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If anyone is familiar with the Dropbox Datastore API could you please answer this questions: Can you have a user access a main datastore that another user owns?
Is it good practice to use CSRF on a script that returns if a username is taken or not on a registeration page?
Using data: to send the $_GET
Is it useful? Or not really?
Is anyone here a Node.JS jedi master?
Nope, can't say I've ever been in an awful movie about Node.JS...
@JanDvorak That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
haha seriously, I don't get why people love Star Wars so much...
It's like 2 movies stretched into 6 for no reason...
But I won't start that argument... haha
!! s/afwul/\"epic\"/g
@JanDvorak That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@rlemon substitution listeners don't seem to work. I have checked the spec.
@CapricaSix Thank you for refusing to lie.
2 hours later…
Can anybody verify my code ? jsfiddle.net/s9pcV/6 why its not working ?
I'm pretty sure JSHint can
@SomeKittens Okay. because my code looks okay but its not working strange :( let me check thanks
JSFiddle has a built-in JSHint button
@SomeKittens Ohh i can see but don't know and never use it.
@SomeKittens Thanks JSHint is super tool to validate JS code thanks :)
No problem
@chintankhetiya your code is being run in onLoad
so the function is declaired in a closure, and it isn't accessible to the HTML onclick
@whitehat101 yeah, I have check that after sometime , :)
Thanks :)
@whitehat101 Can you look at this once jsfiddle.net/s9pcV/51
In JSHint its says okay. but
quantity_text.disabled = true; edit_quntitiy = document.getElementById("edit_quntitiy").value = "Now, I am agree.";
Code calls IF but not doing both action 1. Disable 2. change Text . here that will only change text
Why does jsfiddle seem to be preferred over jsbin?
@m59 That is also terrific :) jsbin.com/udayeFA/1/edit
@m59 I guess Fiddle has the momentum. It's also a bit easier. CodePen is used to show off finished products.
@SomeKittens Totally bad thing. I have complete my code in Fiddle and its wroking but while i have just implement in my original code then getting issue. and its like TextBox is not editable Here is value from element tracing >><input id="edit_quntitiy" value="Change" type="submit" name="save" onclick="Edit_Return_Quantity()" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all" role="button" aria-disabled="false">
aria-disabled="false" but i am not able to enter new value
is there a way to open mulitple windows with window.open() without blocking in browser.
Why would you want to do that?
Q: How to select the text with different colors when we tap and hold in device?

LuckyI'm creating an web application using HTML5, Jquery. I'm trying to select the text when we tap and hold on device. By default it will be selected in blue color but I want to change that selection color into different colors by user's choice. Code for selecting the color: var canva...

i am making a site which compares the flight reservation cost on different site. It popup the result of flight from different site just like farecompare.com
@Burhan Your time would be better spent making an elegant way to display it all on one page.
Check out hipmunk.com
as I user, I would perfer that, too
@SomeKittens have u check out farecompare.com
anybody working in sencha here need help ?
@Burhan No, I have not. I use Hipmonk
@SomeKittens use farecompare for only search , u got idea of what i am talking about
@SomeKittens because you got idea of what type of popup i am talking about
I see no reason to help you to design a terrible UI that's nothing more than a ripoff of a poorly-done site.
Seriously, get some class.
<input id="StepfileInput:@i" type="file" data-val="true" data-val-required="please select a file" name="StepfileInput:@i" onchange="StepCheckFileExists(this.name);" />
<input id="StepUploadButton:@i" name="StepUploadButton:@i" class="btn" style="display: none" type="button" value="Start Upload" onclick="StepFileUploading(this.name);" />
function StepCheckFileExists(fileupvalue) {

    //var s = "StepfileInput:"+(fileupvalue.toString().split(":")[1]);
    var formdata = new FormData(); //FormData object
    var fileInput = document.getElementById(fileupvalue);
    var FileUploadButton = "StepUploadButton:"+fileupvalue.toString().split(":")[1];
    document.getElementById(FileUploadButton).style.visibility = true;}
But the hidden button doesn't visible while i am choosing the file to upload.
any idea?
@Burhan, @SomeKittens any idea?
Q: How to select the text with different colors when we tap and hold in device?

LuckyI'm creating an web application using HTML5, Jquery. I'm trying to select the text when we tap and hold on device. By default it will be selected in blue color but I want to change that selection color into different colors by user's choice. Code for selecting the color: var canva...

any help
@BenjaminGruenbaum You there?
@Lucky How about mentioning what the problem is?
Does anyone know how to do the dots on the images like this? colorbay.me
@Kippie My Problem is when selecting the text it is in default color only even after I choose another color.
No, that is your requirement.
You post a bunch of code, but don't actually specify what it does, nor do you say what does work or where it goes wrong
@Kippie i mentioned the for color choosing by user
its working also but that color is not applying when i'm selecting the text
Hi there, wonder if somebody can help me? I've purchased a slider for our website, however the slider previous and next buttons overlay the slider. The developer of the slider helped me with a snippet of code that doesn't work and I can't get in touch with him now!!! Annoyingly. It's the second slider on this page (not the Test one, the one with products in).
<script type="text/javascript">
var es = $(\'.everslider\').data(\'everslider\');
$("es-next").click(function(){ es.slideNext(); });
$("es-prev").click(function(){ es.slidePrevious(); });

<div class="popularprods_head">Popular Products</div>

<div class="es-navigation">
<a href class="es-prev">Previous</a></div>
<div class ="popularprods">

<div id="mycarousel" class="everslider">

<ul class="es-slides">


<div class="es-navigation">
That is the code I'm using, the links don't do what I think they should be doing
do you have live demo
yeah, the slider is halfway down this page lolbot100.ukelectricalsupplies.co.uk - apologies the link got lost in all my blurb above!
Any joy?
@Daffy First of all, that's a horrible slider. Now to the possible solution.
Increase the height of the list items until satisfied.
Does anyone knows how facebook protect against server request for json hijacking ?
@OctavianDamiean the slider is still in a very raw form - want to get it working before prettying it up. My main concern atm is that I can't get those buttons to do the slide action
Which buttons?
Oh the next and previous buttons?
Yeah :)
I was helped to an extent and then abandoned as I was clearly getting on the creator's nerves
I'm sure that horrible slider thing must provide some next and previous functions you can call.
Yeah it does, but it does so horribly
Overlay only
So i have no padding options
I don't quite understand what you mean.
Hii I m using phoneGap SqLite for managing offline database. I am easily creating db and performing insert select queries............ Now problem is that JavaScript works on single thread and In phoneGap db works asynchronously... due to this It doesn't wait to retrieve all data and before that it returns
So what the developer suggested was create links outside the slider and get them to perform the same function as the internal ones.
They overlay on the slider, so cannot get them to do anything but sit over the images, I need them left and right of the slider so I can arrange OUTSIDE the slider
@BenjaminGruenbaum \o nice photo on facebook !
Is there any method to make database synchronous
@Daffy Well, I got that, I just don't get the problem.
The problem is that the previous and next buttons aren't working outside the slider and I'm no good at JS and wanted to know what's going on with my code
by on I mean wrong!
Hello! I am giving a reward 50 bounty for this question.
If anyone can help me, I will be thankfull.
@AkshaySharma I assume there isn't and JS being single threaded has nothing to do with it usage form. That means just because it is single threaded it doesn't mean you can use it asynchronously.
@focus saw that it was AjaxControlToolkit related and immediately gave up :)
@Daffy Alright, then you need to show us that part of the code.
@Kippie Why?
<script type="text/javascript">
var es = $(\'.everslider\').data(\'everslider\');
$("es-next").click(function(){ es.slideNext(); });
$("es-prev").click(function(){ es.slidePrevious(); });

<div class="popularprods_head">Popular Products</div>

<div class="es-navigation">
<a href class="es-prev">Previous</a></div>
<div class ="popularprods">

<div id="mycarousel" class="everslider">

<ul class="es-slides">


<div class="es-navigation">
@Daffy the selectors are wrong.
Note the dot. You want to select an element by its class name.
Also, I have no idea why you have backslashes there.
I'm having trouble with AngularJs data binding :

I have two buttons like

<button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" ng-click='validAuthorBtn(1)' ng-disabled="!sortValid">Validated authors</button>
<button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" ng-click='validAuthorBtn(2)' ng-disabled="sortValid">Non-published authors</button>

Each send a value to the filter like

<ul class="list-inline list-unstyled">
<li class="repeat-item" ng-repeat="author in authors.items | filter:{validAuthor:!sortValid} ">
<a href="#/user/{{author.id}}" class="label label-info">{{author.username}}</a>
@OctavianDamiean Ah, that's because it's in PHP and I'm escaping them. I've played around with the selectors too, no idea why I didn't reinstate them. Just added them back - still no joy. Just not working for me.
@OctavianDamiean e.g. I m using this function to provide the data from db in array...... function getOptypearr()
var arr=[];

qselect ="SELECT * FROM "+TABLE_OP_TYPE; ;

db.transaction(function(trans) {
trans.executeSql(qselect, [],
function(transaction, result) {

if (result != null && result.rows != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.rows.length; i++) {
var row = result.rows.item(i);

person=new Object();

@Daffy The escape thing is certainly wrong. Get rid of it.
now tell me what's the problem in this
@AkshaySharma Of course, you need to learn how JS works.
Q: How can i insert the fadeIn() effect in my background-image switch

Dave-88on my testsite http://www.behringer-mauch.de/Tischler_Hehmann/index.php i have a background-image switcher for my wrapper container. The code is in basic.js and i will to insert the fadeIn() jQuery Animate in my Code. But i don't know where I have to put it. here my Code: var images = ['layout/...

hey friends
Done. Nothing...
someone have idea how can i validate my pin input without submit button
ok, what the hell is going on today?
@OctavianDamiean, it's question-funtime-day!
I should probably make Monday my no-SO-chat day.
Reckon I'll be better off asking tomorrow then? ;)
no. That would turn "no-chat mondays" into "the september that never ended"
@Daffy so when you click one of the buttons you'll get this.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'slidePrevious' of undefined
That means the the element was at least selected and the click handler attached.
OK, I missed that one then. So it will be something to do with the fact it can't get to the JS file? Or am I off the mark there?
!!tell daffy google how to use the developer console
I know how to use dev console thanks, I'm just useless at JS!
No it means that es is undefined at that point.
So something is up with this line... var es = $(".everslider").data("everslider");
I don't really see how that selector would have those methods in the first place.
You need a reference to the object that has those methods.
Gah, I need to go do some shopping and then I have to do some stuff, and I hate doing stuff.
Well I hate doing this stuff, I do appreciate your help this morning though
@OctavianDamiean We all hate doing stuff :(
@mikedidthis oh no, you frequent here and can see me being a JS n00b now too. The shame, the indignity...
@mikedidthis Recent studies revealed that 10 out of 10 times, Octavian prefers not to do stuff.
@Daffy I am a n00b in both rooms, so don't worry about it.
@OctavianDamiean I also believe an Octavian purrs if his chin is stroked, much like a cat.
Pretty much.
I'm very much like a cat, except that I don't meow.
I like doing nothing, lots of sleep and getting fed.
I can't argue with that.
Thinking about it, I wish I could be a little kid again.
Sod it, I'm just going to ask seeing as I've already made it clear I'm an idiot. "You need a reference to the object that has those methods." a. WTF. b. how. c. cheers. d. buy some nice things when shopping
@Daffy code?
If someone would have told me that being a grown up sucks, I would have instantly stopped growing up.
@OctavianDamiean I tell my girls this everyday. As a kid all you want to do is grow up. As a grown up all you want to do is be a kid again.
var es = $(".es-navigation").data("everslider");
$(".es-next").click(function(){ es.slideNext(); });
$(".es-prev").click(function(){ es.slidePrevious(); });

<div class="popularprods_head">Popular Products</div>

<div class="es-navigation">
<a href class="es-prev">Previous</a></div>
<div class ="popularprods">

<div id="mycarousel" class="everslider">

<ul class="es-slides">

<div class="es-navigation">
<a href class="es-next">Next</a>
I presume your using a premade script here?
es.slideNext() is calling an object named es and it must have a method (function) called slideNext()
yeah, that's right
In the premade script self is used instead of es
someone have idea.
Q: validate with keypress enter

Dave-88i have a problem. I will validation my Testsite. So i have 4 input field to which i want to check. My check work but i write all 4 inputs i get a alert error that is not what i want, because i need the fomr action link. Here my Code: var pin1 = jQuery('#pin1').val(); var pin2 = jQuery('#p...

exactly that one!!!
If it is a massive job @mikedidthis don't worry because we can sort out the position elsewhere, i just wanted to do it this way thinking it'd be easier than this
@Daffy I dunno what your trying to do?
Anyone who can help me ....
I am facing problem that i have asked stackoverflow.com/questions/19465877/…
Sorry, I am trying to have external nav buttons. So i can have them either side of the slider, the nav buttons as part of the slider only overlay and don't allow for padding etc either side. So in this case I'm calling the buttons outside of the slider (lolbot100.ukelectricalsupplies.co.uk)
Does anyone know how to define a base URL in angularJS ressources ?
@Daffy right, now I am following. I would try this first: $('.es-navigation').trigger("everslider", "slideNext");
Ok, have tried that. Still no dice
Hmm I can't really do more without the page
It's in the brackets above. Or do you mean the actual code?
@Daffy works fine?
Apols, the second slider down the page!
That one is fine, the one I didn't install!!!
So, shopping has been postponed.
@OctavianDamiean what did you have to buy?
But fear not, another activity that'll take my time has been designated.
    $(".es-navigation").trigger("everslider", "slideNext");
no! darn - I replaced all previous code with that right?
I dunno, I just know at the moment your anchor is following the URL not the javascript
yup! That'll be the pain in the arse
I think the best route here would be to get out of dodge, not to re-invent the wheel and simply find some better placement for the slider buttons.
Would rather not give up but i fear I don't know enough to rectify properly
For the next project I would propose you look for libraries on this site. microjs.com
No need for ugly pay sliders.
Well I'm willing to kick that slider into touch, it was only £5 or something. I will have a look at those guys. Cheers for all your help guys, appreciate its frustrating - also is at this end!@
I find that my boss telling me to fix a problem with a framework we didn't build is a bit like being given a hammer and being told that there is a mouse in the stadium and to go in and kill it. An obfuscated framework is the same, except that you're also blindfolded.
!!Is it bad to set a var to null?
@cↄ That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!/Are you that case-sensitive?
@cↄ That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!tell cↄ Damnit, I'm a bot, Jim, not a rocket scientist!
@Neil Command damnit, does not exist.
@CapricaSix Aha
She's not just a bot
You think he'll like this email? gist.github.com/mainerror/7082023
@SomeKittens ^
I know you could enjoy it.
Basically, to all Star Wars fans. ^
You get a shiney star.
Guys, I'm working on a site which has been hacked/injected with bad PHP. I'm getting JS errors in chrome's console for a file which isn't on the server...is this possible..?
If JS was really injected somehow, it could be possible.
but that must have been stored by now, like on the server.
@Dan are you sure it is not just a browser extension?
I almost forgot how easy capping is when you answer stuff.
@Dan I have no idea what that means without more context.
@OctavianDamiean No, not sure. I've pulled down every file on the server to search for the PHP code (it's something like 400mb of files) and found only a couple that I missed so it should be gone now. When I search for the file, currentLink.js, I find 0 matches across the entire site.
This is in the console:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can you add one close-vote here ?
Q: How to write json String in java?

user2893081How to write Json String in java please check my code below private final static String JSON_DATA = "{" + " \"geodata\": [" + " {" + " \"id\": \"1\"," + " \"name\": \"Julie Sherman\"," + " \"gender\" : \"female\"," + " \"latitude\" : \"37.3...

There is 4200 empty lines and then then <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C/
The empty lines seem very suspicious?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks, that's cleaner, there was no need for a link-only answer accept, especially when the answer is
Use the gson library.

I known someone has already said that in a comment, but they obviously don't want the rep, so give it to me :)
@Dan uhm, if it is really just whitespace, then it is nothing harmful.
So you've found the file?
@OctavianDamiean Well, the PHP code that was running was leaving lots of white space too, which was leaving large amounts of white space in the code.
The dev tools should tell you where that file came from.
@OctavianDamiean they do, and I've followed the path. It's not on the server.
@dystroy Haha, he just got an upvote
It is really tough to help you.
@OctavianDamiean Ok, I have no idea how vague this is - sorry. This is proving to be a pain in the arse!
Link only answer, better off as a comment. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 3 secs ago
I'm at a loss, Chrome finds the file, but I take it's address and paste in the browser, I get a 404.
Hi All
i have a doubt
regarding spliting in js
@Dan then the file doesn't exist. If that was an attack it was a really lame attack. ;)
@Dan Of course, it uses fakepath so websites can't read actual paths in your computer. That's a security measure.
@OctavianDamiean Is there any way I can tell if this is a threat?
@Navi don't split up with JS, I've talked to him and he said he's sorry.
@Navi Oh you poor thing. I hope that doubt goes away.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't know anything about this : \
am not a js guy
am from iOS
@Dan Well now you do.
@Navi Why do you write
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm reading on it now.
three messages
every time?
it is
more readable
It's Also More Readable If You Capitalize Every First Letter
Totally More Readable And Also Very Correct!
Man I'm bored. IT department somehow screwed up the AD, and now I can't even log in to my machine anymore
Good for you!
It's not :(
You can be in chat with us and not feel bad about it.
Answer a few SO questions to get rid of your boredom
Q: How can i pass an NSArray to Java script file and print that array in js?

NaviHi am looking for send one NSArray from viewcontroller.m file to data.js file but its not printing anything in js . following are my code in my viewdidload method - (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView*)theWebView { // Black base color for background matches the native apps CDV=[[...

Good idea, replace your boredom with sadness and depression.
@Navi short answer, convert it to JSON, somehow magically pass it there and display it.
am doing it now ,but in js file am not able to split that thing
YAY Trusty Tahr development has begun!
Context: Trusty Tahr is Ubuntu 14.04 and also a Tahr is some sort of goat, which makes this release be totally epic.
A trusty goat is on my computer!
!!tell Navi mdn array.split
ok thansk
thanks for your answer @CapricaSix
Wait what?
Q: Asked to make a 2d platformer

FendorioI've been tasked with creating a simple 2D platformer top be put on a webpage. The game is pretty much a simple Super Mario type game. I've been playing around with C# and C++ now for a couple years, so I'm aware that Unity offers a route to making a web game but for such a simplistic project i'...

Never mind, I'm in another language ...
@Navi Uhm, you don't split the array, it is split already.
What do you want to do with that array?
Display each element in its own I assume? If so, then just iterate over the array and do your magic, like with any other array.
actually i want to assign those 4 element in my array to 4 varibles in another js file
Oh god. Sounds horrible.
You know the sound of a parachuting goat?

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