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@kumar or iframe.scrollLeft may work
@kumar iframe = document.getElementById('myIframe')
ok.. I am giving try
@FlorianMargaine I've heard of virus encrypting and asking for a ransom a few years ago. I don't know if they were doing the decryption though. Or if they made a lot of money.
@BadgerGirl it's funny that I got the reminder for yours on copys :P
I thought so :P
no really, my phone gave me a week reminder
@DannyBeckett It is giving value 0
you will also have to give me a website that I can order from online and have it sent to you :P
@kumar Then the scroll bar is all the way left
after scroll I am checking the value
@kumar Are you using iframe.scrollLeft or iframe.document.body.scrollLeft?
!!define goat
@cc goat A mammal,
!!define goatse
lol :p
@dystroy for want of a better word, dicks.
lets not define stupid shit
but goat is ok?
it's not talking about a sex act
so yea
fair enough
stupid shit indeed
pun intended?
these assholes are always giving me stupid shit
(pun intended)
@OctavianDamiean, @Shmiddty Why are you opening PRs? You have write access
oh, sorry! You fixed those
Good job
@Zirak I'm not. :)
I'll introduce Shmiddty to git this weekend.
Also HAAAAAAAI!! @Zirak
In the notifications section it looked like regular PRs, you did commits and stuff
I iz on TS btw.
I'll join in a few minutes
iframe.document.body.scrollLeft -- doesn't give anything
iframe.scrollLeft -- giving 0
I will join once I have tea.
@Zirak How long are you going to be on for?
@SomeGuy I go back Sunday morning
i was looking yesterday for a git plugin for aptana and sublime text - i just realized aptana comes with default git integration =D
you get little asterisks next to uncommitted files..
@Zirak You're going to be on TS till Sunday? Awesome.
for the longest time, before git, i literally kept track of files on a notepad that needed uploaded from dev to production site..
That's weird, bro.
@kumar The first one must give something
null, undefined, etc
The second one: are you SURE the horizontal scrollbar is scrolled?
I'm going to be away for 15 mins, maybe someone else can help
@DannyBeckett Just go already!
@copy nice work :P
user image
@FlorianMargaine best I could do with the one image of him I had
the face in his image was on an angle. tried to correct it, didn't turn out real well
@SomeGuy I have to catch up on my regular porn sites. Who knows what was added!
fixed his mouth... a little
@rlemon good enough :P
not again...
Note to voters: W3Schools may not be the best resource, but it is not entirely incorrect and is not blacklisted. — Jonathan Lonowski 6 mins ago
@Loktar ^
@Esailija Thanks man
@JonathanLonowski this answer isn't "just mentioning" w3schools. It's the core of this answer - and the answer actively rates w3schools as good. — Jan Dvorak 3 mins ago
posted on October 18, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Have I mentioned lately that we have a facebook group?

awesome smbc :D
i needed clarifications about for..in loops @spacebean — Prasanna Gira 50 secs ago
well hello friends
@Feeds That's fucking awesome
I love the button now that I remember to push it
@FlorianMargaine check out yesterdays smbc-comics.com/index.php?id=3147#comic
lol google analytics
@Zirak radiophonic voice ? Who do you tell... I WAS YOUR DISCOVERER
Imgur is over capacity!
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Please try again in a few minutes
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                      / / \\\                   Has the great lazer eyed bunny
                      \ \  \\\                      destroyed the world yet?
                       \ \  \\\                                                               _______
         ______________ \ \  \\\__                                                           /        \
@Feeds Hahahahaha
The red button on that
@SomeGuy The riddles you sent me. They are too well known.
Yeah? I've only seen one of them before
Like the 5 gallon and two guards
@SomeGuy I have read too many SMBC comics to just find out about the red button. -_____-
@copy HAPPY BIRTHDAY (I also copied that for your honors!)
@eazimmerman Aww, that sucks.
@eazimmerman ...you people are weird.
@Zirak Have you heard of the blue forehead riddle?
There's a red button. You push it, no questions asked.
@SomeGuy I don't think so, gonna check
I never saw it before
oh, yeah, I know a variation of it.
@jAndy Thank you, Lieutenant. Over.
@copy Happy birthday!
Thank you, son
@copy my bald unhairy head should tell you that I'm no Lieutenant in this room !
!!afk back
@DannyBeckett Oh, it's you again...
ay ay
!!afk work
@jAndy Just go already!
oh.. wait
@jAndy Oh, it's you again...
!!afk now work
@jAndy Just go already!
don't flag that for fucks sakes
Seriously you flag Friday?
That's like the greatest song of all time
it is an abuse of the flag system
and you (whoever did it) is a douche
@rlemon how is it to see flags now? :)
piss off
9/10 are stupid flags on stupid shit that shouldn't be flagged
haha yea that was good one
@rlemon wat
@FlorianMargaine you know it
@Zirak aww, now I know where reddit stole it from
@Zirak whoa! That's why!?
I was wondering all the time!
@rlemon cheezburger probably stole it from somewhere else
there is no web, there is only reddit
@jAndy ^^
@rlemon jAndy is afk: now work
@rlemon thanks for ruining Cpt. Picard for me ...
you're welcome
I wonder what flavour poptart Nyan Cat is
@MichałRybak Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
teehee, one of mine did something similar once. :)
Q: How To Pass key stroke and clicks to AWS machine

prateeak ojhaHi I am building an application . my application is using Guacamole which is a HTML5 application which provide a user to view remote desktop in browser window supporting HTML5. So i have a AMAZON AWS Machine running as server the machine is windows-server 2008 r2. Now the idea is that I ll be...

good morning dongers
@Zirak is back already?
@Shmiddty For a couple of days
We missed you!
You people are clingy
Like velcro.
It's been chaos without you
@copy happy birthday honeybear
@Shmiddty Thank you, cutiepie
I couldn't figure out that extra character yesterday
Maybe I'm being dense
I saw
still trying to figure out how he's got 48 ._.
for(;;)print(eval('0x'+readline().replace(/:/g,''))) 52
that eval is not great
how else can you coerce it to a number?
hmm... 49 now
you just replaced eval with + didn't you?
well that's not the right trick. How else can you convert a string to a number?
you sly fox, you
!!> "12345"*1
Needs an operator with lower precedence than +
@Shmiddty 12345
what copy says is true
(so obviously multiplication is out ;))))))
whats wrong with this:
@rlemon It will coerce the '0x' first
?? just curious
it'll be 0 + string
!!> +'0x'+'ffaabb'
@Shmiddty "NaNffaabb"
this post-nasal drip is getting to me
I got it
I can't figure out the last byte in this one: golf.shinh.org/p.rb?guess+what+a+little+harder
@nderscore What's yours?
Q: Reducing jQuery?

CraigI have the following jQuerey and just wondered if there was anyway to reduce it? //vars defaultTextColor="#444" correct = "#99CC00" incorrect = "#FF4719" answer1value = "1" answer2value = "3" totalquestions= "5" //tap on the words $(function() { $("#word1a").click(function(...

-0 should work as well
&0 wouldn't work
!!> '0x'+'fab'^0
@Shmiddty 4011
This golf is a little more complex: golf.shinh.org/p.rb?Circle+Art
@Zirak Did you get the blue forehead riddle solved by yourself?
@SomeGuy I don't remember. Read it in some book some years ago
I just had an idea
@Shmiddty Since we're in 2 characters, ~~ should work
Take "You can't JavaScript under pressure", and codegolf. Combine them. You can't golf under pressure.
scores would be based on time and number of characters
Haha, that'd be interesting
You can golf drunk though.
I would never do that, though
I don't really golf... so neither would I
Code golfing requires a very smart and masochistic person.
But a lot of people do
@Shmiddty It should be pretty easy to add character-based scores
golfing just requires some outside the box thinking
@nderscore and esoteric knowledge
yeah and a knowledge of language quirks
Golfing has taught me a lot about math and algorithms and binary
@Zirak Are you guys on TS?
Like a fibonacci algorithm that only requires two variables.
So. OP added a bounty to his question with "one of the answers deserves an additional bounty..." here and then unaccepted my answer a day later. What am I supposed to take from this?
@SomeGuy rlemon and I, Octavian is afk
@BenjaminGruenbaum he doesn't know how to award bounties?
I would say you'll probably be getting the bounty
seeing as you're the only answer.
I'm just confused :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Comment on your question, ask OP?
1 + 1 = 2
@Zirak I did, just confused
What's TS?
@Neal Thank you
@Neal upboats
@RUJordan TeamSpeak
@Zirak Happy to help :-D
@Zirak I opened a pull request because it seemed like the right thing to do.,
@RUJordan Terminal Superconductivity
Some of us hang out there and bitch about the people in this room
besides, everything I've been doing in git has been through the web interface
sooooooo yeah
Aight lol
@Shmiddty Yikes.
@Shmiddty It's cool, it looked at first like you just opened a PR, then I looked further and saw you merged and all.
@Zirak oh right
@copy: f=(a,b)=>a<1e9?f(b,a+b)+b:'';print(f(0,1))
@OctavianDamiean how do you handle PPA that don't have a saucy version yet?
If only we could lambda golf
@Joe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
(recursive) lambdas have the potential of being shorter than for loops :D
But would make all old challenges unfair
@copy probably
@Shmiddty "113490317070140873343349443726791429616558014110233415563245986390881692415781‌​714930352922746557028873524578217830913462698320405142293178111964181213937502546‌​36828657177111094667654181258415979876103772331448955342113853211"
that's a bit off
@Shmiddty "297121507318363119031134903170701408733433494437267914296165580141102334155632‌​459863908816924157817149303529227465570288735245782178309134626983204051422931781‌​119641812139375025463682865717711109466765418125841597987610377233144895534211385‌​3211"
@Shmiddty "183631190311349031707014087334334944372679142961655801411023341556324598639088‌​169241578171493035292274655702887352457821783091346269832040514229317811196418121‌​393750254636828657177111094667654181258415979876103772331448955342113853211"
there we go
!!> 123 | -1
@Shmiddty 123123122
@Shmiddty -1
@Shmiddty -123123123
@Shmiddty -1
I think I need another hint. I have no idea how to shorten b<2e9
You need a short bitwise operation that makes the number wrap around
@Shmiddty what is that your working on
ahh very cool
!!> ~(1<<30)
@Shmiddty -1073741825
@BadgerGirl no email yet?
!!afk smoke
@Shmiddty Can you pick up some milk on your way back?
Caprica don't be a mooch.
@loktar How's your forced vacation?
over, it seems
1360 lines of code to review and offer inline editting on a large form. Wow. I'm so glad that's done.
@Zirak Yeah, he said he started work again on Monday, I think? But he's looking for work proactively because he feels nervous about his current situation
Everyone looking for work / relocation should move to Canada
we kick ass
Maybe this one is a quick question (if not I'll head over to the main site): Got Mustache/Handlebars template. Have <script>var foo = {{bar}};</script> inside and node.js server crashes with "weird Error 8". Can't find that error code. Anyone knows what that code is?
Make it so!
@jAndy You've got some balls, coming back here after what you did.
I'm the captain jesus christ, of course I have balls
are you using phantomjs?
I use zombiejs
at work
I was asking @kaiser
@rlemon nope
seems there is a (reported) error with that message when using phantomjs
No testing there.
@rlemon ah, thanks.
@SomeGuy <11:28:25> "Zirak": I've to go for a bit
he'll be back
He's a liar
i'm there...
what am I? a lemon?
@rlemon does smoking make you feel tired ever?
@Shmiddty Where's the milk?
@CapricaSix In your breasts. Start pumping.
@Shmiddty no
makes me have to poop sometimes
it will make you feel very ✝ired eventually....
it has the chance too
but that is not a guarantee
@jAndy same for life
@FlorianMargaine yea.. you could say so, but it might boost things
when will Firefox support requestFileSytem respectively FileAPI ?!!
@golfers get in on this before everyone figures out the shorter solution: golf.shinh.org/p.rb?Sum+of+all+permutations
@RobinAT Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
thank you
I wonder how tough it is to suggest a framework called ZombieJS to a boss..
very awesome ^
@RUJordan I did
he liked it
Really? Did the name throw him off for a second?

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