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hi, anybody have experience in jquery ui date picker theming?
Q: Javascript nested AJAX requests

MattI've read a couple of other threads on this but can't quite seem to grasp it. I don't really know a lot about Javascript and have basically guessed my way through so far. I have one function run an AJAX request to get some rows from a database. Then for each row, I need to run a nested AJAX requ...

What do you suppose he means by, "I don't know how to nest them correctly?"
He doesn't know how to set it so the nested request fires after the first one completes?
Maybe he means that, with the calls being independent from each other, he has a constant chicken & egg situation, where the results of each one keeps overwriting the previous one?
@JacobGelman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
2 hours later…
@Matt Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I took the advice of Jaime in the original thread and it's almost working. The issue I'm having now is the nested function is appending it's output after the output of the parent function
Q: Does all javascript calls work in Hybrid Android app?

user221287I am building a Hybrid Android app using HTML5 and JavaScript. In my app, I would be requiring to make system related calls such as getting the system's date and time. I was wondering as to whether such system related calls will work in Android? Will they?

@Matt I am kind of confused. Which one would be the nested function, and which would be the parent function?
I see you have the asynchronous onreadystatechange event, which is should correctly execute after it's parent event is long done and over with.
Q: website doesn't work in IE

kcrocksfolks. I have built a simple website using jquery and jquery ui, but it is not displayed properly in MS Internet Explore (they all work in safari,chrome,firefox). In addition, jquery ui for background color change seems not to work in all 4 web browsers (safari,firefox,chrome,IE). any suggestions?

@Shea how can I post my updated code and I will explain what I'm talking about
You may try JSFiddle, but I'm not sure the ajax will work there.
Though I do understand they have some way of making it work, but I never actually tried.
@Matt If you are using jQuery, remember to select it on the left side, from the Frameworks & Extensions section.
@Shea ok my new code is here jsfiddle.net/p7uDn I have placed an alert on line 29 so I can see the value of the variable 'txt'. What I am expecting is a bunch of option tags will be appended in between the select tags. Instead what happens is the option tags are being output AFTER the closing table tag (line 41)
Give me a sec to let that sink in
Sorry, yeah, it's tricky to explain. If you refresh the SJFiddle page I have added what I want and what I'm getting into the html window
One problem I notice right away, is that you are setting txt as a global variable. When you set a variable without var, it automatically gets set to the global scope. In this case window.txt, but that wouldn't be the issue here, since you are forcing it to be <table>
Yep someone commented saying the same thing on my original post. I will need to go through and update all my variable initializations
Also, could you please include the function getSummaryVariableOptions? I think the problem is in that.
sure, just updated
Okay, I see now that you have getSummaryVariableOptions is actually an asynchronous ajax call. The problem is that updateSummaryVariablesInput finishes long before the results of getSummaryVariableOptions are pulled in.
Cool. So how do I make updateSummaryVariablesInput wait for the results?
I would either include the getSummaryVariableOptions results along with the updateSummaryVariablesInput results, if possible, or go with a queue approach.
With the queue approach, you would save a list of x[i].getElementsByTagName('id')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue (being passed as the first parameter to getSummaryVariableOptions), and then later loop through the list and have the getSummaryVariableOptions callback append the results to the proper select.
hi all, Does anyone knows about copy to clipboard without flash?
@Gopesh Not possible with current security restrictions
@SomeKittens Thanks for the reply..Is there any way to push ctrl +c command during a click like that?
Is that copying to clipboard?
no idea..
i have seen so many solutions using falsh
@Matt Give this a try jsfiddle.net/p7uDn/6
I just copied and pasted it in, no joy. I'll analyze it further to see what you did and see if any progress was made
You can't make it wait.
@Matt The main things are that I'm setting id's for select, to easily reference them later, having the callback be passed the id through the second parameter, and saving a list of getSummaryVariableOptions ids to call after the HTML is already added
getting error qetQueue is not defined. Just a type by the look of it, changed q to g, and now it's crashing the browser :(
getQueue is set at the very top, before anything
Oh, oops, my bad
for (var gsi = 0; gsi < getQueue.length; ++i) { force of habit
@Matt It should be ++gsi
On line 38
Yes! It works!
++i put it in an endless loop i'm guessing because gsi never incremented
You're right. I'm not use to having more than 1 or 2 for loops in the same scope, so using i as an index name is pretty strong habit.
haha yeah. i usually do j, k etc on the rare occassion
thanks so much for the help! i still have to read through what you did a few more times, but for now just really happy that it's working
Okay, I gotta head out. Glad you got it working. You are welcome. :)
glad YOU got it working!
how are you every one??
Not the greatest
hows work going on??
somekittens i need your help can you??
Got twenty bucks?
Hello guys .. I have <input type="file" onchange="isValidFile(this.value)" /> in my function I check if the extension is equal to my desired extension. But how I can prevent file loading if the extension is wrong?
Q: How to solve the app rotated problem on buggie iOS7?

oscarThere's a picture upload button in our web app. it works well on the ios safari. But when open it in in-app mode on iPad, and take a photo to upload, the app will be rotated. How to solve this problem when ios7 is still buggie like this? Here's our product, you can check it. http://padd.me

@rlemon But I've toned it down now!
@AbhishekHingnikar Nope
I don't just jump into conversations to correct people anymore! I only correct rlemon now, because pissing him off is fun
@SomeGuy do play it now
I don't own it, so no
Too expensive :p
And it didn't look very appealing to me
want it ?
Its a friken awesome game cause deadpools character is amazingly funny
Got to go
see ^ so much appealing :D
the game is awesome :D
especially a times the camera lags behind and he goes
"Hey player are you gonna follow me or something ? ... oh hello there ?"
1 hour later…
I'm more on more interested in the abilities of PostGreSQL to work with JSON (see clarkdave.net/2013/06/what-can-you-do-with-postgresql-and-json )
Do some of you have experience on that ? Problems ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Are you going around buying games for people? :p
@SomeGuy Piratebay you bitch
Hahaha, no, I'm not going to
Hoist thou colors !
Hahaha, "Stop dropping my camera, Player! It's expensive!"
^ told u that game is totally worth it
he also has a kissing scene with rogue :D
Why would anyone downvote that? stackoverflow.com/a/19854178/1907358
@connor.js : P it must be the other guy who answered it

       if(event.which != 8 && isNaN(String.fromCharCode(event.which))){
           event.preventDefault(); //stop character from entering input

i want to execute a ajax function after right format typed
i'm stuck here with a simple thing: how would i assign an array to another variable, excluding the first element in an expression as simple as possible?
is this possible ? @connor.js
@samitha what's right format typed
3 characters
@Sprottenwels "excluding the first element in an expression"?
@samitha so, if i type that, then the ajax will run?
6 ints
errr, fogot a comma. excluding the arrays first element
yes if not need a alert .wrong format
var newArray = oldArray.slice(1, oldArray.length);
!!tell Sprottenwels mdn array.slice
thank you#
@samitha (one way you could do it) first of all you need to concatinate the String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode); onto a string.
@samitha what element are you using?
koding.com a new place to developers code on cloud
@samitha you need to explain this PAN/A-000125,
@connor.js what do you mean with explain ?
@Fatih sorry, not you... Thanks for the ad's though.
sorry for the ad. i just want to heads up
@Fatih So, what are you to do with koding then? I'm pretty sure iv'e heard of it but pretty pissed off that i couldn't sign up when i tried because i had to be invited, does that sound about right?
no you don't need an invitation. Koding just opened to public
you will have a root VM with a great amount of resources
@Fatih so, you have never required an invitation?
you can test/develop/run/deploy your code. also you are the roor.
sorry, root i mean
no go ahead and sign-up
@Fatih I am aware that i can sign up now, but I'm on about before... I went to sign up and it said i need an invitation code, What's all that about?
the login field resets the cursor to the end whenever i edit a character in it. tab closed immediately
now all you need is a browser
why would one develop with a browser "IDE"?
@connor.js when it said you need a invitation code ?
@Sprottenwels why? really ?
@Fatih a while ago....
you have a root VM everywhere. all your need is a browser
@connor.js dude, it's 8 months ago.
and now, all i need is an IDE. which provides a lot more features, too.
nearly 2 or 3 months ago, Koding went to public beta. this means you don't need a invitation
@samitha Why are you pinging me ?
> I see a little silhouetto of a man
> Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango
> Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me
> Gallileo, Gallileo,
> Gallileo, Gallileo,
> Gallileo Figaro - magnifico
Words we can all live by.
wassup bitches
@Zirak You've got some balls, coming back here after what you did.
You know it
@connor.js is there anything that i can help you ? i'm about to go bed
@Zirak Oh... First time I see a Zirak in ages. Magnificent day !
And it's a yellow one ! The yellow ones are the prettiest !
@Zirak welcome home!
Thanks. It's weird being back. I also only got the one ping over two weeks, so hey, fuck you all.
ME LORDS i beg your pardon
@Zirak Do you want pings ?
If you want, we can provide lots of pings.. sec, let me write a small program
but ... Nexus 4 vs Nexus 5 vs iPhone 5s + Carrier Plan (so i get iPhone 5s for free ) vs Lumia 925 which should i go for ?
@OctavianDamiean Psst, you want to be here
room topic changed to JavaScript: You need help on Java or PHP or JavaScript ? Ping @zirak and he'll answer you. [ecmascript] [enterprise] [javascript]
@Zirak do you offer Ruby expertise as well?
Java > Ruby, you weirdo
Please elaborate why you think so
ping me pls with suggestions my iPhone 4s is a brick :-)
@Fatih Regardless, 8 months ago i decided that koding was shit.
@Zirak How long will you be here for this time around?
@AbhishekHingnikar build a house
The weekend?
Man...I missed Humble Bundles. And pizza coupons.
@JanDvorak Proof : there are more Java coders than Ruby coders
@SomeGuy Yeah...
@JanDvorak i don't need to
And I don't know why you thought I'll be on Sunday as well.
i have a 2500 sq ft house :D// on my name and a flat and another 1500 sq ft duplex
I'm guessing we'll get pictures of a mushroom filled pizza as well?
!!/convert 2500 sq ft
@dystroy Confuse converter with sq, receive error message
Google is more efficient
232.2576 m2
Hi guys
I need help
@wanmohdpayed are you going to ask?
pageurl = requests.get(suburl, data ={'checkDownload':'false'})
pageurl = pageurl.text
print pageurl
why this give error?
print pageurl is not valid javascript code
for starters
missing semicolons are bad practice at best
i use python for this
but this page use javascript
I think python needs parens, too
there is download button that use javascipt
I only want to get the link inside the javascript
I'm afraid I can't help with that
is there anyway to get that link using this "requests.get(suburl, data ={'checkDownload':'false'}) "?
@dystroy poor like an indian? Hah.
@FlorianMargaine poorer
BTW @FlorianMargaine did you see what you can do with JSON in PostGres ? I'm seriously interested...
I trust this more than mongodb & co
yeah I saw this
wanted to share this link yesterday: reddit.com/r/programming/comments/1q3skb/…
@dystroy ^
and same, I like postgres more than mysql & the rest
what worries me is that mysql cli is so much better than postgres cli...
Anyone using webstorm?
which is pretty much the same thing
How to change background colour of editor?
view/quick switch theme
for...well, a quick switch
!!tell connor.js google webstorm change background colour
somewhere in the settings is a more comfortable version
but i never use that
@Zirak really?
@Zirak Still waiting to see what you think of this idea.
I figured you just thought it was a stupid idea, so I was going to shut up and give up.
@connor.js ...yeah, since it has the answer to your question
@connor.js pwnd.
@Shea It still seems like an extra layer of complication for everything
Why have two blocks of code, when you can just have the one? Especially since with one block, you can also choose not to display output or output in different ways, while with your proposal, it's only useful for declarations.
I may be totally wrong on this, but to me is seemed more like just improving the command/parameter parser.
@Zirak hey!
@JanDvorak tell that to twitter guys
@JanDvorak missing semicolons occasionally make strange bugs
@dystroy I had a "no-semicolon" period...
which led to this kind of code :P
A common one : jsbin.com/OjokucO/1
In some cases it could be harder to detect : no error but a different behavior
@FlorianMargaine ending lines with periods is a bad idea at best :-)
@FlorianMargaine Didn't it convince you instantly to switch to semi-colons ?
@connor.js ok, I'll download it and see
@dystroy nah, I still liked the rest of the code better without semicolon
@JanDvorak except if you're doing Erlang.
@Zirak Okay, I think I understand where you're coming from. It's more complicating the way you declare new commands and write out commands, rather than complicating the implementation?
@Shea Both
If you just make the second part a static variable-embedding string, it makes logic harder
Isn't the weather wonderful today?
it's great!
@Zirak depends on where you live.
What if we could save !!/eval commands, into their own little references, and be able to use them later on, in the way I described. Like !!/evalSave randomizedReason ...js code..., then use !!/afk $randomizedReason $reason to call it?
I'm sort of banking off an idea that if there was some added functionality to eval learned commands, why not add the functionality for everything? Though just having said that, I see where things get complicated.
@connor.js Dude...it was in exactly the same place as described.
Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Default text -> Background
I just had to not select "javascript", but "general", and move one box down.
@Zirak Yes, i know..... I wouldn't have thought that to change the background colour you have to change the background of the text, that's weird, and plus it wasn't stated in those links ;)
@Shea So now you have global variables in the bot?
@connor.js It was stated how to change the foreground. Check that place, you see "background"
Well, just references, sort of like a command.
@Shea Which is a fancy way of saying "global variables", and doesn't solve the logic/display problem
you were right @Zirak, the weather is wonderful today.
1 message moved from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
@FlorianMargaine How're the wife and kids?
@Zirak pretty fine
the fridge's getting full though
hi everyone, could anyone help me with a little problem?
when you click the menu items, the content slides horizontally. I'm having an issue where the horizontal overflow is cut off/hidden during this transition
@Zirak Just so we're on the same page, I take it you would rather just extend what we need as a new command, rather than extend what's already there to provide new tools for new commands?
I figured out that the following code causes the problem, but I don't understand how it affects my horizontal transition:
    height: 380
}, options);
everybody calm down a little
@connor.js if you have any issue, feel free to report on meta. All the logs are available in the trash room if you want.
@FlorianMargaine Al least recycle
@Zirak Either way it's your show, whatever you would rather have, I'll agree with.
@Shea I rather spin what we have as a new command...which makes new commands. Extending the tools creates a huge disparity between the original /learn and the new one, and creates difficulties I have a bit of a problem with. I think it's better to split them because they're dissimilar.
Yay it's @Zirak
@FlorianMargaine Maybe you should just chill, I mean everyone else is very calm.
I'm not calm.
@connor.js As is evident in the trashed messages.
@Zirak exactly
!!mute connor.js 86400
@Shea I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Shea
> You need help on Java or PHP or JavaScript ? Ping @zirak and he'll answer you.
Just noticed that, mag.
room topic changed to JavaScript: Be sure to visit our Civil Rights museum in Fluffytown. [ecmascript] [horse-grooming] [javascript]
@Zirak 2nd January!!!
@FlorianMargaine I was sort of hoping it existed too
The three rules of the fort were:
No smoking
No farting
No pillow fighting.
thanks for the invitation @FlorianMargaine, but i am way too busy grooming horses
@Loktar ... jewish nigga? the 1:20 guy?
or did I hear that wrong?
someone tell me I heard that wrong ^
g.co/doodle/jjfsmg I see a nude demon with arms in the air and wide hips
Holy crap it's @Zirak!
I missed you @Zirak
@OctavianDamiean Hullo!
So, was the hurricane rough?
Yeah...and way too long. But a different type of weather is starting up in a couple of days.
I'll try to be on TS today
Oh, it's back
@Zirak if you can roughly estimate when so I can make sure I'm home.
erm, later-esque?
Yeah, let me know as well
@Zirak In military terms cadet!
Later-esque, sir!
Blowjobs again!?
What else.
This is funny.
Stack Overflow logo on weapons in Battlefield 4! http://imgur.com/a/8rJCZ
Q: Placeholder vanish after click on Reset button in IE8

Shreshtt BhattI have a form where an admin can add candidates. When I run my application in IE8, and click on reset button, it removes placeholder from all the fields. I am using placeholder.js to support placeholder property in IE8. Here is my reset function ... function resetCandidateData(){ $("#addCa...

Guess who has The Walking Dead season 1 and 2. :D
Series or TellTale game?
@OctavianDamiean Good man.
@OctavianDamiean @SomeGuy
@Zirak Eh, guess again.
@Zirak Whoa you're not even close.
@Zirak I'm flattered but no.
The first answer in the question you already linked to is a good start... stackoverflow.com/a/9713078/298479 Also, please don't use internet explorer during development except for testing if stuff works there, too. — ThiefMaster 19 hours ago
I never tried coding in IE but is it so insane to code in IE if all your users have IE ?
@Menotaurus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Oh, this day could be the highlight of my entire week.
I've got my book, I've got The Walking Dead and Zirak is back as well. :)
@JustinZHANG Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
is there any stackoverflow moderator in here?
Why would you need those?
No seriously, it's an honest question. SO is mostly community moderated, so if you actually need a moderator, you're probably in some real shit
i flagged this stackoverflow.com/questions/19855033/… , because the post, on the first snippet of code, if you scroll down.. and it was declined ..
i mean the moderator was blind or ..
The flag reason?
@GeoPhoenix You might be unclear.
offensive, hate speech ..
You mean the F word ?
What? Where?
The hate against goblins or hobbits and so on ?
I don't see anything offensive in there.
The "fuck you" string is part of his code, it's not an insult.
Hobbits aren't real. There's no problem in hate against hobbits. Really.

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