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@dievardump i know but it just feels fucking irritating to me
And adapt ourselves.
tbh i dont understand why it messes up my wifi drivers and eats up so much battery either
when Ubuntu gives me almost 7 hours :P windows does 5
@AbhishekHingnikar you are easily irritated though, right ? :D
@mikedidthis no you can blame using a mac for 3 months :P
and Fedora for 1 year
Maybe that's because it shouldn't be on that laptop ?
@AbhishekHingnikar I can't use OS X. I find it awful. Its too fancy.
@dievardump dafuk ?
@mikedidthis OS X .. fancy ?
o_O are u in your senses ?
Mac is like a whole new language to me.
@AbhishekHingnikar yeah. Notification center, growl, alerts. Its distracting.
i found it rather minimal [ well all i used init was a dock and meh.... the terminal ]
Also no # on the keyboards, great idea :*
@mikedidthis ah that :P
I just hate OS X. It's just... not looking good. And the UX... no.
The only features I really like in OS X is expose and third party window management
I like OS X's resume :P
your pc reboots you get everything like it never shut down
oh and i also likes partial file saves
@AbhishekHingnikar what? I sleep my windows machine all the time, no issues.
Help me out for this
Q: Detect Swipe gesture from iframe

kumarI am loading local HTML file in IFrame using HTML/Javascript in windows store development(Windows 8). I am trying get Swipe event from Iframe. I tried with this sample & this. I fallowed the Mouse wheel scenario which contains one div element. For Iframe it doesn't work. My code: <body> <

oh and i also like automator
oh and i also like the unix like terminal
@mikedidthis i do it and it forgets my wifi devices completely
i have to restart :-(
@AbhishekHingnikar I bet you can fix that.
even ubuntu manages that properly
@mikedidthis tried it then gave up why the fuck would i want to fix something the product should be fail proof about ?
i'd fix that if i was using Arch Linux but this is windows supposed to be a fucking care free os turns out its piece of bloatware that never works as expected
@AbhishekHingnikar lul. Yeah I kinda get the point.
I never understood micrsoft for making 8
Hello Guys
they could off forced developers to follow metro style like Apple did for iOS 7
and developers would listen cause fuck you you want money bitch windows is the bause
but now ... :-( it feels just wrong to me :-(
@AbhishekHingnikar unification of the ux across multiple devices?
i would have loved responsive apps like what they showed in the demo's of metro
@mikedidthis yeah that was done horribly wrong Ubuntu OS beats it miles ahead
@Abhishek, can U suggest Me? I'm confused actually
@AbhishekHingnikar it will get better with time. Like iOS 7 :D
@mikedidthis iOS 7 is a mishap aswell :P
in terms of stability
sometimes lockscreen becomes complete irresponsive cause there is an overlay
@AbhishekHingnikar I mean this in the nicest way, but you would make an excellent troll :D
@mikedidthis no :-( i am not a troll
i just hate some unpolished features :-/
@AbhishekHingnikar didn't say you were. But if you ever want to move to the dark side...
if they are obvious ... they show a lack of testing
and when these big guys launch a product you expect them to be polished
i mean would u like a furniture sold by IKEA without proper sewing ?
@kumar So you can't use parent.postMessage()?
@mikedidthis i really liked android 4.4 kitkat though :-) , am confused if i should by iPhone 5s or Nexus 5
@kumar Or have you tried the first answer?
@AbhishekHingnikar Nexus 5 all day.
:-) not so quickly will be the decision made
i wish there exists a plan like the iPhone 5's with the nexus :-
in India i can get an iPhone 5s for $50 a month
which is pretty darn amazing as it comes with free voice calling , free text , free roaming , free 3g
I can use parent.postMessage(). I am looking in this.
But I dont want to use Webview which is mention in Ryan's answer
@kumar You can move all the event listeners to the iframe document. then use the methods outlined on davidwalsh.name/window-iframe to post a reply on the gesture?
@FlorianMargaine At least !
Regarding me, I dropped all templates : it made too much duplication of code and concerns
My template based application is now ajax based
The main problem was that you had to made specific go structures almost for each template
The view logic was leaking too much in the model...
ah yeah, that's why frameworks separate views out of the rest
Note: to make it work I had to remove the "if (httpRequest.status === 200)", the status was always zero. — Ramy Al Zuhouri 1 min ago
Does that sound normal ?
Did you see status of 0 ?
status 0 is when the request hasn't started or when it doesn't have an internet connection
@dwayne Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FlorianMargaine It's inside a
if (httpRequest.readyState === 4) {
honestly I wouldn't care about it
@mzohreh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Now that Google doesn't support IE9 anymore, I think I'll stop losing time when answering SO linking to shims for IE8. Here's the first one, I'll see if I get irate comments...
A: Value of json data using javascript

dystroyYou can use var tags = jsonData["items"][i].tags; var m = tags[tags.length-1]; or var m = jsonData["items"][i].tags[2]; If you want to know if "M" is among the tags, you may do var hasM = jsonData["items"][i].tags.indexOf("M")>=0;

Hey guys. Google Charts API is known to end. Anyone has a good alternative for GeoCharts?
WHY DID YOU NOT SAY THAT THIS WON'T WORK IN IE8?!!?!?!?!?? – phenomnomnominal 10 secs ago
@Lugia101101 when you click on the time of a comment, you get a direct link. You can then copy/paste it in chats and it will add username, time and a link by itself. :)
WHY DID YOU NOT SAY THAT THIS WON'T WORK IN IE8?!!?!?!?!?? – phenomnomnominal 2 mins ago
WHY DID YOU NOT SAY THAT THIS WON'T WORK IN IE8?!!?!?!?!?? — phenomnomnominal 3 mins ago
check! :)
When I click the time it just highlights the comment.
right click for the link.
Ive seen a few questions from YouTube that use an 'm' value and have a JSON response that contains it... I think if you want 'm' for a video you need different data from YouTube — JAL 12 mins ago
Just click the date. Then copy the link from the URL bar/field in your browser. Then paste here.
Maybe too less rep on the network?
That one didn't work for me either
@derylius Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I think we might have a troll hiding in this room
WHY DID YOU NOT SAY THAT THIS WON'T WORK IN IE8?!!?!?!?!?? — phenomnomnominal 14 mins ago
There is no function of any kind built into JS that converts a decimal into H:M:S is there?
@Lugia101101 there's a few different ways to interpret that.
Do you want to turn a decimal amount of minutes into h:m:s or a decimal amount of seconds, or hours?
or take the hour and minutes of a unix timestamp ?
Hours at the moment.
Either way there's no 'built-in' function, but shouldn't be that bad to write.
multiplication by 60 should do
@phenomnomnominal No, link?
@Lugia101101 what about flexbox?
@phenomnomnominal See the pinned link by Florian
@SomeGuy yeah, we pinged Paul to tell him we wanted it, and he then tweeted it
@Lugia101101 CSS3 flexbox lets you, among other things, vertically center an element within its parent.
How did I not know of this!
doesn't work in IE8, ofc
Flexbox is fairly new
Also mobile support is sketchy
Jan Dvorak have I seen you in typerracer.com? :)
or just same nick different person?
@JanDvorak Does it work consistently in other browsers ?
!!google caniuse flexbox
@JanDvorak That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
they did a big spec change, so there's a whole bunch of old browsers that support the old way. Makes it a pain.
@Dr.AzraelTod Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
FF&Chrome both support the newer version
unprefixed, even
find the vertical align by trial and error each time. the web designer's are labor anyway :P
Opera Mini doesn't, but who the hell uses Opera mini?
(response, from w3)
Wow, IE looks crap on that chart.
iOs <7 uses the old version
same with old android
what's their market share?
For a mobile site ~98%
Okay, well maybe less since ios 7
but you get my point
There's our mobile stats for the last year
Android 2 makes me weep.
And yet so fucking popular, at least in NZ. Cheap shitty 'smart' phones have it.
if I had Android 2 I would install Opera Mobile
If I had Android 2 my phone would be a pile of melted plastic mixed with molten metal.
Holy crap, people still use blackberry?
My parents do. XD
I thought it went extinct alongside the dinosaurs
@Neil Why not? If you mean the fruit
The Z10 is a very very nice phone
@JanDvorak Yes, I mean the fruit. ಠ_ಠ
and the browser was ahead of desktop chrome for html5 compliance when it came out
I joke, but our company still uses blackberries like they were sophisticated beepers
I avoid them like the plague
@phenomnomnominal ty
@Neil BlackBerry phones are really common in India as well.
They're going away, though
They're just dumb. They blew all this money on ads for the STUPIDEST features.
When the desperately need people to buy their phones.
I must say blackberry phones have a good design
at least the one I know
is it possible that a <a> tag always download the file which specified in href attribute?
Blackberry: Now our phone screens are in color. ;))))
thank you~~ :)))
I love empty double pings. Why do you think I am the one to answer?
im sorry
@paulcheung Sorry, I'll stop that.
@paulcheung Starting now.
sorry to all~~~ just a joke
we've a seriously interesting project at Creative Lab w/ a freelance #JS/#WebGL-wizard-shaped slot. get in touch: sheilalarkin at google com
@paulcheung We weren't hazing you, just joking around
@paulcheung I guess you're going to stop now :-)
ok, i will
Now, what was the question and for whom?
first of all, for everybody! :)
good answer :-)
the image type of file would be recognized and open in the current window instead dowload
though i guess it depends on the browser
yap, or .bmp/.jpg
@paulcheung this answer suggests you should do it through an HTTP header of the thing being downloaded
Q: Force file download in IIS7

Kevin BrydonUsing IIS7, is there a way to force a clients browser to download a file rather than attempt to display it in-browser? In my case I want to force browsers to download all MP4 video files.

what if my html is just a static web page?
no way to get that done?
Data URL with a binary mimetype? Just thinking aloud.
@lincb Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ok, perfact anwser~~
thank you all~
What's up with the tildes, by the way?
All his sentences are approximately English?
Approximation of approximation.
typing the "~" is my habit, haha
so what did i miss ?
@GNi33 flexbox + table on ie8 == win
Anybody have experience of making browser extensions for Chrome ?
@AbhishekHingnikar read a tutorial.
Hi all~~
@JanDvorak i have :P a few question
Just a bunch of pages and JS codez that you tie together by a config file
how are those pages injected if i make an app which has an icon next to unibar
I guess using "tilder" at the end of a sentence means you want to express your hapiness
@AbhishekHingnikar then the page that shows is independent on the tab.
Hi, please take a look if have time: stackoverflow.com/questions/19835089/…
i want to make something like
just using chrome instead of OS X
enjoy rendering that in HTML :-)
lol :-> you sure you wanna challenge me ?
You just did :-D
well, it should not be problem to make that with css and make it function with JS
@DušanRadojević R U sure?
i said like ... not the same x)
but i dunno if i can render it as a browser level independent tab
@AbhishekHingnikar why not?
cause if each one gets injected in its own tab [ i will have 8 streams playing for no reason :'( ]
@JanDvorak I am not apple guy so do not how it works to the fullest...
@JanDvorak idk how chrome treats it :P
Yeah you can, it's called "new window"
@AbhishekHingnikar if you want one instance per browser, make it browser-level
well time to deep dive doc's i guess :-)
ps i am going to support Internet Explorer aswell 8-)
I guess you do get an event when the tab changes, though
IE doesn't have extensions, does it?
BHO plugins, usually used by toolbars and similar crapware
but very primitive :P
@JanDvorak i ain't supporting IE as a plugin / toolbar meh i will just port this to microsoft windows 8 as an os level app
@AbhishekHingnikar should be easy
and IE 10 iirc allows something to fire an app from browser :D
@JanDvorak Its pure html :-)
i get my grades :D
anyways adios , i gotta write some sexy geolocation code :D
just swap out the plugin API for the metro API and you're done
or write the code in such a way that its agnostic to apis ?
writing a shim :-)
shim? Better, a tiny layer of redirection to your API
then ... -> chrome.js / firefox.js / metro.js export same functions and dynamically get injected detecting the environment
@JanDvorak ah my messy english , i meant abstraction
hardest is geolocation :-(
but sure should be interesting :D
browsers support geolocation natively
Lurking around SO.
Any language that introduces an exception handler with "O NOES" gets my vote! – Christian Hayter Sep 17 '09 at 19:24
you should be able to shim that in non-browser environment, too
no the accuracy of geolocation
for instance if there is NO GPS in device it falls down to wifi based geolocation or crap techs
you mean, getting the accuracy?
@AbhishekHingnikar what?
no i mean accurately finding position
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't think you can get better than the OS
!!afk lunch
@JanDvorak Can you pick up some milk on your way back?
@GNi33 fall down to display:table; and get as much as you can on ie 8
@JanDvorak actually for me it detects me 1200 kms away
@AbhishekHingnikar JanDvorak is afk: lunch
because of how networking is done
same pubic ip
pubic ip? eww
@AbhishekHingnikar wow that sounds like a lot of fun to debug
@ThiefMaster public*
@GNi33 its a reasonable solution for box-fles
@Neil What's up ? You never come Java And Android Era
@TheLittleNaruto When I join, there is nobody ever in there
@Neil Ahh! Okay. But Now I can see many.
@ThiefMaster Mouhahaha
Guys be honest , do i write horrible code ?
@AbhishekHingnikar you need some help with styling...
otherwise you're smart
:-) indeed i wish i could improve my styling, hopefully this one will have better styling

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