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don't let him know you own it
see what he says
So I can't be at fault here, can I?
yes you can
he could have sold you the car 'as is'
No, I didn't sign that part.
then it is tricky.
talk to someone at the MTO
and look for a safety cert
I was under the impression that the dealer needs to safety it.
@KendallFrey we are looking for people in NYC
home time
nono, not that I am aware.
@Neal What langauge(s)/platforms(s)?
he's fucking 18
I have no degree.
you are asking for a masters position
@rlemon hehe I know :-P
use your head Neal
he is a troll
@rlemon btw they accept people w/o masters with the proper other qualifications
@Neal I bet I don't have those either.
why would you bin me telling neal to use his head
@rlemon Not bin, move to the really funny jokes room ^^
1 message moved from Really Funny Jokes Room
Well if anyone knows of anyone
I only have a year and a half of "real" experience.
Why did the CSS family guy image get binned, out of curiousity?
anyways home time
@Retsam no updates so it was on the page for like an hour and a half
so I binned it because I was tired of looking at it
@Retsam it's in the really funny jokes room.
@rlemon And so were you.
@rlemon Ah, makes sense. I sent it to a coworker in our chat client and had the same experience.
So, yeah, I have the Safety cert.
Now it's my puzzle :P?
I wonder how they managed to break the highbeams between inspection and pickup?
@SomeKittens nice
I guess I need to do some more exploring on the checkbox to enable form field cross browser
If anyone in the KW area is looking to buy a car, I can give you a recommendation that will cost me $100. X(
@SomeKittens wth:P?
Now do it without arrays
I was going to split the number up using .1 and lop off the end
and then reassemble
but w/o arrays would be challenging (for me)
What's the pipe operator do? Logical OR?
bitwise OR
floor in this case
truncates n to a 32 bit integer
Yes, I or it with 0 which ints it
Also, %
Ah, well, no job for me.
Oh, wait, you're using join!
I can remove that if you want
ok leaving for a while
I'm just now paying attention. Puzzle?
Sorting digits of a number
38 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
We gave people the following interview question that roughly (with an odd description added to make sure they can make out the important part) translates to "sort a number's digits and place them back into a new number". Some people did that in 50 lines in C#
Current challenge to beat: do it without strings or arrays
That's stupid, but so I guess I have to do it
Is it possible to redirect to a page with content of your choosing? Something like window.location.replace('http://localhost/myUrl', '<html></html>'), and the content of that page is <html></html>?
"Help, my program function isn't working!" isn't even calling the function
Just wow
Q: Positioning CSS Class from jQuery Validation Plugin

7O07Y7I'm using a simple form with jQuery Validation Plugin https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.11.1/jquery.validate.js (http://jqueryvalidation.org/documentation/) When label .error class gets called it appears below the input field. How can i make this appear inline with the normal la...

@NathanJones No, but you can use document.write() after the page has loaded.
The sad thing is, it took me days to figure that out when I had the same issue a few weeks ago
No strings no arrays.
And the use of var arr = []; is?
@Retsam I get 104424112293095500
@Retsam I was close, not done yet jsfiddle.net/a89t7/1
@Lugia101101 Not actually used
@Lugia101101 please don't tell people to do this
document.write is usually a bad idea, and "redirecting" by overwriting the page with new content is even worse
There's a slightly un-borked, and removed the unused arr variable.
I based mine off @SomeKittens jsfiddle, which is where the arr came from
What do you call the little box usually found next to notifications displaying how many notifications you have it usually is a number with a red background?
notification counter?
no, bootstrap knows, ill ask him
stackoverflow's mod flag counter thing has the class "mod-flag-indicator"
@rlemon I like the idea of with
It's just horribly abused ^_^
Doesn't it slow down the language simply by existing?
@Neal there's a commandline switch to circumvent this
@ThiefMaster link?
@Lugia101101 True, but I'm trying to keep it JS-independent incase anything else ever needs to use this data (with PHP, for example).
@SomeKittens Dynamic context can be useful at some times. More places use with than you'd realize.
@NathanJones Set a div or something to one page, and another to the other page, then just toggle the display of either?
For example, the developer tools use it whenever you enter a command
True (like Knockout)
I should read the KO3 source code, wonder if it still uses it
@Lugia101101 It's fine, I found a passable solution.
Did it! Also, with a nice feature.
@Neal --enable-easy-off-store-extension-install and the article you linked even says "Developers and enterprise users, meanwhile, will retain the option to perform local extension installs. "
Adding an extra {} allows me to always print a comma for every sql result and not have to try to dynamically generate a comma after every element.
so it's probably a good idea... i'm sure some people would install an extension if told so by a porn site
still messy and terribly hacky, but passable I suppose...
Q: clear both with float right does not extend to the end

ShaggyInjunI have the following example where I am trying to create tabs, but for some reason the blue background does not extend to the end even with a clear: both;. It behaves the same whether I have float: right; or float: left;. Can somebody help me with this ?

My life is now complete.
Regarding with, why not something like this: jsfiddle.net/3TK3X ?
that last statement was about my own problem, not directed at anyone else.
@SomeKittens Extra this. every time, also no dynamic context.
@KendallFrey nice
Nope, KO still uses with
Q: jquery AJAX call the only last added li as slideIn animation to anyone browsing the website

Hasan AlacaI am trying to build a comment system for a news website, with a jQuery AJAX call to the ASP.NET server, this is HTML: <ul id="comments" runat="server"> </ul> and this is my jquery call $(document).ready(function () { $.ajax({ url: 'WebForm1.aspx', succe...

how is this unclear ?
@HasanAlaca how many times can we tell you you're not welcome here unless you're willing to make a real change and be constructive and polite? Read the room rules.
@KendallFrey Just setting the end to console.log(a.toString(b)) would allow for an easier edit for other numbers. :P
@HasanAlaca it's not unclear, it's a feature request - you were asking people to write code for you and that's not how SO works, people are just too damn polite to tell you that. Read the rules.
Benjamin: if I'm not welcome, then I would not come, however, then you should not put false tags to questions
people are SO DAMN stupid... https://www.facebook.com/llProFonixCodll/posts/740031806011161 (don't click the jsfiddle link except maybe in an incognito tab)...
@HasanAlaca So did my solution work?
200-fucking-thousand comments that were clearly posted using CSRF
@ThiefMaster Ah, good ol' clickjacking scams
@Lugia101101 Thought if it, didn't bother.
@ThiefMaster Yeah, I talked to someone who did that for Facebook in the distant past because he couldn't afford college. Said that sort of things works on much more people than you'd think.
@KendallFrey Can binary numbers be represented as 0b10101010?
@Lugia101101 Nope
lugia hi
If you want to discuss how this room works please feel free to message me there. Let's not spam this room any more.
I presume gallery mode is coming?
@JoeFrambach The code seems to break for either 0's or binary numbers.
A: clear both with float right does not extend to the end

SheaYou need to set the width to 100% of the ul (li container), if you want the blue background to span across the entire screen. ul { background: #006daa; clear: both; float: right; width: 100%; /* changed */ } http://jsbin.com/iVEwOxo/2

This jackass downvoted me, because he was wrong?
Let me give you so happiness. ;)
@Retsam LOL, fwiw I hate gallery mode.
Gallery mode?
Tomorrow we have a special guest everyone
Oooo, sexy.
(hint, it's zirak)
Lugia hi
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, I'm not really saying we should turn on gallery mode right now, I just wanted to make that.
Awesome! He is back for the weekend.
sorry. just had a conversation with Benjamin. did you edit the answer ? is it something new?
Huh? No.
so its not working ? :(
It should be.
@HasanAlaca you already excepted his answer?
One of you needs to change avatars
mike no
just realized it was 2 people
Pretty sure that green tick means you accepted.
I think it's a chat bug. There's no hash in the gravatar URL at all.
@mikedidthis took it back
I have no comment.
Are we feeding trolls again?
@copy congrats, you're in the current node weekly again. :)
Octavian. Y u no love me
@OctavianDamiean oh hai!
You ok?
@OctavianDamiean Very nice
I'm still a little sick, busy with work while being sick and a little down as well.
see.. No love ;(
but I still <3u
@OctavianDamiean sorry to hear that, hug?
@JoeFrambach Lol, it's called a "Badge"
Q: Some chat users have gravatars with no hash in the URL

ThiefMaster http://chat.stackoverflow.com/users/2925837/hasan-alaca http://chat.stackoverflow.com/users/2758236/lugia101101 Both have this gravatar URL: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=128&d=identicon&r=PG&f=1 I've already seen this behaviour a few days ago. Both users have proper gravatar identicons ...

@OctavianDamiean you need a pizza. want me to order you a pizza?
He's serious. I got my last pizza from rlemon.
@fastr.de Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@zambrey Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BadgerGirl Pics or didn't happen.
also @BadgerGirl pizzas are cheap in Mexico :P
same pizza would have been double here
@BenjaminGruenbaum So rlemon is up 7 points above you in the friendship scale. What are you going to do about it?
well it was a birthday present. just so you all know. I'm not just randomly buying BadgerGirl pizzas
copy would kill me
@rlemon orders a pizza and no canadian bacon
Im dissapointed
I asked for veggie
@BadgerGirl If you buy me pizza it'll land you 10 family points.
I asked her her fav toppings and she said veggie and then I got some more ideas from copy but the place I ordered from had none (of the suggestions copy gave) :(
@Loktar Some people eat kosher
@BenjaminGruenbaum So we'll be related?
If someone orders me a full size working car Ill give them $100 and 2 points
@BadgerGirl No, that'd be 10000 points
(Or 1000 pizzas)
thats right internet folks. if you catch me in the right pay week and it is your birthday.... you will land yourself a medium pizza on me. (but only my e-friends... not you other weirdos)
@Loktar how about a lemon? ;)
@Loktar Sent
@Shea I love lemon in my iced tea!
you cannibalistic mother f*cker ಠ_ಠ
thats my family!
@rlemon I'll keep that in mind.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That won't be necessary, I already planned the marriage of our children.
The lemon (family) tree
they are all fermenting
it is nice :)
Limoncello () is an Italian lemon liqueur mainly produced in Southern Italy, especially in the region around the Gulf of Naples, the Sorrentine Peninsula and the coast of Amalfi and islands of Procida, Ischia and Capri. It is also produced in Sicily, Sardinia, Menton in France, and the Maltese island of Gozo. Though there is debate about the exact origin of the drink, it is at least one hundred years old. Traditionally, it is made from the zest of Femminello St. Teresa lemons, also known as Sorrento lemons or Sfusato Lemons. Lemon zest, or peels without the pith, are steeped in grai...
it is delicious
you should all try it
They produce it here in California. :D
So I don't have to go all the way to Italy to try it
hey mike wanna make a wordpress theme for me? it is a horrible opportunity with no pay and it will do nothing for your portfolio so I don't think you should include it. but I will order you a small one topping pizza.
@rlemon How about I do it, but on my birthday? Does that mean I get a large?
you can't exchange sizes and opportunities. in that ordeal you would get a small one topping pizza as website payment (you have to think of my taxes here man! if I can't write that off I'll get slammed), and then you would get a medium on me.
the economy and all..
@rlemon its always business talk with you...
ok this is very NSFW (language).. but its funny as hell
lol wth
lol its so random
but cracks me up
The dog cracked me up
trying to think of examples where a client would mistake feature for bug: register form redirects when already logged in, is that a good one?
> This is pretty much what AOL chatrooms were like in the nineties.
I remember those, the Yahoo chats more specifically
good times
I too lol'd at that.
I still can't stop laughing at the bin one: imgur.com/gallery/lhItc
lol yea
hobos masturbating can be funny
That "can be" was for the benefit of the rest of us, huh?

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