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I don't know how anything ever got done before StackOverflow.
There was a time before StackOverflow?
gitready.com is just pure awesomeness.
@Esailija They're talking about promises in es-discuss. This is a great opportunity for you to push Bluebird to people like Brendan Eich
Ah damn.
2 mins ago, by Octavian Damiean
That was meant for you.
@mikedidthis thats like a time before time !
So, I just taught a lesson on jQuery
how do you feel now ?
They gave me ~50 slides of material. I was trying to get through them all in 3 hrs, turns out there was a miscommunication and they wanted to get through them all in two days.
I look terrible in a bikini
Out of interest, when magikarp uses splash, does anything EVER happen?
@deep Yes. If you use splash 1000 times in a row the next encounter is Mew Two, but only in Yellow.
Im playing Emerald
Then no, it doesn't do anything. You can still try.
Im on Lvl 15 w/ Magikarp
Any good alternatives to Spotify?
@Ale110 but it depends what you want. I think rdio.com is the only real alternative to spotify.
@Ale110 Honestly I get more milelage out of YouTube than any particular music tool
I do grooveshark
Groovesharks broadcast feature is nice.
Well, I need a thing that lets me organise my music without ...err
@Loktar how do you beat yourself?
Okay, just a streaming+discovery service
4 mins ago, by SomeKittens
pianobar if you're on Mac
Go punch yourself in the face if you're on Windows
I'm on Fedora
Pandora is just a radio afaik
@SomeKittens I just want to listen to music on a Windows, fmr?
@Shmiddty imnot that far apparently
@mikedidthis How much is Rdio?
And is there any kind of trial plan?
@Ale110 £4.99 / £9.99
@Ale110 I think its 30 days free iirc.
@Shmiddty potions, I think
@Shmiddty There is a way to beat yourself if you've completed the frog quest
@SomeKittens I've tried them all
I did the frog quest
I'm not much help, I cheated through the whole game
Oh. Yeah, I'm playing legit
ya ya grooveshark
good times
Q: How do you defeat yourself or: How do I defeat myself?

galacticninjaI recently got a quest to fight "myself", an opponent with the exact same HP and sword as I: What are effective ways to defeat one's self? Also, I realized that if you have too much HP (by eating too much candy), this will make the quest take too long to finish. Aside from not eating to...

> Honestly I get more milelage out of YouTube than any particular music tool
Suddenly I'm now listening to yt
there has only ever been one song I couldn't find on grooveshark
and grooveshark has much better playlist support than yt
but, I assume most music players do.
I'm past yourself, but I'm not sure how you're supposed to do it legit
yt is just "fuck it, we have everything"
There's some good stuff on YouTube. Besides for the fact that you can find pretty much anything you want to listen to, there are some good remixes.
ok so there is more to that game.. I ate like 40 candies and then closed the browser when the option to throw ten on the floor appeared
Like this one that I've probably listened to 20 times in the past few weeks:
"how stupid is this.." X
ok i've eaten 100 candies and thrown 40 on the ground. What next?
@KendallFrey lol, love it
I could deal with that kind of life
this game is stupid
ohh, candy merchant.
@rlemon Which?
I feel like I should just wait for lots of candies.
because now I can buy a lolli and a wooden sword.
this game is stupid
!!did the Caprica's hoster forked you at version - 32?
@cↄ That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: die
*current hoster
That was the best response I've seen from Caprica all day
!!help die
@Ale110 die: Kills me :(
Just tried grooveshark
Some tracks are in sooo poor quality Reload helped, o_O
It's free streaming media. What do you expect?
also it is user submitted.
I would argue the amount of crap quality on YT > grooveshark
at least it doesn't sound like someone is holding a fucking yakbak next to the radio
> So Harlem is a place?
Really, people? (Grooveshark people)
The candy game reminds me of this one, which was pretty fun. A Dark Room
Cookie Clicker FTW
@rlemon candies.nbrOwned = candies.nbrTotal = 99999999999999
@Shea cheater!
@Ale110 Game.RuinTheFun()
posted on October 21, 2013 by Victor Rodriguez

A Mindblowing Spaceship Chart Every Sci-Fi Fan Needs to See Apple WWDC 2013 Keynote - Anki Drive (cars) A First-Person Account of Debugging a Live Saturn V Rocket

@Retsam This is fun :-)
Have you guys run in to this Mixed Content Blocking thing?
"Haskell's difficult is getting it to compile, Clojure's is getting it to work"
anyone here use icomoon?
Q: Writing an interpreter for ANTLR grammar

Ale110I've made a grammar for APL subset. grammar APL; program: (statement NEWLINE)*; statement: thing; assignment: variable LARR thing; thing: simpleThing | complexThing; escapedThing: simpleThing | '(' complexThing ')'; simpleThing: variable # ThingVariable | num...

I know this is bad
@Ale110 I remember ANTRLWorks being a glitchy but occassionally workable tool for generating ANTLR grammar interpreters.
hey guys i have this scenario i am animating markers on a map (google maps). I would like when each marker stops animating that they bounce and keep bouncing while other markers are continuing animating. Is that possible and how can i achieve it?
jo bitches :)
Can you help us get rid of chris from our room. ktnxbye
@SomeKittens awesome!
@SomeKittens nice
@SomeKittens This person has 1.5k rep. It makes me think there should be a way to view rep by category/tag of the post it was earned.
Q: Average SPA weight

Emmanuel IstaceFirst, sorry my noobs questions, but I'm mainly Windows Developer and not Web Developer :) I'm developing a single page application with a lot of css & javascript. For now the page is 1.3Mo composed by 5 section. Here are the rounded stats : Document : 10kb Style : 60kb Images : 450 kb (alread...

@KendallFrey I knew it was a good idea ;P
Q: Google Maps keeping marker animated

dev_darinI have this scenario I am animating markers on a map (Google maps). When each marker stops animating/moving they should bounce and keep on bouncing while other markers are continuing animating/move on the map. At the end when all markers have stopped animating/moving they should all be bouncing....

easy, but I felt like doing it
can audio API equalize on the fly?
look at the code
I'm not doing much
if you open your console and type skip=1
that is the channels in the audio buffer skipped during rendering
1 == 0
but w/e
what is the only thing to go
beyond the limits of our
universe ?
our imaginations
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hippies?
anyone familiar with html5 data attribute issues on ie8? ill have some code in a minute if i cant figure this out
@BenjaminGruenbaum Irony.
Caprica needs an autoresponse to messages starting with "anyone know/familiar with/etc"
@Joe they seem to work fine
@BenjaminGruenbaum answer
i looked at the code
@SomeKittens @Kendall looks great!
ask him, he has a picture
@SomeKittens No, they only went Across the Universe.
@SomeKittens write an RFC
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hi
@rlemon Thanks again for making me look manly
it's how I see you in my dreams
It's how I see you seeing me in your dreams in my dreams.
Can you translate something (short) from Hebrew to English for me? As I don't really understand the question in Hebrew, as it's not my main language.
sweet sweet upvotes
@KendallFrey I did, does it make sense?: Develop and implement the input aloritm is a series of whole numbers, and the number of repeats most often braid all the numbers together. Implement solution of set operations
"brain all the numbers together"
Not much sense :P
I keep getting Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined on a plug-in I'm using and I'm just copying the same as the demo
The funny thing is, all of the translators are giving the exact same output (in this case)
Maybe it doesn't make sense in Hebrew either XD
@BenjaminGruenbaum You can help him I bet.
It's a bit more difficult to cheat in A Firelit Room
@JonyKale Sure.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thank you ; פתח ויישם אלוריתם שהקלט שלו הוא סדרת מספרים שלמים, והפלת שלו הוא הספרה שחזרה על הצמה הכי הרבה פעמים בכל המספרים יחד. יישם את פתרון תוך הגדרת פעולות
פלט* עצמה*
Also, the English version also had typos
I don't get what you're asking.
One second
complete mistake, lemonmeme.com/demos/audio_visual but that looks cool
now to try to make something like that and mean to do it
The URL says audio visual, but there is no audio and no visual...
@KendallFrey get faster interwebz
or wait for the 7mb audio to load
ohh and use webkit
it's a rlemon demo, will only ever work on webkit
Is that 7MB or 7mb?
"dun fucked up"
what browser?
Opera 15
works fine for me
opera sucks
go get a real browser
no, you fucked up
you used a shyte browser
No, you wrote shyte code
How new is decodeAudioData for Chrome?
Not too long ago, only FF had it, and you needed flash to do it for Chrome
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well it's a c# problem, and I can't really understand the question, and the google translated version just makes no sense.
Is it compatible with webkit or Chrome?
תרגיל 49: הספרה השכיחה
פתח ויישם אלגוריתם שהקלט שלו הוא סדרת מספרים שלמים, והפלט שלו הוא הספרה שחזרה על עצמה הכי הרבה פעמים בכל המספרים יחד. יישם את הפתרון תוך הגדרת פעולות.
@JonyKale You want that in English?
why am I still getting Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
@KendallFrey should be compat with webkit
@rlemon STO looks quite amazing so far
prefixed ofc.
why am I still getting Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined on http://benlevywebdesign.com/simmzys/index.php
@rlemon It's working find in chrome, except about 1/4 of the last bars never move
Actually, refreshed, and 1/4 just don't show up
@Shea yea because nothing ever happens on those channels.
@JonyKale Ex. 49 - the mode digit. Develop and implement an algorithm whose input is a sequence of integers and whose output is the digit in those numbers that appeared most often in all numbers combined.
and @KendallFrey decodeAudioData is what is failing on you
@JonyKale About 4 lines of JavaScript.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks, and I must do it in C sharp, I just needed a proper translation.
@JonyKale About 4 lines of C# :) I can do this in a single LINQ query.
@benlevywebdesign because $ is not defined
hur hur hur
yeah but why? Its seems to work in the demo and I code it the same as the demo
Why are things generally not defined?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes i know, but im not sure if I am allowed to, I joined that computer science class like 2 days ago, im not sure if they did learn LINQ
look at the order you load your scripts in
@benlevywebdesign don't make me faceppalm you
@benlevywebdesign It's gone all razketur
<script> uses jQuery </script>
<script src="jQuery.js"></script>
anything strike you as odd there?
where do you see that
You have a script at the bottom of your content div
in your source code
that is run before jQuery loads.
@BenjaminGruenbaum So basically, they want me to insert an array of ints into the console & then output what number was repeated the most in that array?
@JonyKale what digit, not just number.
now back to the impending :facepalm:
let me know when it has been achieved.
l8tr g8trs
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh I see, thanks a lot.
@JonyKale How do you do this?
scripts can go at the bottom in the footer no?
@benlevywebdesign Yeah
Read how documents are parsed
Weather it's actually better is another thing
@benlevywebdesign Regardless; <script>/*this is still initiated*/</script><script>/*before this*/</script>
@Zirak Is Ctrl/Cmd-Q as the hotkey for "skip level" in your JS Under Pressure clone intentional trolling?
I'm not sure about Windows, but at least in Mac, Cmd-Q is hotkey for closing the current program.
@benlevywebdesign You wouldn't do this <script>alert(someVarIHaventSetYet); someVarIHaventSetYet = 'not gonnaa work';</script> would you?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Not sure
This is pretty ugly and slow, but on top of my head:
  var testInput = new[] {132113, 32115413, 12311213, 31124154, 11111111, 3213111, 981191819181, 38731111};
  var res = testInput.SelectMany(x => (x + "")).Select(x=>x-'0').GroupBy(x=>x).OrderByDescending(x=>x.Count()).First().First();
Where test input is a sequence of integers
hi noble people :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thank you, Ill try to understand that
Just use for loops if you don't know how LINQ works, it's easier to grasp when you're new.
have one http page and iframe that loads content from https page. After recent browser updates content from https page is considered insecure. I can imagine why. Since I did not found the solution to go around that block and I can not implement https on both pages I need a way to detect this block with javascript. Is that possible?
I'm a lost cause...
@DušanRadojević How exactly does that work? Is it possible to make both use the same protocol, or use protocol-independent refs? (i.e. //www.blah.com)
@Retsam rrrrg... I am hooked on this stupid game...
@SomeKittens I can not technically implement https on both side, dunno about protocol independent refs never heard of it. Maybe there is a way to detect insecure content block with some event listener so that I can do something in that case?
@Neal Whoops; my bad.
@Retsam :-P
@DušanRadojević I'm not able to replicate that with img. Could you create a sample case?
I give up
@SomeKittens well I am sorry to say that I even do not have a code and trying to help a friend. He have some kind of facebook app. Some part is loaded via iframe that has src on https... So now users are prompted to allow insecure content yet they decline it and get blank page. I myself am not very into fb apps but am trying to find solution. One of things maybe can be to detect if browser is blocking and do something alternate.
Facebook's HTTPS by default (I'm pretty sure you can't turn it off)
@DušanRadojević Can't your friend just run its app over ssl/tls?
yay three pings for you :P
I guessed right lol docs.google.com/forms/d/…
yes approach is not right
he needs to solve it from the ground
also that iframe is loaded from another domain :D
@Shea Me too, which is a sign of the apocalypse
@SomeKittens The apocalypse is self explanatory, like that questions ;p
1 message moved to Trash can
5 messages moved to Trash can
StackOverflow provides plenty of answers to your questions in the FAQ.
@SomeKittens i am sure you haven't read the code but youre really quick to make sarcastic comments
@SomeKittens while you here enjoying ole talk
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
!!mute dev_darin 24h
@SomeKittens That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Come back when you learn to not be such a vamp.
@SomeKittens I beautified my resume @FlorianMargaine style (not to be confused with Gangnam Style) and submitted it with a heartfelt cover letter.
Soooooooo nervous.
ha, relax
If I want to explode with the fury of a thousand suns, I will do so.
Well...then I guess I'll relax. What's left after that?
@SomeKittens the only thing I really need at this point is direction on how I should get started with Selenium. I've studied up on it, but the setup wasn't mentioned.
I think I need PHPUnit for php testing
and I get the idea of how to use it
PHPUnit's not bad
it was my first intro to unit testing
here's where I am...
I have windows 7 and xampp
the end
Now get an obscure Linux distro (say, Arch) so you can have neckbearded 1337ness
This is hard for me because I'm going to try to understand everything about servers that anyone could possibly know before I get anything done
Ohhh, for the obscurity of it
If I'm going to be testing, should I definitely move to Linux before even getting started? @SomeKittens
win is for idiots and lazy guys like me
and idiots that need photo shop like me
damn windows
is it possible to go around this block: blog.mozilla.org/tanvi/2013/04/10/…
I'm sure I'll expose my noobness here, but my understanding is that a Linux OS kind of IS a server already? like, no need for xampp since Linux has a localhost already
you are a nood :D
yet it does not matter
all windows only users are noobs
I'm shutting down until I'm fixed.
@DušanRadojević I definitely plan on using Linux for my dev work if I get this job.
I am not here from the start of this conversation but as I can see you are in wrong chat :)
linux is easy if you have used DOS in good old days
I'm just wondering if I can get some practice doing unit tests with Selenium while still on Linux
@DušanRadojević I hang out here a lot for js reasons. People usually don't mind off-topic-ness. There's not a Linux room, after all.
yea there is
still NOT on Linux, I meant

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