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@whitehat101 any solutions to the issue i was asking you about?
I looked at it, but I don't know enough about the framework to figure it out
@whitehat101 thanks
Q: What changes does McAfee make to the registry?

AUTOI'm wondering if anyone knows exactly what McAfee does to the registry. I've got a computer on which JavaScript no longer works. I read online that McAfee replaces the script interpreter dll path in the registry to point to its own dll, which filters, and in turn calls the official "jscript.dll"....

4 hours later…
Goal of the day - write and record a techno song about diabetes - CHECK.
@Zirak I ended up using Reason
My sugar level is LOOOW
@OctavianDamiean it doesnt
as per the docs
my trackpad should be supported on 12.10 LTS
Quote : So i told someone about Draft 4 or HTTP 2.0 and he was like My grand kids will use it , not us
poor him, he hasn't noticed he can enable HTTP 2.0 support in chrome already :'(
I thought HTTP 2.0 was already enabled by default?
I mean, what's the latest browser that doesn't support HTTP 2.0?
hey guys, i'm having a problem with node.js and JSON objects.. i've got a picture which summarises it: i.imgur.com/mot19Wh.png
was wondering if anyone could point me to the (likely obvious) flaw with my code
the JSON object can be accessed fine if i copy it to google chrome, but if i run it in a function (in node.js) it says 'undefined'
@BenHarris try [] notation
figured it out :/
was handing 'sentiment.body' to constructTweelHTML, trying to narrow down the object to just the stuff i needed
sending sentiment.body turned it from an object to a string
3 hours later…
urgh it's so early ...
Yeah, noon is early.
Shut up, you don't know nothin! :D
What's up?
RFC: Add learnEval to Caprica. #104
@OctavianDamiean fuck
why can't we have a !createCommand using commands ?
@AbhishekHingnikar what?
!!createDynamicCommand "fuck you" "tell $$1 fuck you"
Why would that be useful?
to create complex commands :-|
learn eval just becomes
To achieve what?
!!createDynamicCommand learnEval "eval $1"
I said it before, and I'll say it again. You're weird Abhishek.
Uh oh.
@OctavianDamiean I can't belive you don't understand its usability
Boat ded.
@AbhishekHingnikar So far you haven't presented any useful example.
What you suggested as #104 would just become executing one command
is that not useful ?
Oct 16 at 13:29, by rlemon
Attention Room: I'm now hosting Caprica, if you find issues with her (I.e she isn't working) ping me instead of Zirak and I'll sort her out.
@Ale110 Thanks I know.
you can make the bot learn so many many different commands like that
And he seems to be offline
@Ale110 he's in Canada, it's quite early for them.
!!give grape a lick
Is there a question?
@OctavianDamiean i just realized btw mac's most guestures are useless waste of time
if you are very used too of a keyboard, ps do you use an apple trackpad ? by chance ?
I own one but I barely use it.
Nope, I've just tried to host it via bookmarklet.js
Mostly just for testing purposes.
@SomeGuy !!install borderlands 2 and force yourself to like it or don't do it
I don't know, man
I didn't like it much either
413 lines of C
Hi guys ! Can anyone here help me with an angularjs issue ?
@PrettyGoodPancake Depends on the issue
@IvoWetzel well, I'm new to angularjs, so it's a simple one :

I have a list of users from my API like : {username : 'yada', [...], validAuthor : true}
I have two buttons :
<button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" ng-click='validAuthorBtn(1)' ng-disabled="{{!sortvalid}}">All authors</button>
<button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" ng-click='validAuthorBtn(2)' ng-disabled="{{sortvalid}}">validated authors</button>

And in my controller I have :

$scope.sortValid = false;
$scope.validAuthorBtn = function (value) {
ng-disabled doesn't take a {{}} interpolator
just put sortvalid in there
Oh ok, that works, I feel stupid now
Thanks a lot man
in general ng-* properties will just evaluate the expression inside them :)
Good to know !
And, quick question (no troll), when is it better to use Angularjs instead of backbone or ember ?
@PrettyGoodPancake Although there are exceptions, as directives can bind to those properties in a variety of ways. In this case ng-diabled binds via = so it evaluates the expression and can both read/write to the referenced value
Okay, that makes sense
but a directive can also bind via @ which means it just evaluates the attributes string, in that case {{}} would have the desired effect, but would only evaluate the string once per directive instnace
@ or @attr - bind a local scope property to the value of a DOM attribute. The result is always a string since DOM attributes are strings. If no attr name is specified then the attribute name is assumed to be the same as the local name. Given <widget my-attr="hello {{name}}"> and widget definition of scope: { localName:'@myAttr' }, then the widget scope property localName will reflect the interpolated value of hello {{name}}. As the name attribute changes so will the localName property on the widget scope. The name is read from the parent scope (not component scope).
Q: JavaScript Singletons and Module Pattern

IainIs there a preferred way of doing what I describe here. I want to namespace my JavaScript code and use the Singleton Pattern so that only one instance of my JavaScript app exists. I have seen two approaches to this in JavaScript. One which simply returns and object literal, and another which use...

@SomeGuy , can i talk to you ?
on facebook :P at 21:00 IST ?
Why the specific time?
Have you ever seen a CV built with Grunt? github.com/theaqua/Simplicvity
@Ale110 where's the html?
because right now it just looks like "I've put all those buzzwords in one repo!"
and except if the guy uses browserify, he betters explains himself on this: github.com/theaqua/Simplicvity/blob/master/.jshintrc
especially this:

    "node": true,
    "browser": true,
@FlorianMargaine html is in app/ dir
@Ale110 rendered html
I should really clone his repo locally and build to see his resume?
@FlorianMargaine theaqua.im/cv.html
thanks :)
it's ugly.
dunno... I expected something pretty.
Why did he need Bootstrap for that?
why did he need grunt/bower/all this shit for that?
No idea.
A simple .md document would have done the trick.
If he wanted to get all fancy, he could have set it up as a GH page.
I have question
but i need somebody willing to play with WebAudio :-? , anybody willing to suicide ?
I wonder if we can somehow get a blob uri for output of the webAudio context
and then use the file reader / writer api to write / read this blob's contents :3
@FlorianMargaine No idea.
@Abhishek bro just encode it as a wav
@phenomnomnominal bro broadcasting as wave wont scale
@ThiefMaster Can you explain why this post got deleted? It had a flag but I was under the impression that it was a valid answer.
@hexafraction: I'll have a look in a few minutes
calling yourself via webRTC xD
I don't wanna write a browser extension but i guess for this case i will have to
@hexafraction: The question seems to be about why displaying the link opens itunes but the answer is just about why clicking that link opens itunes
Ah, OK. Didn't see the distinction there.
At least that's how I understood it. I'm not familiar with the iOS stuff. And judging by how ugly ObjC looks that'll probably never change ;)
@ThiefMaster what happened to node-cast ?
^ there's a bug in there
@Abhishek: jscast? nothing, but I didn't really have lots of motivation to work on it (shoutcast is pretty shitty but it works so i don't really have to replace it with something else)
ha !
shoutcast can be replaced by a mesh like rtc powered broadcaster... once webrtc and webaudio are stable that is.
Literally *Shout*Casting !
I can almost get all the frames of a png file now!
... almost.
All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
@AbhishekHingnikar That implies most people want to listen to music using a web browser.
you can always unicast to one server which streams for people in 90's
@FlorianMargaine Félicitation
I didn't show that
ERROR SUMMARY: 2776 errors from 25 contexts (suppressed: 13 from 8)
@FlorianMargaine i usually don't get those errors my number stays in 18-20
18-20 error from 2-4 context
but when i run valgrind with node.js running
yeah the error is a single place anyway
ERROR SUMMARY : 475 errors from 14 contexts ( suppressed : 12 from 6 )
kind of stuff shows up :-/
the bad code is like 10 lines long
I'll just look hard at it until it resolves itself
@FlorianMargaine show here or C++ room :3
// c room
Q: Unity 3D coding language, C# or JavaScript

user10324Hello to the gaming community. I am a budding game designer, learning to code for the first time in my life. I did learned c++ in school, 8 years back, so I sort of understand the logic when people are doing coding and I can suggest them the right route also, but to an extent I can't code. I am b...

Q: Can I simplify this code to make it more readable?

Evan EmoloPer a Reddit Daily Programming Challenge, I am performing a matrix transposition on a string using JavaScript. Example input: 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog' Output: Tqbfjotld hurouvhao eioxmeezg cw pr y kn e d While my code works, I am wanted to know: From a readibili...

honestly, I don't care about memory leaks tbh
it's a short-running program
Honestly, blah blah, to be honest.
Sorry :p
I have this error a few thousand times: Use of uninitialised value of size 4 :(
@SomeGuy I knew it
@FlorianMargaine buahahahahahhaa
You just wanted to be very honest
show code !!!!
for which eeror unilitialized value of size 4 ?
int i; // wait woot ?
looks like it doesn't like https://github.com/Ralt/png-reader/blob/master/src/png-frame-builder.c#L52
@AbhishekHingnikar hm?
@FlorianMargaine you do realize you should initialize it as a good practise in c ?
cause it will get a garbage value for no reason right ?
@AbhishekHingnikar good practice wants it to declare it at the top, else who cares?
it's a 32bits int
@Abhishek: He shouldn't. He always initializes it when he actually needs it. I think gcc warns you anyway if you use a (possibly) uninitialized variable
@ThiefMaster why ?
anyway this doesn't change anything
Reinstalled Borderlands 2, played it for like 10 minutes, hated it.
Not sure why I reinstalled it in the first place.
@FlorianMargaine i will give it a shot when am home
@Octavian: Why? The game is awesome :o
i got my 4 - 8 size errors fixed
The only awesome part of it is how they made the ice.
after spending like 40-50 minutes on them
It looks great but other than that it is utter crap.
Sounds like you didn't play it far enough to hear all the funny comments from cl4ptr4p and many more chars ;)
I don't really give a damn about comments if the movement and weapon handling model is shit.
Sounds like you had the wrong weapons :p
You're spending most of the time moving around and shooting.
Not listening to characters.
Yeah, I found Claptrap really entertaining, but the control itself didn't feel great to me
I'm sure the story and characters are funny but yea, they fucked up with the game mechanics.
posted on October 20, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} What the hell did I just...

@AbhishekHingnikar I know where the errors come from. They're also logic errors :)
object handling in the firefox dev tools is so shitty
[object Object] is really helpful! i wonder why thy didn't do it the way firebug/chrome did
pretty printing is hard, hey
and showing the contents of jquery objects in a nice way is also something i miss
it's a shame - chrome is a different browser and firebug is extremely slow compared to the native tools
What's wrong?
@ThiefMaster chrome dev tools are the biggest reasons I use this browser as main...
It's Firefox Developer Tools
@Ale110: It's parsed as a statement, not an expression. Add () around it.
@ThiefMaster Erm... okay, but why?
Because that's how JavaScript works.
{...} just by itself is a block, not an object literal
foo = {} works because in that case {} is evaluated as an expression so it can't be a block
it's also the reason why eval(json_string) doesn't work but eval('('+json_string+')') does (and yes, i know that one shouldn't use eval to parse json :p)
@ThiefMaster omg yous bad develogrammer u used eval to parse json omg!
WTH, firefox urldecodes a string when storing it in location.hash while chrome doesn't ... which makes the hash completely unsuitable to store any string that might contain urlencoded characters and reuse it later in a selector where it needs to match the original one
wow seriously?
there's no standard on location.hash?
I love downloading a 3MB/s
and guys
try this in your console:
mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=640:height=480:device=/dev/video0 -fps 15 -vf screenshot
it's useless.
Q: Firefox automatically decoding encoded parameter in url, does not happen in IE

AlexI am having frustration between Firefox and IE, well mostly Firefox as it is automatically decoding a parameter in the hash before I can work with it in Javascript. IE does not automatically decode the url thus not giving me reading errors. My problem is similar to this one except I am not using...

!!caniuse hashchange
^ that would be a useful bot command
maybe like this (from ##javascript)
> <ThiefMaster> !caniuse hashchange
<ecmabot> ThiefMaster: Can I Use Hashchange event? [IE 8+ | FF 3.6+ | Chrome 5+ | Opera 10.6+ | Safari 5+ | iOS 4.0-4.1+ | Android 2.2+] Overall: 90.2% <http://caniuse.com/hashchange>
@rlemon boat is ded.
Q: Unity 3D coding language, C# or JavaScript

user10324Hello to the gaming community. I am a budding game designer, learning to code for the first time in my life. I did learned c++ in school, 8 years back, so I sort of understand the logic when people are doing coding and I can suggest them the right route also, but to an extent I can't code. I am b...

!!are you alive?
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@rlemon Life is just perfect
!!tell OctavianDamiean slidepoop
@rlemon Command slidepoop does not exist.
so the localstorage still isn't taking on my computer
In about a week I'll have my server in my basement running.
fucking hell
I even uninstalled and reinstalled
and used your sanitized json
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character

cmd = JSON.parse( cmd );
That's not my sanitized JSON.
I know because I've deleted that by hand.
it's the stuff you sent me
unless the stupid FF stores its shit somewhere I am unaware of
and it somehow still has the old shit
@phenomnomnominal if u can suggest me how do i get wav
but I uninstalled and reinstalled it
as a stream i might aswell broadcast wave :$
or use a web-worker and buffer something to create a proper mp3 out of it :3 tehe
Yea, wherever it comes from, that's not my sanitized JSON.
more likely i will encode it as base 64 vorbis though
@phenomnomnominal pls respond now !
i needs u
You're trying hard to look like a vamp today, eh? :D
yeas man !
@OctavianDamiean actually if he can get me wave or something similar i can write a fairly mediocre compression
or use speex.js if applicable
Q: background-image have incorrect position in firefox but in chrome is rightly

Dave-88i have a problem with my background-image shadow in my content container. In Chrome is the background position rightly but in firefox wrong. Here my Testsite: http://www.behringer-mauch.de/Tischler_Hehmann/index.php I hope someone have idea.

@OctavianDamiean the emscripten is making me try to attempt to write all code in C++
and just compile it to javascript :-/ but that'd be soo horrible
Yea, cool 'n stuff but I actually don't really care. :D
i actually need help :P
and wit :P
so smooth :)
loving the facebook quick launch lmao :)
@FlorianMargaine Did you end up finding a good place to get your music from?
@Connor what quick punch ?
quick punch?
oh that facebook in the dock ?
He meant launch.
I think.
well ubuntu introduced full integration for web-apps
i guess this is just the first step though
^thats the aim i guess
Zirak hasn't been all day, has he?
@AbhishekHingnikar yeah :)
I hate everything
I hate myself
@Ale110 whats the price of a gun ?
I can't make an interpreter for APL en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APL_%28programming_language%29
For a very limited subset of it
My CS supervisor told me to
I hate Java, I hate Haskell, I hate Clojure, I hate everything :(
I've been working on it for 4 days
Haha, everyone has to do something they don't like at some point. Try to learn from it. Like what Java or Clojure do wrong.
Hating Java is a good thing.
@SomeGuy I was rold torrents were usually good
@JanDvorak That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Sigh.. just wasted 15 minutes debugging a problem (closing a lightbox window on android didn't actually close it) because I thought it somehow reopens it immediately just to find out that the x button was so close to the scrollbar so the click (touch) never reached the button...
but the usb debugging feature of chrome is awesome!
wow RuneScape has gone to HTML5
Lol, @CapricaSix is back
has been for a while
user image
Have anyone there used candy-chat.github.io/candy ?
@cc cute
@Ale110 never heard of it
@cc saved
I'm using SO chat and someimes IRC it's already too much chat time
I were just going to integrate it with vk.com (biggest russian social network)
Because its' native chats suck
it's a facebook-like thing then?
Q: How can i insert the fadeIn() effect in my background-image switch

Dave-88on my testsite http://www.behringer-mauch.de/Tischler_Hehmann/index.php i have a background-image switcher for my wrapper container. The code is in basic.js and i will to insert the fadeIn() jQuery Animate in my Code. But i don't know where I have to put it. here my Code: var images = ['layout/...

speaking from arch linux on my mbp!
@AbhishekHingnikar You around?
@FlorianMargaine lol , removed Ubuntu ?
@DannyBeckett hey !
@Ale110 never used much xmpp, but seems like overcomplicated when you have websockets
@AbhishekHingnikar yes
coz I wanted to
it's ok.. just realised the time there, doesn't matter ;)
@cc The thing is xmpp is much easier to adopt (e. g. when developing mobile apps etc) because there are already libs for this
oh native apps, out of browser..
@DannyBeckett still whats up ? Lol
sumi wanted to talk today but i havent heard off her
Hello! can anyone help me on this question?
I give reward 50 reputaion.
Thank you
lemme just call her
@Dave-88 You can't use $.fadeIn on CSS properties.
have i another to solve this ?

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