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@m59 That's a very weird statement and quite wrong too.
thats interesting as hell
from me or the tutorial? @OctavianDamiean
going to throw it on codepen?
thats really cool man
@m59 the tut.
looks like its painted by a brush or something
If I referred to what that is in js, would I call it an object literal?
@SomeKittens what the hell? Why does it work for you but not for me?
GitHub likes me
@m59 yes, it would be an object.
@SomeKittens but I haz an Octocat sticker on my laptop!
@OctavianDamiean apologies, I was just pondering why say "object literal" rather than just "object".
I've got an Octocat pint glass!
Literal because of how it's created?
Also GitHub has my blood. I don't really want to know what they're doing with it
hey, is anyone here good at stats ?
@OctavianDamiean I am not quite sure how the double no-min got there. I thought I had copy/pasted the entire buld.js file for the changes I made, but apparently I only copy/pasted the changes I made
@m59 well yea, in that case it would be an object literal.
@Shea Why was personality nuked?
The no-min was already there, I proposed the no-plugin
@Loktar for the demo i'll probably go with (top to bottom) 1,0,5,7,80,false
try it out
and title it "Lets paint a happy little picture"
wait, I misread that.
@SomeKittens yep.
Damn diffs are quite tough to read sometimes.
@SomeKittens I removed a comma on the end of the line
personality.js was still there, but without the comma, GitHub saw it as a whole new line
It's legit.
The line changed.
is there a free image hosting site that has cors enabled? anyone?
I've got a bigger change coming, I was wondering if it is possible to do a PR and ignore some commits?
For example, the useless plugin-template.js I added, then removed for some reason
@Shea if you make the changes and commit them to that patch-1 repository on which the PR is based, your commits will be automatically added to the PR.
Maybe I'll just make a new repo
I'm still getting used to GitHub
That's the good thing about git, you don't need to delete that repository.
You can always* repair all the things.
* because sometimes you can mess up real good and then you're proper fucked.
Tell me more about the repair thing
Well, you have your history.
Run git log
You can scroll through the commit history.
Each commit has a hash which identifies that commit.
Now, say you fucked up somewhere, you just reset your repository back to the commit you knew was right.
I recommend you bookmark gitready.com
Ok, I'll read into this
Because of how flexible and powerful git is, it sometimes can get a little complicated.
It's just annoying that I need to commit "Create plugin-template.js" and then "Delete plugin-template.js" a few commits after that
loves git
@Shea why did you need to do this?
Well I thought plugin-template.js was a good idea, while I was breaking up commands.js into separate files. Then when I was done, I realized it wasn't really needed.
Oh, so you grouped unrelated changes into one commit?
Yea, you shouldn't do that.
Trying to undo it is the hard part
Yea, there are ways around that too but as Ted's mother said, nothing good happens past 2 a.m. so I should better get some sleep.
You checkout gitready.com, it's great.
Okay, I'll read up on that
I'm sure I'll figure it out
Can you see my comment on that page?
Am I just going nuts or is your comment gone now and mine appeared?
Urgh ... @SomeKittens right. Somehow I've commented on the file itself, whereas you commented on the file in the PR, or something like that ... or not, I'm not sure and I wanted to be gone by now.
So, bye! :D
@OctavianDamiean YES
You commented on the commit, I commented on the PR
@Loktar still up?
yeah whats up?
check that out
needs webcam ;)
I need to fiddle with the settings to make it look like a nice painting or something
but you get the idea
nice ill check it out in a few, I dont have my webcam hooked up
hydra/rift/etc have taken my usbs lol
well if anyone else has a webcam hooked up check out that fiddle
after it's almost done, snap again before resetting
now this I will codepen :)
holding my arm up in victory!
now to skin it so it actually gets views on codepen
any one got any neat idea for a way to fade the entire contents of a div to complete black colour ?
$('#somediv').animation({background: #000000}, 2000)?
no cos the contents wont be removed that way
oh I missed that part
my current thinking is add a div with 0 opacity with a high z index and fade it in
just seems like an ugly way in my mind
yea i'd try that I guess, I don't know if I fully am visualizing what your talking about but give that a go
@stdio Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar there is the pen
already hearted it :P
triple hearted bro
Question: i've a POST request via jquery and inside it i generate a select elemente with its options (got form DB). How can I set via jquery the selected options? I tried so many ways and they works just if the select element already exists statically. So, I think I can't do that inside the POST request, but I don't know how to do in the right way.
lol i tweeted it like 2 seconds after you
haha thanks man
now to just make it draw a landscape if the user has no webcam
I suppose
_.createCallback = _.wrap(_.createCallback, function(func, callback, thisArg) {
  var match = /^(.+?)__([gl]t)(.+)$/.exec(callback);
  return !match ? func(callback, thisArg) : function(object) {
    return match[2] == 'gt' ? object[match[1]] &gt; match[3] : object[match[1]] < match[3];
  };                                           ^^^
can someone explain this to me please?
youtube.com/watch?v=t-XvHyy1WL8 made me laugh so much!
@Connor gt = greater than, ain't it?
@Dave not in js
in html maybe
you can't do comparisons in html
yeah, but with >
thought you said js not html
no you said in html not me :P
@Dave no, &gt; in html renders to >
> you can't do comparisons in html
ohh i see got confused
don't suppose some one can gander why i get NaN on my function: stackoverflow.com/questions/19461329/…
lol fine ;P
on your conditional you are checking if(!direction && opacity < 0.0 || direction & opacity > 1){
is that second set of after the OR intentionally a bitwise &
oh thats a syntax mistake i should update my Q altho the problem still exists with &&
Hey guys quick question which one compile faster, plain sass or compass?
@JonathandeM. does it really matter?
you should only use it for development anyway.
to me yes, I'm using watch with grunt
definitely sass
@connor is right - shouldnt be compiling on production
cool thanks Connor
@JonathandeM. compass runs on top of sass, so you'll have sass + compass compiling so sass on it's own would be quicker
Right now compass is taking like 2sec to compile, which sucks while using watch and livereload
@Dave hows that fiddle coming
nearly there
@Connor Let's say I dont need the need the mixin for multi browser compatibility, blueprint and the sprite generator, do I need compass?
@JonathandeM. do you use compass for just browser stuff?
i'm still in a programming mood, but i'm done what I was programming.
time for some golf?
@Connor yes for frontend development
@JonathandeM. well then why don't you just use compass just before production, forget compass for now and when you're done just find all the box-shadow: and replace with @include box-shadow(..);
netbeans vs sublime?
@Connor Actually, I'm going to use autoprefixer instead, I wanted to know if there is point on using compass
@JonathandeM. mostly browser compatibility, but then you have sprites and all that fancy stuff
@Joe jsfiddle.net/AVKh4/17 typically it works on this one =/
I'm using a grunt task for the sprite, I think I'll drop compass, thanks for your words
i.imgur.com/jjuhuMA.gif LOL I can't stop laughing at this.
probably makes me a horrible person, i don't care.
omg faceplant!
(yes you are a horrible person)
and you are a horrible wolf.
we are even
sad face
first, red 13 was not a wolf. he was a type of cat.
second, first.
@Dave - it works on the fiddle not on your page? are you using any libraries or other js?
no just my own functions
console doesn't turn up anything else weird?
just gives me NaN for variable opacity
I played way too much FF7
@Dave you know you can just do opacity += 0.1; instead of opacity = opacity + 0.1;
yeh i know
@Dave and 0.0 is the same as 0
isn't the value for opacity float?
@Dave not on 0
oh ok i thought it would be checking for false if use 0
i've a POST request via jquery and inside it i generate a select element with its options (got form DB). How can I set via jquery the selected option? I tried so many ways and they work just if the select element already exists statically. So, I think I can't do that inside the POST request, but I don't know how to do in the right way.
@stdio what have you tried?
yay i fixed :D
was some weird scope issue
Collor, that's a new one :)
@Connor $(...).val(...), $(...).attr('selected', 'selected'), with prop() too
sorry :D
@stdio Well, that's not the problem, maybe you have the selectors wrong or something
@stdio you need to learn about delegation
what element are you adding this all into
right im off to bed
night all
the <select></select> exists statically. via $.post() i get values from DB and put options in the select element. Then i wanna set a selected element
if you generate the html inside a callback, the selectors outside of it will be lost pretty much
*selected option
ok and right now, what does your :done or :success function for your ajax look like?
why not just set the selected in there?
if I use .done() I should hold on the value outside $.post(), right?
and I don't know how to do that
can you show me your code?
put it into a paste service
I hate html in strings real bad!
Back to my sass thing, here's a benchmark: grunt sass:dev 2,22s user 0,21s system 94% cpu 2,575 total
grunt compass:dev 2,46s user 0,21s system 97% cpu 2,722 total
not a big difference
@stdio add a console.log($('option[value="'+v[3]+'"]')) right after the dynamic input
see if it has a length or contains your element you are trying to select.
if not that is your issue
also, learn you some JSON
now i'm off to play games and drink beer
@CapricaSix You missed a perfect chance to make a terrible pun....
hello guys
I converted some script to make it independent of jQuery.
@rlemon lenght is 1
and there il the option value
var some_object = {mode: "save", postId: "9fa7", name: "demo", email: "[email protected]", website: "", content: "been there done that"};
with $.ajax I was sending this object:
*there is
Is there any reason why appending a stylesheet to an iframe wouldn't work, the iframe has no source, and therefore belongs to the page?
at serverside, I was getting this string "mode=save&postId=9fa7&name=demo&email=demo%40example.com&website=&content=been+‌​there+done+that"
@Annie use JSON.stringify(some_object);
before you send the data to the server
now I am using the same object ... I tried encodeURIComponent()... it send "%5Bobject%20Object%5D" string
with JSON.stringify.. it is transformed to: "{"mode":"save","postId":"9fa7","name":"demo","email":"[email protected]","websit‌​e":"","content":"been there done that"}"
@Connor, do you have an idea, how jQuery do the transformation? I don't think they are using JSON.stringify.. to make it look like: mode=save&postId=9fa7&name=demo&email=demo%40example.com&website=&content=been+t‌​here+done+that
@Annie is that what you want?
yes, I want the way jQuery was sending the data.. in other words, I don't wana modify server-side
@Annie I don't know how they do it, but it is quite simple
enlighten me please :)
function objectToUrl( obj ) {
	var string = '';

	for( var prop in obj ) {
		string += prop + '=' + obj[prop].replace(/ /g, '+') + '&';

	return string.substring(0, string.length - 1);
jQuery's does a lot more than that, but that's basics
it doesn't encode special symbols
that's only if you wan't spaces to be + not %20
@BenY Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
so, I want to preface this by saying I might be VERY wrong here, but I'm feeling like this tutorial is kinda awful sometimes
var1 = '1'
    var2 = var1 + 1
    var2 = int(var1) + 1
@Connor, thanks :)
Anyone see the obvious fail I see? or am I wrong?
I was like, syntax errors everywhere, then I realized Python
heh yeah :) trying to get pretty good at it by sunday :)
smiley-fest, my bad
var1 = 1
var2 = int(var1) + 1
@SomeKittens right?
why the heck try/catch something you can just type-cast to begin with!?
It's just an example, but it's an example for noobs, so I think they wouldn't know better.
@Masu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittens Do you really need to constantly spell-check 'intelligence'?
is there any like object finder in underscore like 'something.else.find.me'?
@monners I keep spelling it intellegence (I've never been the world's best speller)
I still need to double check "exercise", every time I spell it
@Shea s/exercise/work out/g
I have given up spelling that
Also, I'm not a bot maintainer, so I can't approve that
Oh okay
Well brb, food
Good Morning [As per Indian clock] jsfiddle.net/Y5RZ9/58
some body tell me why second dropdown is not clear each time
@AbhishekHingnikar Hey I think we are only here from India :)
oops haha
chintan , you miss last char n :D
@chintankhetiya : just did a quick scan through, did you make sure your variables aren't getting screwed up by them being global?
just writing quick thoughts down so that we're both looking for the solution at the same time. Still reading through it
Even i have write function clear_me() but that will not clear whole list
@chintankhetiya oh ok, so you're trying to solve the fact that it keeps adding on "I am x" everytime you change
yes base on first DropDown value
something like this
@chintankhetiya yeah I got you. Just cleaned up the code and put it in my editor so I could visualize it better
give me a few secs
Ohhh , sorry for that , take your time, sorry to interrupt you
@chintankhetiya I don't know a lot of dom manipulation so I can't pinpoint the exact problem yet
@SomeKittens RITHEM //close enough
but one thing I'd suggest is cleaning up your if-else statement on Add_Retun_Type()
Oddly, that one doesn't give me trouble
@chintankhetiya you should look at your 0 value, that seems to be throwing an issue. When you click Borrow, it has the correct Borrower and Buyer, but also adds in the other 0 value "I am Buyer." When you click Rental, it does the same thing by adding the 0 value "I am Borrower"
the problem looks like it's coming from your add_retun_type function though, that's all I can really give since, like I said, I'm not that good when it comes to dom manipulation
@chintankhetiya yeah, no luck, good sir. There's other ways to clear the index but the Add_Val wouldn't apply after using them
@Niner Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
you get it?
@SomeKittens hm?
thought you posted the image in response to some 1337 h4x0ring
hello, can in change the order of DOM elements already created by js? They are several bootStrap panels, and i want the user to be able to sort by different fields. Now I'm doing $(container).empty() and recreating the elements in the new order.
you can
@JanDvorak Turns out I already have milk. Oops.
great! thanks. Can u tell me what should i look for?
@SomeKittens in response to a chat post a few posts above that
I should have tagged it
Ah, ok
hmm, well I know Python now (maybe)
now I just need to figure out like...what to do with it
Make a blog!
heh, I'm about to google
It says you "can" make html with it
but if I were doing that, I wouldn't be using Python to do it.
so now curious what else I can output
Django is just more web stuff..
I've been wondering about this for a LONG time.
We have html for the "what"
woah, new avatar
What else is there?
A pic my wife took =D
Like, if I'm using photoshop, what are the "elements"?
wait, what?
Like, in photoshop, I'm assuming I'm not clicking on "divs" and stuff
so, "what" is it?
or heck, my desktop, etc.
I have no concept about how other languages deal with things graphically.
@v.k. insertBefore (DOM) / before / after (jQuery) can work with existing elements... and they are removed from their original positions
except for a vague recollection of my Tandy way back in the day, where you write code for 10 hours and make it draw a smiley face.
I don't quite understand the question
@m59 bunch of pixels, I assume
@JanDvorak great thanks man, I'll dig into that. :)
@vijay2991 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittens lol. So...I want to display a box in html

var box = document.createElement('div');

or just
and give it some style
as you know...
but...what if you're in like, C# or something?
I'm assuming not all languages are using html?
similar structures are available
Hi All, I am facing some problem with Jquery SelectBox Plugin its not working for me. I have just posted a question goo.gl/5LA5EE can anubody help me to solve this
Are any of them relevant to Python?
@vijay2991 why did you minify the link?
All I have to go on here as that I need to be able to do unit tests on Python using Selenium. That being, I think I need to be able to write Python stuff pretty well. I could create html stuff with it, no problem..
Python's not designed to manipulate the DOM
from what I read, the idea was to create html documents with it @SomeKittens
not so?
That's Selenium, not Python
well what the heck...
then what is the output of Python??
@vijay2991 no. I've already downvoted as unclear and closevoted as needing code
@SomeKittens I could write an api and output the result, in json etc.... but what else?
It'd better to just be good at Python in general
I don't see what stops python from outputting html just like php does
@SomeKittens that is exactly what I'm trying to do :)
but all I can figure out it can be used for is printing strings or outputting jsons....stuff like that
I don't know what else to learn :)
Try and copy some command line utilities
say, a basic grep clone
@m59 there are python templating engines
@phenomnomnominal cool, just looked that up
@Reidsy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittens grats
also, I just found out EVE online was written in python
@SomeKittens nice
that really gets to the point
which chromebook did you get?
how can you make graphics like that in python?
lol ubuntu is all I use on my chromebook
@Loktar Borrowing a Pixel
ooh the pixel ok
I've got the C7
it's the best browsing experience I've ever had by a long shot
I think I get it
it's just like the crazy 3d stuff you can do in js
none of which I understand.
A bunch of math, right?
A whole bunch of math
is this just terribly overpriced or just too awesome? razerzone.com/store/razer-blade-pro
Razer product === terribly overpriced
@m59 the razer blade kicks ass
its performance is pretty amazing for the form factor
I'll have to research and figure out just how much you're paying for form factor :)
well you can get a much better desktop for 1k less easy
I've got an ok desktop.
I built it myself.
If I get this job, I'm going to try to get another laptop.
This is actually the laptop I bought for my wife, then took over haha
wife gift ftw
it's just a lot easier for me to use the laptop since I fall asleep a lot. Desktop is a wreck. I'll either slump out of the chair onto the floor or get up and go to bed. Then it's a fail trying to get back to work.
night dudes!
Q: JavaScript 3D space ship rotation

user36202I am working with a fairly low-level JavaScript 3D API (not Three.js) which uses euler angles for rotation. In most cases, euler angles work quite well for doing things like aligning buildings, operating a hovercraft, or looking around in the first-person. However, in space there is no up or down...

fucking hell
my hdd is mounted as swap :-|
that's a lot of virtual memory

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