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Im fresh out of ideas for websites
How about an idea sharing website, where ordinary users who do not know how to program a site, can go to request certain services?
How about a service where we get our brain mapped. And then the cyber brain does all our work for us ?
Nice :D
now with export option
how did you host the data url?
or did you just save it as an image?
save it as an image
@eazimmerman You use canvasHandle.toDataURL('mime/type')
@rlemon Fuck. I was playing around with the Terraria source, got it to execute. Now my character and worlds are corrupt ~_~
@Shea i mean on imgur
you didn't back them up?!
Yeah yeah, salt my wounds, will you?
@eazimmerman Oh... save as?
well Octavian and I can get you back on your feet in no time
@Shea i was trying to upload a dataURL to imgur earlier. they don't like that
@eazimmerman you used to be able to
with the api
But...my worlds
now not so much
@Zirak :(
it showed the thumbnail of the image
I know man, I would be SUPER pissed
but it crashed the loader
@eazimmerman Oh, actually that would be a nice feature for imgur
I guess I should use imgur more
that is what this does.
Man I was so excited, ran Terraria...of course there were some mistakes, thought of debugging... sigh
Lesbian Vampire Killers is only 1.5 hours. pfft, who needs sleep anyway
!!watch LVK or ignore my advice
@Zirak ignore my advice
I sure will!
@Zirak Don't watch it...
@HarryBeasant pick a new API and play with it
went through all the Google ones, which is it me or do they limit them way to much?!?!
@HarryBeasant I just gave you a million dollar idea
I don't mean Google APIs
I mean JavaScript APIs
More of a PHP guy, but that chats dead
Oh well then.
@phenomnomnominal But it has "lesbian" in the name
I swear to G, all the ideas are gone
What will happen to web developers
once all the ideas are saturated
@Zirak if you want that, just watch porn. Literally better plot lines.
@HarryBeasant that's the dumbest thing anyone has ever said.
@rlemon Wanna watch a bad movie with me?
There must be a saturation point of ideas
@HarryBeasant Definitely. You should seek a different profession.
Yes, websites will need to be maintained
I've heard there's a shortage of welders.
@Zirak which one?
@HarryBeasant no, because ideas grow from other ideas.
New markets appear daily.
Lesbian Vampire Killers is a 2009 British comedy horror film written by Stewart Williams and Paul Hupfield, produced by Steve Clark-Hall and directed by Phil Claydon. Plot Jimmy (Mathew Horne) and Fletch (James Corden) are two friends living in London experiencing life problems. Jimmy is dumped by his unscrupulous girlfriend and Fletch is fired from his job as a clown for punching a child. They decide to escape their woes and hike to a remote village in Norfolk they find on an old map. As they arrive at a pub in the village, with Jimmy upset about Fletch destroying his phone, they see ...
Welding is GOOD money, especially for stainless steal
Feel college-e
looks promising
Go make a website called havewegotfusionpoweryet.com
If your brother wasn't killed on the set, of course
but it might take a bit to get there
...you're not home?
Might make a porn website
That's actually a really, really big challenge. Your sysadmin will want to hang himself.
I'm confused, are the vampires lesbian or are the vampire killers the lesbians?
Imagine the bandwith!
@Shea That's what I intend to find out
somebody with node skills?
Plus i'd get nothing done
lesbian-vampire killers.
!!welcome furier
@furier Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
not lesbian vampire-killers
can i do this? exports = someVar;
@rlemon So, wanna watch it now or not?
@furier yes.
Got something against lesbian vampires?
so doesnt need to be exports.clientFactory = clientFactory;
my boss buys domains for his company. one of them was owned by a guy who owns a lot of porn sites. the site was tagged and he was marked as being in the porn industry. it took him a week to clear his name.
and when i try to use the module
i thin lesbian vampire-killers would have actually been a better movie.
lets do this!
has a sign on his door that says "zombie porn king"
you go somevar = require('module');
Cool, going on TS
like var cf = require('clientFactory');
anyone know who this dood is? ma.tt
cf will be clientFactory
Plat sponsor on Apache
awesome :) @phenomnomnominal
What does he do
@HarryBeasant you're a little bit annoying.
@HarryBeasant Please excite @phenomnomnominal, he has a joke up his ass.
I meant to write "excuse"
This version is better
I can do both
I'd be way happier with a joke up my ass.
I'm pissed off cause I have to pack, does someone want to do it for me?
and no, i'm not packing my ass.
Packing should be easy for a guy. Underwear, socks, pants, shirt, toothbrush, tooth paste, hand held game device, done
@askmehow Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Month in Scotland, anything could happen
How can you prepare for all possible eventualities? My best guess is to just prepare for none.
Oh, in that case, better pack some Aspirin
Oh wait, I'm thinking of Ireland /fail
@Zirak Someone in Root Access sent me a pull request for my SO-ChatBot (very minor) fork. I think this particular one might be useful for upstream, too, so pull at your discretion: github.com/allquixotic/SO-ChatBot/pull/1
most of the other commits by me in my repo, as you can see, are rather specific to Root Access... github.com/allquixotic/SO-ChatBot/commits/master
I sat through the entire thing. true story.
@phenomnomnominal, @Esailija You were wwrrooonnng.
Lesbian Vampire Killers was not horrible
@allquixotic Thanks, I'll take a look
it was quite entertaining
The cock sword concept
!!burger king or taco bell or neither
@Shea burger king
I agree
!!buy a pack or try to quit smoking
@Shea buy a pack
Yeah, I think it's inevitable. Smart bot
One more question...
!!american spirits or waves
@Shea waves
Three for three! Nice!
!!afk out to store
@Shea Apricots are people too!
@Shea I am a banana!
No you are not
Don't lie to me
Went to the store and saw the super hot woman driving this super hot car
She pulled up behind me at the store, and then behind me in the drive through at burger king. This woman had great taste
There were two Satis-fries in my thing of fries, and they are diiiiiisgusting
top right corner, change block type
:O Beautiful. I am going to have so much fun with this
Awesome job
I will eventually expand it for all blocks and items
and thanks
You're welcome, thanks for providing me with some entertainment for the night :P
One thing: I made a little dirt mound, it would be nice if we could force some outline on it, to add a little perspective
Not sure how that would work though, maybe when one texture meets another?
But I do like how the wood blends into the brick though, so idk
@nderscore Nice observatory!
Dirt telescopes don't work very well though I'm afraid
anyways have fun guys night
I put more effort in this time. Prepare to blast off in my rocket ship. i.imgur.com/PeKWlnp.png [NSFW]
austin powers!
2 hours later…
@user1537158 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hello Members, im stuck at this angularJs issue , it throws : Uncaught error : No Module ng-app

my index.html :

<head><script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></head>
<body ng-app="myApp"></body>


var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);

Im using Zend and loading angular through my layout.phtml file, the script file is loading in chrome network tab, Does any one have an idea why is it causing the issue ? Please help.

Thank you
OK.. I am way to late to discover this! :D
Microcontroller that uses Javascript hehe
@OliverSchöning Ummm.... Why not just make a program to compile the ECMAScript to binary, in realtime??
@Shea I dunno. This is awesome though
It's cool and all, just not the most cost effective implementation
@Shea Woulndt we end up with something like ASM.JS if we did it like you said?Isnt that the whole point of not aot compiling javascript but JIT compiling it ? Coz we don't wanna write bitwise?
Anyhow. That goes on the christmas gift list for myself lol :p
Not really, more like an ECMAScript engine that spits out the binary rather than running it
Then again, I suppose a lot of the binary relies on predefined libraries, so I guess that is what this is.
What is the best way to detect if user uses a phone/tablet? Javascript or detect in PHP & then change the theme in PHP?
var a = 0xFF1234, b = 0xDD1234;
console.log( ((a >> 16 + b >> 16) / 2).toString(16) );
This should return "EE", but instead it returns 7.8. Why?
This question is everything wrong with this site: stackoverflow.com/questions/19331066/combining-two-objects/…
Terrible question, terrible answer; terrible answer is accepted as best answer before other answers are posted.
@Retsam Are you replying to my question?
No, I was complaining about the one in the link.
Unrelated to yours.
But yours is a grouping issue.
!!> ((0xFF1234 >> 16 + 0xDD1234 >> 16) / 2).toString(16)
@Retsam "ReferenceError: a is not defined"
@Retsam "7.8"
!!> (((0xFF1234 >> 16) + (0xDD1234 >> 16)) / 2).toString(16)
@Retsam "ee"
You were expecting (a >> 16) + (b >> 16), but instead, I think you were getting a >> (16 + b) >> 16
Yea thanks I figured that out
@Ator Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
does anyone understand the $routeProvider in Angular?
Haven't used Angular, sorry.
S'all good, got it figured out now
I'm using a bootstrapped version of yeo's Angular, so I was having a hard time understanding where the content was being edited from
@ayublin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Retsam There.
@CapricaSix thanks :)
@Shea Haha, thanks
@Retsam Also, I just noticed, the reason your answer may have not have been accepted is that it will throw an error
console.log("GPA "+fsInfo.gpa.join(",") is missing );
It is too much of a minor change for me to edit and fix for you
Well, the primary reason it wasn't accepted was because it wasn't even posted when the first answer was accepted.
But yeah; fixed that.
But yeah, I'm just not having the night for this. I criticized and downvoted someone elses answer on a different question (one that I didn't even answer myself, for the record); and suddenly questions I asked a year ago are getting downvoted.
Oh yeah, that happens to me all of the time
Check out this one, the guy felt the need to justify and explain himself, then call me negative. So I decided to be an asshole lol
They answered with code that would work for the example given, but basically nothing else; so I suggested they replace their code with System.out.println([desired output for example]) as a shorter alternatve.
But seriously, wtf is with these jQuery responses to questions without jQuery tags??
Yeah, I go back and forth on that. It's a pet peeve when every answer just assumes jQuery, but I'm also not entirely a purist.
does anyone knows a js script to convert currency?
Question was whether or not multiplication or divide was faster, and this was accepted.
like, I add a HTML code with my pricing (100 USD), if the user selects currency = Pounds, it would display let's say, 90 pounds, instead of 100 USD
@Shea You don't think that should have been accepted?
So he goes on talking about how important code readability was, and completely over looked the question, and his answer was accepted and upvoted.
Where as this provided benchmarks, answered the question, and provided a lot of information related to the actual question. (See my comment)
I actually would vote for that answer. It doesn't answer the question because it points out the flaw in the question. (Or rather, the answer to the question is "it doesn't matter")
Upvoted the correct answer
Be the thing is, I got to that question from a Google search, that was brought on by sheer curiosity.
Rather than pointing out the flaw, why not just answer the question, because people like me already know of the flaws. We just want to know the minor details, just to know them.
@Shea True, but the OP wasn't asking for sheer curiosity of micro-architecture, but pragmatically wanted to know whether or not he should worry about it for the code he was working on.
@Shea Ideally the answer should be doing both, which is what the more thorough answer did
Why not point out the flaws and answer the question? It was half-assed imo
@monners Yes, this
True; again, time stamps tell quite a bit.
The first answer came 4 minutes later, the second came 40.
Fucking steam! Putters along at a respectable 10MB/s until it gets 200MBs from the end, then it drops to 80Kb/s
I think it would be useful if moderators combined the useful answers, with the obvious things (that get accepeted) we already know, that novice coders do not know
posted on October 11, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Did you know Alexis Ohanian has a new book out?

Which, is sort of what I've been complaining about, but you can't really say the first answer was "bad", so it doesn't bother me as much. But, yeah the second answer probably is better.
I just don't think it is really considering of the people who already know the things pointed out in the first answer. Especially since the question wasn't about best practices. That's all, really
I'd say it was 'best practices' because he began the question with "I'm writing an application that is very JavaScript heavy (it's pretty much all JavaScript)..." and not something like "I'm interested in the performance differences between multiplication and division".
Also, I'm pretty sure the guy I'm currently dealing with uses multiple accounts to vote up his own answers...
Two people have voted down his answer now, and it's somehow at 0.
1 hour later…
My boss says
his point node.js is that Google is not implementing v8 as a server runtime
and it has less support then cherrpy-python :-| ... After coding on both cherrpy-python and node-express for a while i guess node.js is far more stable and usable with more support then cherrypy
Support as in environment support, or support as in documentation and help?
Because with the later, who needs support when SO recognizes it?
he says he doesn't wanna be biggest deployment of anything :-|
I guess we most likely won't become bigger then trello and geekli.st
i guess i will have to sit and explain him this :D
Well, Node.js is still relatively new. Just because there may be lack of certain things, does not mean it is impossible to implement them.
But the payoff will be great, once those things do become implemented.
Isabel is a spambot
Flag for spam:
@Zirak Would you ping me if you add more challenges to your JS questions project?
@FlorianMargaine how does this sounds to you
having a directory called api
Sounds dumb
Sorry, I'm just bored :p
init having subdirectories [each representing an end point]
in the directory a file for post.js get.js put.js and delete.js
representing one task each ?
@SomeGuy you say ^
at the runtime the server loads them all and builds api depending on them
I don't know what you're even talking about.
But that sounds like it may be cool.
I've tried it in PHP, it becomes redundant
@Shea yeah i guess i need to find a system for hosting api's
cause i wanna build on the fly
It would be nice to have the URL as /somedir/post.js, but post.js should just call a function named post in thecookiejar.js
Where thecookiejar.js holds all of the functions for post, delete, get, put, etc
But in that case, why even have .js (other than ego and representation), when it's really just a parameter?
Q: js Conflict in admin panel - I guess it's from the core WP installation

Mayeenul IslamA client's site: causing serious js conflict or js loading disabilities, is under custody. Activating DEBUG, Deactivating all Plugins, and Activating Default theme "T13" found that, still the problem resides. The DEBUG is totally fine - no disabilities or mis-functionalities. It was in an Old WP ...

Why is the WPSE feed in here?
@kaiser we have no idea, we just get questions tagged with JavaScript from across the network
Nice. I'll start flooding you with senseless crap that we don't want to answer on WPSE :D
That is not a sensible mode of action
Btw, if someone wants to get lots of hits on his blogs or tutorials site, try explaining the WordPress media manager with Backbone/Underscore stuff for humans. This seems to be too less for most "developers".
@kaiser Why would developers want to touch WordPress?
Also, why would anyone want to touch Backbone?
Actually, WordPress and JS frameworks are very popular among hack-job developers.
It seems they like to get a few clients, piece some framework plugins together, add a few graphics, and call it a $1k site in under 4 hours
Scoped binding of a method to an object

Well, I know how some languages solve this issue but I wondered if ECMAScript considered addressing this or already have and I missed it.

Often, I want to extend objects, for example -

Array.prototype.shuffle - takes an array and shuffles it.

However, this is considered bad practice for many reasons I don't have to repeat here (what if other libraries also override it? What if some user code? What if it makes it to the standard some day?)

The problem is even more prevalent in stuff like String.prototype.contains which we know will be in the next 
Opinion? (just sent this to es-discuss)
I think it needs to be more to the point, or rather, offer an example
The main idea is, there should be an secondary prototype, am I correct?
@copy honestly speaking i wann collaborate with you on the x86 emulator
if u can find anything i can be useful at ... pm me ;$
I mean, imagine a prototype that would be added to the main prototype, so long as there is not a native one already in it's place
@BenjaminGruenbaum did you notice the quotes around developers?
At this point in time, if an implementation has some value, (imo) the more the merrier.
@Shea no, the main point is being able to scope methods to an area. Like C# extension methods. I didn't want to offer a solution or show code because that's not how it works. You have to come up with a problem.
Well in that case, I guess you did offer a problem
But what exactly is the solution?
(function(use Array){
    Array.prototype.shuffle = ...
    Array.prototype.random = ...
    //code here uses all these methods
This is one option for example
@Dh... Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Okay, say Array.prototype.commonNameShuffle = myFunction, I suspect commonNameShuffle to possibly be implemented by native code. Are you saying there should be a way to denote my own implementation, to fallback to a native commoneNameShuffle, if it should someday exist?
@BenjaminGruenbaum learn lisp
@FlorianMargaine how does it work in lisp?
@Abhishek bad idea, see tartempion
@BenjaminGruenbaum you have dynamic scoping in lisp
@Shea I'm saying that it should use your implementation in a scoped way, and then use whatever else is/was out there elsewhere
@FlorianMargaine you should really consider making something called BANE.iO
@FlorianMargaine You have dynamic scoping in JS too, but everyone hates it. It's called with
Bootstrap Angular Now.js Express // with db agnosticness provided by anydb or sequelize
That's not the same
Oh, so more of a non-destructive mode of action
@AbhishekHingnikar You looking for the MEAN stack?
considering the quality of code that you make @FlorianMargaine you will make a really kickass module :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't like Mean
cause i can't use Mongodb
@AbhishekHingnikar There was another one, it's all israeli guys let me check
I don't make such high quality code...
@FlorianMargaine my ass you don't make high quality code
you write code that makes sense on the first read
which is purely organized ...!
Honestly I'm pretty bad
honestly you are pretty damn amazing with the style
@AbhishekHingnikar Bah can't find it
just start it dude .. i will commit the room will commit
we all will commit and make it sexier :D
I'm on a png reader in C right now :D
Aaaand afk lunch.
@FlorianMargaine oh wow that sounds kickass :D
but why are u doing it in C when u have libpng anyways ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum can u please ping me on fb
i need some really speicific questions answered [about mongo that is]
Hey, I am working on a jQuery like javascript library. does anyone know of any good tutorials
@Abhishek coz rewriting libpng in my inefficient way sounds fun
@FlorianMargaine if u want to be inefficient mate
do it in javascript
educate us all .. unless u wanna learn c .. which makes much more sense :D
aaaaaaaand good luck i would really love to read ur code :D
hello all, i have a button in main.html page and on onclick it displays the preview of some edited images at the bottom of same page. how should i make it to display in the next page. i could not solve the issue by google answers. please help me..
@SomeGuy Sure
@BenjaminGruenbaum did u got mean to work on windows /
yeah it failed twice and then out of no where succeded the third time
and btw mean uses bootstrap 2.3.2
:-( makes me wanna cry
@rlemon: It's very sluggish. I have to move the cursor really slow when adding blocks unless I want huge holes
just like Terraria ;)
@Zirak items.json is .. ugh
@rlemon Neat!
101 block types avail in all when i'm done
Let's see if you give up before you get to that
Yeah, I've seen most of his stuff
@AbhishekHingnikar GGGGGG!!!!
@rlemon It's not Stone Brick, it's Gr(a|e)y brick (probably Gray)
right now i'm looking them up by createTile reference
only a handful of stuff isn't in here.
like Ruby
but Rubies in stone?

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