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12:01 AM
it's not even a hard drive. You have to plug one in
it's a hardware fileserver that supports AES256 (and nothing else, presumably)
it's a nice toy, but 300$ is too much
@ErikAhlswede Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
for a wifi-enabled file-server
12:22 AM
I guess it's out of stock, but it's a nice little device
1 hour later…
1:27 AM
Q: Sprite object Movement

EogcloudI'm working on a simpe 2d canvas game that has a small goblin sprite who I want to get pathing around the screen. What I originally tried was a random roll that would choose a direction, the goblin would walk that direction. It didnt work effectively, he sort of wobbled in one spot. Here's my c...

2:09 AM
@krikara Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi guys, I have a quick question about javascript tables. Currently I have a table that shows 3000 results. I want to make it so that the table shows 100 results at a time and has a page number at the bottom, so the user can view page 1 of the table, page 2, page 3, etc. What exactly is this called? I've been trying to google this feature, but can't find anything
@krikara It's called "Pagination"
if you are using jquery there's a plugin called "data tables" that does pretty much that job
it's somewhat huge though (12k LOC)... - there might be something more lightweight, too
!!continue Rails tutorials or make something neat in node
2:17 AM
@SomeKittens continue Rails tutorials
!!sleeping or sleeping
@ThiefMaster Sounds like you have already decided
haha nice
2:30 AM
@twiz yay Mint!
haha indeed
definitely the best experience I've had with linux
actually its the only desktop linux distro that I didn't manage to break within an hour of installing it... haha
@SimonSarris lol you're the only other one I think of when I think of people who like windows 8 (besides myself of course)
did you install the update?
Im about to start it right now
@Loktar Just wondering, Do you have a touchscreen?
2:35 AM
I think people get confused about metro though
like.. I never use it
its just a fancy start menu to me
ohhhh ok, well that would also explain it I guess haha
I still haven't used win 8 though, so I don't really have an opinion on it.
yeah I mean idk
people went crazy about metro
but.. its only the start menu
its almost like having a mini os within the os
you could spend all your time in it probably, but I just am on the desktop it feels like windows 7
my main complaint is to shut down you have to go to the top right of the screen.. and then settings.. and then power
that is completely stupid
I just get the feeling they probably should have just made it their tablet OS...
yeah it was odd for them to include metro in the desktop release
but I've grown to like the tiles now idk
2:40 AM
haha well I assume you can create a desktop shortcut that shutsdown?
idk actually.. I dont think so, not really easily anyway
Ignoring the fact that I haven't actually used it... the "Tiles" concept seems like a horrible UI
my main complaint about that is there's no nesting
I wish I could have some tiles nested within others
you can have categories, but thats it
It seems like there is no order at all
its just a bunch of scattered buttons
you can make order
you can make categories and place tiles in them
2:42 AM
can you make all the buttons the same size? haha
they never really show that though
now you can I guess
thats an updated feature with 8.1
diff tile sizes lol
I would just make it a normal boring grid haha
because grids are easy and ordered...
well time for me to update ill be back later or tomorrow if all goes well :)
Are they doubling the size of the OS with security patches?
3:20 AM
@Loktar your next avatar:
4:05 AM
I get random invites from Czech people on a regular basis.
4:30 AM
*randomly invites @SomeKittens to GMail*
Are you Czech?
Cool. Technically, I'm not, my dad was adopted
5:22 AM
@GNi33 It isn't, as far as I know
But, yeah, the logo does make me feel like it could be.
5:50 AM
@SomeKittens I am your father
@monners How's the egg-painting going?
@monners Doubt it
6:07 AM
I think he meant that he's your grandfather.
6:19 AM
6:30 AM
morning :)
hi all
@kaiser mmmmm
Morning in what, Europe?
@SomeKittens yep
8:41 in Central Europe
7:05 AM
@SomeGuy Swimmingly
7:20 AM
@Benius Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi all
o/ guys
anyone work on dynamics crm 2013
need help for the new sdk code
Is that JavaScript ?
yeah we can program action on Js
@NasikBestProgrammer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Scott Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hey all. any KendoUI users here?
hung up on configuring their treeview control, connecting to JSON (REST) array.
Q: How to autofit the page content according to browser window size of different media using jQuery/JavaScript?

PHPGeekI'm having a HTML form. On it I'm having a text field and a submit button. The text field is containing an URL. Upon clicking on the submit button I'm redirectiong to that URL. Now I want to display the new window according to the browser window size of the media on which user is watching the we...

7:39 AM
@PHPGeek you can do specific styles for certain window sizes using css
7:53 AM
Is it just me or is it everybody who thinks that people are trying to be rep-whores on SO?
A: how to display the user input in javascript?

Manav KatariaYou can (temporarily; only on the client side) store user input in javascript variables. Create a container (div) and use Javascript HTML DOM API to update it with the required value. Here is the JavaScript DOM reference guide from w3schools: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/

Latest on Meta Stack Overflow: The community is thinking of incentisivizing votes by reputation
Jan Sorry but that word flew over my head. Can u elaborate?
Hi again!
does Javascript support object-oriented things ?
@JosBas yes
any turing-complete language does
I will wikiepdia turing-complete
8:00 AM
you even have some nice syntax shortcuts in javascript
If I want to save data from javascript on the server
what do I need : PHP + Mysql ?
one way
anyone recommend a good pivot table solution js framework?
!!google define pivot table
8:05 AM
shouldn't be to hard to implement manually
I hate empty pings
that would be the right idea, can you point me in a productive direction? jsfiddle sample?
toil and sweat don't need directions ;-)
examples are quite lacking. just looking for some help ;)
8:12 AM
the wikipedia article shows some example interface you could try to reproduce
just a bunch of dropbowns and a dynamic table
Q: Why am I not able to access the inner div and input element contained in div in the following scenario?

PHPGeekI'm having a very length web page HTML. For your reference I'm putting below a representative HTML. Like this HTML all other HTML is there on my webpage. <tr class="bulkop"> <td valign="middle"> <p class="custom-form"> <div class="ez-checkbox"> <input id="practice_6_189" clas...

thanks, been looking around for simple example, nothing advanced, no dropdowns just a pivoted gridview with two columns 1-column header 2-records. I"m not advanced with JS and it's after 4am, so struggling. thanks. will poke around on GitHub. Using KendoUI Web, with JSON data.
@PHPGeek why tr .bulkop but not tr.bulkop
should be tr.bulkop td p div.ez-checkbox input
@FLCL: thx . Can you give answer to my question or if possible create a jsfiddle for it, please?
8:33 AM
HTML from your answer does not include element with ckbCheckAll id. So jsfiddle will not work.
hey friends
Q: sort div class by name jQuery

Dave-88which is the shortest and best way to sort div class by name not by Alphabet name. Here is my Testsite: http://devauth.labscope.de/htmlapp/report-overview_test.html I will to sort in the content div class so: div class="dark_red_gradient" div class="red_gradient" div class="orange_gradient" ...

what does "by name not by Alphabet name" mean?
not by alphabetic name
8:48 AM
!!> Infinity>Infinity
@cc "ReferenceError: Infinite is not defined"
@cc "ReferenceError: infinite is not defined"
!!> Infinity>Infinity
@FLCL false
@cc false
9:09 AM
@Dave-88, you need custom comparer?
@FLCL would be good
Q: full screen background image with a border or margins

Jonathan 79I am working with this great! script called Supersized by One mighty roar, https://github.com/buildinternet/supersized and now I am trying to set a border to my fullscreen background image, so that all images have a top, right, bottom and left border of 15px or a 15px margin could work as well....

10:12 AM
@AbhishekHingnikar Is that an acronym or are you pissed ?
imgur.com/3YixVjP ever seen this?
@Samson Does it work in the other browsers ?
If I said something racist about programmers, I'd probably be banned right :X
10:21 AM
does anybody have worked with Swagger UI? I want to integrate it into an ActiveAdmin page in a Rails application
@Samson I can confirm what you already know : it's strange...
Did you check in an hex editor there's no strange encoding or character ? IE isn't very good at dealing with JS files encoding
it s the swfobject.js library
I m pretty sure it's valid
Try with window.parseInt. And try logging that too.
it s inside an iframe
perhaps that's the reason, it works in IE9 outside of that place obviously
this is the problem I think
Might be. This looks like a serious IE bug
10:33 AM
@rlemon I want this with Loke's head
@dystroy am pissed
I have a page performance issue
and ih ave no clue how to profile it :-'(
@FlorianMargaine , @dystroy any tools for visualizing page's rendering performance ?
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't know.
10:52 AM
Q: by clicking the toggle slider don't give me the right state

Dave-88i implement a toggle slider on my testsite for the div container in the content if click on the toggle-slider off so the div contain get display none css style and if i click on-state the div contain get display block css style. So far so good. But my problem is the Click position on the Toggl...

11:29 AM
I am loading local HTML file in IFrame with Horizontal scroll with this
How to get scrollbar position of Horizontal scrollbar
Help me out plz
something along the way of frame.contentDocument.scrollY?
vi iQuit.txt /* write stuff */
git add iQuit.txt
git commit -m "I am done"
git push origin master
the evilest way to quit ?
@AbhishekHingnikar What's evil in that ?
Tell us why you want to quit
And we'll bitch about it
(yes, it rhymes!)
when others pull changes they read my frustration :3
That's a lesser evil..
11:44 AM
@AbhishekHingnikar chrome dev tools?
it has a profiler
I think I'm going to write an android app for this chat
@FlorianMargaine I will help :-)
... on my android tablet
WHAT ? :o
so not in java ?
Abi Abi Abi
Why are you so frustated ?
Tell us why you want to quit
And we'll bitch about it

Abi Abi Abi
Don't let you be depressed
Tell us why you want to quit
And we'll bitch about it

Abi Abi Abi
No, don't try to be evil
Tell us why you want to quit
And we'll bitch about it

Abi Abi Abi
You'd be such a bad evil
Tell us why you want to quit
And we'll bitch about it
11:47 AM
And do u have git for it ?
not yet
I haven't started
but AIDE supports it: android-ide.com/tutorial_git.html
@mvp Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
thanks so much.
@Lars Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
why does java and javascript have different rooms? ;/
11:55 AM
troll spotted
no one likes trolls huh?
i do

Nothing get.. Can U check it
    var Iframe = document.getElementById("IframeId");
   var position = Iframe.contentDocument.scrollY;
@dystroy don't worry i will blog about why i changed :P
@Devendra Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
if i use with jquery: this, with which function can i set: this + next div element which is in "this" element to find?
@Lars ihihihihi 't was a good one! ihihihihihi
Hi, Anyone know how to create shoping cart like stylefruits.co.uk/combine
please help me
does anyone know a plugin for this?
@ChrisKent Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@user1775598 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
12:06 PM
> 3 Billion Devices Run Java
> Computers, Printers, Routers, Bananas...
sry upgrading that shit..
@Copy happy birthday
wtf 11 pings
@Zirak hello mr popular.
Does anyone know how JavaScript determine the date in the Date(); object? For instance it will be different for me vs someone in a different timezone. So where is the date actually pulled from?

As an experiment I tried changing my time zone on my mac, so the time and date is actually yesterday's date, yet when I call a 'new Date();' object, it still gets it right (i.e. today).
12:09 PM
It pulls it from the system; your browser may have cached it, restart the browser/computer, and you'll see the Date change.
Okay thanks for that I'll give it a try and return in 5 mins with the report :D
@Zirak we missed you
@rlemon I awoke on Thu, 17 Oct 2013 21:04:24 GMT (that's about 15 hours ago), got invoked 34 times, learned 185 commands, teleported 50 goats
yay still working
Awesome, you got the goat teleportation working!
12:10 PM
there were illegal characters in the file you gave me
we sanitized it and lost any unicode in the commands (so my commands)
a herd of goats
no ur a goat.
Q: Create nested named object using variables as key

SkarvenI am having a hard time creating a new object with nested value pairs. The problem is that I have a huge object containing lots of junk data, and I'd like to strip away the value pairs that I do not need as well as renaming certain values. Performance is vital as this will iterate over thousands ...

12:13 PM
a flock of goats
a tribe of goats
A clowder of goats
(TIL chrome's spell-check dictionary doesn't have clowder)
a shiver of goats
12:15 PM
@Zirak What's it like? Will you be online on weekends?
@SomeKittens They call me the space cooowboooy
@SomeGuy Sometimes. For the next 3 weeks, I'll be online the following, but not the one after. After that...I don't know.\
@mikedidthis well, now i'm sad for the world again
assholes always be shitting on the little guy
@Zirak come live with me. I cleared out the bottom drawer of my dresser and purchased a little pillow
if you look anything like Benjamin Button it will work out just fine.
digital hostage negotiator is now a career path.
12:18 PM
@mikedidthis and legal?
like, how do these people get away with this
is this a case of the advance is so fast the law won't catch up?
I mean, 100 * $300 = $30k
@Zirak hey man!
You could do that in a week
hey... ummm mike... so you know anything about cryptography? ;)
i wonder if we search so if we can find who the author of the virus is
@rlemon sadly I lack the intelligence to grasp the basics.
12:24 PM
so I work with a lot of different routers (over the phone) and as I can't remote into their pc I have to walk them through it by looking at picture of the router pages on google (been the best system I can think of unless the router manu offers a demo site, which linksys does.)
anyways, I was googling "amped wireless r20000g subnet"
and this turned up in the results
Q: Running code on SSD

user2894683I'm currently working on research to optimize SSD performance. I'm still at the primary stages and wanted to know if anyone knew just how I can run code on the SSD. If I want to add/modify algorithms, how do I go about doing that? I've found lots of research about query processing where they've a...

He has not idea of what he's doing but he wants to optimize SSD performance...
@FlorianMargaine when I saw this on reddit I thought it was loke, had to check the username
@Zirak why?
@dystroy Sure there is
@dystroy closing as "unclear"
12:31 PM
@rlemon I've always wanted to sleep in the closet
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hullo
why i don't get the current number from input field
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, yes, if you mean widow.JSON. But that's not what users refer to.
@FlorianMargaine Goat herding is difficult
12:32 PM
@Zirak Are you talking from beyond?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Jan solved that for me
@FlorianMargaine That's the right reason, yes
@dystroy JSON has objects, {"a":3,"b":5} is a JSON object, it is also an object literal in JavaScript. When you have that in JS code it's a JS literal but if I have a .JSON file and it's there it's an object I guess.
12:33 PM
@Zirak say it with me now friend
@Zirak It's all softcore though :(
@Dave-88 Do you really expect anyone to be able to help with that little information?
@BenjaminGruenbaum uh? it's just a JSON string, not a JSON object. Or I'm not understanding what you imply.
@DannyBeckett likely stored the value, and is reading the variable expecting it to be live.
@rlemon I remember this from school.
12:34 PM
var input = input.value;

hur hur why isn't it a live representation?
@DannyBeckett i know look at here devauth.labscope.de/htmlapp/report-overview_test.html bottom right i have add and subtract button
and if you click on the add button
@FlorianMargaine JSON has a notion of objects in its grammar. var a = {a:3} I can say that I have an object literal and assignment there but I can also say I have a JS string.
@rlemon input = input.value ?
that is my code dammit
I'll go away now
you can see in the console that the number don't current number in the input field
12:35 PM
Seriously... Look at the answer from the 27.5K user :
Q: How can an string be replaced in JavaScript with regex

user1799345How can a string be replaced in Javascript with regex ? A particular regular expression is bugging me right now. I simply want to replace the count=15 in a string like: countryNo=-1&count=15&page=2 How can I get a format like given below: countryNo=-1&count=**20**&page=2 Or countryNo=-1&c...

@Dave-88 Actually I see nothing in the console
Since the button just does return false;
@dystroy (@dystroy) the JSON spec has a notion of JSON objects, but yeah, the term is misused 99% of the time
...that second ping was supposed to be @BenjaminGruenbaum. Or the first ping.
@DannyBeckett click you on the "+" button ?
Shut up I'm tired
@dystroy flagged as "not an answer"
12:37 PM
@Dave-88 yes. your button is defined as
@rlemon Who doesn't know about that?!
<button id="qtyplus" onclick="return false"></button>
@BenjaminGruenbaum ah nice, didn't know that
@SomeGuy have you read the wiki article?
12:37 PM
because it links to some really good stuff
ohh okay
@SomeGuy You played with my "server" all night long
Better left as a comment on one of their answers. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 3 secs ago
@Zirak That's not the JSON spec, we have a real JSON spec now :)
@Dave-88 are you looking at the wrong page? localhost-version or something
12:39 PM
@Dave-88 My console says:
> GET https://devdata.labscope.de//backend/reportoverview/%7B%22html%22:%22true%22%7D jquery-2.0.3.min.js:6
Uncaught NetworkError: A network error occurred.
@FlorianMargaine Thanks for spell fix
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh, neat
@dystroy yw
@Dave-88 Looks like your URL is malformed
!!afk gotta goat
12:41 PM
@cc Why are you leaving me!?
@jAndy Someone told me I have a "radiophonic" voice
bootstrap uses no-semicolon comma-first 2-space JS? EWW^3
yep noticed that too
@cc You saw that whore again, didn't you!?
That's a really funny issue
12:43 PM
> That is insanely stupid code. I am not going to dumb down JSMin for this case.
he did though
JSMin? nah. He added the option to JSLint, something labeled "tolerate stupidity"
> @fat shouldn't change his code to work with JSMin and @douglascrockford shouldn't change his code so bootstrap can work with it. Just document why it doesn't work and move on?
some people are retards...
@FlorianMargaine Classical Crockford
@Zirak he fixed jsmin too
I found a buggy behavior in safari
its pizzing me oph
12:46 PM
@AbhishekHingnikar Thanks
@DannyBeckett i fix the bug :)
Thomas Fuchs is such an asshole
@copy Happy Birthday!
when is the code gonna be open source? :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum never liked this guy
@FlorianMargaine In 6 years
12:48 PM
@copy happy birthday!
@copy nice troll
@Dave-88 Good! Just to let you know though, I still see the error in the console, and no other output
@DannyBeckett \o good morning
@ThiefMaster I've read about 3 pages of this thread and I'd just concluded exactly that...
hey abhishek
12:51 PM
@dystroy retards and ungrateful.
@mikedidthis I frequently observed that many coders bark when they're in presence of a star (crockford, rob, linus, etc.) and seem to just want to attack them and unreasonably point a supposed error... just as if it would made them appear better...
Hello again
I am loading local HTML file in IFrame with Horizontal scroll with this
How to get scrollbar position of Horizontal scrollbar
help me any one
@BadgerGirl Doesn't work, we didn't read it.
@BadgerGirl what do you want on your pizza and what is your addy again (email me)
@FlorianMargaine your 45 minutes late on the report
I know
I got the link from this room
but this is really crazy
yea it is
12:56 PM
@rlemon I'll e-mail later today :)
but not a totally new thing, even if this one seems to be well realized
never heard of viruses encrypting then only decrypting through ransom
but I guess I don't follow security so much lately...
@kumar iframe.document.body.scrollLeft
@FlorianMargaine That is really crazy..

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