever
>> window.container // div
>> "container" in window // false
@JanDvorak bye friend
got to go now
@BenjaminGruenbaum But why? Sure, it's a host object, but it's still incredibly stupid behavior that doesn't go in line with how anything else in JS behaves.
Usually === undefined is safe to check assuming nobody redefined undefined and the lhs of the statement is not a variable that does not exist.
posted on December 26, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} This is especially true of Phil Plait.

hm its feed about code or bug for meta?
stupid question, how can I select for example only 3rd element with some class by using jquery?
@DušanRadojević eq
@FLCL or that, but this dejquerifies
@FLCL 1/10, not jquery enough
Also not likely to have more than one result
Also not every third element
@rlemon I awoke on Sat, 21 Dec 2013 10:34:15 GMT (that's about 5 days ago), got invoked 270 times, learned 260 commands, but forgotten 9 commands
@copy, no need in every 3 and need only one
any error crash nodejs server right?
Unlike PHP, yes
Also unlike in the browser
unlike java, erlang also

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