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not really
when you have known stuff like "Symfony", why would he be thrown off by "zombie"?
Does ZombieJS test multiple JS engines?
Well that's true
@Shmiddty uh?
It's meant for testing JS applications, right?
I think it only uses V8, though
...actually, no, I'm not sure.
It has to use V8, since it uses NodeJS
So how would you use it for cross-browser testing?
you don't
it's for integration testing
I don't think it's for cross-browser testing
It's for automated testing
So you don't have to go through all the clicks and crap yourself for the application.
@DhanaKrishnasamy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
You can do automated testing in actual browsers, simultaneously...
@Shmiddty How is that?
I don't see an easy way to write tests for browsers that carry themselves out
testacular is now called "Karma"
@Shmiddty "Karma" is very close to testicular.
so it needs a browser on the CI server?
The crazyest upvotes...
Q: Javascript: Rounding to decimals

gerit99I am trying to allow the users to round on decimals. My current decimal function is function Decimal(num,dec){ return Math.floor(num*(Math.pow(10,dec)))/(Math.pow(10,dec)); } My num = 9.199999999999985: My result with 1 dec = 9,1, and my result with 2 dec = 9,19. Math.round() changes th...

Funny to see discussion of Karma going on in here, since I just first heard about it earlier this morning...
@dystroy that guy was quick to warp your comment against the answerer. #DAYUM
!!> Math.PI.toFixed(100)
@cc "3.1415926535897931159979634685441851615905761718750000000000000000000000000000‌​000000000000000000000000"
@RUJordan Yeah. I hope it's clear I wasn't insulting the answerer... He didn't merit neither the rep nor the insults
@CapricaSix Now let's try to guess where it starts to be wrong...
It was very clear, don't worry. Homebody was very quick to bring up the dilution of S/O with his.. 200ish reputation. I wish I could downvote that comment. 2 years on this site and he can't check a timestamp? bah.
@Retsam Baader-Meinhof at play.
@rlemon LOL wtf man
I wake up to your steam message and am laughing
@SomeGuy No, you said that
Conan is like "cheese motherfucker"
@RUJordan Technically, there was enough time between my first comment and his first version of his answer BUT I'm sure an experienced js coder doesn't need my trivial comment to think about toFixed...
@Zirak my forced vaca is over monday, I get to go back.. yyayaay!...
@Loktar :D
@Loktar it was @FlorianMargaine's idea
@Loktar are you a contractor?
if you can provide a better face shot I can make it much better
@Shmiddty yea
so no backpay? rough.
@rlemon haha idk ill have to look
3 hours ago, by Some Guy
@Zirak How long are you going to be on for?
@dystroy exactly
if you can look surprised that would be better
@Shmiddty yeah, but 3 weeks off for free!
You must have not seen the context I was asking that in
@FlorianMargaine handle in what way? What do you mean?
@rlemon haha ok Ill see what I can do
@Loktar all government employees are getting backpay
@SomeGuy oh, I thought it was a "how long will you be vaguely connected to SO"
@Zirak I'll have to show you some stuff in terraria later on. :)
yeah I know, I figured they would
and if you have any tasteful request for shops of your wife or kids i'm also game
they have in all the shutdowns
@OctavianDamiean My characters are dead, man.
christmas cards could get zombie-tastic
@Zirak Using a different computer?
@rlemon haha thats a good idea man Ill have to think of some
@Zirak no worries, you'll get all your stuff back from me.
dude you could make a few bucks doing this
The original ones are still there, right?!
@Loktar probably, but I'm only interested in doing it for my friends
Shop me boxing someone with my beard.
Oct 12 at 0:13, by Zirak
@rlemon Fuck. I was playing around with the Terraria source, got it to execute. Now my character and worlds are corrupt ~_~
@Zirak forget about your old character.
@Zirak well when you do get the ambition to get back into it we can help you out
pimp you back out
But its name is Zirak!
@OctavianDamiean HOW CAN HE?!
Create a new one, get all your stuff back and then I'll show you my stuff.
bling bling bitches
@Zirak You can just recreate them in a world editor
No I can't
It'll never be the same!
I've worked double-digit hours on my worlds
@Zirak steam backups?
@Zirak So have I.
Yeah, or a backup with that world editor software?
because 10 is double digits.
@Zirak Yea I can't get your worlds back but all the shit you've lost I can help you there.
I was hoping there was a backup on the server somewhere :(
Well herp de derp you have to back them up yourself
@OctavianDamiean looks like many PPA haven't upgraded. So I get 404 for most of them. I need to wait?
Why didn't you back stuff up before you went monkeying around in the code?
Oct 12 at 0:14, by Zirak
Yeah yeah, salt my wounds, will you?
@Zirak looking for how to restore currupt save files
> Go to where the save files are located. Right click the file and click on previous versions. It should come up with the last time you saved before it got corupted (from 2 saves ago). Restore the version. See if it worked. If it didn't then do it again. Keep repeating
I've never used the 'restore previous versions' on windows before
Wait, in Terraria, or steam backups? Because unless Steam has automatic ones, I've never done it.
but it should work
go to the save folder for your worlds
right click on one, properties
previous versions tab
rate limited
in your face
BACKUPS, there are .bak files! MUST CHECK
I think those are the backups for the current save
but I could be wrong
Player backups
I still think the restore previous version should work
*if you have windows setup to keep periodic restore points
iirc, it rolls back the entire system though?
not sure
I think windows setup doesn't backup user files
I should setup a backup system... but I don't have disks
I backup to a network drive weekly.
Yeah you have to set it up and then it rolls back to a complete 'state'. Like before / after an install.
I back my shit up using Ubuntu One. Like a bauce.
@mikedidthis you can rollback individual files
afk lunch
I don't backup my shit because I have nothing of any importance.
@Shmiddty really? that is cool. I only ever had it roll back the whole OS, but I only used it once.
Delete whatever you will, I'll download it back from where I got it.
my stuff of importance is on github or dropbox though
or picasa
Yeah, same here
@SomeGuy cheers to that
All my important code is on Github or Bitbucket
@SomeGuy Have fun redownloading private documents. :)
Yeah... if you have something important, backing it up on the same system isn't really going to protect it
@OctavianDamiean Got them all on Google Drive
@SomeGuy I'm talking about private.
I have public shit on GDrive too.
What kind of private?
I think he's talking about his penis
Private stuff, also company documents.
We have a strict no public cloud policy in our company.
as long as its cool with your boss showing those to the nsa :)
I have company documents on my Google Drive too.
Ah, I didn't have any policy like that to deal with.
@SomeGuy Yea however not all companies will agree to that.
Just make a few backups on different computers for that. How many of us only have one storage device?
@Shmiddty Spot on. I have 762 .doc files all of which are A4 sized pictures of my penis.
Your phone, a pen drive, an external drive, maybe a separate internal drive.
nas or even an external drive should do the trick
@OctavianDamiean To-scale? You're a big boy, huh?
@Shmiddty maybe scaled a little.
Have you ever seen Troll Hunter?
The code should tell you how...the comments should tell you why... — Richard Ev Jan 2 '09 at 14:59
it's pretty good
good point
@Shmiddty I wanted to watch it, but heard mix reviews. Trailer looked good.
It's a little campy at times
pretty ridiculous in general
but it's definitely worth watching
It can't be any worse than hunger games, so will give it a try
Or even The Purge
Funny thing is... it's usually the worst devs that think they are 10x or 100x better than the others — John Kraft Jan 2 '09 at 15:00
@rlemon I've got my main world back!
Another point to make is that prolific != skillful. — Marcin Jan 2 '09 at 19:06
@Zirak YAY!
AND my 1.2 world
Character is still borked
@Zirak awesome to the world part, eh to the character part, now join me, let's get your shit back.
You'll have it in 5 minutes. :)
I've got shit to do
The literal part was done some time ago. Time for the figurative part.
@Zirak Take your time, defecate and then come back.
@Zirak well that isn't too horrible I suppose.
I wish I was cool enough to use PIFS and just backup my locations
extraction may take some time however
Anyone want to here a joke?
Knock knock.

Who's there?


Internet exploder doesn't support bind.

And the only polyfill only binds this context, not argument lists.
Jokes on me!
@Incognito You can bind the argument list..
Show me these wonderful things sir
You mean function.prototype.bind?
That's the one
function bind(context) {
    if (arguments.length < 2 && Object.isUndefined(arguments[0]))
      return this;

    if (!Object.isFunction(this))
      throw new TypeError("The object is not callable.");

    var nop = function() {};
    var __method = this, args = slice.call(arguments, 1);

    var bound = function() {
      var a = merge(args, arguments), c = context;
      var c = this instanceof bound ? this : context;
      return __method.apply(c, a);

    nop.prototype   = this.prototype;
This is bind from PrototypeJS , add it to Function.prototype
More basically (without type checking and optimization)
shakes fist at MDN
Or the underscore implementation
So close. ie8 doesn't support things inside that...
Oh snap, Trivium has a new album. And it's sick so far.
what is the difference between assigning object methods in this fashion: className.prototype.methodName = function(){...} as opposed to the alternative of assigning a method inside the class declaration using something like this.methodName = function(){...}?
backticks sorry
personal preference, a performance variation, is either considered better practice? - i'm just curious
afaik personal preference. but I am probably wrong
Q: Use of 'prototype' vs. 'this' in Javascript?

sw234What's the difference? var A = function () { this.x = function () { //do something }; }; or var A = function () { }; A.prototype.x = function () { //do something };

I guess I was wrong
!!afk lunchtime
@RUJordan Why are you leaving me!?
@Joe First, it's not a "class declaration", at least not a class in a C# or Java sense.
Second, the difference is in scope. The latter can access everything defined in the function scope, the former cannot.
Just like anything else.
@Zirak that 10.8k looks nice :)
.6 sexier than mine
none of the other kids will understand how awesome this costume really is
> Lets get dangerous...
@rlemon good read thanks, @Zirak thanks - if its not a "class declaration" how would you refer to it?
@rlemon when there's trouble you call d w
hahahaha.... ohh that is perfect.
@rlemon lol, nice
@rlemon Someone needs to let Paul out of the IT dept.
> If anyone ever tells you IT isn't stressful..... I'm 24 years old!
Robert Deans Lemon
the real rlemon
Question, I am looking at and object that is chockfull of other objects, and the odd thing is that the names of the internal objects seem themselves to be strings (like bob = { 'foo': { bar: true} }. How would I call my bob object and change the foo object inside
i may be wrong but i beleive you can reference bob['foo']
Or it could be bob.foo
For example, bob.foo.bar = false
so I do not have to worry about the fact that "foo" is a string?
All property names on objects are treated as strings
thats good to know
sweet. thanks Ryan
You can, also, do what Joe suggested: bob['foo']['bar'] = false
> getting the company's internal CRM database software to the next level.
to the next galaxy
Gotta get down
Gotta gotta get up to get down
!!youtube Friday
@Batman You do, in fact, have an XML document, though, correct?
@SomeKittens I can't stand her voice. At least, not in that video.
She's gotten better since she recorded it
@Joe Constructor function
@cc Holy shit
A constructor is a function which returns a data structure
@zirak awesome thanks
@Zirak yay!
how many pings did you get?
But I'll be gone Sunday-Thursday, so you better get your "missing Zirak" thing together, because I wasn't impressed.
@copy your linux emulator just made JS weekly, expect traffic
@Zirak You said we were clingy, and now you're saying your not impressed? Man... mixed signals.
I never said clingy was bad
Heh, fair enough
It is clear that I'm awesome and the only reason you get up in the morning
Well, it's certainly not to go to work. So, yeah, it must be Zirak.
hrm, I just had an idea for a cool canvas effect .
anyone feel like donating a headshot?
hur hur hur
Had to be done
tee hee codepen is funny
> If the Login page looks a bit different... it's because we redesigned it.
@rlemon I probably would have went the other direction on that one
> If the login page looks a bit different... you should probably reinstall your browser
Damn... that cat is fucking impressive. I can't stop watching it make that jump.
I just realised I'm a failure. Part of a project was a webserver. I didn't make a /teapot which returns status 418.
Oh noez!
At least you didn't go the nginx route and start making up your own status codes
@SomeKittens nginx makes up status codes?
Yeah, it's got internal codes in the 400 level
7 + 7 + 6 = 20
Woo! \o/
:looks for flying pigs:
puts on skates
    //* Off switch is returned * so nice *//
    var off = $scope.$on('scroll',autoLoadMore);
should I bring my 4 pronged trident?
Nah, just a hockey stick
@AbhishekHingnikar //* *// wat
"Just to make sure it's a comment"
@SomeKittens lol
//*/*/*/ //***/*/**/*/*/
no i don't want aint nobody to miss it
@AndyCastles Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
// /* //comment goes here */
cause when i quit
///*<!--#; comment -->*///
@AbhishekHingnikar ... so, you used a single-line comment that looks like a multi-line comment?
and since i am quitting soon these noobies will have really HARD time understanding my code
Well that means you did a bad job
i did a good job
There's some sense in //* since adding a space makes it a multi-line comment (for easy commenting out of sections of code.)
But if you really want people to notice your ultra-important comments, put them in a flower box! They're always fun
but all they understand is $("#x").do(); $("#x").do(); $("#x").do(); $("#x").do(); $("#x").do(); $("#x").do(); $("#x").do(); $("#x").do(); $("#x").do(); $("#x").do(); $("#x").do();
> my code is hard to understand by my colleagues... so it is good code
@Zirak i am thinking of a cow-speak
!!cowsay Off switch is returned * so nice
< hello >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
@rlemon Sorry, but...colleagues
yea I was already looking up the proper spelling
I take whatever auto correct suggests first
fuck off everyone
< Off switch is returned * so nice >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
I feel bad
You fucking should
I'm installing a windows 7
 *                       *
 *                       *
 *      ~ ABHISHEK       *
I'm gonna do an internet!
!!youtube do an internet

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